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軸承保持器的冲压模具大多用X12M、X12Φ鋼料制造。以前由于热处理操作掌握不好,变形問題沒法解决,形成了生产上的关鍵。在这次大闹技术革新中,同志们总结了过去的經驗教訓,提出了一个改进方法。經过实际应用証明,采用这种方法变形很少,完全可以获得滿意的結果,而且还可以縮短生产周期。这种热处理方法的工艺曲线如附图所示,利用原有的設备和盐浴成分(預  相似文献   

日前,普茨迈斯特M5X系列泵车新产品发布会在上海举行,由普茨迈斯特自主研发的M56.5/M53.6型泵车是普茨迈斯特为满足中国客户需求,量身定做的传承经典之作。新产品应用先进的设计分析方法,提升了整体安全可靠性。设计中的EPS、OSS以及FFH三大系统更为新产品增添了一抹亮色。同时,M5X系列泵车的底盘由奔驰、五十铃量身定做,欧IV排放,节能更环保,并具有300kW的强劲动力。  相似文献   

The acoustic emission method for estimating damage to specimens made of thermally resistant steel is described as applied in air and in a gaseous hydrogen medium. Acoustic diagrams (AD) of steel cracking and their interpretation are presented. It is shown that thermal cycling of the steel in air and in a hydrogen medium leads to an increase in bulk damage to the steel. It is shown that the exploited material is more subject to micro- and macrocracking under the influence of temperature and the working environment.  相似文献   

The microstructures of 75X3M?? steel specimens that were sampled from forged pieces of support shafts of rolling mills was investigated. A correlation between the presence of a carbide network and increased attenuation of ultrasonic waves was established. Ultrasonic testing was performed using a Krautkremer ultrasonic flaw detector. The microstructure was studied using conventional metallographic-analysis methods. The nanoindentation method was used to measure the Young modulus of the phase components of 75X3M?? steel specimens, carbides, and the matrix. A comparative evaluation of their acoustic characteristics was performed.  相似文献   

Dependences of the coercive force, saturation magnetization, residual induction, relaxation magnetization and magnetic susceptibility, maximum magnetic permeability and associated magnetic field, electrical resistivity, and hardness of maraging steel 08X15H5Д2T on the conditions of preliminary heat treatments, hardening, and subsequent aging have been studied. The content of rtained austenite in specially prepared specimens was determined. These specimens were subsequently used to calibrate a differential magnetic instrument. Such an instrument is also used to determine the content of retained austenite in aircraft bolts.  相似文献   

Cast stainless steel may experience embrittlement when it is exposed approximately to 300°C for a long period. In the present investigation, the three classes of the thermally-aged CF8M specimen were prepared using an artificially-accelerated aging method. After the specimens were held for 300, 1800 and 3600hrs. at 430°C, respectively, the specimens were quenched in water which is at room temperature. Load versus load line displacement curves andJ- R curves were obtained using the unloading compliance method,J IC values were obtained using the ASTM E 813–87 and ASTM E 813–81 methods. In addition to these methods,J IC values were obtained using the SZW (stretch zone width) method described in JSME S 001–1981. The results of the unloading compliance method areJ Q = 543.9kj/m2 for virgin materials. The values ofJ IC for the degraded materials at 300, 1800 and 3600hrs. are obtained 369.25kJ/m2, 311.02kJ/2, 276.7kJ/2, respectively. The results obtained by the SZW method are compared with those obtained by the unloading compliance method. Both results are quite similar. Through the elastic-plastic fracture toughness test, it is found that the value ofJ IC is decreased with an increase of the aging time.  相似文献   

<正> 向气体炉中送入离解的氨气或采用以三乙醇胺为基加有活性含氮添加剂的渗碳剂时,液体碳氰化合物热解产物中的低温气体碳氮共渗是最为有效的。低温气体碳氮共渗方法的优点是不仅仅能提高扩散层的形成速度,而且还能大大减小脆性的碳氮化物和氮化物的∑和γ〃相的表面区域深度。以工业生产的钢所制的刀具和试样在25和60型井式炉中于560℃温度下进行碳氮共渗,历时4~6小时。按照标准规范进行了预先淬火和回火。对于每一种牌号钢的每一炉号钢都确定了其淬火温度。  相似文献   

