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This study investigated computer assisted (CAL) foreign language abstract word learning. A total of 13 commonly encountered abstract words at the elementary school level were chosen to be studied in the abstract word learning system. According to the theories in CAL, the abstract word learning system was designed to provide context for language learning as well as flexibility in learning time, paths, and modes. A total of 38 sixth graders engaged in learning with the system. It was found that students learning with the system learned significantly more abstract words than students in regular language learning class. This paper also provides suggestions for further improvements in the CAL system used in this study.  相似文献   

One of the central challenges of integrating game-based learning in school settings is helping learners make the connections between the knowledge learned in the game and the knowledge learned at school, while maintaining a high level of engagement with game narrative and gameplay. The current study evaluated the effect of supplementing a business simulation game with an external conceptual scaffold, which introduces formal knowledge representations, on learners' ability to solve financial-mathematical word problems following the game, and on learners' perceptions regarding learning, flow, and enjoyment in the game. Participants (Mage = 10.10 years) were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: a “study and play” condition that presented the scaffold first and then the game, a “play and study” condition, and a “play only” condition. Although no significant gains in problem-solving were found following the intervention, learners who studied with the external scaffold before the game performed significantly better in the post-game problem-solving assessment. Adding the external scaffold before the game reduced learners' perceived learning. However, the scaffold did not have a negative impact on reported flow and enjoyment. Flow was found to significantly predict perceived learning and enjoyment. Yet, perceived learning and enjoyment did not predict problem-solving and flow directly predicted problem solving only in the “play and study” condition. We suggest that presenting the scaffold may have “problematized” learners' understandings of the game by connecting them to disciplinary knowledge. Implications for the design of scaffolds for game-based learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Gestures are a significant part of communication and carry particular weight when using artefacts such as computers. This study investigates how gestures and utterances are used as resources in the interaction between children and preschool teachers when creating stories with the computer. The data consists of observations of 17 preschool teachers and 34 children who are engaged in making stories. The interaction between the child, the preschool teacher, and the computer has been documented on videotape and analysed by Interaction Analysis. The results show the preschool teachers’ decisive significance as an interplay partner for the child’s appropriation of a linguistic capacity outside of a here-and-now situation.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the views of primary students about interactive whiteboard [IWB] use in their classes from attitudinal and pedagogical perspectives. Research was designed as an empirical approach to phenomenology. Data was collected from fifty primary students (fourth to eighth) through focus group interviews. Nvivo 9 qualitative data analysis software was used to analyze data. Results showed that students like instruction with IWB especially for such reasons/capabilities as practical and economical use, better visual presentation, and test-based use. Students were predominantly uncomfortable with the technical problems. They believed that instruction with IWB positively impacted their learning especially because of visualization and contextualization, effective presentation, test-based use, and motivational factors. Finally it was inferred that IWBs were not used to their full potential, and both technical problems and common practices indicated that teachers were still at an initial stage of transmission to instruction with IWB and they needed both technical and pedagogical training.  相似文献   

An important purpose of integrating computer use into everyday classroom instruction is to help students approach technology as a learning tool. Effective classroom integration is dependent not only on access to computers but also teachers' implementation of computing into learning. Successful implementation, in turn, depends largely on teachers' beliefs about classroom computing. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a teacher-focused technology intervention on students' attitudes toward and use of computers as learning tools. Teachers' attitudes, anxiety, and classroom computer use are explored as mediators of this relationship. Data were collected during a technology intervention in fourth and fifth grade classrooms in an urban public school district. Results suggest that the technology intervention itself had a positive effect on students' attitudes toward and use of computers for educational purposes. There was no evidence, however, that teachers' use or attitudes had any mediating effect on this relationship. These results suggest that it is possible to increase students' attitudes toward computer use through intense interventions aimed at their teachers. Future research should further investigate the mechanisms through which this relationship exits.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of reviewing strategies in shared electronic note-taking activities, including questioning, summarizing, and note reading, on elementary school student note-taking quality and achievement. A non-equivalent pre- and post-test design was adopted. The participants were 188 sixth grade Taiwanese students in six computing classes. Through random assignment, two classes were assigned to the shared note-taking with questioning condition (SN-SQ), two classes to the shared note-taking with summarizing condition (SN-SS), and two classes to the shared note-taking with note reading condition (SN-SR). Students in each condition were arranged into same-sex dyads. The members of a dyad were assigned to separate computers, seated side-by-side, and required to collaborate with one another on a shared note-taking with reviewing task. The results revealed that the SN-SS students' notes contained more facts and concepts than the SN-SR students', and the SN-SS students achieved better grades on the unit quizzes and overall assessment two weeks later than those in the SN-SR condition.  相似文献   

