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卫生也是财富——营造和谐社会的健康餐饮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客之所以能在 中国这个饮食大国飞速发展,得益 于他们的快餐文化,更重要的一点却是 环境的卫生。相比之下,中餐的卫生问题 一直遭诟病,也许国内很多餐饮企业没 有意识到卫生原来也是财富! 食品安全是世界性公共卫生的重大 问题,餐饮业食品安全更是重中之重。从 农田到餐桌,餐桌食品安全是最后一关, 一旦出了问题,将直接危及消费者的生  相似文献   

Food technologies often have an ambivalent effect on customer value perceptions toward innovative food products. While objective benefits may contribute positively to customer value perceptions, subjective negative evaluations may subtract value. In this paper we propose a model and provide empirical evidence on how customer value is constructed and its relationship with willingness to pay in the context of innovative food products. We test our model in a cross-sectional study across two international markets (the UK and China; N = 1004) and two innovative food products. Our results show that, in the context of innovative food products, customer value is constructed as a trade-off between perceived values that individuals assign to the product and perceived costs that consumers experience. Specifically, perceived values have a positive and dominant effect on customer value in both markets. We further show that the central role of customer value on willingness to pay is not universal and may vary across international markets, with the positive effect of values on willingness to pay being mediated by customer value only in China. Finally, from types of costs purchase costs are found to subtract customer value and only in the UK, thus highlighting their role as being context-specific.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Since the events of September 11, 2001, the potential for the food supply to be a target of terrorism can no longer be viewed in hypothetical terms. Food security now must be considered a priority issue. The food industry is adjusting its security and safety systems to add focus to the intentional, widespread contamination of the food supply. Food security and food safety share the common goal of "prevention to protect" regardless of whether the threat/risk is intentional or accidental. However, the disciplines and expertise required for security and safety are not one and the same—nor are the methods, procedures, or thought processes. The goal of the National Food Processors Association is to assist the industry in organizing and conducting appropriately tailored food security assessments. Information "primers" on security in general and food security in particular will be presented to assist in the clarification and understanding of these concepts. Actions taken to date as well as future activities to deal with food security will also be presented. In all of these activities, there must be a clear recognition that government, academia, public health, industry, media, and consumers need to continue to work together to enhance food security.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe need for renewable and sustainable sources of proteins is growing. Diets containing more plant protein are increasing due to several reasons: the negative environmental impacts of animal protein production, the increasing vegetarianism and veganism trends, and inadequate consumer acceptance of food grade insects.Scope and approachThis paper links the isolation of valuable proteins from sustainable sources – by-products from processing industry of plant origin and eco-innovative technologies which are emerging for this purpose (electrostatic separation, subcritical water extraction, reverse micelles extraction, aqueous two-phase systems extraction, enzyme-, microwave-, ultrasound-, pulsed electric energy- and high pressure-assisted extraction). In this way, not only the key challenges of modern food processing are met-the assurance of cost-effective, sustainable and environmentally friendly production, but also the concept of zero food waste seems more achievable.Key findings and conclusionsA number of different techniques have emerged with high potential to assist protein extraction of preserved techno-functional properties, but they are still in the early stage of its industrial applications. In the EU, its industrial application may be hindered by legislative issues. The respective Novel Food Regulation classifies food obtained in a production process not used for food production before 15 May 1997, as “novel food’’ and the regulatory status for each single case must be sought. On the other hand, the utilization of novel processing technologies is regulatory encouraged in EU due to their potential to reduce the environmental impact of food production, enhance food security and bring benefits to consumers.  相似文献   

BackgroundFood security is both a complex and challenging issue to resolve as it cannot be characterized or limited by geography nor defined by a single grouping, i.e., demography, education, geographic location or income. Currently, approximately one billion people (16% of global population) suffer from chronic hunger in a time when there is more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet. Therein lies the Food security challenge to implement an ability to deal with increasing food shortages, caused by a combination of waste and an ever expanding world population. At current levels prediction state that we must increase global food production by 70% on already over exploited finite infrastructures before 2050.Scope and approachThis review paper firstly introduces the concept of Food Security with an overview of its scale and depth in the context of the global food industry. It then highlights the main sources. The readership is then introduced to the key factors affecting food security and highlights the many national and international measures adopted to tackle the problem at both policy and technological level.Key findings and conclusionsFood experts indicate that no one single solution will provide a sustainable food security solution into the future. Collective stakeholder engagement will prove essential in bringing about the policy changes and investment reforms required to achieve a solution. Achieving truly sustainable global food security will require a holistic systems-based approach, built on a combination of policy and technological reform, which will utilize existing systems combined with state-of-the-art technologies, techniques and best practices some of which are outlined herein.  相似文献   

