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Nonimpeding noisy‐AND tree (NAT) models offer a highly expressive approximate representation for significantly reducing the space of Bayesian networks (BNs). They also improve efficiency of BN inference significantly. To enable these advantages for general BNs, several technical advancements are made in this work to compress target BN conditional probability tables (CPTs) over multivalued variables into NAT models. We extend the semantics of NAT models beyond graded variables that causal independence models commonly adhered to and allow NAT modeling in nominal causal variables. We overcome the limitation of well‐defined pairwise causal interaction (PCI) bits and present a flexible PCI pattern extraction from target CPTs. We extend parameter estimation for binary NAT models to constrained gradient descent for compressing target CPTs over multivalued variables. We reveal challenges associated with persistent leaky causes and develop a novel framework for PCI pattern extraction when persistent leaky causes exist. The effectiveness of the CPT compression is validated experimentally.  相似文献   

We show how Bayesian belief networks (BNs) can be used to model common temporal knowledge. Two approaches to their structuring are proposed. The first leads to BNs with nodes representing states of a process and times spent in such states, and with a graphical structure reflecting the conditional independence assumptions of a Markovian process. A second approach leads to BNs whose topology represents a conditional independence structure between event-times. Once required distributional specifications are stored within the nodes of a BN, this becomes a powerful inference machine capable, for example, of reasoning backwards in time. We discuss computational difficulties associated with propagation algorithms necessary to perform these inferences, and the reasons why we chose to adopt Monte Carlo-based propagation algorithms. Two improvements to existing Monte Carlo algorithms are proposed; an enhancement based on the principle of importance sampling, and a combined technique that exploits both forward and Markov sampling. Finally, we consider Petri nets, a very interesting and general representation of temporal knowledge. A combined approach is proposed, in which the user structures temporal knowledge in Petri net formalism. The obtained Petri net is then automatically translated into an equivalent BN for probability propagation. Inferred conclusions may finally be explained with the aid of Petri nets again.  相似文献   

Portfolio methods support the combination of different algorithms and heuristics, including stochastic local search (SLS) heuristics, and have been identified as a promising approach to solve computationally hard problems. While successful in experiments, theoretical foundations and analytical results for portfolio-based SLS heuristics are less developed. This article aims to improve the understanding of the role of portfolios of heuristics in SLS. We emphasize the problem of computing most probable explanations (MPEs) in Bayesian networks (BNs). Algorithmically, we discuss a portfolio-based SLS algorithm for MPE computation, Stochastic Greedy Search (SGS). SGS supports the integration of different initialization operators (or initialization heuristics) and different search operators (greedy and noisy heuristics), thereby enabling new analytical and experimental results. Analytically, we introduce a novel Markov chain model tailored to portfolio-based SLS algorithms including SGS, thereby enabling us to analytically form expected hitting time results that explain empirical run time results. For a specific BN, we show the benefit of using a homogenous initialization portfolio. To further illustrate the portfolio approach, we consider novel additive search heuristics for handling determinism in the form of zero entries in conditional probability tables in BNs. Our additive approach adds rather than multiplies probabilities when computing the utility of an explanation. We motivate the additive measure by studying the dramatic impact of zero entries in conditional probability tables on the number of zero-probability explanations, which again complicates the search process. We consider the relationship between MAXSAT and MPE, and show that additive utility (or gain) is a generalization, to the probabilistic setting, of MAXSAT utility (or gain) used in the celebrated GSAT and WalkSAT algorithms and their descendants. Utilizing our Markov chain framework, we show that expected hitting time is a rational function—i.e. a ratio of two polynomials—of the probability of applying an additive search operator. Experimentally, we report on synthetically generated BNs as well as BNs from applications, and compare SGS’s performance to that of Hugin, which performs BN inference by compilation to and propagation in clique trees. On synthetic networks, SGS speeds up computation by approximately two orders of magnitude compared to Hugin. In application networks, our approach is highly competitive in Bayesian networks with a high degree of determinism. In addition to showing that stochastic local search can be competitive with clique tree clustering, our empirical results provide an improved understanding of the circumstances under which portfolio-based SLS outperforms clique tree clustering and vice versa.  相似文献   