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are web-based systems allowing instructors and/or students to share materials and interact online. This study compared differences in LMS use between instructors and students at a large residential campus with students at a smaller commuter campus. Responses to an online survey about LMS activities and tools were categorized by three different interaction types: Learner–Instructor (LI), Learner–Content (LC), and Learner–Learner (LL). Aggregated log data was also analyzed to see if students’ use was consistent with their beliefs. Respondents from both campuses rate highly all activities and tools within the LMS. Findings suggest that residential students value activities and tools supporting LC interaction more than commuter students, while commuter students value activities and tools fostering LL interactions more than residential students. The aggregated log data was consistent with the survey data showing a higher level of activity in the most heavily used LC-oriented tools for the residential campus and higher activity in the LL-oriented tools for the commuter campus.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to investigate whether young learners who were new to knowledge building approaches could work towards advancing both individual and collective knowledge, and whether knowledge building could be beneficial to both high-achieving and low-achieving students. Findings reported in this paper are from one and a half-year design research for science learning in one primary school in Singapore. In this study, we closely examined the design and enactment of the Knowledge Building Community model in one class with high-achieving students and two classes with mixed-ability students. The research consists of two phases: Phase I Cultivating a collaborative knowledge building culture and Phase II Progressive Knowledge Building using Knowledge Forum. Data were collected from multiple sources, including knowledge assessment, conceptual understanding tasks, and the content analysis of Knowledge Forum postings. The results in Phase I show that while it is critical for students to monitor and build knowledge for their own understanding, they had difficulties developing such skills. In both phases, we found positive impacts on academic achievements showing improvement of student understanding in the course of reflective thinking and progressive inquiry. Overall, quantitative data suggest that the collaborative knowledge building environment was beneficial for both high-achieving and low-achieving students. We conclude by discussing some of challenges and issues in designing collaborative knowledge building environments for young learners with diverse abilities.  相似文献   

The interactive whiteboard (IWB) has become a popular technology for instructors over the last decade. Though research asserts that the IWBs facilitate learning in different ways, there is a lack of studies examining actual IWB use in classroom settings based on learners’ perspectives by means of valid instruments. The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable interactive whiteboard student survey in order to evaluate the IWB use based on perceptions of students who have been taught with IWBs. In establishing the theoretical base of the survey, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and constructivist learning theories were considered. In addition, with respect to IWB use in classrooms, a number of studies emanated from countries such as the UK, the USA, and Australia were examined, and similar research questionnaires and findings and also reflections of students about IWBs were utilized to create an item pool. A 39-item survey was conducted among middle school students (N = 263) from the city of Istanbul in Turkey. Collected data was exposed to exploratory factor analysis and resulted in a 26-item, three-factor survey, whose factors were named as the perceived efficiency of IWB, perceived learning contribution and motivation, and the perceived negative effects of IWB. The results of the analyses illustrated that this new IWB student scale, which explains 50% of the total variance with a good level of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient (0.93) is a valid and reliable instrument designed specifically for measuring the use of IWBs in real classroom settings. Besides, theoretical foundations of interactive whiteboard use, the development process of the instrument, and results of validity and reliability analyses were discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In constructivist principles, learning is a process in which individuals construct knowledge. Research in Mathematics Education looks for ways to make mathematics education less dry and more attractive. When solving polynomial equations of the first degree, it is very common for teachers to work with the mistaken idea of “changing the sign” when “moving” the member. To minimize this problem, a balance can be used to illustrate the idea of equilibrium and also properties of equality. The objectives of this study were (1) develop a computational tool to replace a conventional balance in practical mathematics exercises thereby solving two material challenges for Brazilian teachers: verifying the accuracy of balances and the lack of student physical and social activity through direct participation; (2) determine how substituting the conventional balance with a computational tool for the solution of first degree polynomial equations affected the aspects inherent in the learning process like motivation, cooperation, dialogue, discussion, reflection, reciprocity, negotiation and responsibility. The results indicate that the cognitive computational tool met the challenges of Brazilian teachers. First, because it lacks mechanisms that need to be verified for accuracy in order to demonstrate equilibrium. Second, because it allows the direct participation of students (physical experience) and the use of the tool in small groups (social experience). The hands on completion of the activity, realistic appearance, the interaction with the tool, visual feedback on the panel, and two students using the same tool awakened motivation, responsibility for completing the activity, dialogue, cooperation, discussion and reflection. Doing the experiment with others aroused concern about the learning of others and reciprocity of knowledge for the improvement of the procedure to be constructed for solving 1st degree equations.  相似文献   