Deliberate adulteration of food products is as old as food processing and production systems. Food adulteration is occurring increasingly often today. With globalization and complex distribution systems, adulteration may have a far‐reaching impact and even adverse consequences on well‐being. The means of the international community to confront and solve food fraud today are scattered and largely ineffective. A collective approach is needed to identify all stakeholders in the food supply chain, certify and qualify them, exclude those failing to meet applicable standards, and track food in a real time. This review provides some background into the drivers of fraudulent practices (economically motivated adulteration, food‐industry perspectives, and consumers’ perceptions of fraud) and discusses a wide range of the currently available technologies for detecting food adulteration followed by multivariate pattern recognition tools. Food chain integrity policies are discussed. Future directions in research, concerned not only with food adulterers but also with food safety and climate change, may be useful for researchers in developing interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary problems.  相似文献   

India ranks 66th of 88 countries in the Global Hunger Index and has a quarter of the world??s hungry. Food security status of 377 million inhabitants of India??s urban areas, of which one-fourth live in extreme poverty, is poorly documented. The purpose of this study was to determine (a) the extent of food insecurity among households in urban slums, (b) to quantitatively assess their subjective experiences related to food insecurity and (c) to identify sub-groups among the urban poor that are vulnerable to food insecurity. A cross-sectional, interviewer-administered survey of adult female respondents from 283 households, selected using two-stage cluster sampling, was conducted in slums across three municipal wards in the city of Mumbai. Food insecurity, as measured by the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), was found in a large number of households in the urban slums of Mumbai; 59.7?% (n?=?169) households were categorized as severely food-insecure, 16.6?% (n?=?47) as mildly to moderately food-insecure, and 23.7?% (n?=?67) as food-secure. Further analysis revealed that severe food insecurity was significantly associated with lower monthly household income and other socioeconomic status measures such as lower household monthly per capita income, lower rank in the standard of living index (SLI) and less monthly per capita expense on food items. Households where the woman was the primary income-earner and contributed the largest share to the monthly household income, and was older, less educated, with less media use or access were more likely to experience severe food insecurity. Although corrective steps at the household level such as livelihood security schemes and income generation programs are necessary, they will not be sufficient to eliminate this problem; state intervention is required in order to assure food security for the urban poor. The Government of India has drafted a Food Security Bill; but the criteria for determining which households are vulnerable and deserving are still being debated. The findings of this study highlight the urgency of corrective action and also provide pointers for the identification of vulnerable or priority sub-groups. Food security policies and programs have to be implemented immediately and effectively in order to ensure that subsidies and food items are allocated to the households of the vulnerable urban poor.  相似文献   

食物过敏是指由人体免疫系统介导的食物不良反应,常见皮肤、消化道、呼吸道症状,如特应性鼻炎等疾病,严重会出现休克等现象。儿童作为食物过敏易感人群,其生长发育极易受到影响,并且近年来全球儿童食物过敏人群逐年增长,因此对于儿童食物过敏进行预防和治疗有着十分重要的意义。但目前关于儿童食物过敏的流行病学资料仍然比较缺乏,通过查阅中英文文献,本文对儿童食物过敏的常见致敏食物、过敏机制、发病因素及诊治方法进行综述,为食物过敏的预防和治疗方向提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

The World Food Summit in 1996 set the goal of reducing by half the numbers of malnourished people in the world by 2015. It is unlikely that this will be reached, and particularly not in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Food imports in SSA have increased in the past 40 years, since domestic production could not keep up with population growth. Several studies have reported about this stagnating food production in SSA. However, this region encompasses a large number of countries, with a great variety of agroecological zones and large differences in land, labour and other resources. The objectives of this paper are to analyse agricultural production and food security in eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa over the past 40 years, and to investigate to what extent these countries have followed different agricultural development pathways and are faced with different constraints. The analysis is largely based on statistical data, mainly from FAO, and on other information from various national and international sources. It shows that some of these countries have struggled to achieve and maintain overall national food security, while others have been able to achieve more than that and increased production at a faster rate than population growth. It subsequently analyzes major development constraints, with regard to labour, land and water, and institutions, pinpoints certain positive developments that have taken place in some of the countries and looks at opportunities for the respective countries to improve their food situation. One of its conclusions is that more attention should be paid to country specific constraints and opportunities.  相似文献   

