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A computer modeling procedure for assessing the stereochemicalsuitability of pairs of residues in proteins as potential sitesfor introduction of cystine disulfide crosslinks has been developed.Residue pairs with C – C distances of 6.5 Å andCbeta;–Cß distances of 4.5 Å are chosenfor geometrical fixation of S atoms using the program MODIP.The stereochemistry of the modeled disulfides is evaluated usinglimits for the structural parameters of the various torsionangles and S–S bond length in the disulfide bridge. Theability of the procedure to correctly model disulfides has beenchecked with examples of cystine peptides of known crystal structuresand 103 disulfide bridges from 25 available protein crystalstructures determined at 2 Å resolution. An analysis ofresults on three proteins with engineered disulfides, T4 lysozyme,dihydrofolate reductase and subtilisin, is presented. Two positionsfor the introduction of ‘stereochemically optimal’disulfides are identified in subtilisin.  相似文献   

Both Dative Aspergillus niger glucoamylase and wild-type Aspergillusawamori glucoamylase expressed in Saccharo-myces cerevisiae,which have identical primary structures, undergo hydrolysisat aspartyl bonds at low pH values and elevated temperatures.In native A.niger enzyme the Aspl26–Glyl27 bond was preferentiallycleaved at pH 3.5,while at pH 4.5 cleavage of the Asp257–Pro258and Asp293–Gly294 bonds was dominant. In wild-type A.awamoriglucoamylase, cleavage of the latter was dominant at both pH3.5 and 4.5. Site-directed mutations Aspl26Glu and Glyl27Alain wild-type enzyme decreased specific activities by 60 and30%, respectively, and increased irreversible thermoinactivationrates 3- to 4-fold at pH 4.5. Replacement of Asp257 with Gluand Asp293 with Glu or Gin decreased specific activities by20%, but greatly reduced cleavage of the Asp257–Pro258and Asp293–Gly294 bonds. The Asp257Glu mutant was producedvery slowly and was more thermostable than wild–type glucoamylaseat pH 4.5up to 70°C. Replacement of Asp293 with either Gluor Gln significantly raised protein production and slightlyincreased thermostability at pH 3.5 and 4.5, but not at pH5.  相似文献   

Five different cysteine-containing mutants of the lysozyme frombacteriopbage T4 were used to explore the feasibility of usingsite-directed mutagenesis to generate isomorphous heavy-atomderivatives for protein crystallography. Cysteines 54 and 97,present in wild-type lysozyme, can be readily reacted with mercuricion to produce an excellent isomorphous heavy-atom derivative.Mutants with an additional cysteine at position 86,146,153 or157, or with Cys 97 replaced by Val, were engineered by site-directedmutagenesis. The mutant lysozyme Thr 157 - Cys reacts with mercuricchloride to give an excellent new derivatve although Cys 157is only -60% substituted with the heavy atom. The cysteine atposition 146 is largely buried but reacts readily with mercuricchloride. In this case the isomorphism is poor and the resultantderivative is of marginal quality. Cys 153 reacts rapidly withmercuric ion but the derivative crystals do not diffract. Themutant Pro 86 - Cys does not yield a particularly good heavy-atomderivative. This is due in part to a loss of isomorphism associatedwith the mutation. In addition, Cys 86 shows very little reactivitytowards mercurials even though it is fully exposed to solvent.The mutation Cys 97 Val was used to explore the possibilityof creating an independent derivative by deleting a heavy-atomsite already present in wild-type lysozyme. In all cases thatwere tested, the quality of the heavy-atom derivative was improvedby using as an isomorphous pair mercury-substituted mutant versusnon-substituted mutant rather than mercury-substituted mutantversus (non-substituted) wild-type lysozyme. Unexpectedly, thecysteines that are most exposed to solvent and most mobile areleast reactive toward mercuric chloride. The cysteines thatprovide the best heavy-atom sites are those that are locatedin surface crevices and are only partly exposed to solvent.  相似文献   

