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In this paper the formulation of an electric–mechanical beam‐to‐beam contact element is presented. Beams with circular cross‐sections are assumed to get in contact in a point‐wise manner and with clean metallic surfaces. The voltage distribution is influenced by the contact mechanics, since the current flow is constricted to small contacting spots. Therefore, the solution is governed by the contacting areas and hence by the contact forces. As a consequence the problem is semi‐coupled with the mechanical field influencing the electric one. The electric–mechanical contact constraints are enforced with the penalty method within the finite element technique. The virtual work equations for the mechanical and electric fields are written and consistently linearized to achieve a good level of computational efficiency with the finite element method. The set of equations is solved with a monolithic approach. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When applying the combined finite‐discrete element method for analysis of dynamic problems, contact is often encountered between the finite elements and discrete elements, and thus an effective contact treatment is essential. In this paper, an accurate and robust contact detection algorithm is proposed to resolve contact problems between spherical particles, which represent rigid discrete elements, and convex quadrilateral mesh facets, which represent finite element boundaries of structural components. Different contact scenarios between particles and mesh facets, or edges, or vertices have been taken into account. For each potential contact pair, the contact search is performed in an hierarchical way starting from mesh facets, possibly going to edges and even further to vertices. The invalid contact pairs can be removed by means of two reasonable priorities defined in terms of geometric primitives and facet identifications. This hierarchical contact searching scheme is effective, and its implementation is straightforward. Numerical examples demonstrated the accuracy and robustness of the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents a new vertex‐to‐face contact searching algorithm for the three‐dimensional (3‐D) discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). In this algorithm, topology is applied to the contact rule when any two polyhedrons are close to each other. Attempt is made to expand the original contact searching algorithm from two‐dimensional (2‐D) to 3‐D DDA. Examples are provided to demonstrate the new contact rule for vertex‐to‐face contacts between two polyhedrons with planar boundaries. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A class of friction laws depending on the measure of contact surface expansion is defined in the paper within the continuum contact mechanics framework. The nominal and spatial forms of constitutive relations are discussed, including incremental penalty relations. Further, an extended node‐to‐segment element is derived which is capable of treating surface‐expansion‐dependent contact laws in a consistent way. The approach is suitable for any kind of node‐to‐segment contact elements. Finally, the computational efficiency of the extended element as well as other possible approaches are illustrated by numerical examples relevant to metal forming applications. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main feature of the geometrically exact theory of contact is that all objects, which are necessary for computation, weak form and residual, linearized weak form, and tangent matrices are given in a covariant closed form in the local coordinate system corresponding to the geometry of contact pairs. This allows easily to construct computational algorithms for the normal and tangential follower forces as an inverse contact algorithm. In this case, following the definition of the follower forces as given and not changing in the local coordinate system, we have to modify all objects for the contact taking into account the definition of follower forces instead of constitutive relationships for the contact interfaces. The main feature is that the tangent matrices for both normal and tangential part being split into the rotational and the curvature parts are symmetric for any order of approximation. The following numerical examples are selected in the current article to illustrate the effectiveness of implementation: (1) the modeling of a pure bending with a moment applied either as a pair of single forces or a distributed follower forces (pressure) in both 2D and 3D cases; (2) modeling of inflation of a plate as application of the distributed follower normal forces (pressure); and (3) modeling of twisting of a beam with the rectangular cross‐section as application of the tangential follower forces algorithm. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a finite element analysis of contact phenomena with large sliding between charged‐hydrated biological soft tissues, such as articular cartilages, based on the triphasic theory. The impenetrability constraint between the contacting bodies and the continuity of the interstitial fluid and ion phases at the contact surfaces are imposed by applying a Lagrange multiplier approach with the contact pressure, chemical potential of the fluid and electrochemical potentials of ions as Lagrange multipliers. A node‐to‐segment one‐pass approach is adopted to cope with large deformations and sliding between the contact surfaces. To pass the contact patch test, contact boundary integrations are performed on both the master and slave contact surfaces. On the other hand, the degrees of freedom of the multipliers at the master nodes are eliminated by projecting the master nodes onto the slave surface to avoid overconstraint. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by a couple of numerical examples, in which continuous distributions of displacement, fluid flow, ionic molar flow and Lagrange multipliers on or across the contact surface are confirmed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Development of the numerical contact algorithms for finite element method usually concerns convergence, mesh dependency, etc. Verification of the numerical contact algorithm usually includes only a few cases due to a limited number of available analytic solutions (e.g., the Hertz solution for cylindrical surfaces). The solution of the generalized Euler–Eytelwein, or the belt friction problem is a stand alone task, recently formulated for a rope laying in sliding equilibrium on an arbitrary surface, opens up to a new set of benchmark problems for the verification of rope/beam to surface/solid contact algorithms. Not only a pulling forces ratio T T 0 , but also the position of a curve on a arbitrary rigid surface withstanding the motion in dragging direction should be verified. Particular situations possessing a closed form solution for ropes and rigid surfaces are analyzed. The verification study is performed employing the specially developed Solid-Beam finite element with both linear and C 1 -continuous approximations together with the Curve-to-Solid Beam (CTSB) contact algorithm and exemplary employing commercial finite element software. A crucial problem of "contact locking" in contact elements showing stiff behavior despite the good convergence is identified. This problem is resolved within the developed CTSB contact element.  相似文献   

