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We have shown in this paper that members of the Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O and Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting families fabricated so far are built up of superconductor-semiconductor arrays. Four general homologous series are written down for these two families. The basic fundamental block in each series is itself a superconductor. We suggest that the Y-Ba-Cu-O family has a similar characteristic if YBaCu2O5-d is a superconductor.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of interlayer attractive interaction in a high-T c system having two layers per unit cell. The single band two-layer tight binding model Hamiltonian is considered and the double time Green's function technique is applied within the mean field approximation. The expressions for the hole density, transition temperature, and intra- and interlayer order parameters are obtained which are found to be dependent on the interlayer interaction and other parameters appearing in the Hamiltonian. The numerical analysis shows that the coupling of the charge carriers (holes) between the layers provides better conditions for the stabilization of long-range order and high superconducting transition temperature in layered superconductors. It is also observed that superconductivity is confined to a narrow region of hole concentration and the single particle tunneling suppresses the transition temperature.  相似文献   

In our previous works, we have shown that most existing ceramic superconductors can be considered to be built of superconductor-semiconductor composite and we have estimated the change in phonon spectrum of the intrinsic superconductor unit if a semiconductor unit is attached to it. Moreover, the proximity effect under the size quantization condition has been examined in the superconductor-semiconductor composite. Each of the stated effects by itself could causeT c enhancement in general as more semiconductor blocks are added to the system. We extend our study in this paper to analyze the combined actions of phonon spectral change and proximity effect without size quantization condition onT c variation in members of the Tl1 series of high-T c superconductors. Our results indicate that an optimumT c is obtained if the stated effects are included in the idealized unit cells of the superconductors made up of a superconductor-semiconductor array.  相似文献   

The conserving and self-consistent fluctuation-exchange approximation is used to calculate the quasi-particle self-energy and the dynamic spin susceptibility for the two-dimensional Hubbard model at band-fillings n somewhat below half-filling (n =1). The spectral density of the spin susceptibility exhibits incommensurate peaks similar to those observed by neutron scattering in La2–xSrxCuO4. No spin-density-wave instability is found down to the lowest temperatures T (40 K) and up to the largest n (0.85) and couplings U/t y(5) treated in this paper. For the same parameter space we calculate the eigenvalues of the superconducting eigen-solutions withd-wave and extendeds-wave symmetry. These eigenvalues increase as T is decreased and n is increased, however, they are always far below unity which means that one is far from a superconducting transition. The calculated normal-state quantities are in qualitative agreement with the measured quantities of the cuprates, for example, the electrical resistivity is nearly a linear function of T like that of YBa2Cu3O7.  相似文献   

We have investigated the 9- and 10-GHz microwave properties of bulk samples of strontium and barium substituted La2CuO4 and YBa2Cu3O7 and one YBa2Cu3O7 MBE film on SrTiO3. Anomalous microwave absorption is seen especially for poorly compacted bulk ceramic samples. Transitions were generally broadened nearT c and the residual losses were high. The real part of the surface impedance could be fit belowT c to the empirical equation with an added term linear in temperature. The microwave response of the film was masked by paraelectric absorption and acoustic resonances in the substrate.  相似文献   

The high-temperature superconductor glass state in the Josephson weak-link model is studied. Reversibility phenomena in weak magnetic fields are outlined.  相似文献   

The granular high-T c superconductors can carry very low transport current, in comparison to that found in the bulk of the material. Magnetization and critical current measurements at very low field indicate that this low transport current behaves as expected from a critical state model. The presence of weak links between the grains in granular aggregates is firmly established, together with the Josephson character of such links. The existence of some kind of magnetic particles, and of a mechanism of pinning for them, is required to explain the critical state regime. In this paper we examine the flux structures which can be present in the granular systems, which can be described by an array of SQUIDs, and we show their similarities to fluxons in a continuous medium and to fluxons in uniform Josephson junctions. A simple model, based on a two-dimensional network of pointlike Josepson junctions, is adequate to demonstrate the existance of the IF (intergranular fluxon). Its characteristics depend on a single parameter, which gives the coupling strength between grains. The discreteness of the system is the cause of an intrinsic pinning of the intergranular fluxons.  相似文献   

Measurements are reported of the linear thermal expansion of polycrystalline samples of BiCaSrCu oxide and BiPbCaSrCu oxide from 2 K up to about 1000 K. The measurements are compared with our earlier data on LaSrCu oxide and YBaCu oxide materials and are found to be similar in magnitude at normal temperatures. Near the superconducting transition temperature T c, anomalies in the linear coefficient (T) are small and similar in relative magnitude to those observed in the heat capacity.Paper presented at the Tenth International Thermal Expansion Symposium, June 6–7, 1989, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

This paper reviews existing data on the thermal conductivity of high-T c superconductors. Included are discussions of pristine polycrystalline high-T c ceramics, single crystal specimens, and high-T c materials structurally modified by substitution or by radiation damage. The thermal conductivity of high-T c superconductors is compared with that of conventional superconductors, and dramatic differences are found between the two families. Mechanisms of thermal conductivity applicable to high-T c perovskites are discussed and implications for theories of high-T c superconductivity are noted.  相似文献   

This review of high-T c superconducting thin-film processing focuses on the developments in thin-film deposition technologies since 1987. The common deposition processes are described with reference to their effects on superconductor film performance. A comparative evaluation of the potential of the technologies is also given. The development of multilayers and heterostructures is an important requirement for future device applications and is also described. The latest results of the deposition of novel superconducting materials and deposition on uncommon substrates are discussed. The outlook on some imminent topics of future development in process technologies for high-T c superconducting thin films is discussed.  相似文献   