The two domains of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase were producedby recombinant techniques. The N-domain was obtained by theintroduction of a termination codon at the position coding forPhe185, and the C-domain by a deletion in the gene of the codingsequence between Serl and Leu186. Both domains were efficientlyexpressed in yeast, the level for the C-domain being greaterthan that for the N-domain. Both domains were found to havea quasi-native structure; the C-domain retained its abilityto bind nucleotides. Small local differences were detected indomain structure compared to that in the whole enzyme, probablydue to the lack of interdomain stabilizing interactions. Nevertheless,such an approach provides direct evidence for independent foldingof domains in a two-domain protein.  相似文献   

Sulfolobus solfataricus protein disulphide oxidoreductase (SsPDO)contains three disulphide bridges linking residues C41XXC44,C155XXC158, C173XXXXC178. To get information on the role playedby these cross-links in determining the structural and functionalproperties of the protein, we performed site-directed mutagenesison Cys residues and investigated the changes in folding, stabilityand functional features of the mutants and analysed the resultswith computational analysis. The reductase activity of SsPDOand its mutants was evaluated by insulin and thioredoxin reductaseassays also coupled with peroxiredoxin Bcp1 of S. solfataricus.The three-dimensional model of SsPDO was constructed and correlatedwith circular dichroism data and functional results. Biochemicalanalysis indicated a key function for the redox site constitutedby Cys155 and Cys158. To discriminate between the role of thetwo cysteine residues, each cysteine was mutagenised and thebehaviour of the single mutants was investigated elucidatingthe basis of the electron-shuffling mechanism for SsPDO. Finally,cysteine pK values were calculated and the accessible surfacefor the cysteine side chains in the reduced form was measured,showing higher reactivity and solvent exposure for Cys155.  相似文献   

The unusual chemical properties of active-site Lys-329 of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from Rhodo-spirillum rubrumhave suggested that this residue is required for catalysis.To test this postulate Lys-329 was replaced with glycine, serine,alanine, cysteine, arginine, glutamic acid or glutamine by site-directedmutagenesis. These single amino acid substitutions do not appearto induce major conformational changes because (i) intersubunitinteractions are unperturbed in that the purified mutant proteinsare stable dimers like the wild-type enzyme and (ii) intrasubunitfolding is normal in that the mutant proteins bind the competitiveinhibitor 6-phosphogluconate with an affinity similar to thatof wild-type enzyme. In contrast, all of the mutant proteinsare severely deficient in carboxylase activity (< 0.01% ofwild-type) and are unable to form the exchange-inert complex,characteristic of the wild-type enzyme, with the transitionstateanalogue carboxyarabinitol bisphosphate. These results underscorethe stringency of the requirement for a lysyl side-chain atposition 329 and imply that Lys-329 is involved in catalysis,perhaps stabilizing a transition state in the overall reactionpathway.  相似文献   

In addition to hydrolysing RNA, bovine pancreatic ribonucleasesplits esters of pyrimidine nucleoside 3'-phosphates, includingdinucleotides. For a series of 3':5'-linked dinucleotides ofgeneral structure CpN, where N is a 5' linked nucleoside, kcalfor the release of N varies enormously with the precise structureof N. Structural studies have been interpreted to indicate thatthe group N interacts with a subsite, B2, on the enzyme thatcomprises Gln69, Asn71 and Glulll. We report studies by site-directedmutagenesis that indicate that Gln69 is not involved in productiveinteractions with any of the dinucleotide substrates and thatAsn71 is an important component of subsite B2 for all dinucleotidesubstrates tested. Glulll appears to be functionally involvedin catalysis for dinucleotide substrates solely when N is guanosine.  相似文献   

