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BackgroundStructure-property relationships of starch components remain a subject of research interest. In recent years, there has been increasing evidence revealing the importance of amylopectin internal structure in determining physicochemical properties of starch. The part between the sole reducing end and out branches of amylopectin forms the internal part of the molecule. It contributes to the formation of the amorphous lamellae of the granules.Scope and approachThis mini-review focuses on the impact of amylopectin internal molecular structure on different physicochemical properties of starch. The properties include gelatinization, swelling power, amylose leaching, pasting, retrogradation, and digestibility of starch. The statistical approach to analyze the structure-property relationships of starch is also discussed. Related nomenclatures are described.Key findings and conclusionsAmylopectin with a longer internal chain length tends to give more ordered packing of double helices in the granules with a higher thermal stability. A longer internal chain length of amylopectin also contributes to the formation of recrystallized amylopectin with a more ordered structure and higher thermal stability. The results summarised in this mini-review clearly show that the molecular structure of amylopectin internal part should be considered in order to better understand the complex structure-property relationships of starch components.  相似文献   

Starches isolated from seven different cereals were evaluated for their composition, physicochemical, in vitro digestibility, structural, morphological, and pasting properties. The in vitro starch digestion rate and estimated glycemic index (GI) of cereal starches were evaluated along with the impact of cooking on starch digestion. The cooking of starch slurries increased the rapidly digestible starch content from a range of 34.7–54.4% to a range of 60.5–78.5%. On the basis of hydrolysis index, the GI ranged from 83.6 to 91.8 and after cooking it increased from 95.1 to 98.6 for different cereal starches. Both the swelling power and solubility showed an increasing trend with rising temperature. Paste clarity of starches negatively correlated with fat content. The amylose content of various starches ranged from 17.7 to 24.7% and was negatively correlated to crystalline index (r = -0.975, p ≤ 0.05). XRD pattern revealed A-type pattern of crystalline starch, where crystallinity index ranging between 28.2 to 44.9%. FTIR revealed slight differences among chemical bonding of starches from different cereals. From scanning electron micrograph observations, wheat and barley starch granules proved smoother as compared to other cereal granules. Barley contained the highest (27.5 µm) and rice had the lowest (10.2 µm) size starch granules. The pasting properties were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different for different cereal starches. Peak, breakdown, and final viscosities were the highest for maize starch (1725, 384, and 2112 mPa.s, respectively), whereas rice and oats exhibited the highest trough and setback viscosities (1420 and 954 mPa.s, respectively).  相似文献   

In an attempt to improve intake of dietary fibre and antioxidants and quality of whole grain products, whole grain meals from barley, millet, rye and sorghum were evaluated individually and in blends with wheat flour in terms of starch pasting properties and protein heat damage, during cycles of heating and cooling in RVA tests. The whole grain meals were blended with either hard or soft wheat flour and processed into bread, cake, cookie or snack products. The products were then evaluated with regard to physical properties and acceptability. Significant differences were observed between cereals in starch peak, breakdown and setback viscosities as well as in protein peak viscosity. The results showed that RVA could be used to help formulate cereal blends with certain pasting properties. Substitution of wheat flour, with 15% of barley, rye, millet or sorghum whole grain, did not have significant detrimental effects on physical properties or acceptability of pita bread. Additionally, replacement of wheat flour with up to 30% of barley, rye, millet or sorghum whole grain meal had no significant effects on quality of cakes or cookies. A multigrain snack-like food was also developed as a healthy product and was highly acceptable in a sensory test. The developed product would help enhance consumption of whole grain foods, resulting in improved intake of fibre and health-enhancing components.  相似文献   

In this study dry matter and starch were isolated from three potato cultivars (AC Stempede Russet, Russet Burbank and Karnico) grown at two locations (Fredericton and Benton) in New Brunswick, Canada. The chemical composition including total starch, dietary fibre, free glucose and protein content in potato dry matter and apparent amylose and total phosphorus content in potato starch were determined. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to determine the thermal properties of gelatinization and retrogradation of potato dry matter and starch. The pasting properties of potato dry matter and starch were investigated by rapid visco analyzer (RVA). The resistant starch measurement method was employed to evaluate the digestibility in vitro of native and gelatinized potato starch. Molecular characteristics including chain length and chain length distribution of potato starch were also analyzed using high performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC). The analytical results suggest that differences in chemical composition and molecular chain length of potato starch may contribute to different functional properties of potato dry matter and starch of individual cultivars.  相似文献   

以荔浦芋为原料制备芋头淀粉,将不同水分含量(10% ~ 30%)的芋头淀粉在110℃条件下湿热处理2 h,研究湿热处理 (HMT) 后芋头淀粉糊化特性和体外消化性能的变化。结果表明,HMT对芋头淀粉颗粒形貌影响不显著,但颗粒之间发生聚集现象,且随HMT水分含量的升高聚集体积增大,粒度也随之增加。随着水分含量增加,HMT使芋头淀粉的溶胀力和溶解度降低,糊化温度升高,糊化焓值降低,淀粉糊黏度降低,但淀粉糊稳定性增加。HMT也改变了淀粉的体外消化性能,增加了慢消化淀粉和抗性淀粉含量。说明HMT可用于扩展芋头淀粉的应用范围,如制造需要在高温下加工的产品或制备低GI值食物。  相似文献   

