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The similarity join has become an important database primitive for supporting similarity searches and data mining. A similarity join combines two sets of complex objects such that the result contains all pairs of similar objects. Two types of the similarity join are well-known, the distance range join, in which the user defines a distance threshold for the join, and the closest pair query or k-distance join, which retrieves the k most similar pairs. In this paper, we propose an important, third similarity join operation called the k-nearest neighbour join, which combines each point of one point set with its k nearest neighbours in the other set. We discover that many standard algorithms of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) such as k-means and k-medoid clustering, nearest neighbour classification, data cleansing, postprocessing of sampling-based data mining, etc. can be implemented on top of the k-nn join operation to achieve performance improvements without affecting the quality of the result of these algorithms. We propose a new algorithm to compute the k-nearest neighbour join using the multipage index (MuX), a specialised index structure for the similarity join. To reduce both CPU and I/O costs, we develop optimal loading and processing strategies.  相似文献   

κ Nearest Neighbor (κNN) search is one of the most important operations in spatial and spatio-temporal databases. Although it has received considerable attention in the database literature, there is little prior work on κNN retrieval for moving object trajectories. Motivated by this observation, this paper studies the problem of efficiently processing κNN (κ≥ 1) search on R-tree-like structures storing historical information about moving object trajectories. Two algorithms are developed based on best-first traversal paradigm, called BFPκNN and BFTκNN, which handle the κNN retrieval with respect to the static query point and the moving query trajectory, respectively. Both algorithms minimize the number of node access, that is, they perform a single access only to those qualifying nodes that may contain the final result. Aiming at saving main-memory consumption and reducing CPU cost further, several effective pruning heuristics are also presented. Extensive experiments with synthetic and real datasets confirm that the proposed algorithms in this paper outperform their competitors significantly in both efficiency and scalability.  相似文献   

Ranking queries, also known as top-k queries, produce results that are ordered on some computed score. Typically, these queries involve joins, where users are usually interested only in the top-k join results. Top-k queries are dominant in many emerging applications, e.g., multimedia retrieval by content, Web databases, data mining, middlewares, and most information retrieval applications. Current relational query processors do not handle ranking queries efficiently, especially when joins are involved. In this paper, we address supporting top-k join queries in relational query processors. We introduce a new rank-join algorithm that makes use of the individual orders of its inputs to produce join results ordered on a user-specified scoring function. The idea is to rank the join results progressively during the join operation. We introduce two physical query operators based on variants of ripple join that implement the rank-join algorithm. The operators are nonblocking and can be integrated into pipelined execution plans. We also propose an efficient heuristic designed to optimize a top-k join query by choosing the best join order. We address several practical issues and optimization heuristics to integrate the new join operators in practical query processors. We implement the new operators inside a prototype database engine based on PREDATOR. The experimental evaluation of our approach compares recent algorithms for joining ranked inputs and shows superior performance.Received: 23 December 2003, Accepted: 31 March 2004, Published online: 12 August 2004Edited by: S. AbiteboulExtended version of the paper published in the Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2003, Berlin, Germany, pp 754-765  相似文献   

An important query for spatio-temporal databases is to find nearest trajectories of moving objects. Existing work on this topic focuses on the closest trajectories in the whole data space. In this paper, we introduce and solve constrained k-nearest neighbor (CkNN) queries and historical continuous CkNN (HCCkNN) queries on R-tree-like structures storing historical information about moving object trajectories. Given a trajectory set D, a query object (point or trajectory) q, a temporal extent T, and a constrained region CR, (i) a CkNN query over trajectories retrieves from D within T, the k (≥ 1) trajectories that lie closest to q and intersect (or are enclosed by) CR; and (ii) an HCCkNN query on trajectories retrieves the constrained k nearest neighbors (CkNNs) of q at any time instance of T. We propose a suite of algorithms for processing CkNN queries and HCCkNN queries respectively, with different properties and advantages. In particular, we thoroughly investigate two types of CkNN queries, i.e., CkNNP and CkNNT, which are defined with respect to stationary query points and moving query trajectories, respectively; and two types of HCCkNN queries, namely, HCCkNNP and HCCkNNT, which are continuous counterparts of CkNNP and CkNNT, respectively. Our methods utilize an existing data-partitioning index for trajectory data (i.e., TB-tree) to achieve low I/O and CPU cost. Extensive experiments with both real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms in terms of efficiency and scalability.  相似文献   