对压缩机填料密封圈的周向膨胀量进行计算,找到了填料故障的根本原因,提出解决方法;通过对水系统的改进,确保填料的正常工作。  相似文献   

Friction stir welded low chromium AISI 409?M ferritic stainless steel was investigated for susceptibility to intergranular corrosion by oxalic and double-loop electrochemical potentiodynamic reactivation tests, and the degree of sensitization were evaluated by the ratio of the reactivating and activating currents. Stir zone of friction stir welded joint exhibited smaller degree of sensitization compared to the base metal and it is mainly due to fine grains and lower heat input nature of friction stir welding process. Heat-affected zone showed larger current ratio and higher degree of sensitization compared to stir zone and base metal region and not to the extent that has been reported in the literature for arc welding.  相似文献   

赵燕  张萍 《机电一体化》2002,8(2):74-75
随着单片机技术的快速发展及品种系列的不断扩展,单片机已广泛应用于汽车、家电、工业控制仪表等各种机电一体化产品中,不仅大大提高了原有产品的性能质量,而且产品成本有所下降,生产也更简便。针对目前家庭广泛使用的电风扇存在的不足,如定时长度有限,夜间睡眠时风力不能按气温自动调节,不能根据预先的设置变换风型和风力等,将单片机技术应用到电扇的控制器中,使之智能化,提高了其使用性能和附加值。 产品开发必须做到既有高的质量和性能、低的成本,还要便于生产。一般常用的单片机由于需要扩展程序存储器等外围芯片,而使成本…  相似文献   

PIC1 6C5X系列单片机是Microchip公司的低端产品 ,它没有中断功能 ,但可以利用其复位引脚MCLR实现中断功能 ,具体做法如下 :如图所示 :上电后 ,系统复位 ,执行初始化程序 ,然后Sleep ,由于PIC1 6C5X单片机的状态寄存器存在TO、PD两位 ,可用软件判断是上电复位还是MCLR加低电平唤醒Sleep复位 ,所以当中断信号来临时 ,就可执行中断程序 ,执行后Sleep。PIC单片机多为单指令周期 (跳转、调用指令除外 ) ,因此可编写精确的延时程序 ,当晶振为 4MHz时 ,单指令周期为 1 μs,请看下面程序 :图…  相似文献   

The effect of the structural state and the phase composition on the magnetic hysteresis properties of Fe(95)C(5) and Fe(85)C(15) powders after mechanical alloying and annealing is investigated. It is shown that in the initial stage of grinding in a ball planetary mill the coercive force of the Fe–C powders is determined by the degree of defectiveness of the -Fe phase and the relative volume and dimensions of nonmagnetic graphitic inclusions in iron powder particles. As the grinding time increases, the -Fe phase goes over into a nanostructure state and carbon from graphite inclusions goes over into an amorphous Am(Fe–C) phase. After annealing on the temperature interval 300–600°C, the amorphous Am(Fe–C) phase is transformed into Fe3C ferric carbide. The coercive force of the Fe3C phase strongly depends on the degree of distortion of its crystal lattice and amounts to 80 A/cm for the phase with distorted lattice and 240 A/cm for the phase with equilibrium undistorted lattice. The magnetic characteristics of the powder after mechanical alloying and subsequent annealing are determined by the type, amount, and structural state of the phases containing in the samples.  相似文献   

