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结合边折叠和局部优化的网格简化算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对目前网格简化算法在将三维模型简化到较低分辨率时,网格模型的细节特征丢失、网格质量不佳的问题,提出一种保持特征的高质量网格简化算法。引入顶点近似曲率的概念,并将其与边折叠的误差矩阵结合,使得简化模型的细节特征在最大限度上得到保持。同时分析简化后三角网格的质量,对三角网格作局部优化处理,减少狭长三角形的数量,提高简化模型的网格质量。使用Apple模型和Horse模型进行实验,并与一种经典的基于边折叠的网格简化算法以及其改进算法之一进行对比。实验结果显示,两种对比算法三角网格分布过于均匀,局部细节模糊不清,而所提算法的三角网格在曲率大的区域稠密,在平坦处稀疏,细节特征清晰可辨;简化模型的几何误差的数量值与两种对比算法处于同一数量级;所提算法的简化网格的平均质量远高于两种对比算法。实验结果表明,在不扩大几何误差的情况下,所提算法不仅具有较强的细节特征保持能力,而且简化模型的网格质量较高,视觉效果较好。 相似文献
目前许多网格简化算法在大幅度减少算法简化时间的同时,忽略了模型简化后的仿真质量。为此提出一种基于外形特征保持的网格简化算法:依据顶点坍塌值由小到大的次序将顶点排入网格简化优先队列中;每次选择队首顶点向其折叠点合并,并且更新队列中受影响的顶点信息,再对队列重新排序。此算法数据结构存储简单,大规模简化后的模型仍然较好保持了原模型的视觉特征。 相似文献
为了在简化网格的同时保持曲面网格的特征细节, 提出了一种特征保持的曲面网格简化新方法。首先论证并采用了刻画曲面特征的顶点法向量作为统一度量标准, 推导出了基于顶点法向量变化的折叠代价, 以边折叠法对曲面网格进行简化。实验表明, 该方法既能较好地保持曲面的特征细节, 又能同步对网格的高曲率区和低曲率区进行简化, 具有良好的简化特性; 统一的度量标准也为网格简化过程的实际控制提供了很大的方便。 相似文献
多体模型在3DGIS中使用三角网表达,地质体之间因空间相邻关系存在公共面。目前网格简化方法主要针对单体模型,无法满足多体模型网格简化需要。提出了基于可控序列的边折叠条件分离相邻边界内外的公共面和非公共面部分,并使多体简化过程统一处理。实验分析表明该方法能够满足多体模型简化要求,并能处理地学中带有约束条件的顶点。 相似文献
We introduce TopStoc, a fast mesh simplification algorithm. The two main components are stochastic vertex selection and re-indexing of triangles. The probability for vertex selection depends on a local feature estimator, which prefers areas of high curvatures but still ensures sufficient sampling in flat parts. Re-indexing the triangles is done by breadth-first traversal starting from the selected vertices and then identifying triangles incident upon three regions. Both steps are linear in the number of triangles, require minimal data, and are very fast, while still preserving geometrical and topological features. Additional optional processing steps improve sampling properties and/or guarantee homotopy equivalence with the input. These properties provide an alternative to vertex clustering especially for CAD/CAM models in the areas of previewing or network graphics. 相似文献
《Information Processing Letters》2014,114(1-2):42-44
We prove that edge contractions do not preserve the property that a set of graphs has bounded clique-width. 相似文献
Soille P 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》2008,30(7):1132-1145
This paper introduces an image decomposition and simplification method based on the constrained connectivity paradigm. According to this paradigm, two pixels are said to be connected if they comply to a series of constraints defined in terms of simple measures such as the maximum grey level differences over well-defined pixel paths and regions. The resulting connectivity relation generates a unique partition of the image definition domain. The simplification of the image is then achieved by setting each segment of the partition to the mean value of the pixels falling within this segment. Fine to coarse partition hierarchies (and therefore images of increasing degree of simplification) are produced by varying the threshold value associated with each connectivity constraint. The paper also includes a generalisation to multichannel images, applications, a review of related image segmentation techniques, and pseudo-code for an implementation based on queue and stack data structures. 相似文献
Torresani L Hertzmann A Bregler C 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》2008,30(5):878-892
This paper describes methods for recovering time-varying shape and motion of non-rigid 3D objects from uncalibrated 2D point tracks. For example, given a video recording of a talking person, we would like to estimate the 3D shape of the face at each instant, and learn a model of facial deformation. Time-varying shape is modeled as a rigid transformation combined with a non-rigid deformation. Reconstruction is ill-posed if arbitrary deformations are allowed, and thus additional assumptions about deformations are required. We first suggest restricting shapes to lie within a low-dimensional subspace, and describe estimation algorithms. However, this restriction alone is insufficient to constrain reconstruction. To address these problems, we propose a reconstruction method using a Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis (PPCA) shape model, and an estimation algorithm that simultaneously estimates 3D shape and motion for each instant, learns the PPCA model parameters, and robustly fills-in missing data points. We then extend the model to model temporal dynamics in object shape, allowing the algorithm to robustly handle severe cases of missing data. 相似文献
《Computers & Geosciences》2006,32(4):462-475