Quasi‐static elastoplastic contact problems are ubiquitous in many industrial processes and other contexts, and their numerical simulation is consequently of great interest in accurately describing and optimizing production processes. The key component in these simulations is the solution of a single load step of a time iteration. From a mathematical perspective, the problems to be solved in each time step are characterized by the difficulties of variational inequalities for both the plastic behavior and the contact problem. Computationally, they also often lead to very large problems. In this paper, we present and evaluate a complete set of methods that are (1) designed to work well together and (2) allow for the efficient solution of such problems. In particular, we use adaptive finite element meshes with linear and quadratic elements, a Newton linearization of the plasticity, active set methods for the contact problem, and multigrid‐preconditioned linear solvers. Through a sequence of numerical experiments, we show the performance of these methods. This includes highly accurate solutions of a three‐dimensional benchmark problem and scaling our methods in parallel to 1024 cores and more than a billion unknowns. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A strategy for a two‐dimensional contact analysis involving finite strain plasticity is developed with the aid of variable‐node elements. The variable‐node elements, in which nodes are added freely where they are needed, make it possible to transform the non‐matching meshes into matching meshes directly. They thereby facilitate an efficient analysis, maintaining node‐to‐node contact during the contact deformation. The contact patch test, wherein the contact patch is constructed out of variable‐node elements, is thus passed, and iterations for equilibrium solutions reach convergence faster in this scheme than in the conventional approach based on the node‐to‐surface contact. The effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed scheme are demonstrated through several numerical examples of elasto‐plastic contact analyses. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element formulation to compute the wear between three‐dimensional flexible bodies that are in contact with each other is presented. The contact pressure and the bodies displacements are calculated using an augmented Lagrangian approach in combination with a mortar method, which defines the contact kinematics. The objective of this study is to characterize the wear rate coefficients for bimetallic pairs and to numerically predict the wear depths in new component designs. The proposed method is first validated with the classical pin‐on‐disc problem. Then, experimental results of wear for the metallic pairs used in internal combustion engine valves and inserts are presented and are taken as a reference solution. An example is provided that shows agreement of the numerical and experimental solution. Finally, the proposed algorithm is used to predict the wear in an application example: the wear in an internal combustion engine valve. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Voxel‐based micro‐finite‐element (μFE) models are used extensively in bone mechanics research. A major disadvantage of voxel‐based μFE models is that voxel surface jaggedness causes distortion of contact‐induced stresses. Past efforts in resolving this problem have only been partially successful, ie, mesh smoothing failed to preserve uniformity of the stiffness matrix, resulting in (excessively) larger solution times, whereas reducing contact to a bonded interface introduced spurious tensile stresses at the contact surface. This paper introduces a novel “smooth” contact formulation that defines gap distances based on an artificial smooth surface representation while using the conventional penalty contact framework. Detailed analyses of a sphere under compression demonstrated that the smooth formulation predicts contact‐induced stresses more accurately than the bonded contact formulation. When applied to a realistic bone contact problem, errors in the smooth contact result were under 2%, whereas errors in the bonded contact result were up to 42.2%. We conclude that the novel smooth contact formulation presents a memory‐efficient method for contact problems in voxel‐based μFE models. It presents the first method that allows modeling finite slip in large‐scale voxel meshes common to high‐resolution image‐based models of bone while keeping the benefits of a fast and efficient voxel‐based solution scheme.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and studies an algorithm for aligning a triangulation with a given convection field. Approximate solutions of convection‐dominated problems on flow‐aligned meshes typically have sharper internal layers, less over and undershooting and higher accuracy. The algorithm we present can be imported easily into any 2D finite element solver, does not change the number of meshpoints, and can improve solution quality quite dramatically. This improvement in solution quality on the flow‐aligned triangulation is illustrated for both the usual Galerkin method and the streamline‐diffusion method. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element analysis of implant positioning inside a bone requires the creation of many meshes that model various implant orientations. This process can be very labour intensive and is difficult to automate. In order to facilitate this type of modelling, we present a large sliding contact algorithm that does not require the creation of a conforming discretization for the bone. The cavity inside the bone, necessary to accommodate the implant, is modelled with a Heaviside function calculated on the level set field, which is defined in terms of material coordinates of the bone. The algorithm is based on the minimization of the energy functional with a constraint term, formulated as in classical contact mechanics; however, instead of the distance function, we use the above‐mentioned level set function. The presented numerical 2D and 3D examples validate the algorithm against the solutions obtained with commercial finite element software. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical solution of dynamic problems requires accurate temporal discretization schemes. So far, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, none have been proposed for adhesive contact problems. In this work, an energy‐momentum‐conserving temporal discretization scheme for adhesive contact problems is proposed. A contact criterion is also proposed to distinguish between adhesion‐dominated and impact‐dominated contact behaviors. An adhesion formulation is considered, which is suitable to describe a large class of interaction mechanisms including van der Waals adhesion and cohesive zone modeling. The current formulation is frictionless, and no dissipation is considered. Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with other schemes. The proposed scheme involves very little extra computational overhead. It is shown that the proposed new temporal discretization scheme leads to major accuracy gains both for single‐degree‐of‐freedom and multi‐degree‐of‐freedom systems. The single‐degree‐of‐freedom system is critically analyzed for various parameters affecting the response. For the multi‐degree‐of‐freedom system, the effect of the time step and mesh discretization on the solution is also studied using the proposed scheme. It is further shown that a temporal discretization scheme based on the principle of energy conservation is not sufficient to obtain a convergent solution. Results with higher order contact finite elements for discretizing the contact area are also discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A contact enforcement algorithm has been developed for matrix‐free quasistatic finite element techniques. Matrix‐free (iterative) solution algorithms such as non‐linear conjugate gradients (CG) and dynamic relaxation (DR) are desirable for large solid mechanics applications where direct linear equation solving is prohibitively expensive, but in contrast to more traditional Newton–Raphson and quasi‐Newton iteration strategies, the number of iterations required for convergence is typically of the same order as the number of degrees of freedom of the model. It is therefore crucial that each of these iterations be inexpensive to per‐form, which is of course the essence of a matrix free method. In applying such methods to contact problems we emphasize here two requirements: first, that the treatment of the contact should not make an average equilibrium iteration considerably more expensive; and second, that the contact constraints should be imposed in such a way that they do not introduce spurious energy that acts against the iterative solver. These practical concerns are utilized to develop an iterative technique for accurate constraint enforcement that is suitable for non‐linear conjugate gradient and dynamic relaxation iterative schemes. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we start with a modified generalized laminate stiffness matrix that serves as a remedy to resolve the thickness locking and some abnormalities encountered by solid‐shell elements in laminate analyses. A modified Hellinger–Reissner functional having displacement and a set of generalized stresses as independent fields is devised. Based upon the functional, eight‐node and 18‐node hybrid‐stress solid‐shell elements are proposed. A number of benchmark tests on homogenous and laminated plates/shells are conducted. The accuracy of the elements is promising. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new displacement‐based finite element is developed for thin‐walled box beams. Unlike the existing elements, dealing with either static problems alone or dynamic problems only with the additional consideration of warping, the present element is useful for both static and dynamic analyses with the consideration of coupled deformation of torsion, warping and distortion. We propose to use a statically admissible in‐plane displacement field for the element stiffness matrix and a kinematically compatible displacement field for the mass matrix so that the present element is useful for a wide range of beam width‐to‐height ratios. The axial variation of cross‐sectional deformation measures is approximated by C0 continuous interpolation functions. Numerical examples are considered to confirm the validity of the present element. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In several fast‐growing research areas such as material science, macromolecular chemistry, bioengineering and biophysics, the dynamics of rod‐like microstructures such as polymers, rod‐like viruses, flagella of bacteria or thin glass fibers plays a crucial role. These microstructures are typically embedded into some viscous fluid and kept by stochastic thermal forces in an incessant motion, the so‐called Brownian dynamics. In this article, we introduce a novel approach wherein three‐dimensional finite beam elements can be employed for the computer simulation of the Brownian dynamics of rod‐like microstructures. This new approach is superior to state‐of‐the‐art methods by its transparent theoretical foundation and its remarkable efficiency. By means of numerical examples, we demonstrate the applicability of this approach to problems of biophysics and macromolecular chemistry. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In discrete element method simulations, multi‐sphere particle is extensively employed for modeling the geometry shape of non‐spherical particle. A contact detection algorithm for multi‐sphere particles has been developed through two‐level‐grid‐searching. In the first‐level‐grid‐searching, each multi‐sphere particle is represented by a bounding sphere, and global space is partitioned into identical square or cubic cells of size D, the diameter of the greatest bounding sphere. The bounding spheres are mapped into the cells in global space. The candidate particles can be picked out by searching the bounding spheres in the neighbor cells of the bounding sphere for the target particle. In the second‐level‐grid‐searching, a square or cubic local space of size (D + d) is partitioned into identical cells of size d, the diameter of the greatest element sphere. If two bounding spheres of two multi‐sphere particles are overlapped, the contacts occurring between the element spheres in the target multi‐sphere particle and in the candidate multi‐sphere particle are checked. Theoretical analysis and numerical tests on the memory requirement and contact detection time of this algorithm have been performed to verify the efficiency of this algorithm. The results showed that this algorithm can effectively deal with the contact problem for multi‐sphere particles. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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