Two residues, K89 and S380, thought to interact with the -carboxylgroup of the substrate L-glutamate, have been altered by site-directedmutagenesis of clostridial glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). Thesingle mutants K89L and S380V and the combined double mutantK89L/S380V were constructed. All three mutants were satisfactorilyoverproduced in soluble form. However, only the K89L mutantwas retained by the dye column normally used in purifying thewild-type enzyme. All three mutant enzymes were purified tohomogeneity and tested for substrate specificity with 24 aminoacids. The single mutant S380V showed no detectable activity.The alternative single mutant K89L showed an activity towardsL-glutamate that was decreased nearly 2000-fold compared withwild-type enzyme, whereas the activities towards the monocarboxylicsubstrates -aminobutyrate and norvaline were increased 2- to3-fold. A similar level of activity was obtained with methionine(0.005 U/mg) and norleucine (0.012 U/mg), neither of which giveany activity with the wild-type enzyme under the same conditions.The double mutant showed decreased activity with all substratescompared with the wild-type GDH. In view of its novel activities,the K89L mutant was investigated in greater detail. A strictlylinear relationship between reaction velocity and substrateconcentration was observed up to 80 mM L-methionine and 200mM L-norleucine, implying very high Km values. Values of kcat/Km,for L-methionine and L-norleucine were 6.7x10–2 and 0.15s–1M–1, respectively. Measurements with dithiobisnitrobenzoicacid showed that the mutant enzymes all reacted with a stoichiometryof one -SH group per subunit and all showed protection by coenzyme,indicating essentially unimpaired coenzyme binding. With glutamateor 2-oxoglutarate as substrate the Km values for the vestigialactivity in the mutant enzyme preparations were strikingly closeto the wild-type Km values. Both for wild-type GDH and K89L,L-glutamate gave competitive product inhibition of 2-oxoglutaratereduction but did not inhibit the reduction of 2-oxocaproatecatalysed by K89L enzyme. This suggests that the low levelsof glutamate/2-oxoglutarate activity shown by the mutant enzymeare due to trace contamination. Since stringent precautionswere taken, it appears possible that this reflects the levelof reading error during overexpression of the mutant proteins.CD measurements indicate that the S380V mutant has an alteredconformation, whereas the K89L enzyme gave an identical CD spectrumto that of wild-type GDH; the spectrum of the double mutantwas similar, although somewhat altered in intensity. The resultsconfirm the key role of K89 in dicarboxylate recognition byGDH.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of protein kinase casein kinase 2 (CK2),which has specificity for both ATP and GTP, shows significantamino acid sequence similarity to the cyclin-dependent kinase2 (CDK2). We constructed site-directed mutants of CK2 and useda three-dimensional model to investigate the basis for the dualspecificity. Introduction of Phe and Gly at positions 50 and51, in order to restore the pattern of the glycine-rich motif,did not seriously affect the specificity for ATP or GTP. Weshow that the dual specificity probably originates from theloop situated around the position His115 to Asp120 (HVNNTD).The insertion of a residue in this loop in CK2 subunits, comparedwith CDK2 and other kinases, might orient the backbone to interactwith the base A and G; this insertion is conserved in all knownCK2. The mutant N118, the design of which was based on the modelling,showed reduced affinity for GTP as predicted from the model.Other mutants were intended to probe the integrity of the catalyticloop, alter the polarity of a buried residue and explore theimportance of the carboxy terminus. Introduction of Arg to replaceAsn189, which is mapped on the activation loop, results in amutant with decreased kcat, possibly as a result of disruptionof the interaction between this residue and basic residues inthe vicinity. Truncation at position 331 eliminates the last60 residues of the subunit and this mutant has a reduced catalyticefficiency compared with the wild-type. Catalytic efficiencyis restored in the truncation mutant by the replacement of apotentially buried Glu at position 252 by Lys, probably owingto a higher stability resulting from the formation of a saltbridge between Lys252 and Asp208.  相似文献   