This paper examines local farmers’ perspectives about emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) of humans, crops and livestock and their impact on household food security in the Tanzania-Uganda interface ecosystem to the west of Lake Victoria. While it is increasingly accepted that such an approach could yield vital information not only regarding the extent of the impact of EIDs but also on practical strategies for their control, recent studies have examined only a narrow part of the disease-food security spectrum, often lacking a clear analysis of how local people conceptualise the co-occurrence, interactions and impact on food security of multiple plant, animal and human disease afflictions. Findings of the present study reveal that farmers perceive diseases as products of wider social, economic, environmental and institutional realities. They employ a wide range of names to describe disease problems and often such labels have nothing in common with the binomial nomenclature used in scientific taxonomy. Frequently, local people’s perceptions of severity of the impact of disease on food security are at variance with views held by experts. Consequently, disease control measures and strategies advocated by experts and policy makers are often not adhered to. This paper reveals that local or emic perspectives on diseases not only convey the sense of how local people feel and think about a particular disease but also how such knowledge shapes their response effort. Finally, the paper argues for a strategy to harness and incorporate aspects of local perspectives and practices into formal disease control programmes.  相似文献   

Citizens of Australia and New Zealand recognise that food security is a major global issue. Food security also affects Australia and New Zealand's status as premier food exporting nations and the health and wellbeing of the Australasian population. Australia is uniquely positioned to help build a resilient food value chain and support programs aimed at addressing existing and emerging food security challenges. The Australian food governance system is fragmented and less transparent, being largely in the hands of government and semi‐governmental regulatory authorities. The high level of consumer trust in Australian food governance suggests that this may be habitual and taken for granted, arising from a lack of negative experiences of food safety. In New Zealand the Ministry of Primary Industries regulates food safety issues. To improve trade and food safety, New Zealand and Australia work together through Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and other co‐operative agreements. Although the potential risks to the food supply are dynamic and constantly changing, the demand, requirement and supply for providing safe food remains firm. The Australasian food industry will need to continually develop its system that supports the food safety program with the help of scientific investigations that underpin the assurance of what is and is not safe. The incorporation of a comprehensive and validated food safety program is one of the total quality management systems that will ensure that all areas of potential problems are being addressed by industry. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

砷元素广泛存在于自然界中,砷及其化合物被广泛应用于农药、涂料、医药等领域,世界范围内由砷引起的食品安全问题时有发生.在诸多砷及其化合物中以无机砷的毒性最大,被国际癌症研究机构确认为I类致癌物.在食品安全监管方面,快速准确的测定食品中无机砷的含量是控制其危害人体健康的首要举措,也是开展相关研究的技术基础.近年来,液相色谱...  相似文献   

茶树花与茶叶同根共生,但往往被视为茶树的废弃物,不能很好地加以利用,从而造成资源的浪费与损失.茶树花含有丰富的活性物质,其中茶树花中的多糖成分与茶叶中含有的多糖成分基本相同,但含量明显高于茶鲜叶.茶树花多糖具有降血糖、抗氧化、免疫调节作用及抗肿瘤、肝保护、抗凝血等多种生物活性,是非常宝贵的新资源食品.茶树花多糖主要的提...  相似文献   

During the past decades, there has been much debate on food security. A variety of indicators have been proposed in order to establish which countries are in need of improved food security status. The heterogeneity of existing indicators and the lack of consensus on how to compare and rank countries have motivated international organizations to build composite indexes to synthesize the information. The process of building composite indexes involves multiple choices that influence the outcome. This analysis aims at understanding how relevant and discretional may be the analyst’s choice of algorithms to compute composite indexes for food security. To this extent, we have computed several composite indexes for food security by using data provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization, which includes a large set of proxies for food security, as emerged from the Committee on World Food Security Round Table. We compare different methods to impute, homogenize, weight, and aggregate data, in order to compute composite indexes and show how relevant are the choices to be made. We show that normalization and weighting are not very crucial decisions, whereas special attention has to be paid in choosing the data imputation and aggregation methods. By commenting on the implications that different measurement choices may have in terms of global index, we show that the index construction decisions matter.  相似文献   

Demand patterns of rice imports in Malaysia: Implications for food security   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Malaysia is a net importer of rice. More than a quarter of its rice requirement is met by import. Rice imports play a crucial role in determining the country’s food security. Import strategy of the company, which owns the exclusive import right, has a profound impact on an array of economic, political, and societal stabilities. However, domestic agricultural policies and relevant past studies have not addressed the strategic concern in the current food security framework. Therefore, this study analyzes demand patterns of rice imports in Malaysia with an ultimate intention to provide policy implications for its food security. From the Error Correction Model of Almost Ideal Demand System (ECM-AIDS), estimates of demand elasticity suggest that rice imports will be narrowly sourced, largely from Viet Nam with Thailand second in importance. Such an import strategy is similar to the pre-crisis model, which was weak in mitigating negative effects of supply disruption during the Food Price Crisis 2007/08. Instead, the exclusive importer could (1) multi-source rice imports, (2) import paddy (for longer storage life and supporting downstream activities), and/or (3) balance its business orientation with the national food security. In sum, this study provides evidences for the need to consider rice imports in the country’s future food security framework.  相似文献   

