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在最近的一系列文章中,我主要讨论在不同类型的项目中是否适宜采用不同的领导风格.也就是说,项目经理的领导风格是否影响着项目成功,不同的领导风格是否适合在不同类型的项目中采用.  相似文献   

项目成功:成功标准   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在最近的一系列文章中,我主要讨论项目经理的领导风格是否会影响项目成功,以及不同的领导风格针对不同类型的项目是否恰当.为了回答这一问题,我们需要理解项目成功的含义.  相似文献   

在最近的一系列文章中,我主要讨论在不同类型的项目中是否适宜采用不同的领导风格.也就是说,项目经理的领导风格是否会影响项目成功,不同的领导风格是否适合在不同类型的项目中采用.上期我考察了有关项目管理文献中对于项目经理的能力(包括他或她的领导风格)作为项目成功因素的论述.  相似文献   

在最近的一系列文章中,我主要讨论在不同类型的项目中是否适宜采用不同的领导风格,这引发了我们对项目成功标准和成功因素的思考.我想通过讨论以下两个主题为这一系列文章画上一个圆满的句号:  相似文献   

在过去的几个月里,我讨论了项目成功以及项目经理对项目成功的贡献.在2006年第7期,我提出项目经理的领导风格和情商是项目的成功因素,在不同类型的项目中需要不同的领导风格.  相似文献   

在这一系列文章中,我主要讨论在不同类型的项目中是否适宜采用不同的领导风格.也就是说,项目经理的领导风格是否影响着项目的成功,不同类型的项目中是否适合采取不同的领导风格.上期我阐述了一般管理文献中的6个管理学派,本期我想讨论这6个学派是如何应用在项目环境中的.  相似文献   

上期我提出了不同类型的项目是否需要不同的领导风格这一问题,并阐述了什么是"不同类型的项目".这个问题引起了人们的许多争论,人们对此各持己见.一些人认为项目管理是一般性技能,一旦人们掌握了它,就可以把它应用于所有类型的项目中.而另外一些人则认为不同的项目需要不同的管理方式.上期我阐述了项目分类,并提出了组织对项目分类的原因之一是为了在组织内开发恰当的项目管理程序和技能,来管理他们正在实施的各种项目,然后把这些程序和技能应用于每一个项目中.如果管理不同类型的项目需要不同类型的程序和不同的技能,那么也许使用不同的领导风格也是恰当的.  相似文献   

在过去14个月的专栏文章里我阐述了如何提高组织的项目管理能力,该主题的系列文章已告一段落,从这期开始我将转而讨论项目经理的领导能力.目前我正在参与一项由美国项目管理协会(PMI)赞助的研究项目,研究项目经理的领导能力,在这里我愿意与大家分享我们的一些研究成果.我们尤其研究了不同的领导风格在不同类型的项目中是否适用.  相似文献   

项目成功相关文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项目成功是项目管理研究的重要内容。对项目成功的研究主要包括三方面:项目成功的概念、项目成功的指标和项目成功的影响因素。这些研究从不同的行业、不同类型的项目等角度出发,形成了各种研究观点。但尚没有形成某行业、某种类型的项目成功的公认的研究观点,所以,这方面的研究尚未形成体系。这是目前该领域研究存在的主要问题,也是未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

以项目负责人对特定项目的整体评分作为因变量,将影响因素所得评分作为自变量,对二者进行实证分析及回归分析。通过线性回归对影响投资项目成功因素进行分析,探讨影响项目成功的主要因素,指出影响项目成功因素中管理人员在项目中的责任是否明确、管理层决策是否合理以及项目进度安排是否合理3个因素对项目影响最大。通过分析影响项目成功的关键因素,对“十二五”期间云南省的投资项目提供一定理论与实践指导。  相似文献   

  随着城市化步伐持续加速,一次次撩拨中国路面机械企业的神经,国内外路面机械企业无一例外地将对增长的良好预期投注于中国市场之上。未来,这一市场上竞争的激烈程度,可以想见。  相似文献   

Project success is a widely studied and discussed phenomenon of project management. Whilst certain success criteria and success factors are common across different project types, there are unique criteria and factors that apply only to specific projects. This paper presents the development and investigation of the attributes of the success criteria and factors of organisational event projects, as well as an analysis of the relationship between the criteria and factor areas. The study is based on a questionnaire survey of world and European championships. The findings of the study are of interest because they distinguish the success factors that represent relationship orientation and task focus. An analysis of the correlations suggests that relationship-oriented success factors, such as communication, co-operation and project leadership, play a crucial role in carrying out successful organisational event projects.  相似文献   

在目前严峻的经济形势下,购买翻新塔式起重机会有很好的商业价值吗?David Pittman采访了一些“回用”塔式起重机的公司和安全专业人士。试图找到旧机器翻新的好处和与其相关的风险。  相似文献   

The question of whether success can be measured and the purpose of it is discussed. In any discussion on success, it is essential that a distinction is made between project success and the success of the project management effort, bearing in mind that good project management can contribute towards project success but is unlikely to be able to prevent failure. The most appropriate criteria for success are the project objectives. The degree to which these objectives have been met determines the success or failure of a project. The criteria for success of the project management effort tends to be restricted to cost, time and quality/performance. When measuring project success, one must consider the objectives of all stakeholders throughout the project life cycle and at all levels in the management hierarchy. Therefore, to believe that, with such a multitude of objectives, one can objectively measure the success of a project is somewhat an illusion.  相似文献   

Public projects are conducted on behalf of citizens and taxpayers, who may have different views of what success looks like. The authors argue that the definition of success needs to be broad and multifaceted, even more in public than private projects. A generic six-criteria model is suggested, which covers project success on three analytical levels, from various valuation perspectives, and intended and unintended impacts alike. The model is used to evaluate 34 projects some years into their operational phases. The findings suggest that public projects are often more successful than people think. For example, cost performance is largely acceptable, contrary to the impression presented by the media and some academic studies. We also demonstrate how projects can be successful in some respects yet unsuccessful in others. We argue that the media, the most important source of information for members of the public, has a narrow definition of success and is negatively biased. It seems that ex post evaluation applying a standardized and multifaceted framework, provides a good basis for learning and improvement, to enhance the success of future projects on all levels.  相似文献   

Determinants of new firm success   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The differences between new firms, even the differences present right at the start, may affect their life course and success over time. This article addresses the determinants of success of Dutch start-ups from a longitudinal perspective. After an overview of the literature on both the definition of success and the success factors of new firms we test how new firm characteristics relate to firm growth in number of employees using a panel of nearly 2,000 firms. In addition to a large firm size right from the start, good preparation, having a business partner, and some years in salaried employment also enhance firm growth. Based on these success determinants we construct a typology of starters that may be used to predict future growth chances. Received 25 February 1999 / Accepted 10 December 1999  相似文献   

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