Skyline query processing over uncertain data streams has attracted considerable attention in database community recently, due to its importance in helping users make intelligent decisions over complex data in many real applications. Although lots of recent efforts have been conducted to the skyline computation over data streams in a centralized environment typically with one processor, they cannot be well adapted to the skyline queries over complex uncertain streaming data, due to the computational complexity of the query and the limited processing capability. Furthermore, none of the existing studies on parallel skyline computation can effectively address the skyline query problem over uncertain data streams, as they are all developed to address the problem of parallel skyline queries over static certain data sets. In this paper, we formally define the parallel query problem over uncertain data streams with the sliding window streaming model. Particularly, for the first time, we propose an effective framework, named distributed parallel framework to address the problem based on the sliding window partitioning. Furthermore, we propose an efficient approach (parallel streaming skyline) to further optimize the parallel skyline computation with an optimized streaming item mapping strategy and the grid index. Extensive experiments with real deployment over synthetic and real data are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

The top-k query on uncertain data set has been a very hot topic these years, and there have been many studies on uncertain top-k queries. Unfortunately, most of the existing algorithms only consider centralized processing environments, and they are not suitable for the large-scale data. In this paper, it is the first attempt to process probabilistic threshold top-k queries (an important uncertain top-k query, PT-k for short) in a distributed environment. We propose 3 efficient algorithms. The serial distributed approach adopts a new method, which only requires a few amount of calculations, to serially process PT-k queries in distributed environments. The global sorting first algorithm for PT-k query processing (GSP) is designed for improving the computation speed. In GSP, a distributed sorting operation is performed, and then we compute the candidates for PT-k queries in parallel. The query results can be computed by using a novel incremental method which can reduce the number of calculations. The local filtering first algorithm for PT-k query processing is designed for reducing the network overhead. Specifically, several filtering strategies are proposed to filter out redundant data locally, and then the incremental method in GSP is used to process the PT-k queries. Finally, the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms is verified through a series of experiments.  相似文献   

Given a multidimensional point q, a reverse k nearest neighbor (RkNN) query retrieves all the data points that have q as one of their k nearest neighbors. Existing methods for processing such queries have at least one of the following deficiencies: they (i) do not support arbitrary values of k, (ii) cannot deal efficiently with database updates, (iii) are applicable only to 2D data but not to higher dimensionality, and (iv) retrieve only approximate results. Motivated by these shortcomings, we develop algorithms for exact RkNN processing with arbitrary values of k on dynamic, multidimensional datasets. Our methods utilize a conventional data-partitioning index on the dataset and do not require any pre-computation. As a second step, we extend the proposed techniques to continuous RkNN search, which returns the RkNN results for every point on a line segment. We evaluate the effectiveness of our algorithms with extensive experiments using both real and synthetic datasets.  相似文献   

A spatial k-NN query returns k nearest points in a point dataset to a given query point. To measure the distance between two points, most of the literature focuses on the Euclidean distance or the network distance. For many applications, such as wildlife movement, it is necessary to consider the surface distance, which is computed from the shortest path along a terrain surface. In this paper, we investigate the problem of efficient surface k-NN (sk-NN) query processing. This is an important yet highly challenging problem because the underlying environment data can be very large and the computational cost of finding the shortest path on a surface can be very high. To minimize the amount of surface data to be used and the cost of surface distance computation, a multi-resolution surface distance model is proposed in this paper to take advantage of monotonic distance changes when the distances are computed at different resolution levels. Based on this innovative model, sk-NN queries can be processed efficiently by accessing and processing surface data at a just-enough resolution level within a just-enough search region. Our extensive performance evaluations using real world datasets confirm the efficiency of our proposed model.  相似文献   

