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Our previous results show that Zn(pic)(2) and Zn(asp)(2) inhibit key steps of the replication of HSV-1. Anti-HSV effect of complexes of Co(II) with aminoacids Lys and Ser was also found. In the present study we describe the effect of complexes of Zn(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) with D-aminosugars on the replication of HSV-1 and on the infectivity of free virions. The experiments were done using primary rabbit kidney cells (r.k.), diploid human embryonal fibroblasts (F) and Vero cells. No differences in the toxicity of metal complexes on diploid cells- r.k. and F, were found. Neither metal complexes, nor ligands-galactosoxime and glucosoxime, influenced the viral replication. During 1-4h prolonged contact only Cu(Gl.NOH)(2) inactivated HSV-1 virions up to 90%. The results show that D-aminosugars are not suitable ligands for Zn(II), Cu(II) and Co(II) in respect of the inhibition of viral replication. However, only Cu(Gl.NOH)(2) was able to inhibit the infectivity of free virions.  相似文献   

We have found that when copper, zinc or cobalt is bound to a suitable ligand, the appropriate complex exhibited a significant anti-HSV effect (Varadinova et al., 1993; 1996). Recently published data by Sagripanti et al. (1997) also show that the inhibition of HSV by copper was enhanced by reducing agents and that mechanism of the inactivation is similar as for copper-mediated DNA damage (Aruoma, et al. 1991; Dizdaroglu, et al., 1991; Toyokuni and Sagripanti, 1994). Therefore it was interesting to study the efect of Cu(ll) coordination compounds with acyclovir (ACV) on the replication of HSV in cultured cells. The experiments on cytotoxicity as well as on the activity of three different Cu-ACV complexes [Cu(ACV)(2)Cl(2)(H(2)O)(2)] = (A); [Cu(ACV)(2)(H(2)O)(3)](NO(3))(2).H(2)O = (B) and [Cu(ACV)(2)(H(2)O)(2)](NO(3))(2)] = (C) towards virus replication, with special attention on the growth of ACV-resistant strain R-100 were performed on MDBK cells. ACV was used as a reference compound. The following results were obtained: 1) Increased cell's viability in the presence of 20-40(g/ml ACV and decreased one in the presence of Cu-ACV complexes with relative level (A) > (B) > (C); 2) Cu-ACV complexes are more cytotoxic than the ligand - ACV and the relative level is (C)>(B)>(A); 3) The anti-HSV effect of ACV can be modulated by copper at levels depending on the specificity of the particular virus strain: (i) for the ACV sensitive strain DA (HSV-1) - ACV ((A) > (C) > (B); (ii) for the ACV sensitive strain Bja (HSV-2) (A) > ACV > (C) > (B); (iii) for strain R-100 (ACV(R), TK(a)) - (A) > ACV > (C) > (B). This findings are consistent with previously published data and undoubtedly show that Cu-ACV complexes could be useful in the treatment of HSV infections, especially when the causative agent is a resistant to ACV mutant.  相似文献   

Former studies showed that complexes of Zn(II) with picolinic and with aspartic acids, Zn(pic)(2) and Zn(asp)(2), are able to inhibit HSV infection in cultured cells by affecting key steps of virus replication. As these complexes are candidates for a novel class anti-HSV drugs, further studies on their mutagenicity are of particular interest. In the present paper we present data showing that Zn(pic)(2) and Zn(asp)(2) do not express mutagenic effect in both prokaryotic (Salmonella typhimurium) and eukaryotic (Saccharomices cerevisiae) test systems.  相似文献   

Complexes of zinc with picolinic and aspartic acids inhibit key steps of HSV-1 replication affecting different virus-specific targets. As was recently demonstrated by us, the pavine alkaloid (-)-thalimonine irreversibly inhibits HSV-1 infection in cultured cells. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of the combined effect of zinc complexes and (-)-thalimonine on uninfected and HSV-1 infected cells. The data obtained have shown that zinc complexes and the alkaloid exert decreased cytotoxicity (antagonistic effect) and significantly increased anti-HSV-1 activity (synergistic effect) when applied in dual chess-board combinations as compared to the individual effects of compounds tested. These combinations are also effective against the infection caused by a resistant to acyclovir (ACV) HSV-1 mutant and the effect has been recognised as synergistic.  相似文献   