Automatic generalization is a process for representing geographical objects with different degrees of detail on a digital map. The positional error for each geographical object is propagated through the process and a generalization error is also introduced by the generalization. Previous research has focused mainly on measuring the generalization error. This paper presents an analytical model for assessing the positional error in the generalized object by considering both error propagation from the original data and the generalization error. The analytical model provides a shape dissimilarity value that indicates the shape difference between the original data with a positional error and its simplified version. This model is able to objectively and automatically determine the applicability of the generalized data for further applications to geographical information system (GIS) problems. It can also deal with a large amount of data in GIS. Therefore, the analytical model presented, which provides a more comprehensive shape measure for assessing positional error in data derived from the generalization, is valuable in the development of automatic generalization. 相似文献
For any graph class \(\mathcal{H}\) , the \(\mathcal{H}\) -Contraction problem takes as input a graph \(G\) and an integer \(k\) , and asks whether there exists a graph \(H\in \mathcal{H}\) such that \(G\) can be modified into \(H\) using at most \(k\) edge contractions. We study the parameterized complexity of \(\mathcal{H}\) -Contraction for three different classes \(\mathcal{H}\) : the class \(\mathcal{H}_{\le d}\) of graphs with maximum degree at most \(d\) , the class \(\mathcal{H}_{=d}\) of \(d\) -regular graphs, and the class of \(d\) -degenerate graphs. We completely classify the parameterized complexity of all three problems with respect to the parameters \(k\) , \(d\) , and \(d+k\) . Moreover, we show that \(\mathcal{H}\) -Contraction admits an \(O(k)\) vertex kernel on connected graphs when \(\mathcal{H}\in \{\mathcal{H}_{\le 2},\mathcal{H}_{=2}\}\) , while the problem is \(\mathsf{W}[2]\) -hard when \(\mathcal{H}\) is the class of \(2\) -degenerate graphs and hence is expected not to admit a kernel at all. In particular, our results imply that \(\mathcal{H}\) -Contraction admits a linear vertex kernel when \(\mathcal{H}\) is the class of cycles. 相似文献
In this article, an improved iterative arithmetic of the symmetric successive over‐relaxation preconditioning biconjugate‐gradient algorithm (ISSOR‐PBCG) is utilized to solve the 3D edge FEM equations derived from the time‐harmonic electromagnetic‐field boundary value problems. Several typical structures have been analyzed, and the computation time is compared with that of other algorithms such as biconjugate‐gradient (BCG) algorithm and the conventional symmetric successive over‐relaxation preconditioning biconjugate‐ gradient algorithm (SSOR‐PBCG). The CPU time saved using the ISSOR‐PBCG algorithm is nearly 27% and 65.5%, as compared with that using the SSOR‐PBCG and the BCG algorithm. It can be seen that the ISSOR‐PBCG algorithm is efficient for edge FEM equation sets derived from large‐scale time‐harmonic electromagnetic‐field problems. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2006. 相似文献
基于多尺度形状分析的叶形识别系统 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
叶形自动识别系统使用一种改进了的边界跟踪算法检测叶片边界,应用多尺度形状分析技术有效地提取出规范锯齿长度和曲率尺度空间图像极大值点集两个曲率特征。综合叶片的离心率、似圆率和这两个边界曲率特征来检索叶片数据库,进行形状匹配,实现叶片自动分类。实验结果表明,该系统使用的技术能大幅提高叶形识别的精确率和检索率。 相似文献
This article presents the rationale behind an important enhancement to a socio-technical model of organisations and teams derived from military research. It combines this with empirical results which take advantage of these enhancements. In Part 1, a new theoretical legacy for the model is developed based on Ergonomics theories and insights. This allows team communications data to be plotted into the model and for it to demonstrate discriminate validity between alternative team structures. Part 2 presents multinational data from the Experimental Laboratory for Investigating Collaboration, Information-sharing, and Trust (ELICIT) community. It was surprising to see that teams in both traditional hierarchical command and control and networked 'peer-to-peer' organisations operate in broadly the same area of the model, a region occupied by networks of communication exhibiting 'small world' properties. Small world networks may be of considerable importance for the Ergonomics analysis of team organisation and performance. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: This article is themed around macro and systems Ergonomics, and examines the effects of command and control structures. Despite some differences in behaviour and measures of agility, when given the freedom to do so, participants organised themselves into a small world network. This network type has important and interesting implications for the Ergonomics design of teams and organisations. 相似文献