Food security is a global and regional concern of rapidly increasing consequence. It is at risk of inattention because of competing crises, because of its theoretical amenability to previously effective, if temporary measures, most impressively with the so-called Green Revolution and because of the recourse to the global trade paradigm as a putative solution. We identify some missing or under-emphasised dimensions in this analysis, with particular reference to Asia, which in spite of recent growth??or in some cases because of it??faces particularly daunting food problems. Greater emphasis needs to be given to population size and distribution through more concerted family planning and enlightened migration policy; public policy to retain or encourage plant-based diets; integration of food, health and environmental approaches to create resilient regional food systems; and the incorporation of food into the broader human security agenda. While regional organisations, along with their NGO counterparts and nation states, have an over-arching role to strategise in this way, substantial progress could still be made at the community and household levels, especially with current technologies which can marshal their collective and coherent action.  相似文献   

食品安全是全球公共卫生关注的重大问题,食品中的多种污染物严重威胁着人类健康,由于食品基质复杂且污染物含量低,难以直接对目标污染物进行分析,有效的样品前处理是痕量污染物分析必不可少的环节。近年来,纳米材料的兴起促进了样品前处理技术的发展。本文全面综述了近3年(2018~2020)基于碳纳米材料、金属有机框架、共价有机框架、聚多巴胺衍生材料以及分子印迹聚合物等新兴纳米材料的固相萃取技术、磁性固相萃取技术、分散固相萃取技术、固相微萃取技术等样品前处理技术在食品样品污染物分析中的研究进展,分析了基于以上纳米材料的食品样品前处理方法的优势和局限性,并对该领域未来发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Food quality and safety have become the top priorities for agriculture and food processing industry due to the increasing consumer demand for high-quality healthy food. The food processing industry is currently focusing on using fast, precise, and nondestructive automated quality inspection techniques. Near-infrared spectroscopy, image processing, hyperspectral imaging, X-rays, and ultrasonic techniques have been researched and shown to have high potential for automated inspection. The biggest challenge in the automated inspection systems deals with signal pre-processing, denoising, feature extraction, and its re-synthesis for classification purposes. Several research studies have established that the technique of wavelet analysis can very well resolve these issues of signal processing in many systems used for quality inspection of agricultural and food products. The objective of this paper is to discuss the theory of wavelet analysis and review its application in signal processing and feature extraction for quality monitoring of agricultural and food products.  相似文献   

Food and nutrition security can be supported by an urban garden. The present study comprises a critical reflection on the difficulty of producing food in urban gardens in Brazil and shows the potential of food production and the obstacles to its expansion. In addition, issues related to the agroecological management of gardens are addressed and suggestions are made to improve the proposed public policies. Urban gardens are multifunctional and have social, economic and environmental impacts. They are strategically important for supporting low-income families and urban development. Through urban gardens, diverse foods and quality foods can be produced for self-consumption. This review highlights the importance of generating detailed information on urban gardens in Brazil to support policies aimed at this sector. Long-term and multidisciplinary studies are needed to evaluate the relationship between food production in urban gardens and household food and nutrition security. This approach revealed a lack of information on the amount of food produced by Brazilians in their gardens and consumed by the household. In addition, there is little information on the management of production. There is a gap relating to the impact of food produced in urban gardens and the prevalence of food and nutrition security. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法在食品安全检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全与人们的生活和健康密切相关, 关系到社会和谐稳定和经济平稳运行。高效的检测技术方法, 对保障食品安全具有重要意义。超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, UPLC-MS/MS), 以其高效、快速、灵敏、高选择性和高通量等优点, 为食品安全检测提供了一个重要的工具。该技术与QuEChERS、液-液微萃取、分散固相萃取、免疫亲和柱净化、碳纳米管纯化及柱前衍生化等多种样品制备技术的结合, 使其在食品样品复杂基质中痕量成分检测中发挥出独特的技术优势。本文综述了UPLC-MS/MS在食品农药兽药残留检测、食品生物毒素检测、食品加工危害物检测和食品过敏原检测等食品安全检测领域的应用和进展, 并对其未来应用潜力和发展前景进行了展望, 以期为UPLC-MS/MS技术方法在食品安全检测领域更好地推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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