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汪彧 《四川冶金》2008,30(2):76-79
用任何方法或形式,在两个或两个以上的主体(如人或电脑)传递、交换或分享任何种类的信息的任何过程,就叫做沟通.要完成一个项目,需要具备各种才能和素质的人,由此产生了对组织或团队的需求,因此组织的成员都必须与他人共事.而沟通则是实现"共事"的必要条件.没有沟通就无法传达任务,组员不明确任务就无法工作.沟通要定位清晰,采取恰当的沟通渠道和方式,要以尊重他人为前提进行沟通交流,了解他人的性格个性,多倾听,鼓励,提高交谈技巧,表达要清晰.恰当的、及时主动的沟通能够避免软件项目开发中不必要的失误.  相似文献   

时代的浪潮簇拥着形形色色的企业在市场海洋中奋力前行,这就是大浪淘沙。今天,在世人的喋喋不休中,国企又一次站在时代的风口浪尖,面临前所未有的关注和争议,前所未有的挑战和压力。近日,据专业机构统计,已公布或披露年报(预报、快报)的1886家上市公司中,有16家公司的亏损额超过10亿元,有42家公司的业绩下降幅度超过1000%。这其中,一些著名国企的名  相似文献   

【2013达沃斯张维迎精彩语录】我更奇怪的是,包括我们总理,还有在座的人,所有人天天盯着当天的GDP数字;现在太多的人,从上到下都在被眼前的东西指挥着走,我们为什么不能够看得更远一点?——@中国经济学人【2013达沃斯张维迎精彩语录】好多人误以为国有企业就是全民的企业,就是老百姓的企业,从来都不是这样,国有企业其实只是有利于少数人,而不是有利于多数人,它破坏了社会的公平,也伤害了社会的道德,腐败只是问题的一个方面,国有企业的负面影响我们一般都看不到,包括人事任命、工作安排等等。  相似文献   

董明 《冶金分析》1984,4(6):1-1
硅碳棒接头的好坏,直接影响到管式高温炉的正常工作和硅碳棒的使用寿命。我们试制了一种制作简易的接头。在炉温处于1200~1300℃连续工作的条件下,使用这种硅碳棒接头,不易氧化,不会因跳火而烧坏,接触良好,安全可靠,使用寿命长,效果非常好。 制作方法是:用箱形电阻炉的废电炉丝(直径2mm,材料为Cr15Ni60或Cr20Ni80的合金)三根(两根长400mm左右,另一根长200mm左右。尺寸仅供参考。),首先,在长  相似文献   

提出了在氨三乙酸(NTA,活化剂)存在下,以Mn(Ⅱ)催化NaIO4氧化结晶紫的反应指示滴定终点,以自制的结晶紫选择性电极为指示电极,Mn(Ⅱ)为滴定剂,EDTA为阻抑剂,催化滴定测定微量铜的新方法.该方法对试剂用量,酸度,温度,滴定剂浓度,滴定速度及干扰消除等进行了探讨,选择了适宜的实验条件.用于火药中微量铜的测定,样品平均回收率为98.17%,相对标准偏差为1.02%,结果与原子吸收光谱法测定结果相符.  相似文献   

在当今的时代背景下,每个家庭只有一到两个孩子,随着人们生活的日益富足,越来越多的父母开始更加注重孩子的成长与未来,从某种角度上说,孩子的发展质量就预示着家庭的将来。不少年轻的父母"恨铁不成钢",省吃俭用,在孩子身上盲目投资,上各种培训班,学各种专业技能,期待把孩子培养成"绝世全才",但这股一浪高过一浪的风潮中却隐藏着一定的隐患,家长的选择不适合孩子的实际,选择的专业之多让孩子不堪重负,  相似文献   

