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The semantics of static deductive databases is well understood based on the work in logic programming. In the past decade, various methods to incorporate update constructs into logic programming and deductive databases have been proposed. However, there is still no consensus about the appropriate treatment of dynamic behavior in deductive databases. In this paper, we propose a language called DatalogU, which is a minimal but powerful extension of Datalog with updates to base relations. DatalogU allows the user to program set-oriented complex database transactions with concurrent, disjunctive and sequential update operations in a simple and direct way. It has a simple and intuitive declarative semantics that naturally accounts for set-oriented updates in deductive databases.  相似文献   

We propose here a .relational algebra capable of deducing tuples from a premise expressed in an extended relational form: it also supports user-defined and recursive functions in the form of parameterised views, and provides a facility for easier specification of queries. The paper shows the power of the language in dealing with problems such as ancestors, part explosions and connected tours.This language, called DEAL, is an enhanced version of the PRECI Algebraic Language (PAL) but presented here in a SQL-like syntax.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a set‐oriented rule‐based method definition language for object‐oriented databases. Most existing object‐oriented database systems exploit a general‐purpose imperative object‐oriented programming language as the method definition language. Because methods are written in a general‐purpose imperative language, it is difficult to analyze their properties and to optimize them. Optimization is important when dealing with a large amount of objects as in databases. We therefore believe that the use of an ad hoc, set‐oriented language can offer some advantages, at least at the specification level. In particular, such a language can offer an appropriate framework to reason about method properties. In this paper, besides defining a set‐oriented rule‐based language for method definition, we formally define its semantics, addressing the problems of inconsistency and non‐determinism in set‐oriented updates. Moreover, we characterize some relevant properties of methods, such as conflicts among method specifications in sibling classes and behavioral refinement in subclasses. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent proposals for multi-paradigm declarative programming combine the most important features of functional, logic and concurrent programming into a single framework. The operational semantics of these languages is usually based on a combination of narrowing and residuation. In this paper, we introduce a non-standard, residualizing semantics for multi-paradigm declarative programs and prove its equivalence with a standard operational semantics. Our residualizing semantics is particularly relevant within the area of program transformation where it is useful, e.g., to perform computations during partial evaluation. Thus, the proof of equivalence is a crucial result to demonstrate the correctness of (existing) partial evaluation schemes.  相似文献   

An abstract machine called a string automaton (SA) is introduced in this paper. SAs are motivated by the need to formally define the semantics of programming languages in a manner accessible to the users of the language. The SA notation can be used to represent functions and computations in a clear, concise, graphical, and natural manner. After the class of SAs has been formally defined, it is shown how logic modules (resembling hardware circuit elements) and function modules (which define functions) can be expressed by SAs. Networks of SAs and their application to the construction of parsers is discussed. The definition of the language and hardware components of an interactive programming system by means of SAs is outlined.  相似文献   

The CATHEDRAL Silicon Compilers synthesize hardware for DSP algorithms specified in Silage, a high level applicative language. In order to optimize the results of the silicon compilation in terms of chip-area and/or throughput, the user often massages the specification applying transformations to the Silage code. To guarantee that the transformations preserve the behavior of the specified algorithm, the formal semantics of the specification language had to be defined. The semantics has been used to prove in HOL the correctness of the transformations and to prove properties of the specification. We are currently building a system where a menu of useful andcorrectness preserving transformations will be available to the user. In this system the user could choose appropriate transformations from the menu taking advantage of his creativity and expertise to interactively guide the silicon compiler, without the risk of introducing inconsistencies. This article describes the formalmulti-rate semantics of a substantial subset of Silage and illustrates some formally verified transformations.  相似文献   

We present declarative and procedural semantics for a deductive object-oriented language, Gulog. The declarative semantics is based on preferred minimal models. We describe both bottom-up and top-down query evaluation procedures and show that they are sound with respect to the declarative semantics. The results contribute to our understanding of the interaction of inheritance, overriding and deduction in the presence of both functional and set-valued methods, and multiple inheritance.  相似文献   

Object-oriented database systems are the focus of current research and development efforts. Yet, there is no commonly accepted object model, nor is it clear whether such a model can be developed. This paper reports on efforts to develop a formal framework that contains most features found in current object oriented database systems. The framework contains two parts. The first is a structural object model, including concepts such as structured objects, identity, and some form of inheritance. For this model, we explain the distinction between values and (abstract) objects, describe a system as a directed graph, and discuss declarative languages. The second part deals with higher-order concepts, such as classes and functions as data, methods, and inheritance. This part is a sketch, and leaves many issues unresolved. Throughout the paper, the emphasis is on logic-oriented modeling.  相似文献   

Query by class,rule, and concept   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ideal query language for a knowledge base will probably never be found: easy formulation and easy evaluation of queries are two conflicting goals. Easy formulation asks for a flexible, expressive language near to human language or gestures. Easy evaluation of queries requires an effective mapping to machine code, which computes the correct answer in a finite number of steps. This article approaches the problem by a query language with three faces. The first projects queries to concepts of the knowledge representation language KL-One for easy formulation and readability. The second presents queries as rules of a deductive database with fixpoint semantics. The third presents queries as classes whose instances are the materialized answer (view) to the query. The methods for maintaining and updating the views are compiled from their deductive interpretation.  相似文献   