We propose a method for learning a general statistical inference engine, operating on discrete and mixed discrete/continuous feature spaces. Such a model allows inference on any of the discrete features, given values for the remaining features. Applications are, e.g., to medical diagnosis with multiple possible diseases, fault diagnosis, information retrieval, and imputation in databases. Bayesian networks (BNs) are versatile tools that possess this inference capability. However, BNs require explicit specification of conditional independencies, which may be difficult to assess given limited data. Alternatively, Cheeseman (1983) proposed finding the maximum entropy (ME) joint probability mass function (pmf) consistent with arbitrary lower order probability constraints. This approach is in principle powerful and does not require explicit expression of conditional independence. However, until now the huge learning complexity has severely limited the use of this approach. Here we propose an approximate ME method, which also encodes arbitrary low-order constraints but while retaining quite tractable learning. Our method uses a restriction of joint pmf support (during learning) to a subset of the feature space. Results on the University of California-Irvine repository reveal performance gains over several BN approaches and over multilayer perceptrons.  相似文献   

郭文强  高晓光  侯勇严 《计算机应用》2010,30(11):2906-2909
为解决复杂、不确定系统的故障诊断实时推理问题,提出了基于图模型-多连片贝叶斯网络架构下多智能体协同推理的故障诊断方法。该方法将一个复杂贝叶斯网分割成若干有重叠的贝叶斯子网,使监控网络的单个智能体被抽象为一个拥有局部知识的贝叶斯网,利用成熟的贝叶斯网推理算法可完成智能体的自主推理。随后,通过重叠的子网接口进行多智能体间消息的传播,实现了多智能体协同故障诊断推理。实验结果表明了基于图模型多智能体的协同故障诊断方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

Context-specific independence representations, such as tree-structured conditional probability distributions, capture local independence relationships among the random variables in a Bayesian network (BN). Local independence relationships among the random variables can also be captured by using attribute-value hierarchies to find an appropriate abstraction level for the values used to describe the conditional probability distributions. Capturing this local structure is important because it reduces the number of parameters required to represent the distribution. This can lead to more robust parameter estimation and structure selection, more efficient inference algorithms, and more interpretable models. In this paper, we introduce Tree-Abstraction-Based Search (TABS), an approach for learning a data distribution by inducing the graph structure and parameters of a BN from training data. TABS combines tree structure and attribute-value hierarchies to compactly represent conditional probability tables. To construct the attribute-value hierarchies, we investigate two data-driven techniques: a global clustering method, which uses all of the training data to build the attribute-value hierarchies, and can be performed as a preprocessing step; and a local clustering method, which uses only the local network structure to learn attribute-value hierarchies. We present empirical results for three real-world domains, finding that (1) combining tree structure and attribute-value hierarchies improves the accuracy of generalization, while providing a significant reduction in the number of parameters in the learned networks, and (2) data-derived hierarchies perform as well or better than expert-provided hierarchies.  相似文献   

A good method of combining Bayesian networks (BNs) should be a generic one that ensures a combined BN meets three important criteria of avoiding cycles, preserving conditional independencies, and preserving the characteristics of individual BN parameters. All combination methods assumed that there is an ancestral ordering shared by individual BNs. If this assumption is violated, then avoiding cycles may be inefficient.

In this paper, without considering an ancestral ordering, we introduce a novel method for aggregation of BNs. For this purpose, we first combine the BNs using the modification of the method introduced by Feng et al. We then use the simulated annealing algorithm for getting an acyclic graph in which the minimum arcs have been removed. Using this method, most of the conditional independencies are preserved. We compare the results of the proposed method with the two classical BNs combination methods; union and intersection, and hence to demonstrate the distinctive advantages of the proposed BNs combination method.  相似文献   

Testing independencies is a fundamental task in reasoning with Bayesian networks (BNs). In practice, d‐separation is often used for this task, since it has linear‐time complexity. However, many have had difficulties understanding d‐separation in BNs. An equivalent method that is easier to understand, called m‐separation, transforms the problem from directed separation in BNs into classical separation in undirected graphs. Two main steps of this transformation are pruning the BN and adding undirected edges. In this paper, we propose u‐separation as an even simpler method for testing independencies in a BN. Our approach also converts the problem into classical separation in an undirected graph. However, our method is based upon the novel concepts of inaugural variables and rationalization. Thereby, the primary advantage of u‐separation over m‐separation is that m‐separation can prune unnecessarily and add superfluous edges. Our experiment results show that u‐separation performs 73% fewer modifications on average than m‐separation.  相似文献   

