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晓荷 《中国酒》2002,(3):33-34
又到啤酒市场的热销季节了,可以说,每年的这个时候,啤酒企业都会忙得不亦乐乎,生产线上马不停蹄,运酒队伍车水马龙,销售人员四处出击,销售手段花样翻新,而啤酒市场更是喜剧、悲剧、闹剧、滑稽剧轮番登台,场面无不是热热闹闹、乱乱哄哄。如今,已经进入5月份,时指望靠啤酒市场的迅速升温,而使今年以来持续低迷的饮料酒市场出现一些热点,但从目前啤酒市场的表面现象来看,并没有给我们什么太多的新东西。然而,更多的热点,依然是来自于啤酒行业内部,也就是说来自于生产  相似文献   

孙照广 《中国酒》2008,(2):88-89
华东市场,啤酒业最激烈的竞争前沿 由于华东是我国啤酒产销第一大地区,而且又集中了国内外最先进的设备、最知名的品牌、最大的消费市场、最大的生产产能和最激烈的竞争前沿等国内啤酒业的诸多之最,因此,华东市场一直是我国啤酒市场的晴雨表。  相似文献   

以上海为中心的苏沪杭地区是我国经济最为发达的地区。近年来,各路诸侯汇聚上海,啤酒大鳄会战江浙。进入2007年,苏沪杭仍然被啤酒资本看好,“华润雪花正打算在上海建厂。”一位业内人士透露说。而此前不久,华润雪花在北京宣布,该公司将斥巨资在江苏南京的江宁设厂.预计明年4月建成后年产量达40万千升。[第一段]  相似文献   

近几年中国啤酒工业发展迅猛,啤酒总产量连续五年遥遥领先于世界其他各国。在外资参与下国内啤酒市场格局已逐步形成,以青岛、燕京、雪花为首的国内啤酒三巨头在发展规模、资本运作、市场占有、经济效益上占有绝大优势。行业竞争相对滞后的西北市场新格局也正在形成。  相似文献   

5月的一天,四位神秘嘉宾做客“中国食品工业网”啤酒市场论坛,并与广大网友进行了一场在线互动交流。 主持人:欢迎大家来到啤酒市场论坛,这里是所有啤酒专业人士以及爱好者的交流平台。您发自内心的真实声音是对我们最大的支持。今天我们请来的是四位在啤酒行业摸爬滚打多年的知名专家。他们将和网友们进行广泛深层的交流。这是个千载难建的好机会,请大家畅所欲言。  相似文献   

<正> 河南自古为兵家必争之地,全国啤酒企业都想成为中原霸主,但这却是一块难啃的骨头。 强敌窥伺 中原吃紧 目前,洋啤再次杀入中国,其势头远胜当年。它们挟资本、渠道、品牌、技术优势蚕食中国市场。在2002年,百威与蓝带入主五霸。同时,也通过入股的形式,在国内企业中寻找同盟军。  相似文献   

随着消费方式的变化。罐装啤酒正被越来越多的消费者接受。而随着啤酒行业微利时代的来临。罐装啤酒也成为啤酒企业新的利润点。两者的合力之下。罐装啤酒市场的竞争热度将不可避免地提高。[编者按]  相似文献   

<正> 在过去的两年里,全球啤酒市场呈现稳定发展的态势。然而,2008年12月底,这一子品类市场发展却迅速下跌,新产品的上市数量比前半年减少了28%,比前一年减少了6%。数据表明,欧洲是啤酒最活跃的市场,其新产品上市数量占全球新产品数量的55%,仅次于欧洲市场的是亚太市场,占全球新产品数量的17%。而北美在呈现了短暂的辉煌后,降到了第三名,其新产品上市数  相似文献   

南非饮料公司(South Breweries)在收购兼并了美国第二位的啤酒公司米勒(Miller Brewmg)饮料公司后,定名SAB米勒(SABMiller)公司,这件象征着成为全球啤酒产业重大的事件是送给南非人的一份厚礼.  相似文献   

A sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the determination of glyphosate in beer has been developed, validated, and applied to analyse 100 beer samples from 24 different producers and distributors in Latvia. The selected samples represented most beer brands and varieties sold in local supermarkets. Different procedures for sample preparation and chromatographic separation were compared. The final version of the method consisted of solid phase extraction, chromatographic separation on aminopropyl stationary phase, and detection using tandem mass spectrometry. The concentration of glyphosate in beer varied from below the LOD of 0.2 μg kg?1 up to 150 μg kg?1, higher than previously reported. Significantly higher (p < 0.01) content of glyphosate was observed in beers that did not have the country of production disclosed on the label and were sold in local supermarkets by distributors from Latvia (1.8 μg kg?1 median concentration in locally produced beer, 6.7 μg kg?1 in beer of undisclosed origin).  相似文献   

