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Cu及热处理制度对Al—Mg—Si系合金晶间腐蚀敏感性的影响 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
采用浸泡腐蚀实验和电化学实验研究了强化元素Cu含量的改变及不同时效制度对Al-Mg-Si合金晶间腐蚀敏感性的影响,并利用XRD和SEM对腐蚀产物的构成及形貌进行了分析与观察,浸泡腐蚀实验结果表明:在峰时效的状态下,在0.5%Cu以上的合金中可观察到明显的晶间腐蚀而且随着Cu含量的增加,合金最大腐蚀深度增加;在欠时效状态下,1%Cu以上的合金中观察到了微弱的晶间腐蚀;在过时效状态下,所有实验合金均只出现点蚀,电化学实验结果表明:随着Cu含量的增加,合金的Ψcorr向正的方向变化,Jcorr增加,欠时效状态下的Ψcorr比峰时效状态下的负,腐蚀电流密度较小。 相似文献
通过室温拉伸、金相显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜研究晶间和剥落腐蚀对T6态、RRA态和T73态7055铝合金板材拉伸性能的影响。结果表明:腐蚀后板材的强度和伸长率均降低,但伸长率的降低程度比强度的降低程度更大;剥落腐蚀后的性能降低程度大于晶间腐蚀后的;腐蚀后,RRA态板材的强度最高,T73板材的伸长率最高;剥落腐蚀后的T6态板材拉伸时发生脆性断裂;T6态板材腐蚀后拉伸性能的降低程度最大,RRA态的其次,T73态的最小;板材腐蚀后,表层产生大量腐蚀缺口和沿晶微裂纹,增大拉伸过程的裂纹源数量,降低拉伸性能;晶界上第二相粒子的尺寸、分布状态影响板材腐蚀后的损伤程度,进而影响拉伸性能的下降程度。 相似文献
对6005A铝合金搅拌摩擦焊接头的晶间腐蚀行为进行了研究.结果表明,母材的晶间腐蚀倾向最大,热影响区(HAZ)次之,焊核区(NZ)和热力影响区(TMAZ)的晶间腐蚀倾向最低.结合场发射扫描电镜、高分辨透射电镜分析解释了接头不同区域的腐蚀行为:母材的晶间腐蚀是两组微电池效应的结果,即晶界析出相/沉淀无析出带(PFZ)和铝基体/PFZ;HAZ内晶界析出相的数量的减少、间距的变大及晶内Q'相的析出显著改善了该区的晶间腐蚀性,但晶内Q'相的析出也引起了点蚀的发生;NZ和TMAZ内绝大部分的合金元素固溶于基体,抑制了晶间腐蚀的发生. 相似文献
采用晶间腐蚀试验及极化曲线测试方法对2219铝合金母材、搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)及钨极氩弧焊(TIG)接头的腐蚀行为进行分析,借助金相显微镜、激光共聚焦显微镜、体视显微镜、扫描电镜及能谱仪分析腐蚀形貌及腐蚀产物.结果表明,2219铝合金母材及焊接接头的腐蚀行为主要与析出相有关,Al2Cu的析出导致贫铜的无沉淀带作为阳极优先溶解.母材的抗晶间腐蚀能力最差,由表面点蚀开始,沿轧制方向逐渐发展为剥落腐蚀;TIG焊次之,表现为网状晶间腐蚀;FSW焊最低,焊核表现为点蚀,散落分布于表面. 相似文献
Microalloying is thought to improve the performance of Al–Mg alloys commonly used in transport applications. The effect of Y addition (0–0.4%) on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance of Al–9.2Mg–0.7Mn alloy is investigated for potential use in engineering applications. The generation of the β-Al3Mg2 phase along the grain boundaries is suppressed in the as-cast alloy due to the formation of the AlMgY ternary phase. The average intergranular corrosion mass loss of the alloy with 0.1% Y addition decreases about 53.1% almost at no expense of mechanical performance in the as-rolled alloy after annealing. Moreover, the alloy with 0.1% Y addition shows the corrosion mass loss about 30.2% lower than the Y-free alloy in the sensitized state. The enhanced corrosion resistance of the alloy can be ascribed to the reduced β-Al3Mg2 precipitation along the grain boundaries associated with Y addition. 相似文献
通过浸泡腐蚀实验、SEM、TEM和元素面扫描,研究了人工时效对7055铝合金晶间腐蚀行为的影响。结果表明:合金在120 ℃时效时,晶界析出相优先发生腐蚀;而在400 ℃时效时,晶界析出相周围铝基体优先发生腐蚀。TEM及元素面扫描结果显示,合金在120 ℃时效时,随着时效时间的改变,由于晶界析出相粗化、析出相间距加宽以及晶界析出相Cu含量的提升,导致合金腐蚀形貌由典型晶间腐蚀形貌向点蚀形貌转变。合金在400 ℃时效时,Cu元素几乎都偏聚于晶界析出相中,周边基体贫Cu,晶界析出相腐蚀电位反而高于基体,导致晶界周边基体腐蚀为主导的晶间腐蚀形貌。 相似文献
通过冷轧和退火获得具有不同晶粒尺寸(8.7~79.2μm)的5083铝合金板.研究其微观结构、晶间腐蚀(IGC)、应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)和裂纹扩展行为.结果表明,粗晶粒样品表现出更好的抗IGC性能,其腐蚀深度为15μm.慢应变速率测试结果表明,细晶粒样品表现出更好的抗SCC性能,敏感性指数ISSRT为11.2%.此外,... 相似文献
采用硬度测试、差示扫描量热法(DSC)分析及透射电镜(TEM)表征手段,观察并研究了Mg/Si比对6000系Al-Mg-Si合金自然时效及烘烤硬化性能的影响。结果表明:合金在自然时效过程的硬化速率与Mg/Si比关系不大,过剩Si合金在自然时效阶段硬度较高,不利于其成形,而该合金较高的析出动力学使其人工时效后具有足够的强度;合金经过自然时效后会使析出相粗化,密度减小,导致合金的时效强度明显降低,自然时效对过剩Mg合金的危害作用更大,这可能与其自然时效过程中形成的富含Mg的原子团簇难以转化为β″有关。 相似文献