One of the main approaches to performing computation in Bayesian networks (BNs) is clique tree clustering and propagation. The clique tree approach consists of propagation in a clique tree compiled from a BN, and while it was introduced in the 1980s, there is still a lack of understanding of how clique tree computation time depends on variations in BN size and structure. In this article, we improve this understanding by developing an approach to characterizing clique tree growth as a function of parameters that can be computed in polynomial time from BNs, specifically: (i) the ratio of the number of a BN's non-root nodes to the number of root nodes, and (ii) the expected number of moral edges in their moral graphs. Analytically, we partition the set of cliques in a clique tree into different sets, and introduce a growth curve for the total size of each set. For the special case of bipartite BNs, there are two sets and two growth curves, a mixed clique growth curve and a root clique growth curve. In experiments, where random bipartite BNs generated using the BPART algorithm are studied, we systematically increase the out-degree of the root nodes in bipartite Bayesian networks, by increasing the number of leaf nodes. Surprisingly, root clique growth is well-approximated by Gompertz growth curves, an S-shaped family of curves that has previously been used to describe growth processes in biology, medicine, and neuroscience. We believe that this research improves the understanding of the scaling behavior of clique tree clustering for a certain class of Bayesian networks; presents an aid for trade-off studies of clique tree clustering using growth curves; and ultimately provides a foundation for benchmarking and developing improved BN inference and machine learning algorithms.  相似文献   

We suggest Darwinian Networks (DNs) as a simplification of working with Bayesian networks (BNs). DNs adapt a handful of well‐known concepts in biology into a single framework that is surprisingly simple yet remarkably robust. With respect to modeling, on one hand, DNs not only represent BNs but also faithfully represent the testing of independencies in a more straightforward fashion. On the other hand, with respect to three exact inference algorithms in BNs, DNs simplify each of them while unifying all of them. DNs can determine good elimination orderings using the same platform as used for modeling and inference. Finally, we demonstrate how DNs can represent two additional frameworks. Practical benefits of DNs include faster algorithms for inference and modeling.  相似文献   

Although Bayesian networks (BNs) are increasingly being used to solve real-world risk problems, their use is still constrained by the difficulty of constructing the node probability tables (NPTs). A key challenge is to construct relevant NPTs using the minimal amount of expert elicitation, recognizing that it is rarely cost effective to elicit complete sets of probability values. We describe a simple approach to defining NPTs for a large class of commonly occurring nodes (called ranked nodes). The approach is based on the doubly truncated normal distribution with a central tendency that is invariably a type of weighted function of the parent nodes. In extensive real-world case studies, we have found that this approach is sufficient for generating the NPTs of a very large class of nodes. We describe one such case study for validation purposes. The approach has been fully automated in a commercial tool, called AgenaRisk, and is thus accessible to all types of domain experts. We believe that this work represents a useful contribution to the BN research and technology, since its application makes the difference between being able to build realistic BN models and not.  相似文献   

Miller DJ  Yan L 《Neural computation》2000,12(9):2175-2207
We propose a new learning method for discrete space statistical classifiers. Similar to Chow and Liu (1968) and Cheeseman (1983), we cast classification/inference within the more general framework of estimating the joint probability mass function (p.m.f.) for the (feature vector, class label) pair. Cheeseman's proposal to build the maximum entropy (ME) joint p.m.f. consistent with general lower-order probability constraints is in principle powerful, allowing general dependencies between features. However, enormous learning complexity has severely limited the use of this approach. Alternative models such as Bayesian networks (BNs) require explicit determination of conditional independencies. These may be difficult to assess given limited data. Here we propose an approximate ME method, which, like previous methods, incorporates general constraints while retaining quite tractable learning. The new method restricts joint p.m.f. support during learning to a small subset of the full feature space. Classification gains are realized over dependence trees, tree-augmented naive Bayes networks, BNs trained by the Kutato algorithm, and multilayer perceptrons. Extensions to more general inference problems are indicated. We also propose a novel exact inference method when there are several missing features.  相似文献   

Bayesian networks (BNs) are knowledge representation tools capable of representing dependence or independence relationships among random variables. Learning the structure of BNs from datasets has received increasing attention in the last two decades, due to the BNs' capacity of providing good inference models and discovering the structure of complex domains. One approach for BNs' structure learning from data is to define a scoring metric that evaluates the quality of the candidate networks, given a dataset, and then apply an optimization procedure to explore the set of candidate networks. Among the most frequently used optimization methods for BN score-based learning is greedy hill climbing (GHC) search. This paper proposes a new local discovery ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm and a hybrid algorithm max-min ant colony optimization (MMACO), based on the local discovery algorithm max-min parents and children (MMPC) and ACO to learn the structure of a BN. In MMACO, MMPC is used to construct the skeleton of the BN and ACO is used to orientate the skeleton edges, thus returning the final structure. The algorithms are applied to several sets of benchmark networks and are shown to outperform the GHC and simulated annealing algorithms.   相似文献   