采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术和高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定4种奶啤主要风味成分及有机酸,并结合各物质的香气活性值(OAV)进行主成分分析(PCA)和香气轮分析。结果表明,奶啤中共鉴定出58种风味成分,其中醇类11种、酯类23种、酸类6种、醛和酮7种、其他类物质共11种。其中天润奶啤中醇类物质相对含量较高,达到34.92%,酯类和酸类含量最低,分别为11.32%和28.41%,金河、西域春、海伦司奶啤中三种酯类和酸类含量最高,酯类含量分别为25.39%、23.61%、30.62%,酸类含量分别为43.62%、43.91%、40.59%。主要挥发性物质为乙醇、苯乙醇、乙酸苯乙酯、正癸酸。奶啤中含草酸、柠檬酸、苹果酸、富马酸和乳酸5种有机酸,柠檬酸含量最高,且柠檬酸和乳酸为主要呈香物质。  相似文献   

果啤与啤酒组分差异比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用气相色谱和高效液相色谱的分析方法,分析了市售同一品牌菠萝果啤、啤酒的风味成分、有机酸、糖的组成及含量,结果表明,果啤中酯含量类物质的种类相对普通啤酒丰富,组成协调,高级醇含量低。有机酸含量果啤高于啤酒,柠檬酸积累较多。果啤中蔗糖消耗大,而果糖和葡萄糖含量有所升高。  相似文献   

<正> 2009年春季,全球金融海啸继续蔓延,实体经济所受冲击逐渐显现。聚焦我国的啤酒产业链条,特别是以啤酒大麦、麦芽、啤酒花为主的啤酒原料的生产与市场,也出现了近三十年来最为严重的负面情况。其中啤酒大麦和麦芽市场的问题主要表现为:麦芽企业出现大量的闭门停产,开工生产的企业中许多是在亏损中运行;麦芽市场疲软,一年内价格下跌40%左右,且销售量较往年同期大幅减少;进口啤酒大麦价格回落至七、八年前的水平,国产啤酒大麦的严重滞销,或因在不正常低价位水平上而无利润或负利润销售,导致2009年春播面积将大幅度减少。  相似文献   

标签印刷作为近年来包装印刷市场的新亮点正在引起人们越来越多的关注.但由于统计数据的缺失,大多数人对标签印刷市场的认识都还停留在只知其"大",而不知其具体规模的感性阶段.为了对国内标签印刷市场的大小有一个比较准确的把握,印刷技术杂志社特别推出了本次"啤酒标签印刷市场调查".虽然从产值上说,啤酒标签在整个标签市场的比重可能并不十分值得称道,但我们正是想通过这样一点一滴的积累来逐步勾画标签印刷市场的全貌.  相似文献   

Beer spoiling lactic acid bacteria are a major reason for quality complaints in breweries around the world. Spoilage by a variety of these bacteria can result in haze, sediment, slime, off-flavours and acidity. As these bacteria occur frequently in the brewing environment, using certain hop products that inhibit the growth of these spoilers could be a solution to prevent problems. To investigate the impact of seven different hop compounds (α-acids, iso-α-acids, tetrahydro-iso-α-acids, rho-iso-α-acids, xanthohumol, iso-xanthohumol and humulinones) on the growth of six major beer spoilage bacteria (Lactobacillus brevis. L. backi, L. coryniformis, L. lindneri, L. buchneri, Pediococcus damnosous), two concentrations (10 and 25 mg/L) of each hop substance were added to unhopped beer. The potential growth of the spoilage bacteria was investigated over 56 consecutive days. A comparison of the results shows a strong inhibition of growth of all spoilage bacteria at 25 mg/L of tetrahydro-iso-α-acids closely followed by α-acids as the second most inhibitory substance. The results showed a high resistance of L. brevis to all hop compounds as well as an inhibition of L. coryniformis and L. buchneri at low concentrations of most hop components. In comparison with the control sample, L. lindneri showed increased growth in the presence of some hop compounds (rho-iso-α-acids, xanthohumol, iso-xanthohumol, humulinones). © 2020 The Authors. Journal of the Institute of Brewing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

<正> 2008年中国啤酒原料生产与市场研讨会于5月13至14日在扬州市成功举办。此次会议由中国作物学会大麦专业委员会组织,由江苏江都显业集团承办,得到了中国食品发酵工业研究院、中国酿酒  相似文献   

Eight commercial beers (3 lager beers, 2 dark ales and 3 high-alcoholic ales) were aged for one year under normal storage conditions, and the changes with time of flavour profile and the concentration of 15 volatile compounds were monitored. The compounds were chosen as markers to evaluate the importance of different reactions in the aging process of each beer type. The development of typical aging flavours during beer storage could be linked to the Maillard reaction, the formation of linear aldehydes, ester formation, ester degradation, acetal formation, etherification and the degradation of hop bitter compounds. A difference in the nature of aging flavours between lager and specialty beers was found and seemed to be mainly the result of an increased Maillard reaction in specialty beers. Based on the results, some practical strategies are proposed to improve the flavour stability, depending on the beer type.  相似文献   

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