Localized corrosion morphologies of 2195 Al‐Li alloy with various heat treatment in 4.0% NaCl solution (pH 6.5) were investigated, and its corrosion mechanism was studied using a three‐electrode coupling system of α (Al) substituting for the precipitate‐free zone (PFZ), simulated bulk θ′ (Al2Cu) and T1 (Al2CuLi). θ′ acts as cathodic zone in the alloy. At the initial stage, T1 phase is active with respect to θ′ and α (Al), and endures the main anodic current, indicating that anodic dissolution occurs on T1. However, its potential moves to positive direction with immersion time, due to dealloying of Li from T1. As a result, the main anodic dissolution occurs on α (Al) at a later stage. At this stage, as only T1 and α (Al) are coupled, T1 is cathodic to α (Al). In real 2195 alloy, T1 phase is very tiny, and anodic dissolution of T1 and PFZ occurs alternately. These results show that its intergranular corrosion or intersubgranular corrosion is caused by alternate anodic dissolution of T1 phase and PFZ along grain and subgrain boundaries. 相似文献
The grain boundary segregation of impurities, especially phosphorus, and the fracture behavior of 12Cr heatresistant steel
have been investigated. Temper embrittlement caused by phosphorus at grain boundaries was observed at a temperature below
750°C. Phosphorus at the grain boundaries increased as tempering temperature decreased, which changed the fractrure mode from
trans- to intergranular. The segregation free energy of phosphorus was evaluated asδG
segrδHsegr- TδSsegr=- 24,900-48.2T (Jmol-1). The enhanced concentration of phosphorus at the grain boundaries is due to the decrease in carbon activity by the chromium
addition rather than the synergistic cosegregation of chromium and phosphorus. 相似文献
采用光学显微镜(OM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及能谱仪(EDS)分析了经650 ℃敏化处理的CHDG-A06合金和S30432不锈钢的微观组织,并通过晶间腐蚀试验评价了两种不锈钢的晶间腐蚀敏感性。结果表明,敏化2 h后,S30432不锈钢晶界有明显的Cr23C6碳化物析出,但敏化3 h后,CHDG-A06合金晶界仍无Cr23C6碳化物析出,CHDG-A06合金的晶间腐蚀敏感性比S30432不锈钢低,且力学性能满足ASME要求,是比S30432不锈钢更加优良的锅炉管材。 相似文献
Localized corrosion of aluminum (Al) alloys, such as pitting corrosion, intergranular corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking is closely related to the micro-galvanic corrosion between the second phase and the Al matrix. Using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and first principles calculations, the factors that affect corrosion mechanisms of the second phase in Al alloys at micro-scale and atomic-scale were examined, including the composition and structure of second phase, pH of the environment, stress and adsorption behavior of adsorbates (such as Cl−, H2O, OH− and O2−). 相似文献
通过晶间腐蚀、剥落腐蚀和电化学腐蚀试验,结合扫描电镜和透射电镜等分析手段,研究了含钪Al-Mg-Zn-Cu-Zr合金在不同时效状态下的的晶间腐蚀和剥落腐蚀行为。结果表明,合金抗晶间腐蚀和剥落腐蚀能力随着时效时间的延长而提高,在4.0mol/L NaCl+0.1mol/L HNO3+0.4mol/L KNO3(EXCO)溶液中测试的极化曲线也表现出相同的趋势。透射电镜观察表明,晶界析出相和晶界无沉淀析出带(PFZ)是影响合金腐蚀性能的主要因素。随着时效时间的延长,非平衡相η′和S′相逐渐向平衡相η和S相转变,晶界析出相粗化并呈链状分布,PFZ变宽。晶界粗大平衡相的不均匀分布和PFZ阻断了腐蚀的阳极通道,使合金的腐蚀敏感性降低。 相似文献
铝镁合金是未来应用汽车领域发展具有很大潜力的一类重要材料.通常,在商品中的铝镁合金,镁的质量分数在0.5%~13%.汽车制造商通常选用镁的质量分数在4.5%以上,然而研究发现,当镁的质量分数超过3%的时候,会引起晶界间腐蚀,从而造成应力腐蚀开裂.此现象未见文献对其进行系统的分析和研究.本文主要介绍铝镁合金在不同的热处理... 相似文献
Otical microscope and SEM were used to observe the changes of the microstructure of Al-11.6%Si-0.4% Mg alloys with varying strontium additions and the effect of strontium on the crystallization of Mg2Si phase was discussed.It is found that Mg2Si phase nucleastes on the the surfaces of the eutectic silicon flakes in the unfully modified alloys,growing as meshwork or bamboo-shoot shape,however,very few and fine Mg2Si particles phase are isolated at the boundaries of the eurectic cells in the fully modified alloys.Strontium has an important influence on the crystallization of Mg2Si phase in the Al-Si-Mg casting alloys and it is thought to be related to the increase of the amunt of dendritic αphase and the modifying degree of eutectic silicon phase. 相似文献