Bayesian networks (BNs) provide a means for representing, displaying, and making available in a usable form the knowledge of experts in a given field. In this paper, we look at the performance of an expert constructed BN compared with other machine learning (ML) techniques for predicting the outcome (win, lose, or draw) of matches played by Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. The period under study was 1995–1997 – the expert BN was constructed at the start of that period, based almost exclusively on subjective judgement. Our objective was to determine retrospectively the comparative accuracy of the expert BN compared to some alternative ML models that were built using data from the two-year period. The additional ML techniques considered were: MC4, a decision tree learner; Naive Bayesian learner; Data Driven Bayesian (a BN whose structure and node probability tables are learnt entirely from data); and a K-nearest neighbour learner. The results show that the expert BN is generally superior to the other techniques for this domain in predictive accuracy. The results are even more impressive for BNs given that, in a number of key respects, the study assumptions place them at a disadvantage. For example, we have assumed that the BN prediction is ‘incorrect’ if a BN predicts more than one outcome as equally most likely (whereas, in fact, such a prediction would prove valuable to somebody who could place an ‘each way’ bet on the outcome). Although the expert BN has now long been irrelevant (since it contains variables relating to key players who have retired or left the club) the results here tend to confirm the excellent potential of BNs when they are built by a reliable domain expert. The ability to provide accurate predictions without requiring much learning data are an obvious bonus in any domain where data are scarce. Moreover, the BN was relatively simple for the expert to build and its structure could be used again in this and similar types of problems.  相似文献   

Current research in content-based semantic image understanding is largely confined to exemplar-based approaches built on low-level feature extraction and classification. The ability to extract both low-level and semantic features and perform knowledge integration of different types of features is expected to raise semantic image understanding to a new level. Belief networks, or Bayesian networks (BN), have proven to be an effective knowledge representation and inference engine in artificial intelligence and expert systems research. Their effectiveness is due to the ability to explicitly integrate domain knowledge in the network structure and to reduce a joint probability distribution to conditional independence relationships. In this paper, we present a general-purpose knowledge integration framework that employs BN in integrating both low-level and semantic features. The efficacy of this framework is demonstrated via three applications involving semantic understanding of pictorial images. The first application aims at detecting main photographic subjects in an image, the second aims at selecting the most appealing image in an event, and the third aims at classifying images into indoor or outdoor scenes. With these diverse examples, we demonstrate that effective inference engines can be built within this powerful and flexible framework according to specific domain knowledge and available training data to solve inherently uncertain vision problems.  相似文献   

Bayesian networks (BN) are a powerful tool for various data-mining systems. The available methods of probabilistic inference from learning data have shortcomings such as high computation complexity and cumulative error. This is due to a partial loss of information in transition from empiric information to conditional probability tables. The paper presents a new simple and exact algorithm for probabilistic inference in BN from learning data. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 3, pp. 93–99, May–June 2007.  相似文献   

Using Ranked Nodes to Model Qualitative Judgments in Bayesian Networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although Bayesian Nets (BNs) are increasingly being used to solve real world risk problems, their use is still constrained by the difficulty of constructing the node probability tables (NPTs). A key challenge is to construct relevant NPTs using the minimal amount of expert elicitation, recognising that it is rarely cost-effective to elicit complete sets of probability values. We describe a simple approach to defining NPTs for a large class of commonly occurring nodes (called ranked nodes). The approach is based on the doubly truncated Normal distribution with a central tendency that is invariably a type of weighted function of the parent nodes. In extensive real-world case studies we have found that this approach is sufficient for generating the NPTs of a very large class of nodes. We describe one such case study for validation purposes. The approach has been fully automated in a commercial tool, called AgenaRisk, and is thus accessible to all types of domain experts. We believe this work represents a useful contribution to BN research and technology since its application makes the difference between being able to build realistic BN models and not.  相似文献   

Using a Bayesian network (BN) learned from data can aid in diagnosing and predicting failures within a system while achieving other capabilities such as the monitoring of a system. However, learning a BN requires computationally intensive processes. This makes BN learning a candidate for acceleration using reconfigurable hardware such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). We present a FPGA-based implementation of BN learning using particle-swarm optimization (PSO). This design thus occupies the intersection of three areas: reconfigurable computing, BN learning, and PSO. There is significant prior work in each of these three areas. Indeed, there are examples of prior work in each pair among the three. However, the present work is the first to study the combination of all three. As a baseline, we use a prior software implementation of BN learning using PSO. We compare this to our FPGA-based implementation to study trade-offs in terms of performance and cost. Both designs use a master–slave topology and floating-point calculations for the fitness function. The performance of the FPGA-based version is limited not by the fitness function, but rather by the construction of conditional probability tables (CPTs). The CPT construction only requires integer calculations. We exploit this difference by separating these two functions into separate clock domains. The FPGA-based solution achieves about 2.6 times the number of fitness evaluations per second per slave compared to the software implementation.  相似文献   

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