孙忠贵 《钢铁》2014,49(4):18-24
 为解决降低成本,拓宽矿源的目的,对高铝矿终渣进行了细致且系统的研究。通过对黏度曲线的测量,动力学活化能的计算,热力学计算的手段,分析炉渣各组分析出规律及其变化,得出结果:炉渣稳定性与成分有较为紧密的关系,各超大型高炉炉渣成分相差不大,但黏度随温度变化规律确是大相径庭;一般来说,超大型高炉高温时炉渣活度差异较小,在160000~170000J,而在低温时活化能的变化率差异较大;高铝低镁渣的稳定性超过高铝高镁渣,如果能够使高炉中的镁降低可以大幅度提高炉料的冶金性能,降低渣量,是降低成本的有效措施;降低终渣中的镁含量不是否定镁对炉渣稀化作用,恰恰相反,提高渣中镁在液相中的作用效率;高铝渣未必就一定不稳定,应适宜调整炉渣其他组分,使高炉适应高铝渣操作。  相似文献   

1需求形势据国外媒体报道,2003年全球制造业对白银的需求量已上升到24358t,扭转了前两年连续下降的趋势。同时,白银的市场价格也平均上涨了6%。报道说,由于全球电子工业生产的上升和经济环境的好转,2003年,全球工业应用白银的数量增长了3%,达到9957t。中国2003年的白银消费量达到它空前的高水平,制造业对白银的需求量实际上升8%,工业用银数量达到了782t。报道说,首饰和银制品是消费白银的主要市场。2003年,这方面对白银的需求量增长了4.1%,实际用银用达到了7844t。增长幅度最大的是中国和泰国,中国上升22%,泰国上升13%。具有白银首饰消费传…  相似文献   

本文介绍了攀钢集团四川长城特殊钢股份有限公司万吨钛材生产线的建设方案,说明了该项目具有国际先进水平的装机水平,具有资源、技术和成本等优势,产品多样化,质量高,具有很强的竞争力.并指出该项目的建设将提高我国钛工业的整体水平,有利于我国的经济建设和国防建设,逐步改变世界钛材生产的格局,提高中国钛材生产的国际地位.  相似文献   

据国外媒体报道,2004年,南非的黄金生产降到了1931年以来的最低点——342t/a。从1885年南非矿山协会开始对采矿业建立官方统计以来,每年出口额最大的是黄金。现在,这个状况已经发生了变化,铂族金属的出口额已经超过黄金,占第一位。2004年,南非的矿业生产总额是1250亿兰特,黄金产值占293亿兰特,落后于333亿的铂族金属,居第二位。当年南非煤炭产值是276亿兰特。1970年代,南非的黄金产量是1000t/a,占当年全球矿山新生产的黄金的70%左右,一段时期以来,南非的黄金生产以每年5%的速度萎缩,而且近几年来,由于南非货币兰特处于强势,使这种萎缩的速度…  相似文献   

In 1974, the State veterinary institutes in the Slovak Socialist Republic studied the sensitivity of 4420 strains of Streptococcus agalactiae and 1056 strains of Staphylococcus aureus to eight antibiotics. The strains were isolated from milk samples obtained from dairy cows suffering from mastitis. 100 per cent of the strains of Streptococcus agalactiae was sensitive to ampicillin, 99.23% to erythromycin, 98.70% to oxytetracycline, 93.02% to bacitracin, 90.77% to chloramphenicol, 41.97% to penicillin, 12.39% to neomycin, 9.73% to streptomycin. As to the strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 98.68 were sensitive to chloramphenicol, 98.50% to ampicillin, 97.92% to erythromycin, 94.98% to oxytetracycline, 93.85% to neomycin, 92.67% to bacitracin 87.50% to streptomycin, and 46.24% to penicillin. The results are discussed in relation to the use of antibiotics in the treatment of mastitis in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP)-positive astrocytes isolated from the cerebral cortices of 3-10-day-old rats frequently showed increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration responses to L-glutamate and glutamate analogues. However, few of the acutely isolated cells responded to ATP, and no such cells responded to serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)]. The same cell that failed to respond to ATP or 5-HT often responded to glutamate. Culturing acutely isolated cells in media containing horse serum decreased Ca2+ responses to glutamate but increased the responses to ATP and induced responses to 5-HT. In primary cultures prepared from the cerebral cortices of 1-day-old rats and cultured in horse serum, fewer of the cells responded to glutamate, but almost all cells responded to ATP and 5-HT. The lack of or limited response to, 5-HT or ATP in the acutely isolated cells seems unlikely to be due to selective damage to the respective receptors because acutely isolated GFAP-negative cells showed responses to ATP, several different proteases and mechanical dissociation yielded cells that also responded to glutamate but not to ATP, and exposure of primary cultures to papain did not abolish Ca2+ responses to several transmitters. The responses of the acutely isolated cells to glutamate but limited or lack of responses to ATP and 5-HT also correspond to what has been seen so far for astrocytes in situ. Thus, the present studies provide direct evidence that some of the receptors seen in primary astrocyte cultures may reflect a response to culture conditions and that, in the context of the relevant information so far available, acutely isolated astrocytes seem to reflect better the in vivo state.  相似文献   