目的观察重组人干扰素α2b阴道泡腾片对单纯疱疹病毒性阴道炎动物模型的疗效。方法采用单纯疱疹病毒感染建立豚鼠实验性阴道炎模型,并分别用重组人干扰素α2b阴道泡腾片600、3 000和15 000 IU/只进行治疗。以阿昔洛韦(无环鸟苷)和干扰素α2b栓剂15 000 IU/只作为对照。对治疗前后豚鼠阴道外观及组织切片进行评分。结果应用重组人干扰素α2b阴道泡腾片对豚鼠实验性单纯疱疹病毒性阴道炎进行治疗后,豚鼠阴道外观病变与组织切片病变评分均显著降低,其中15 000 IU/只效果最好。同样剂量的α2b泡腾片药效优于栓剂。结论重组人干扰素α2b阴道泡腾片对实验性单纯疱疹病毒性阴道炎有明显的疗效。  相似文献   

目的构建Ⅰ型单纯疱疹病毒型特异性包膜糖蛋白G基因膜外区毕赤酵母表达载体,并进行序列分析。方法PCR扩增HSV-1-gG基因的膜外区,克隆于pGEM-T载体,转化DH5α,提取质粒酶切鉴定后,与pPIC9K载体连接,转化DH5α,筛选阳性克隆,鉴定后转化GS115菌,构建酵母表达载体。对克隆的序列进行分析,预测表达产物的理化特性、抗原性及表达形式。结果获得的重组酵母表达载体pPIC9K-gG,测序结果证实为HSV-1-gG基因,序列分析其高度保守,预测蛋白相对分子质量15870,等电点pI为4.72,包含全部膜外区分值达1.7的6个强抗原决定簇,将以可溶性形式分泌表达于胞外。结论已成功构建HSV-1stocker株糖蛋白G基因膜外区毕赤酵母表达载体。  相似文献   

目的研究重组人干扰素α2a(rhIFNα2a)凝胶对动物体内单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)感染的疗效。方法建立HSV-1型豚鼠皮肤感染模型和HSV-2型小鼠阴道炎模型,考察rhIFNα2a凝胶抗HSV作用。将模型豚鼠与小鼠各自分为3个试验组,分别用3×105、2×105和1×105IU/g的rhIFNα2a凝胶治疗,并设平行对照(阿昔洛韦)与空白对照(未治疗)组。评价各组的疗效。结果与空白对照组比较,rhIFNα2a凝胶2×105和3×105IU/g剂量组可明显减少豚鼠皮肤组织中病毒含量,降低小鼠的死亡率,延长生存期。rhIFNα2a凝胶与阿昔洛韦的疗效差异无显著意义。结论rhIFNα2a凝胶具有抑制HSV-1致皮肤病变作用,可缩短病程,对HSV-2所致小鼠阴道炎有较好疗效。  相似文献   

采用模板法,将3,4-二氨基苯甲酸、水杨醛和钴盐以1:2:1比例混合制备席夫碱合钴配合物,并对其进行了红外表征紫外及、摩尔电导和磁性等性质测定。数据分析结果表明:通过席夫碱合钴红外谱图和摩尔电导结果的对比和分析,表明金属与N原子进行了配位,钴盐中的阴离子并未参与配位;通过磁化率的测定,得出席夫碱合钴配合物中钴的单电子数为1,进而可以推测该配合物的分子构型是平面四边形。  相似文献   


A solvent system of formamide-methanol-glacial acetic acid has been found to be particularly useful in the separation of the geometrical isomers of di- and tripositive cobalt(III) amine complexes from each other. Best separations are obtained for the various aquo complexes, so that this method may be of value in the study of hydrolysis or solvolysis reactions of these complexes.  相似文献   

目的在哺乳动物细胞中表达单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型(Herpes simplex virus type-2,HSV-2)糖蛋白D(GlycoproteinD,gD)胞外区片段,并分析其免疫活性。方法化学合成HSV-2 G株gD蛋白胞外区片断的基因序列gDt,以pCEP4作为表达载体,构建N-末端带His标签的重组表达质粒pCEP4-gDt,转染至HEK293细胞进行表达。表达的蛋白采用镍离子柱亲和层析纯化,ELISA法检测目的蛋白的抗原性。以纯化的重组蛋白免疫小鼠制备多抗血清,间接ELISA法检测效价。结果重组表达质粒经PCR、双酶切和DNA测序证实构建正确;表达产物经Western blot分析,在相对分子质量约46 000处可见目的蛋白条带;纯化的重组蛋白浓度约为45μg/ml,经ELISA检测证实具有良好的抗原性,免疫小鼠5周后,血清中特异性抗体效价达5×103。结论已在哺乳动物细胞中表达了HSV-2 gD胞外区片段,其具有良好的抗原性和免疫原性,为HSV基因重组亚单位疫苗的研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Three distinct cobalt complexes of 2-hydroxy-4-benzamidothiosemicarbazide, [Co(C8H9N4O2S) (H2O)3] Cl (I), [Co(C3H9N4O2S) (OH) (H2 O)2] (II) and Na [Co(C8H9N4 O2 S) (OH)3] H2 O (III) have been prepared at pH 3.0, 9.0 and 12.5, respectively. Magnetic measurements show subnormal values of the magnetic moment for high-spin octahedral cobaltous complexes. A possible correlation has been sought in nephelauxetic ratio, calculated from electronic spectral data. The values of 10 Dq, L.F.S.E. and Racah's interelectronic repulsion parameters have also been evaluated. The complex (III) is diamagnetic in nature.  相似文献   