This study compared clicker technology against mobile polling and the Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) strategy to investigate how these methods may differently affect students' anxiety, self-efficacy, engagement, academic performance, and attention and relaxation as indicated by brainwave activity. The study utilized a quasi-experimental research design. To assess the differences between the effects of clickers and mobile polling, the study collected data from two courses at a large research university in Taiwan in which 69 students used either clickers or mobile polling. The results showed that mobile polling along with the JiTT strategy and in-class polls reduce graduate students' anxiety, improve student outcomes in an environment comprising both graduate and undergraduate students, and increase students' attention during polling. However, brainwave data revealed that during the polling activities, students' attention in the clicker and mobile polling groups respectively increased and decreased. Students nowadays do not find smartphones a novelty; however, incorporating them into class is still a potentially effective way to increase student attention and provide a direct way for instructors to observe the learning effects of lectures and improve their teaching approach on that basis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the educational environment supported by computer aided presentations at primary school. The effectiveness of the environment has been evaluated in terms of students’ learning and remembering what they have learnt. In the study, we have compared experimental group and control group in terms of learning and recalling what has been learned regarding the effect which computer aided learning environment imposes. Data have been collected through the control grouped pretest–final test model. During the experiment, we have prepared an achievement test, which explains behaviors the students should acquire. According to the findings obtained, a computer aided educational environment has been observed to be more effective than that of conventional education in terms of learning. However, in terms of the permanence of what has been learned, no meaningful difference between the educational environment supported by computer aided presentations and that of conventional education has come out. According to the results of the follow-up tests performed, even though students in the test group have forgotten more of what they have learnt, it has been concluded that students in both groups have forgotten on the same level. Consequently, it has been observed that though the educational environment supported by computer aided presentations has positive contributions to learning activity, it does not have effects on the permanence of what has been learnt.  相似文献   

Based on kinesthetic learning style theory and interviews regarding teachers' experiences applying traditional astronomy teaching methods, a mobile digital armillary sphere (MDAS) using augmented reality (AR) was developed for use during astronomical observation instruction. The MDAS enables visual processes and limb movements similar to those that would occur in actual outdoor experiences to be employed in the classroom, thereby overcoming existing instructional limitations. A quasi-experimental design method was adopted, and 200 fifth-grade students were selected as participants. The use of the MDAS in astronomical observation courses affected students' learning effectiveness and interest. The experimental results indicated that using the MDAS system during outdoor observation activities effectively enhanced both the students' learning of astronomical observation content and their performance of astronomical observation skills. In addition, use of the MDAS effectively increased students' interest in astronomical observations and learning, which had a substantial effect on retention.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of computer-assisted teaching (CAT) on remedying misconceptions students often have regarding some probability concepts in mathematics. Toward this aim, computer-assisted teaching materials were developed and used in the process of teaching. Within the true-experimental research method, a pre- and post-test control group study was carried out with 37 seventh-grade students-18 in the experimental group (CAT) and 19 in the control group (traditional teaching). A 12-item instrument, made up of 4 items related to each of the concepts “Probability Comparisons (PC),” “Equiprobability (E),” and “Representativeness (R),” was developed and implemented with the participants. After the teaching intervention, the same instrument was again administered to both groups as a post-test. In light of the findings, it can be concluded that computer-assisted teaching was significantly more effective than traditional methods in terms of remedying students’ misconceptions.  相似文献   

