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Within the framework of the EC-policy measures on starch, the European starch industry has developed successfully, also as a partner on the world market. Starch production in the European Union continues to increase by about 3 % per year. This growth is attributable almost entirely to wheat starch. Production of potato starch has reached a ceiling. The amount of maize starch remains at roughly the same volume and is thus declining in relative terms but maize continues to be the most important raw material. The European Community is easily self-sufficient with respect to starch and does not import any. The EC′s most important trading partner, the United States, produces four times as much starch especially for utilisation in the sugar and the biofuel sector. Starch exports are vital to the EC industry and account for ca. 17 % of total production, for which export refunds are granted. The subsidy granted within the Community, to compensate for the price difference on the world market and destined for the non-food sector which is not protected against imports, covers about 45 % of total starch production. Starch producers, processors and users in the Community work with this EC system which is generally well received and accepted. It is acknowledged that the refund policies provide fair indemnity with little risk of over- or undercompensation. In the context of Agenda 2000, the planned price cut should normally result in all refunds being discontinued, a major simplification and relief for business and authorities. However, if a significant price difference persists, the refunds would continue to apply, but subject to the restrictions operating within the World Trade Organisation (WTO). A strong pressure will be brought at the WTO negotiations in favour of greater market liberalisation. As regards the future enlargement of the Community, the applicant eastern countries will gradually have to adopt EC′s policies; production of starch and derivatives is still limited in these countries and they are generally not self-sufficient.  相似文献   

S. Suzuki 《Starch - St?rke》1978,30(7):217-223
Since 1950 there has been a dramatic progress in rationalization of the production of sweet potato and potato starch in Japan. This enabled dextrose industry by enzymatic process to develop rapidly due to the succes of enzymatic liquefaction and saccharafication. Isomerization of glucose to fructose has been studied, and the immobilization of isomerases prompted its products on industrial scale in 1970. Another advance is the development of effective methods of producing high purity maltose. A malto-hexaose forming amylase was discovered in 1971 and attempts are being made for its pharmaceutical utilization. Saccharification of cellulose by cellulase has been studied. Conversion of starch to other polysaccharides is another example for the numerous Japanese activities.  相似文献   

European maize wet-milling industries process 3.2 million t of maize per year. For this supply the world market share decreases progressively to the E. C. market's advantage. Manufacturers have not always a long experience of such maize, the quality of which is variable. The increasing number of cultivated varieties, the changes of maturity conditions according to years, and the evolution of the harvesting-drying-preserving sequence towards an industrialisation, emphasize the variations of E. C. maize wet-milling quality. The immediate care of manufacturers is therefore to have available simple and rapid methods for the appreciation of this quality. Then, these methods will have to be applied to the determination of good conditions of maize production for this industry. Ensuing french studies, a concerted research program has been developed since the beginning of 1973 on the basis of the previous remarks. The coordination of these studies is undertaken by a Technical Committee of E. C. Maize Starch Industry grouping research institutes, i. e. I. T. C. F. (Technical Institute for Cereals and Forages, France), I.N.R.A. (National Institute of Agronomic Research, France), F.R.I.C.I. (Federal Research Institute of Cereal Industry, Germany), professional associations, i.e. A.G.P.M. (General Maize Growers Association, France), A.A.M. (Association of the Maize Starch Industries of the E.C., Belgium), and a representative of manufacturers for each member country. The work done in 1973 represents the preliminary phase of these studies, and was carried out on samples from 1972 harvest, crop year abnormaly unfavourable for maize growing. The results obtained are therefore mostly on a methodology level, and the main purpose of the 1974 research program is to confirm and complete these informations.  相似文献   

ASA施胶的发展现状和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李红 《国际造纸》2008,27(2):52-57
近年,全球纸和纸板施胶中普遍使用烯基琥珀酸酐(ASA)。文章分析了出现这种增长趋势的原因,并参考过去的经验分析了这种施胶技术的现状,列举TASA在不同纤维种类以及在各种不同的纸和纸板生产中的应用,讨论了碱性施胶的利润优势,研究了合成ASA的原材料价格对ASA竞争力的影响。  相似文献   

Three dimensional models of crystalline zones and amorphous branching zones of starch granules are reviewed. In crystallites of both A and B starch, double helices are found in pairs, and all chains are packed in parallel arrays. The pairing of double helices is identical in both polymorphs and corresponds to the interaction between double helices that has the lowest energy. The differences between A and B starch arise from water content and the manner in which these pairs are packed in the respective crystals. A transition from B starch to the A form can be accomplished by rearrangement of the pairs of double helices. The 1–6 linked amylopectin branch points occur in amorphous regions, but actually promote the formation of ordered double helices.  相似文献   

蒋长青 《家具》2012,(2):114-116
科隆国际家具展(以下简称"科隆展")是中国沙发企业面向世界市场的舞台,也是观察欧洲沙发行业新动向的重要窗口。通过参观2012年的科隆展,笔者重点参观了和沙发相关的展馆和企业,总结了以下几点与业内同行共同探讨。  相似文献   

李丹丹  陶阳  杨哪  韩永斌 《食品科学》2022,43(11):254-264
电场处理作为强化生物大分子改性的常用物理技术,在淀粉高效定向转化方面具有“绿色、高效、连续化”等生产属性。本文从介绍现有电场技术的原理和优缺点出发,概述电场技术在淀粉酶法/化学改性领域的研究现状,指出电场强化淀粉改性的作用机理,探讨电场改善淀粉改性效率的关键影响因子,并展望电场技术在淀粉深加工领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