L-Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from Bacillus stearothermophilusis a redox enzyme which has a strong preference for NADH overNADPH as coenzyme. To exclude NADPH from the coenzyme-bindingpocket, LDH contains a conserved aspartate residue at position52. However, this residue is probably not solely responsiblefor the NADH specificity. In this report we examine the possibilitiesof altering the coenzyme specificity of LDH by introducing arange of different point mutations in the coenzyme-binding domain.Furthermore, after choosing the mutant with the highest selectivityfor NADPH, we also investigated the possibility of further alteringthe coenzyme specificity by adding an organic solvent to thereaction mixture. The LDH mutant, I51K:D52S, exhibited a 56-foldincreased specificity to NADPH over the wild-type LDH in a reactionmixture containing 15% methanol. Furthermore, the NADPH turnovernumber of this mutant was increased almost fourfold as comparedwith wild-type LDH. To explain the altered coenzyme specificityexhibited by the D52SI51K double mutant, molecular dynamicssimulations were performed.  相似文献   

A predicted three-dimensional structure of the two N-terminalextracellular domains of human CD4 antigen, a cell surface glycoprotein,is reported. This region of CD4, particularly the first domain,has been identified as containing the binding region for theenvelope gp120 protein of the human immuno-deficiency virus.The model was predicted based on the sequence homology of eachdomain with the variable light chain of immunoglobulins. Theframework ß-sheet regions were taken from the crystalcoordinates of REI. For one region in the first domain of CD4there was an ambiguity in the alignment with REI and two alternatemodels are presented. Loops connecting the framework were modeledfrom fragments selected from a database of main chain coordinatesfrom all known protein structures. Residues identified as involvedin binding gp120 have been located in several other studieswithin the first domain of CD4. Epitopes from eight monoclonalantibodies have been mapped onto residues in both domains. Competitionof these antibodies with each other and with gp120 can be interpretedfrom the structural model.  相似文献   

The phosphocarrier HPr (heat stable protein) of Staphylococcuscarnosus was modified by site-directed mutagenesis of the correspondingptsH gene in order to analyse the importance of amino acidswhich were supposed to be part of the active centre of the protein.Three residues which are conserved in all HPrs, Argl7, Prol8and Glu84, were mutated: Argl7 was changed to His (17RH) andPro18 and Glu84 were changed into Ala (18PA and 84EA). In addition,Leu86 was changed into Ala (86LA) and one mutant protein wasmissing the last six residues of the HPr (83). The wild typegene and all mutant genes were overexpressed and the gene productspurified to homogeneity. Three-dimensional structures of wildtype and mutant proteins were monitored by NMR spectroscopy.All five mutant HPrs had native conformations. The ATP-dependentHPr kinase can phosphorylate all HPr derivatives at Ser46. ThePTS activity of the amino-terminal HPr mutant proteins 17RHand 18PA was different compared to wild type HPr. In contrast,the car boxy-terminal mutant HPrs possessed a similar enzymeactivity to the wild type HPr. The 17RH and 18PA HPrs with substitutionnear the active centre His15 showed a very slow phosphorylationby enzyme I but the further transfer of the phosphoryl groupto enzyme III was also strongly inhibited. The enzyme activityof the HPr 17RH was significantly improved at low pH. NMR pH-titrationexperiments showed that Arg17 is not responsible for the lowpKa, of the active centre His15 but this positively chargedresidue is essential in this position for the HPr activity.  相似文献   