The flux-line lattice in type-II superconductors has unusual nonlocal elastic properties which make it soft for short wavelengths of distortion. This softening is particularly pronounced in the highly anisotropic high-T c superconductors (HTSC) where it leads to large thermal fluctuations and to thermally activated depinning of the Abrikosov vortices. Numerous transitions are predicted for these layered HTSC when the temperatureT, magnetic inductionB, or current densityJ are changed. In particular, the flux lines are now chains of two-dimensional (2D) “pancake vortices” which may “evaporate” by thermal fluctuations or may depin individually. At sufficiently highT, ohmic resistivityρ(T, B) is observed down toJ → 0. This indicates that the flux lines are in a “liquid state” with no shear stiffness and with small depinning energy or that the 2D vortices can move independently. At lowerT, ρ(T, B, J) is nonlinear since the pinning energy of an elastic vortex lattice or “vortex glass” increases with decreasingJ as predicted by theories of collective pinning and by “vortex glass” scaling.  相似文献   

We consider penetration of magnetic flux in the rare earth ceramic superconductors within the framework of a generalized Ginzburg-Landau theory, based on the coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity. We study vortex structure produced for a magnetic field close to . We make a new prediction that may serve to test the theory experimentally.  相似文献   

The nano-scale intrinsic Josephson junctions in highly anisotropic cuprate superconductors have potential for generation of terahertz electromagnetic waves. When the thickness of a superconductor sample is much smaller than the wavelength of electromagnetic waves in vacuum, the superconductor renders itself as a cavity. Unlike conventional lasers, the presence of the cavity does not guarantee a coherent emission because of the internal degree of freedom of the superconductivity phase in long junctions. We study the excitation of terahertz wave by solitons in a stack of intrinsic Josephson junctions, especially for relatively short junctions. Coherent emission requires a rectangular configuration of solitons. However such a configuration is unstable against weak fluctuations, contrarily solitons favor a triangular lattice corresponding to an out-phase oscillation of electromagnetic waves. To utilize the cavity, we propose to use an array of stacks of short intrinsic Josephson junctions to generate powerful terahertz electromagnetic waves. The cavity synchronizes the plasma oscillation in different stacks and the emission intensity is predicted to be proportional to the number of stacks squared.  相似文献   

We review the specific heat measurements on La2CuO4, La2?xMxCuO4 (M = Ca, Sr, and Ba), YBa2Cu3O7, and the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O and Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O systems. Tables of properties derived from the data are presented. Results on RBa2Cu3O7 (R=rare earth elements other than Y) are summarized, as are results on YBa2(Cu3?xMx)O7 (M=Zn, Cr, Fe, or Ni). The difficulties of analyzing the specific heat data, and specifically the separation of the contributions associated with magnetic impurities, are discussed. It is tentatively concluded that the data nearT c are consistent with BCS theory, although they show evidence of fluctuation effects. It is also concluded that the low-temperature zero-field data on a majority of the high-T c oxide superconductors provide evidence of anintrinsic term that is proportional toT, a result that is inconsistent with a gap in the electronic density of states.  相似文献   

The critical currents and normal resistances of the small bridges from yttrium-based high-T c superconducting ceramics have been measured. The characteristic voltage of these bridges was found to be approximately 20 μV. This effect can be explained if, between the ceramic grains, there are contacts of an order of one crystalline cell in size.  相似文献   

On the basis of an indirect-exchange pairing mechanism of superconductivity we present a consistent interpretation of doping phenomena in both hole-doped as well as electron-doped high-T c superconductors. We argue that in all these materials the unifying feature is the existence of a correlated narrow band of electron states formed due to doping. Numerous experimental evidences for the occurrence of such a band (reflectivity, thermoelectric power, electrical resistivity, X-ray absorption, point-contact tunneling etc.) now exist. Assuming the existence of such a band it was earlier shown that the indirect-exchange (superexchange) coupling between electrons in this band via closed-shell oxygen anions is attractive in the s-wave channel and leads to high-T c superconductivity. Within the framework of this pairing mechanism, recent doping experiments (for both types of doping) can be given a unified interpretation. In addition, definitive predictions of the doping conditions under which critical temperatures are expected to enhance, are made.  相似文献   

The experimental observation of phonon renormalization in high-Tc superconductors gives clear evidence for the action of electron-phonon coupling. But in spite of the estimated coupling strength 1–3, these effects do not allow for a unique identification of the coupling mechanism. This situation is contrasted with that for the low-Tc superconductors where tunneling spectroscopy provides a hard proof for electron pairing via phonons.  相似文献   

We present vibrating reed (VR) measurements on single crystal and ceramic “1-2-3” and melt-processed polycrystalline Bi-based compounds in a wide range of temperature (4·2–100 K) and magnetic field (B=0–4 T). The “depinning line” (DL) determined by the VR technique is equivalent to the “irreversibility line” determined by magnetization and susceptibility measurements. A comparison of the results on single crystal and polycrystalline 1-2-3 compounds indicates that the VR technique is sensitive to the intragranular properties of the polycrystalline reed. It is found that the DL for 1-2-3 compounds is much steeper than that for Bi-based compounds, reflecting an intrinsically different pinning in both the materials, in agreement with the measured elastic coupling (Labusch constant α(B, T)).  相似文献   

High-T c superconductors have critical currents that decay sharply with increasing magnetic field. We solve Bean's model forJ c decaying exponentially withH and obtain qualitative agreement with existing magnetization data. We show thatH c1 cannot be obtained from the linear part of the magnetization curve; it can only be inferred from a low-field anomaly in the hysteresis curve. Presently quoted values ofH c1 ,based on the linear part of the magnetization curve, are gross overestimates.  相似文献   

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