Physicochemical and in vitro digestibility characteristics of starches isolated from six cultivars of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) were studied. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed between the cultivars with respect to amylose content (29.9–33.6%), relative crystallinity (29.0 to 31.7%), particle diameter (16.2–17.1 µm) and molecular weight of amylopectin (260–289 × 106 g/mol). The scanning electron micrographs revealed the presence of large oval to small round shape granules with average particle diameter of 16.2–17.1 µm. The X‐ray diffraction pattern was of the C‐type. The enthalpies of gelatinization and retrogradation were 8.9–10.3 and 4.6–6.3 J/g, respectively. The amounts of slowly digesting and resistant starch of mung bean followed the order: PBM‐1 > SML‐32 > ML‐613 > SML‐134 > ML‐267 > ML‐5 and ML‐5 > ML‐267 > SML‐134 > ML‐613 > SML‐32 > PBM‐1, respectively. The six starches exhibited significant (p < 0.05) differences in their pasting parameters. Correlation analysis showed that amylose content, granule diameter and relative crystallinity values were important in determining thermal, pasting and in vitro digestibility of starches.  相似文献   

Shepody potatoes were cooked using three common cooking methods – microwaving, boiling and pressure cooking. Microwaving for 2.5 min retained the highest amounts of slowly digestible starch (SDS, 19.6%) and resistant starch (RS, 48.8%) as compared to the other cooking treatments. Similarly, enthalpy and FTIR results (ratio of 1047/1022 cm?1) were also higher for microwaved samples, again indicating incomplete gelatinisation. Potatoes were also boiled for 15, 30 or 45 min, followed by 1, 3 or 7 days retrogradation at 23 or 4 °C. Retrogradation enthalpy increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with increased storage time and decreased storage temperature; FTIR results displayed temperature dependency; at 4 °C, ordered structure increased with increasing storage time, whereas the opposite trend was seen at 23 °C. Lastly, formation of SDS and RS was favoured for longer boiling times (30 – 45 min), extended storage times (3–7 days) and 4 °C.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical, retrogradation, rheological properties and in vitro digestibility of lysine incorporated kithul starch modified by annealing, heat moisture treatment and its combinations were studied. LS-AHMT (annealed-heat moisture treated lysine incorporated kithul starch) exhibited lowest amylose leaching. LS-AHMT showed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher relative crystallinity. LS-ANS (annealed lysine incorporated kithul starch), LS-HMT (heat moisture treated lysine incorporated kithul starch) and LS-AHMT formed more weak gel by the effect of annealing, heat moisture treatment and its combination. LS-AHMT showed lowest pasting viscosities, G′ and G″ values among the modified kithul starch, which indicates its lower retrogradation properties. In vitro digestibility of kithul starch decreased after modifications and LS-ANS, LS-HMT and LS-AHMT showed significantly higher resistant starch content. The current study showed that annealing, heat moisture treatment and its combination on NS-LS (lysine incorporated kithul starch) effectively modified kithul starch properties.  相似文献   

目的 本研究通过从有机红谷小米、绿小米、白小米、金苗小米和黑小米中分别分离纯化制备得到有机五色小米淀粉。方法 利用现代分析仪器测定五色有机小米淀粉的形貌特征、结晶结构、功能特性和消化特性。利用体积排阻色谱分析法(Size exclusion chromatography,SEC)与荧光辅助毛细管电泳法(Fluorescence assisted capillary electrophoresis, FACE)测定五种有机小米的直链淀粉含量和支链淀粉的链长分布。构建有机五色小米淀粉精细结构与理化特性,功能特性和消化性之间的关联。结果 体外斜率对数法(Log of Slop,LOS)消化性结果表明,有机五色小米淀粉的最终消化率(C120)差别并不明显,其中黑小米淀粉的C120最低(72.23±4.97%),金苗小米淀粉的C120最高(78.15±0.40%),其次依次为白小米>绿小米>红谷小米。有机五色小米淀粉中绿小米淀粉最易糊化,与自身支链淀粉的短链分布有关。有机黑小米淀粉糊化峰值温度最高,金苗小米次之,与其结晶度及直链淀粉含量有关。黑小米淀粉的峰值粘度最低,最难糊化,与支链淀粉的平均链长较长难断裂有关。有机五色小米淀粉结晶度整体差异不大,半结晶结构中红谷小米的松散程度最大。结论 研究不同品种有机小米淀粉的差异性,为人们科学饮食搭配及个性化营养提供重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Resistant starch (RS) is that fraction of starch, which escapes enzymic hydrolysis in the small intestine and passes in the colon. Effect of storage time (12 and 24 h) and temperature (4 °C and 25 °C) was studied on RS content of the pressure‐cooked cereal and legume grains/seeds and their flours. RS content was observed to increase in the stored cereals and legumes, with more enhanced increase in the flour samples stored at refrigeration temperature for longer duration (41.4% in wheat flour and 85.4% in pea flour). Significant positive correlations were observed between RS content (4 °C, 24 h) and amylose (y = 0.388 × –5.948, r = 0.840, P ≤ 0.05, n = 7) as well as between % increase in insoluble dietary fibre content (4 °0C, 24 h) and amylose (y = 2.257 × –27.724, r = 0.971, P ≤ 0.05, n = 7). Reduced in vitro starch digestibility of the cooked/stored samples (4 °C, 24 h) was observed when compared to freshly cooked samples.  相似文献   