淀粉是食品工业的重要主辅料,其分子结构制约着淀粉基产品的性能。淀粉包括高度分支的支链淀粉(amylopectin,AP)和近似线性结构的直链淀粉(amylose,AM)。随着对淀粉结构循序渐进和不断完善的认识,学者们意识到仅用目前普遍认可的直链淀粉和支链淀粉的相关理论已不足以解释在探讨淀粉功能与结构研究中所遇到的诸多实际问题。研究表明淀粉中可能存在介于AP、AM之间的第3种级分,即中间级分(intermediate material,IM)。IM被认为是影响淀粉特性的主要因素之一,但其分子结构尚不明确,以至于未能全面理解淀粉的结构与性质。本文主要对淀粉中IM理论的提出、分离及其结构与性质等方面展开论述,以期为淀粉及IM结构的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

淀粉基食品的感官品质和营养价值主要取决于淀粉在加工过程中其结构(颗粒态、分子态结构)和理化性质(糊化、流变学和回生性质)的变化。牛乳蛋白可通过疏水相互作用吸附于淀粉颗粒的表面,抑制淀粉吸水膨胀和淀粉酶对其的降解作用;牛乳蛋白亦可在静电相互作用、氢键、疏水相互作用等的共同作用下与淀粉分子间形成稳定或不稳定(相分离)的凝胶,改变淀粉基食品的流变学特性。本文综述了淀粉和牛乳蛋白之间相互作用方式以及牛乳蛋白对淀粉热特性、流变学特性和消化性质影响的最新研究进展,旨在明晰淀粉和牛乳蛋白相互作用机理,为利用牛乳蛋白改善淀粉基食品的加工性能、感官和营养品质提供指导。  相似文献   

我国淀粉及其深加工工业现状和发展趋势   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
淀粉及其深加工产品包括淀粉、变性淀粉、淀粉糖、淀粉糖醇及淀粉发酵制品,在国民经济中占有重要的地位。就国内外淀粉及其深加工产品现状、我国的市场对淀粉及其深加工产品需求以及大力发展相关产业的机遇和应注意的几个问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对淀粉糊和改性淀粉糊的流变特性研究分别进行了综述,详细介绍了各因素对淀粉糊的流变特性的影响以及不同物理化学改性方法对淀粉糊的流变特性的影响,指出今后应着重于淀粉糊流变特性各个影响因素的研究,获得各个因素对流变性能影响的规律,以开拓淀粉的广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

以往 ,人们一提到针织产品就与内衣联系在一起。但在过去的几年里 ,针织产品已经成为舒适和时尚的代名词 ,并且目前正试图进入正统的服装市场。显然 ,这给世界范围内主要的圆机生产厂家提出了一个巨大的挑战。生产厂家必须不断改进设备的性能 ,做到在不降低产量的情况下 ,生产出无疵点高质量的产品。最近的几年里 ,人们把强调的重点大都放在提高设备的自动化水平和提高适应市场变化能力方面 ,从而使针织工业能够满足不断变化的世界针织服装市场的需要。本文简要地介绍了最近几年来 ,导致针织工业产生技术革命的主要技术革新项目。1 均匀成…  相似文献   

In Europe, uncommon foodstuff (UFS, i.e., traditional foods from specific European regions and uncommon ethnic foods from non-EU countries) have been contributing to a diversification of the food supply. E-commerce and specialized retail shops are the main sources for UFS. This article discusses the legal bases for UFS introduction and evaluation. By means of 35 representative UFS, this article analyses the possibilities of trade and veterinary inspection of these products in Germany, comparing European Union and national food legislation with the many idiosyncrasies the UFS presents. Conservatory legislation bans the trade with endangered species (primates, cetaceans, songbirds), but for many other species, this is a complex matter that may ban only subpopulations from trade. Although introduction of legal UFS is regulated (yet complicated), the lack of appropriate definitions, intra-European trade harmonization, and of sufficient scientific knowledge hampers a satisfactory evaluation of many UFSs, for example, reptile meat or terrestrial insects. In these cases, official inspection would only be very basic.  相似文献   

In the modern era, there is great need for food preservation in both developing and developed countries due to increasing demand for extending shelf life and prevention of spoilage of food material. With the emergence of new pathogens and ability of micro-organisms to undergo changes, exploration of new avenues for the food preservation has gained importance. Moreover, awareness among consumers regarding harmful effects of chemical preservatives has been increased. Globally, altogether there is increasing demand by consumers for chemical-free and minimal processed food products. Potential of bacteriocin and its application in reducing the microbiological spoilages and in the preservation of food is long been recognized. Bacteriocins are normally specific to closely related species without disrupting the growth of other microbial populations. A number of applications of bacteriocin have been reported for humans, live stock, aquaculture etc. This review is focused on recent trends and applications of bacteriocins in different areas in addition to their biopreservative potential.  相似文献   

阐述了最近西欧染料工业在世界纺织和染料市场变化形势下的新动向 ,包括组织结构改革、发展战略、生产基地变化、研究与开发等 ,对我国纺织和染料工业的发展颇具参考价值  相似文献   

燕麦淀粉研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田斌强  赵莉君  谢笔钧 《食品科学》2014,35(21):287-291
本文简要介绍我国燕麦资源状况,阐述燕麦淀粉的提取、应用以及结构与性质,重点阐述燕麦淀粉显微结构、化学组成与分子结构、糊化性质、燕麦淀粉糊的透明度、老化性质、流变性质,并对燕麦淀粉研究进行展望。  相似文献   

国内外关于禁用染料的新动向(一)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
章杰 《印染》1997,23(1):5-7
德国政府禁用染料法规颁布以来,在世界各国(地区)引起了强烈的反映,从积极意义上说,促使了环保要求进一步严格化。文章详述了各国(地区)对此法规作出的反应,分析了该法规各修正案的内容及背景,以及对纺织印染工业的影响,还就助剂的禁用问题作了说明。  相似文献   

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