This study focused on the use of reflective learning e-journals in a university web-based English as a foreign language (EFL) course. In the study, a multimedia-based English programme comprising fifteen different units was delivered online as a one-semester instructional course. Ninety-eight undergraduate students participated, and they were divided into two groups: the treatment group used reflective learning e-journals, while the control group completed content-related exercises. The study investigated the effects of reflective learning e-journals and how students used them to aid learning. Results show that when learning from web-based instruction, students who used reflective learning e-journals outperformed students who did not do so in terms of reading comprehension. Using reflective e-journals improved the academic performance of learners in the online course. In addition, journal writing students claimed that they also improved their organisational skills and writing abilities through their reflective learning e-journal writing and found the journal writing to be a very helpful tool in reviewing the course and preparing for the exam.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an Edutainment (education plus entertainment) secondary school setting based on the construction of artifacts and manipulation of virtual contents (images, sound, and music) connected to Chaos.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effectiveness of a student controlled computer program for high school mathematics based on instruction principles derived from Schoenfeld’s theory of problem solving. The computer program allows students to choose problems and to make use of hints during different episodes of solving problems. Crucial episodes are: analyzing the problem, selecting appropriate mathematical knowledge, making a plan, carrying it out, and checking the answer against the question asked.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods investigation compared the effectiveness of three instructional approaches in achieving desired conceptual change among early childhood preservice teachers (n = 157). Each of the three treatments employed inquiry-based instruction on moon phases using data collected from: (1) the planetarium software program, Starry Night™, (2) nature observations and Starry Night™, or (3) nature observations alone. Data sources included drawings, intensive interviews, and a lunar shapes card sort. The data sets were analyzed via a constant comparative method in order to produce profiles of each participant’s pre- and post-instruction conceptual understandings of moon phases. Non-parametric tests of significance revealed that pre- to post-instruction gains were significant for all three treatments across all targeted concepts. The Starry Night™-Only treatment demonstrated statistically greater gains for sequencing moon phases than the other two treatments. However, there were no significant differences among the three treatments in regard to participants’ abilities to draw scientific moon shapes or in their conceptions of the causes of moon phases. Thus, the three treatments were equally effective in facilitating desired conceptual change.  相似文献   

This study is to demonstrate the impact of different teaching strategies on the learning performance of environmental education using quantitative methods. Students learned about resource recycling and classification through an instructional website based on the teaching tool of WebQuest. There were 103 sixth-grade students participating in this study and broken down into three groups: traditional instruction, traditional instruction with WebQuest and WebQuest instruction with outdoors. The major contribution of this study is the introduction of WebQuest into the outdoor instruction. The results of this study show that using WebQuest in outdoor instruction influences students’ learning performance positively. Two other interesting results are: (1) when WebQuest was used in real situations, students could acquire more knowledge and experiences, and (2) in the learning activity of the experiment, the students accomplished different learning tasks and expressed their own opinions and perspectives, which could foster their critical thinking skills. On the other hands, the students in outdoor situation could be positive to participate in learning activity; furthermore, they could ponder the learning contents by observing the real context and then they began to classify/categorize the resources. These findings will contribute to the development of teaching and learning for government, schools and teachers; for instance, teachers act as assistants or tutors and provide students with others public network resources, including PDAs, smartphones, tablet personal computers or the Internet, to improve their learning in outdoor learning environments, such as campus, museums or zoos.  相似文献   

Students are often unable to collect the real-time data necessary for conducting inquiry in science classrooms. Web-based, real-time data could, therefore, offer a promising tool for conducting scientific inquiries within classroom environments. This study used a quasi-experimental research design to investigate the effects of inquiry-based instruction coupled with archived online data. Ninety-six preservice teachers in a four-year elementary science teacher-training program participated in this study. The students were enrolled in three sections of the methods course, and these existing groups were randomly assigned to the treatment groups: traditional instruction, traditional instruction supported with a simulation, and inquiry-based instruction with archived online data. Data were collected with structured interviews and analyzed with the constant comparative method and one-way ANOVA. Before the instructional interventions, none of the participants had a scientific understanding of tides, and 15% of the participants had no conceptual understanding of tides at all. After instruction, 72% of the participants who received inquiry-based instruction with archived online data were categorized as having scientific conceptual understandings; 46% of participants who received traditional instruction supported with a simulation were categorized as having scientific conceptual understandings; and 43% of participants who received traditional instruction were categorized as having scientific conceptual understandings. Statistical analyses showed that the group receiving inquiry-based instruction with archived online data performed significantly better than the other two instructional groups. Inquiry-based instruction with archived online data can be used to effectively perform inquiry activities within science classes; it might be used at different grade levels to teach a variety of scientific content.  相似文献   

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