An assay has been developed to measure the ability of human lymphocytes to repair damage to DNA. In this assay, purified human lymphocytes are exposed to graded doses of radiation and then stimulated with phytohemagglutinin to undergo DNA replication. The rate of incorporation of thymidine in irradiated lymphocytes during the second and subsequent rounds of DNA replication is taken to be indicative of the ability of the cells to repair damage to DNA. In lymphocytes from normal individuals, X-irradiation with doses of 100 to 800 rads was found to inhibit phytohemagglutinin-stimulated thymidine incorporation proportionally to the dose of radiation without curtailing the induction of DNA polymerase. The response to phytohemagglutinin of lymphocytes from a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum after exposure to graded doses of X-irradiation was found to be similar to that of the normal controls, whereas the response after ultraviolet irradiation was markedly impaired. In contrast, lymphocytes from patients with ataxia telangiectasia were hypersensitive to X-irradiation. The data on these clinical syndromes support the idea that this assay measures DNA repair and indicates the feasibility of using this method for screening individuals for genetic deficits in DNA repair.  相似文献   

This is a document presented to the Chilean Academy of Medicine by the Health Minister, the economist Carlos Massad, First of all, he refers to the general context of the reform, that he considers a process and not a breakpoint. Afterwards, he enumerates the change task: a) to generate awareness of the change and to convert health in a State issue; b) to adequate programs to population's new health profile; c) to install new management instruments in the health system; d) to decentralize decisions and to promote the participation of beneficiaries; e) to establish incentives and to flexibilize the Health System and f) to introduce correctives to private health insurance. He believes that Chile must drift to a economical protection system for universal and solidary health events. The additional assurances that people wants to buy, must be delimited.  相似文献   

Prior to construction of a bridge or highway, the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) requires an evaluation of the effect of the project on the human environment. The purpose of NEPA is to require the head of the federal agency that is committing funds to the project to consider its actions before deciding to proceed with the project. This paper will analyze the general provisions of NEPA to remove some of the mystery related to the environmental concerns raised by bridge or highway projects and to emphasize to transportation planners that these concerns must be addressed prior to beginning a major bridge or highway project. The intent of this paper is to provide some guidance to transportation planners in light of these statutes as they begin the planning stages for highway and bridge projects.  相似文献   

The ancient Greek myth linking the images of the labyrinth and the Minotaur provides an allegory for Melanie Klein's conception of the archaic Oedipus complex as well as a vivid illustration of Winnicott's notions of object usage and the 'subjective object'. The labyrinth is suggestive of mother's body as the first area for an infant's exploration and putative sadistic conquest. The Minotaur, in turn, suggests the infant's unconscious phantasies about the content of mother's body, namely such projective identifications onto that body as the paternal penis and the 'internal babies'. Further, the heroic dynamic personified by Theseus in the myth of the labyrinth metaphorically signifies what is here proposed as a developmental line that involves the courage to do a number of things, including to become, to create, to seek, to explore, to do, to challenge, to undertake risks, to accept, to rescue, to initiate, to think, to know and to realize. The Minotaur can thus be thought to serve as a universal subjective signifier for an 'Object of Challenge', which, if not successfully dealt with by the ego-development of the infant, transforms that default into the 'Object of Nemesis'. Ultimately, this myth of mastery speaks to the psychoanalytic process itself as well as casting light on the transformative aspects of sexual intercourse as a personal healing ritual.  相似文献   