研究了蛋白一淀粉作用物的粘度曲线特征,溶胀能力等理化性质,采用改进的In—Vitro体外消化模型模拟人体消化道环境,对不同蛋白质含量的蛋白一淀粉作用物样品的消化性能进行了研究。研究表明,该作用物不易糊化.其糊的粘度显著低于原淀粉,溶胀能力降低;由于胶原蛋白与木薯淀粉的相互作用,底物结构发生改变,使得作用物的消化性能随着蛋白质含量的增加而降低。  相似文献   

Rice starch was modified with various levels of 2‐octen‐1‐ylsuccinic anhydride (OSA). Treatments with OSA at 3, 5, and 10% resulted in starch derivatives with 0.016, 0.033, and 0.070 degrees of substitution (DS( respectively. Thermovisco properties of the derivatives were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rapid visco analysis (RVA). Water content in the sample was found to have a significant effect on the characteristics of the DSC endotherm. Pasting properties of the OSA‐starch and the effect of pH and salt on the RVA profiles were also studied. In general, with increased OSA‐modification, the starch derivatives swelled and gelatinized at lower temperatures to achieve higher viscosities. Specifically, based on DSC analysis at 80% water, the peak temperature of gelatinization decreased from 68.5 to 63.2°C as the OSA modification increased in DS from 0 (intact starch) to 0.070. On the other hand, RVA results indicate that, for samples undergoing similar increase in OSA modification, the pasting temperature decreased from 88.7 to 51.5°C and the peak viscosity increased from 668 to 6822 cP.  相似文献   

J.A. Stahl  V.C. Bochi  L.C. Gutkoski 《LWT》2007,40(7):1206-1214
Physicochemical properties of pinhão (seeds of Paraná pine) starch phosphates were evaluated and compared to corn starch phosphates. The phosphorylation process used yielded starch phosphates with three different degrees of substitution (DS): low (0.015), medium (0.07) and high (?0.12). Medium and high DS starch phosphates had higher cold water binding capacity, swelling power, and paste clarity, but lower paste syneresis (at 5 °C and after freeze-thaw cycles) than native starches (P<0.05). Low, medium, and high DS corn starches had higher solubility than native starches (3.8-, 8-, and 6-fold higher; P<0.05), but the solubility of pinhão starch increased only in medium DS starch phosphates (3-fold higher; P<0.05). Low DS starch phosphates had viscosity curves similar to native starches. In contrast, medium and high DS starch pastes had peak viscosity at room temperature, reached the minimum viscosity when heated to 95 °C, and had low setback.  相似文献   

Liming Zhang  Xin Yang  Wenyuan Gao 《LWT》2011,44(3):787-792
The objective of this study was to prepare and characterize solid complex of starch with quercetin. Starches with different content of quercetin were prepared and their formation was confirmed by the presence of the carbonyl signal around 1662 cm−1 in the FT-IR spectra. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) suggested most of the starch granules disintegrated with many visible fragments along with increasing quercetin content in the binary mixtures. X-ray diffraction (XRD) of quercetin-starch complexes revealed that the crystal structure of native starch was disappeared and new crystalline regions were formed. The thermal behavior of quercetin-starch was investigated using thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It was observed that the mass loss and thermal stability of complexes depend on the content of quercetin in the complexes. There were obvious differences between pregelatinized starch and quercetin-starch complexes in digestion rate. The digestion rate was drastically reduced as the quercetin was blended. The digestion rate was steady at about 37.3% for pregelatinized starch and 10.1% for quercetin-starch complex (2.5 g/100 g) after incubating 2 h. The residual starch of quercetin-starch complexes can be thought as resistant starch, the amounts of resistant starch were sharply increased in comparison with the pregelatinized starch.  相似文献   

Four methods were applied to dry yam slices, and then, starches were isolated from dried yam slices. Starch isolated from fresh yam was as the study control, and physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of starches were studied. The results showed that the amylose content ranged from 12.62% to 28.25%, water‐binding capacity (WBC) from 111.67% to 262.88%, paste clarity from 2.1% to 6.23%, resistant starch (RS) from 66.60% to 88.49% and crystallinity from 11.27% to 25.52%. Compared with the control starch, hot air‐drying at 60 °C significantly decreased amylose content, paste clarity, RS and crystallinity, while increasing the WBC. Low levels of rapidly digestible starch and glucose and high RS levels were found in the starch from freeze‐drying yam. Digestibility of the starches was significantly correlated with amylose content, WBC, paste clarity and swelling power. The starch samples were divided into three groups by principal component analysis (PCA).  相似文献   

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