Due to the pervasive data uncertainty in many real applications, efficient and effective query answering on uncertain data has recently gained much attention from the database community. In this paper, we propose a novel and important query in the context of uncertain databases, namely probabilistic group subspace skyline (PGSS) query, which is useful in applications like sensor data analysis. Specifically, a PGSS query retrieves those uncertain objects that are, with high confidence, not dynamically dominated by other objects, with respect to a group of query points in ad-hoc subspaces. In order to enable fast PGSS query answering, we propose effective pruning methods to reduce the PGSS search space, which are seamlessly integrated into an efficient PGSS query procedure. Furthermore, to achieve low query cost, we provide a cost model, in light of which uncertain data are pre-processed and indexed. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed approaches.  相似文献   

Recently, due to the imprecise nature of the data generated from a variety of streaming applications, such as sensor networks, query processing on uncertain data streams has become an important problem. However, all the existing works on uncertain data streams study unbounded streams. In this paper, we take the first step towards the important and challenging problem of answering sliding-window queries on uncertain data streams, with a focus on one of the most important types of queries—top-k queries. It is nontrivial to find an efficient solution for answering sliding-window top-k queries on uncertain data streams, because challenges not only stem from the strict space and time requirements of processing both arriving and expiring tuples in high-speed streams, but also rise from the exponential blowup in the number of possible worlds induced by the uncertain data model. In this paper, we design a unified framework for processing sliding-window top-k queries on uncertain streams. We show that all the existing top-k definitions in the literature can be plugged into our framework, resulting in several succinct synopses that use space much smaller than the window size, while they are also highly efficient in terms of processing time. We also extend our framework to answering multiple top-k queries. In addition to the theoretical space and time bounds that we prove for these synopses, we present a thorough experimental report to verify their practical efficiency on both synthetic and real data.  相似文献   

Due to the inherent existence of uncertainty in many real-world applications, in this paper, we investigate an important query in uncertain databases, namely probabilistic least influenced set (PLIS) query, which retrieves all the uncertain objects in an uncertain database such that they are the least affected by a given query object with high probabilities. Such a PLIS query is useful in applications such as business planning. We propose and tackle both monochromatic and bichromatic versions (i.e. M-PLIS and B-PLIS, respectively) of the PLIS query. In order to efficiently answer PLIS queries, we present three pruning methods, MINMAX, Regional, and Candidate pruning, which can effectively reduce the PLIS search space. The proposed pruning methods can be seamlessly integrated into efficient query procedures. Moreover, we also study important variants of PLIS query with uncertain query object (i.e. UQ-PLIS). Furthermore, we formulate and tackle the PLIS problem on uncertain moving objects (i.e. UMOD-PLIS). Extensive experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed approaches under various settings.  相似文献   

Most modern database applications involve a significant amount of time dependent data and a significant portion of this data is now-relative. Now-relative data are a natural and meaningful part of every temporal database as well as being the focus of most queries. Previous studies indicate that the choice of the representation of now significantly influences the efficiency of accessing bitemporal data. In this paper we propose and experimentally evaluate a novel approach to represent now that we termed the POINT approach, in which now-relative facts are represented as points on the transaction-time and/or valid-time line. Furthermore, in the POINT approach we propose a logical query transformation that relies on the above representation and on the geometry features of spatial access methods. Such a logical query transformation enables off-the-shelf spatial indexes to be used. We empirically prove that the POINT approach is efficient on now-relative bitemporal data, outperforming the maximum timestamp approach that has been proven to the best approach to now-relative data in the literature, independently of the indexing methodology (B  + - tree vs R *- tree) being used. Specifically, if spatial indexing is used, the POINT approach outperforms the maximum timestamp approach to the extent of factor more than 10, both in number of disk accesses and CPU usage.  相似文献   