We have previously described a method for isolating Escherichiacoli-produced methionyl bovine prolactin (Met-bPRL) and itsrenaturation using thioredoxin. This report describes an alternativerenaturation procedure in which extracted Met-bPRL is incubatedin air at pH 10 and 20°C. Within 1 h of such treatment essentiallyall of the reduced Met-bPRL was converted to the oxidized form;this was accompanied by an increase to full mitogenic activityin the Nb2 cell bioassay. It was also found that, to minimizecontamination by high mol. wt Met-bPRL derivatives, it is essentialto have a reducing agent (dithiothreitol) present during disruptionof the bacteria and to extract the protein at neutral pH. Thecontribution of each of the three disuiphide bridges in bPRLto its bioactivity was studied with Met-bPRL variants, preparedvia site-specific mutagenesis, in which cysteines were replacedby serines to prevent disulphide bond formation. Variants lackingthe C4–C11 bridge, the C191–C199 bridge or boththese terminal bridges were as mitogenic as authentic bPRL.(Variants lacking the C191–C199 bridge had markedly increasedsolubility in the presence of deoxycholate.) In contrast, variantslacking the C58–C174 bridge had greatly reduced bioactivity,indicating that integrity of the large disulphide loop is crucialto the hormone's mitogenic activity.  相似文献   

Picornavirus 3C proteinases (3Cpro) are cysteine proteinasesbut recent sequence analyses have shown that they are relatedto trypsin-like serine proteinases. Two models of 3Cpro structurehave been presented. Both models indicate that residues His40and Cysl47 are members of the catalytic triad but the modelsdiffer in the designation of the third member of the catalytictriad, which is assigned as either Glu71 or Asp85. To test theimportance of these four residues in the catalytic activityof 3Cpro of coxsackievirus B3, a member of the enterovirus subgroupof the picornavirus family, single amino acid substitutionswere introduced at each of the four sites. All of these mutationsresulted in the reduction or inactivation of autocatalytic cleavageof the 3C precursor protein expressed in Escherichia coli, suggestingthat all of these residues are essential for the proteolyticreaction. The substitution of Cysl47 with Ala abolished 3Cproactivity while the mutant in which Cysl47 was replaced withSer retained reduced proteolytic activity both in cis and intrans. Our results strongly support the proposal that Cysl47of 3Cpro functions as a nucleophile analogous to Serl95 of trypsin-likeserine proteinases.  相似文献   

A phagemid (pING4) carrying the yeast iso-1-cytochrome c genewas constructed which bears all the elements necessary for replicationin yeast and bacteria and may be converted into a single-strandedform of DNA for site-directed mutagenesis and nucleotide sequencing.The recombinant vector was used to create a complete set of19 amino acid changes at position 82, a phylogenetically conservedphenylalanine residue in mitochondrial cytochrome c. All thedifferent forms of cytochrome c were functional in vivo, basedupon their ability to support respiration when the mutant proteinswere expressed in a yeast strain (otherwise devoid of cytochromec) grown on non-fermentable carbon sources, with only the straincontaining the Cys82 variant having a substantially decreasedgrowth rate. These results are interpreted in terms of the availablestructural and functional information previously reported ona subset of cytochrome c proteins with mutations at position82.  相似文献   

We present free energy perturbation calculations on the complexesof Glu46— Ala46 (E46A) and Glu46— Gln46 (E46Q) mutantsof ribonuclease T1 (RNaseT1) with inhibitors 2‘-guanosinemonophosphate (GMP) and 2’adenosine monophosphate (AMP)by a thermodynamic perturbation method implemented with moleculardynamics (MD). Using the available crystal structure of theRNaseT1–GMP complex, the structures of E46A-GMP and E46Q-GMPwere model built and equilibrated with MD simulations. The structuresof E46A-AMP and E46Q-AMP were obtained as a final structureof the GMP—AMP perturbation calculation respectively.The calculated difference in the free energy of binding (Gbind)was 0.31 kcal/mol for the E46A system and —1.04 kcal/molfor the E46Q system. The resultant free energies are much smallerthan the experimental and calculated value of 3 kcal/mol forthe native RNase T1, which suggests that both mutants have greaterrelative adenine affinities than native RNaseT1. EspeciallyE46Q is calculated to have a larger affinity for adenine thanguanine, as we suggested previously from the calculation onthe native RNaseT1. Thus, the molecular dynamics/free energyperturbation method may be helpful in protein engineering, directedtoward increasing or changing the substrate specificity of enzymes.  相似文献   