基于C4.5决策树算法的弱视诊断模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前的弱视诊断方法大多采用主观检查的方法,存在效率低且依赖于医生专业知识和一临床经验的问题,使用VISTON基于图形视诱发电位(p-VEP)的弱视诊断和治疗仪,在浙江省某家大型医院的眼科中心对137例弱视患者以及23例正常人进行了检测,对记录的数据采用c4.5决策树算法进行了分类,建立了弱视诊断模型。实际检测结果数据表明,该模型能够以较高的准确率辅助医生进行弱视诊断和治疗,提高了诊断效率,并有助于患者自查。  相似文献   

The physical and mechanical properties of 09Γ2C steel that was subjected to strengthening by intense plastic deformation using the method of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) are studied. An unambiguous interrelationship between the magnetic (coercive force, maximal permeability, Barkhausen magnetic noise parameters) and mechanical (rupture limit, conditional yield strength, relative elongation and narrowing upon damaging) characteristics of 09Γ2C steel, which was strengthened using ECAP following different technological regimes, is demonstrated. Therefore, it is possible to estimate the strength and plasticity characteristics of the analyzed material based on the measurement of its magnetic parameters. It has been revealed that under conditions of uniaxial tension in the range from 0 to (0.2–0.6) of the conditional yield strength (depending on the ECAP regime), it is possible to diagnose changes in the stressed state of items that are made of 09Γ2C steel that is hardened in accordance with the ECAP technique using magnetic structuroscopy methods.  相似文献   

PIC16C5X是美国微芯(Microchip)公司采用CMOS工艺生产的带片内ROM的单片机系列产品,其主要外部特性是:8位定时时钟/计数器(TMRO)带8位可编程预分频上电复位(POR);设备复位定器(DRT);内置RCT振荡器的看门狗定时器;可编程代码保护;节能Sleep模式。其中节能Sleep模式是其一种独特的工作特性.本文以典型范例就其Sleep模式下的键唤醒方法作出介绍,以便应用者参考。  相似文献   

PIC1 6 C5 X系列单片机的软件中断技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论PIC16C5X系列单片机的一种独特的中断方法。该方法充分利用了PIC16C5X系列单片机允许在软件控制下改变程序计数器(PC)值的特性,用标准I/O端口作为中断线,中断检测在软件控制下进行,最多可以达到8根中继线,64种可能的输入条件。  相似文献   

Ionic liquids have properties that make them attractive as solvents for many chemical synthesis and catalysis reactions. Consequently, research has focused on their application as advanced solvents. Recently, ionic liquids were shown to have promise as a lubricant due to many of the same properties that make them useful as solvents. The focus of this paper is to study the surface chemistry of ionic liquid lubricated steel in sliding contact to temperatures from room to 300 °C. Tribological properties were evaluated using a pin on disk tribometer with high temperature capability (up to 800 °C). Chemistry was studied using Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Samples used for tribological evaluation were 1 inch diameter polished M50 disks. Samples used for studying the surface chemistry were enriched 57Fe grown via thermal evaporation. Some 57Fe samples were oxidized to Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 prior to treatment with ionic liquids. The metallic and oxidized 57Fe samples were then reacted with ionic liquids at elevated temperatures. Three ionic liquids were used in this study; 1-n-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (BF4), 1,2-di-methyl-3-butylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (TFMS), and 1,2-di-methyl-3-butylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (PF6). This study was focused on understanding the high temperature stability of the liquids in contact with metal and under tribological stress. Therefore, the friction data was collected in the boundary (or mixed boundary/EHL) lubrication region to enhance surface contact. BF4 provided a friction coefficient of 0.04 for both the room and 100 °C tests and varied between 0.07 and 0.2 for the 300 °C test. The results from TFMS lubrication showed a friction coefficient of 0.025 at room temperature and 0.1 at 100 °C. The 300 °C test friction coefficient ranged between 0.1 and 0.3. Chemical analysis of the surface revealed corrosion of the surface due to reaction between the ionic liquids and steel/iron substrates.  相似文献   

介绍了无油润滑技术在取消平衡段的氮氢气压缩机Ⅴ、Ⅵ级气缸上的使用情况,改造后对合成触媒有保护作用,使用效果良好。  相似文献   

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