The paper presents a new method to interpolate a pair of 2D shapes that are represented by piecewise linear curves. The method addresses two key problems in 2D shape morphing process: feature correspondence and path interpolation. First, a robust feature metric is defined to measure the similarity of a pair of 2D shapes in terms of visual appearance, orientation and relative size. Based on the metric, an optimal problem is defined and solved to associate the features on the source shape with the corresponding ones on the target shape. Then, a two-level hierarchical approach is proposed to solve the corresponding features interpolation trajectory problem. The algorithm decomposes the input shapes into a pair of corresponding coarse polygons and several pairs of corresponding features. Then the corresponding coarse polygons are interpolated in an as-rigid-as-possible plausible way; meanwhile the corresponding features are interpolated using the intrinsic method. Thus interior distortions of the intermediate shapes could be avoided and the feature details on the input shapes could be well preserved. Experimental results show that the method can generate smooth, natural and visually pleasing 2D shape morphing effects. 相似文献
Since shape is one of the important low level features of any Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system, this paper proposes a new edge based shape feature representation method with multiresolution enhanced orthogonal polynomials model and morphological operations for effective image retrieval. In the proposed method, initially the orthogonal polynomials model coefficients are computed and reordered into multiresolution subband like structure. Edge image is then obtained by utilizing the two level adaptive thresholds and local maxima of the gradient in horizontal, vertical, diagonal and anti-diagonal directions. The approximate shape boundary of the image is recovered with morphological operations. Then the Pseudo Zernike moment based global shape features, which are invariant to basic geometric transformations, are extracted. The obtained features are termed as global shape feature vector and are used for retrieving similar images with Canberra distance metric. The efficiency of the proposed method is experimented on a subset of standard Corel, Yale and MPEG-7 databases and the results are compared with existing techniques. 相似文献
Chassery JM Garbay C 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》1984,(6):794-800
An iterative segmentation method is presented and illustrated on specific examples. Full control of each iteration step is obtained by combining local and global properties according to a model of the image structure. A consistent convergence criterion is derived from additional image structure properties and a test is proposed to evaluate adequacy of segmentation. 相似文献
为了快速定位监控场景中不同姿态的车辆位置,结合车辆外形特征、目标候选区域和级联Boosting分类器进行多角度车辆检测。对不同角度和纵横比的车辆进行聚类,然后对每种姿态的车辆提取候选区域的累积通道特征(ACF),使用AdaBoost学习分类器用于车辆检测,此外,检测时用边缘框计算可能存在物体的区域代替滑动窗法进行提速。以含有较难、中等、较易3种难度水平超过3?500个样本为测试集进行了快速车辆检测测试,并与ACF、DPM、NPD和HOG-Haar等4种方法进行了对比,实验结果表明基于候选区域的车辆检测方法性能最优,在3种测试集上平均达到了85%以上的检测率。 相似文献
This paper proposes an integrated system for the segmentation and classification of four moving objects, including pedestrians, cars, motorcycles, and bicycles, from their side-views in a video sequence. Based on the use of an adaptive background in the red–green–blue (RGB) color model, each moving object is segmented with its minimum enclosing rectangle (MER) window by using a histogram-based projection approach or a tracking-based approach. Additionally, a shadow removal technique is applied to the segmented objects to improve the classification performance. For the MER windows with different sizes, a window scaling operation followed by an adaptive block-shifting operation is applied to obtain a fixed feature dimension. A weight mask, which is constructed according to the frequency of occurrence of an object in each position within a square window, is proposed to enhance the distinguishing pixels in the rescaled MER window. To extract classification features, a two-level Haar wavelet transform is applied to the rescaled MER window. The local shape features and the modified histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) are extracted from the level-two and level-one sub-bands, respectively, of the wavelet-transformed space. A hierarchical linear support vector machine classification configuration is proposed to classify the four classes of objects. Six video sequences are used to test the classification performance of the proposed method. The computer processing times of the object segmentation, object tracking, and feature extraction and classification approaches are 79 ms, 211 ms, and 0.01 ms, respectively. Comparisons with different well-known classification approaches verify the superiority of the proposed classification method. 相似文献