General-base catalysis in the active site of serine proteasesis carried out by the imidazole side chain of a histidine. Duringformation of the transition state, an adjacent carboxylic acidgroup stabilizes the positive charge that forms on the general-basecatalyst and as a result contributes several orders of magnitudeto the catalytic efficiency of these enzymes. In the recentlydiscovered family of self-cleaving proteins exemplified by theLexA repressor of Escherichia coli, instead of the imidazoleof a histidine, the active-site general-base catalyst was foundto be the -amino of a lysine. The considerably higher capacityof the lysine side chain for proton acceptance raises interestingquestions concerning the role of electrostatic interactionsin the mechanism of proton transfer by this highly basic group.The negative charge elimination studies described here and theireffects on the kmax and pK of LexA self-cleavage are consistentwith a model in which electrostatic interactions between anacidic side chain and the general-base catalyst form a barrierto proton transfer. The implications are that the -amino group,unlike the imidazole group, is capable of effecting proton transferwithout the intervention of a countercharge.  相似文献   

Residue 75 on the flap, a beta hairpin loop that partially coversthe active site cleft, is tyrosine in most members of the asparticproteinase family. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried outto investigate the functional role of this residue in Rhizomucorpusilus pepsin, an aspartic proteinase with high milk-clottingactivity produced by the fungus Rhizomucor pusillus. A set ofmutated enzymes with replacement of the amino acid at position75 by 17 other amino acid residues except for His and Gly wasconstructed and their enzymatic properties were examined. Strongactivity, higher than that of the wild-type enzyme, was foundin the mutant with asparagine (Tyr75Asn), while weak but distinctactivity was observed in Tyr75Phe. All the other mutants showedmarkedly decreased or negligible activity, less than 1/1000of that of the wild-type enzyme. Kinetic analysis of Tyr75Asnusing a chromogenic synthetic oligopeptide as a substrate revealeda marked increase in kcat with slight change in Km, resultingin a 5.6-fold increase in kcat/km. When differential absorptionspectra upon addition of pepstatin, a specific inhibitor foraspartic proteinase, were compared between the wild-type andmutant enzymes, the wild-type enzyme and Tyr75Asn, showing strongactivity, had spectra with absorption maxima at 280, 287 and293 nm, whereas the others, showing decreased or negligibleactivity, had spectra with only two maxima at 282 and 288 nm.This suggests a different mode of the inhibitor binding in thelatter mutants. These observations suggest a crucial role ofthe residue at position 75 in enhancing the catalytic efficiencythrough affecting the mode of substrate-binding in the asparticproteinases.  相似文献   

The catalytic contribution of His48 in the active site of porcinepancreatic phospholipase A2 was examined using site-directedmutagenesis. Replacement of His48 by lysine (H48K) gives riseto a protein having a distorted lipid binding pocket. Activityof this variant drops below the detection limit which is 107-foldlower than that of the wild-type enzyme. On the other hand,the presence of glutamine (H48Q) or asparagine (H48N) at thisposition does not affect the structural integrity of the enzymeas can be derived from the preserved lipid binding propertiesof these variants. However, the substitutions H48Q and H48Nstrongly reduce the turnover number, i.e. by a factor of 105.Residual activity is totally lost after addition of a competitiveinhibitor. We conclude that proper lipid binding on its ownaccelerates ester bond hydrolysis by a factor of 102. With theselected variants, we were also able to dissect the contributionof the hydrogen bond between Asp99 and His48 on conformationalstability, being 5.2 kJ/mol. Another hydrogen bond with His48is formed when the competitive inhibitor (R)-2-dodecanoylamino-hexanol-1-phosphoglycolinteracts with the enzyme. Its contribution to binding of theinhibitor in the presence of an interface was found to be 5.7kJ/mol.  相似文献   

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