Query processing in the uncertain database has become increasingly important due to the wide existence of uncertain data in many real applications. Different from handling precise data, the uncertain query processing needs to consider the data uncertainty and answer queries with confidence guarantees. In this paper, we formulate and tackle an important query, namely probabilistic inverse ranking (PIR) query, which retrieves possible ranks of a given query object in an uncertain database with confidence above a probability threshold. We present effective pruning methods to reduce the PIR search space, which can be seamlessly integrated into an efficient query procedure. Moreover, we tackle the problem of PIR query processing in high dimensional spaces, which reduces high dimensional uncertain data to a lower dimensional space. Furthermore, we study three interesting and useful aggregate PIR queries, that is, MAX, top-m, and AVG? PIRs. Moreover, we also study an important query type, PIR with uncertain query object (namely UQ-PIR), and design specific rules to facilitate the pruning. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed approaches over both real and synthetic data sets, under various experimental settings.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks have been widely used in civilian and military applications. Primarily designed for monitoring purposes, many sensor applications require continuous collection and processing of sensed data. Due to the limited power supply for sensor nodes, energy efficiency is a major performance concern in query processing. In this paper, we focus on continuous kNN query processing in object tracking sensor networks. We propose a localized scheme to monitor nearest neighbors to a query point. The key idea is to establish a monitoring area for each query so that only the updates relevant to the query are collected. The monitoring area is set up when the kNN query is initially evaluated and is expanded and shrunk on the fly upon object movement. We analyze the optimal maintenance of the monitoring area and develop an adaptive algorithm to dynamically decide when to shrink the monitoring area. Experimental results show that establishing a monitoring area for continuous kNN query processing greatly reduces energy consumption and prolongs network lifetime.  相似文献   

Sensor fusion is the combining of sensory data from disparate sources such that the resulting information is in some sense better than would be possible when these sources were used individually. The natural uncertainty exists in these data because sensors are not precise enough. Hence, the intuitive method to store this kind of data is using uncertain database. Finding the top-k entities according to one or more attributes is a powerful technique when the uncertain database contains large quantity of data. However, compared to top-k in traditional databases, queries over uncertain database are more complicated because of the existence of exponential possible worlds. We propose a method to process entity–based global top-k aggregate queries in uncertain database, which returns the top-k entities that have the highest aggregate value. Our method has two levels, entity state generation and G-topk-E query processing. In the former level, entity states, which satisfy the properties of x-tuple, are generated one after the other according to their aggregate values, while in the latter level, dynamic programming–based global top-k entity query processing is employed to return the answers. Comprehensive experiments on different data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.  相似文献   

Managing large-scale time series databases has attracted significant attention in the database community recently. Related fundamental problems such as dimensionality reduction, transformation, pattern mining, and similarity search have been studied extensively. Although the time series data are dynamic by nature, as in data streams, current solutions to these fundamental problems have been mostly for the static time series databases. In this paper, we first propose a framework to online summary generation for large-scale and dynamic time series data, such as data streams. Then, we propose online transform-based summarization techniques over data streams that can be updated in constant time and space. We present both the exact and approximate versions of the proposed techniques and provide error bounds for the approximate case. One of our main contributions in this paper is the extensive performance analysis. Our experiments carefully evaluate the quality of the online summaries for point, range, and knn queries using real-life dynamic data sets of substantial size. Edited by W. Aref  相似文献   

The problem of kNN (k Nearest Neighbor) queries has received considerable attention in the database and information retrieval communities. Given a dataset D and a kNN query q, the k nearest neighbor algorithm finds the closest k data points to q. The applications of kNN queries are board, not only in spatio-temporal databases but also in many areas. For example, they can be used in multimedia databases, data mining, scientific databases and video retrieval. The past studies of kNN query processing did not consider the case that the server may receive multiple kNN queries at one time. Their algorithms process queries independently. Thus, the server will be busy with continuously reaccessing the database to obtain the data that have already been acquired. This results in wasting I/O costs and degrading the performance of the whole system. In this paper, we focus on this problem and propose an algorithm named COrrelated kNN query Evaluation (COKE). The main idea of COKE is an “information sharing” strategy whereby the server reuses the query results of previously executed queries for efficiently processing subsequent queries. We conduct a comprehensive set of experiments to analyze the performance of COKE and compare it with the Best-First Search (BFS) algorithm. Empirical studies indicate that COKE outperforms BFS, and achieves lower I/O costs and less running time.  相似文献   