江西铜业集团公司贵溪冶炼厂(简称贵冶)固定式精炼炉,因其在设计上存在缺陷及生产工艺的改变,不能满足生产的需要。在生产实践中积累经验后,将其进行技术改造。将改造前后的不同状况列出进行比较,从而阐述改造后取得的效果,最后列举出贵冶固定式精炼炉目前还存在的不合理因素,并设计出解决的方案,做到工作持续推进。  相似文献   

Adaptation of HT-29 cells to increasing concentrations of methotrexate (MTX) results in the selection of differentiated populations which show sequential dose-dependent changes of their differentiated phenotype with, at the highest concentrations (0.1 and 1 mM), a shift of differentiation from a mucus-secreting to an enterocytic phenotype coinciding with an amplification of the DHFR gene. We show here that DHFR gene amplification itself does not play a role in the shift of differentiation. An alternative explanation is the presence, within the mucus-secreting population, of an undetectable minor population of cells committed to enterocytic differentiation and able to develop resistance to higher concentrations of MTX. This was confirmed by cloning the population of cells resistant to 10 microM MTX. Out of 19 isolated clones, 17 were found to be mucus-secreting and 2 enterocytic. We tested 9 of these clones for their ability to develop resistance to 0.1 mM MTX: only 1 of enterocytic phenotype, was found to develop resistance to this higher concentration and to amplify the DHFR gene. The ability of enterocytic cells to develop resistance to elevated MTX concentration through amplification of the DHFR gene was demonstrated in another enterocytic HT-29 population selected by glucose deprivation. Enterocytic cells resistant to 10 microM MTX were also found, unlike mucus-secreting cells, to be readily adaptable to 5-fluorouracil, this occurring without amplification of the thymidylate synthase gene. Together these results highlight a previously uncharacterized relationship between commitment to enterocytic differentiation of colon-cancer cells and their ability to develop resistance to MTX and 5-fluorouracil.  相似文献   

The first objective of this study is to determine whether the illusion of incompetence schema is related to the presence of other dysfunctional schemas, such as dysfunctional attitudes related to success, to dependence on others and to self-control. The second objective is to examine whether these schemas are related to the occurrence of cognitive errors. Some 577 students of primary school grades five and six took part in the study. It appears the illusion of incompetence is linked more to dysfunctional attitudes related to success and less to those related to self-control. The canonical correlations for examining the second objective point to two dynamics: the illusion of incompetence combined with higher levels of dysfunctional attitudes related to success is linked to the occurrence of three types of cognitive errors examined; the illusion of incompetence coupled with lower levels of dysfunctional attitudes related to success and to dependence is related more to negative treatment of positive information and less to the anticipation of catastrophe. The discussion makes a link to the results obtained with the Beck model, which holds that the presence of dysfunctional schemas contributes to the occurrence of cognitive errors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The main purpose of the Twin Block is to advance the mandible and to correct moderate to severe overjets. When the first molars are encouraged to erupt, the Twin Block also results in a partial correction of the overbite. The Rick-A-Nator or Rick-A-Nator 2 Appliances are utilized to hold the mandible in a forward position and also to help erupt the bicuspids to complete the orthopedic correction of the overbite. It is vital that the total treatment time for the active phase with the Twin Block and the support phase with the Rick-A-Nator be a minimum of 15 to 18 months to allow for permanent muscular, skeletal and dental changes to be accomplished.  相似文献   

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