Przmusinski extended the notion of stratified logic programs,developed by Apt,Blair and Walker,and by van Gelder,to stratified databases that allow both negative premises and disjunctive consequents.However,he did not provide a fixpoint theory for such class of databases.On the other hand,although a fixpoint semantics has been developed by Minker and Rajasekar for non-Horn logic programs,it is tantamount to traditional minimal model semantics which is not sufficient to capture the intended meaning of negation in the premises of clauses in stratified databases.In this paper,a fixpoint approach to stratified databases is developed,which corresponds with the perfect model semantics.Moreover,algorithms are proposed for computing the set of perfect models of a stratified database.  相似文献   

A Formal Semantics for DAI Language NUML   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Traditional AI systems are brittle in the sense that they fail miserably when presented with problems even sliphtly outside of their limited range of expertise.A powerful,extensible strategy of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) for overcoming such bounds is to put the system in a society of systems.So the ability to coordinate group activities of individuals and to communicate between each other is necessary for a language describing DAI systems.Agent-oriented language NUML is such a language.It is a specific kind of object-oriented language.To give formal semantics to NUML,there is the problem to formalise object-oriented programming paradigm which is still open.The theory of higher-order π-calculus is a concurrent computation model with sufficient capability,which provides us a mathematical tool to do the formalization.This paper tries to use higher-order π-calculus to formalise NUML.  相似文献   

工程数据库语言EDL/3   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据建筑CAD领域的要求,并以此为背景,设计和实现了工程数据库语言EDL/3。该语言不仅包括一般工程数据库管理系统所具有的通用功能,而且还包括用于建筑CAD领域的特殊功能,该语言在整体功能上优于CAD*I/EDL和EDL/2。  相似文献   

The general context of this work is the problem of merging data provided by several sources which can be contradictory. Focusing on the case when the information sources do not contain any disjunction, this paper first defines a propositional modal logic for reasoning with data obtained by merging several information sources according to a majority approach. Then it defines a theorem prover to automatically deduce these merged data. Finally, it shows how to use this prover to implement a query evaluator which answers queries addressed to several databases. This evaluator is such that the answer to a query is the one that could be computed by a classical evaluator if the query was addressed to the merged databases. The databases we consider are made of an extensional part, i.e. a set of positive or negative ground literals, and an intensional part i.e. a set of first order function-free clauses. A restriction is imposed to these databases in order to avoid disjunctive data.  相似文献   

Bottom-up query-answering procedures tend to explore a much larger search space than what is strictly needed. Top-down processing methods use the query to perform a more focused search that can result in more efficient query answering. Given a disjunctive deductive database, DB, and a query, Q, we establish a strong connection between model generation and clause derivability in two different representations of DB and Q. This allows us to use a bottom-up procedure for evaluating Q against DB in a top-down fashion. The approach requires no extensive rewriting of the input theory and introduces no new predicates. Rather, it is based on a certain duality principle for interpreting logical connectives. The duality transformation is achieved by reversing the direction of implication arrows in the clauses representing both the theory and the negation of the query. The application of a generic bottom-up procedure to the transformed clause set results in top-down query answering. Under favorable conditions efficiency gains are substantial, as shown by our preliminary testing. We give the logical meaning of the duality transformation and point to the conditions and sources of improved efficiency. We show how the duality approach can be used for refined query answering by specifying the minimal conditions (weakest updates) to DB under which Q becomes derivable. This is shown to be useful for view updates in disjunctive deductive databases as well as for other interesting applications.  相似文献   

The lack of tools for rule generation, analysis, and run-time monitoring appears one of the main obstacles to the widespreading of active database applications. This paper describes a complete tool environment for assisting the design of active rules applications; the tools were developed at Politecnico di Milano in the context of the IDEA Project, a 4-years Esprit project sponsored by the European Commission which was launched in June 1992. We describe tools for active rule generation, analysis, debugging, and browsing; rules are defined in Chimera, a conceptual design model and language for the specification of active rules applications. We also introduce a tool for mapping from Chimera into Oracle, a relational product supporting triggers.Most of the tools described in this paper are fully implemented and currently in operation (beta-testing) within the companies participating to the IDEA Project, with the exception of two of them (called Argonaut-V and Pandora), which will be completed by the end of 1996.Research presented in this paper is supported by Esprit project P6333 IDEA, and by ENEL contract VDS 1/94: Integrity Constraint Management  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation into estimating the quality of functional programs. The work reported here is part of a larger, ongoing study into a quantitative analysis of the effect of utilizing different programming paradigms on code quality. Before undertaking such a comparative analysis it was necessary to establish a baseline of quality indicators which could then be used as metrics for the remainder of the project. Thus the aim of the research presented here was to evaluate a set of suggested indicators corresponding to internal attributes by investigating the correlation between the suggested indicators and the desired external quality-type attributes of the code. A method for the evaluation of the suggested metrics is discussed and the results of performing such an evaluation for functional programs are presented.  相似文献   

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