Databases with uncertainty and lineage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper introduces uldbs, an extension of relational databases with simple yet expressive constructs for representing and manipulating both lineage and uncertainty. Uncertain data and data lineage are two important areas of data management that have been considered extensively in isolation, however many applications require the features in tandem. Fundamentally, lineage enables simple and consistent representation of uncertain data, it correlates uncertainty in query results with uncertainty in the input data, and query processing with lineage and uncertainty together presents computational benefits over treating them separately. We show that the uldb representation is complete, and that it permits straightforward implementation of many relational operations. We define two notions of uldb minimality—data-minimal and lineage-minimal—and study minimization of uldb representations under both notions. With lineage, derived relations are no longer self-contained: their uncertainty depends on uncertainty in the base data. We provide an algorithm for the new operation of extracting a database subset in the presence of interconnected uncertainty. We also show how uldbs enable a new approach to query processing in probabilistic databases. Finally, we describe the current state of the Trio system, our implementation of uldbs under development at Stanford. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants IIS-0324431, IIS-1098447, and IIS-9985114, by DARPA Contract #03-000225, and by a grant from the Boeing Corporation.  相似文献   

In several emerging and important applications, such as location-based services, sensor monitoring and biological databases, the values of the data items are inherently imprecise. A useful query class for these data is the Probabilistic Nearest-Neighbor Query (PNN), which yields the IDs of objects for being the closest neighbor of a query point, together with the objects’ probability values. Previous studies showed that this query takes a long time to evaluate. To address this problem, we propose the Constrained Nearest-Neighbor Query (C-PNN), which returns the IDs of objects whose probabilities are higher than some threshold, with a given error bound in the answers. We show that the C-PNN can be answered efficiently with verifiers. These are methods that derive the lower and upper bounds of answer probabilities, so that an object can be quickly decided on whether it should be included in the answer. We design five verifiers, which can be used on uncertain data with arbitrary probability density functions. We further develop a  partial evaluation technique, so that a user can obtain some answers quickly, without waiting for the whole query evaluation process to be completed (which may incur a high response time). In addition, we examine the maintenance of a long-standing, or continuous C-PNN query. This query requires any update to be applied to the result immediately, in order to reflect the changes to the database values (e.g., due to the change of the location of a moving object). We design an incremental update method based on previous query answers, in order to reduce the amount of I/O and CPU cost in maintaining the correctness of the answers to such a query. Performance evaluation on realistic datasets show that our methods are capable of yielding timely and accurate results.  相似文献   

Uncertain data is inherent in a few important applications. It is far from trivial to extend ranking queries (also known as top-k queries), a popular type of queries on certain data, to uncertain data. In this paper, we cast ranking queries on uncertain data using three parameters: rank threshold k, probability threshold p, and answer set size threshold l. Systematically, we identify four types of ranking queries on uncertain data. First, a probability threshold top-k query computes the uncertain records taking a probability of at least p to be in the top-k list. Second, a top-(k, l) query returns the top-l uncertain records whose probabilities of being ranked among top-k are the largest. Third, the p-rank of an uncertain record is the smallest number k such that the record takes a probability of at least p to be ranked in the top-k list. A rank threshold top-k query retrieves the records whose p-ranks are at most k. Last, a top-(p, l) query returns the top-l uncertain records with the smallest p-ranks. To answer such ranking queries, we present an efficient exact algorithm, a fast sampling algorithm, and a Poisson approximation-based algorithm. To answer top-(k, l) queries and top-(p, l) queries, we propose PRist+, a compact index. An efficient index construction algorithm and efficacious query answering methods are developed for PRist+. An empirical study using real and synthetic data sets verifies the effectiveness of the probabilistic ranking queries and the efficiency of our methods.  相似文献   

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