Biologically active complexes of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) with novel ONO, NNO and SNO donor pyrazinoylhydrazine-derived compounds have been prepared and characterized on the basis of analytical data and various physicochemical studies. Distorted octahedral structures for all the complexes have been proposed. The synthesized ligands and their complexes have been screened for their antibacterial activity against bacterial species Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumonae. The activity data show the metal complexes to be more active than the parent free ligands against one or more bacterial species.  相似文献   

目的探讨丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C virus,HCV)2a FL-J6JFH NS5A基因置换对1b型HC-J4复制和感染性的影响,为建立HCV 1b细胞模型奠定基础。方法将JFH1 NS5A置换至HC-J4基因组内,构建嵌合全长基因组HC-J4/JFHNS-5A。体外制备野生型HC-J4、嵌合体及FL-J6JFH的RNA转录体,脂质体介导转染Huh-7.5细胞,采用间接免疫荧光法(IFA)检测转染细胞内的蛋白表达,HCV负链RNA特异性RT-PCR法和荧光定量PCR方法(FQ-PCR)检测基因复制情况。转染后不同时间收集转染细胞上清,感染naive Huh-7.5细胞,观察其感染性。结果 IFA未观察到野生型HC-J4和嵌合体转染细胞内HCV蛋白的表达,但在转染后18 d内的各个时间点,均检测到HCV负链RNA,表明嵌合体和野生型HC-J4在转染细胞内呈低水平复制。转染后第9天和12天,FQ-PCR检测表明,嵌合体转染细胞内HCV RNA水平明显高于野生型转染的细胞(P<0.05)。不同时间点转染细胞上清感染naive Huh-7.5细胞后,IFA均未观察到表达HCV蛋白的阳性细胞。结论 JFH1 NS5A蛋白虽然在一定程度上可提高1b型HC-J4株在体外培养细胞中的复制能力,但还不足以产生能够检测到的感染性病毒颗粒。HCV 1b细胞模型的建立尚受其他因素的影响。  相似文献   

A number of biologically active complexes of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) with pyrazinedicarboxaimido derived thienyl and furanyl compounds having the same metal ion but different anions such as sulphate, nitrate, oxalate and acetate have been synthesized and characterized on the basis of their physical, spectral and analytical data. In order to evaluate the role of anions on their antibacterial properties, these ligands and their synthesized metal complexes with various anions have been screened against bacterial species Escherichia coil,Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. The title studies have proved a definitive role of anions in increasing the antibacterial properties.  相似文献   

将合成的N-取代的吡啶-2-醛亚胺制备成2∶1型不对称吡啶亚胺钴(Ⅱ)配合物(CoL2n,n=1,2…6),并通过红外光谱、元素分析、核磁共振氢谱、热重分析等对相关化合物进行表征。以分子氧为氧源,考察催化剂的种类、溶剂、反应温度、反应时间对苯乙烯环氧化反应性能的影响。研究表明,配合物CoL42是最有效的催化剂;配合物中亚氨氮上取代基的供电子性和空间位阻有利于提高配合物的催化活性;在优化的反应条件下,苯乙烯的转化率达99.9%,环氧苯乙烷的选择性为62.4%。  相似文献   

Two new platinum(II) complexes have been synthesized and their anti-tumour and anti-HIV activities have been evaluated.THE NEW COMPLEXES ARE: (i) cis-tetrafluorophthalate-ammine-morpholine-platinum(II) or MMF3 and (ii) cis-tetrafluorophthalate- ammine-piperidine-platinum(II) or MPF4. They were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra and (1)H and (13)C NMR spectra.They were tested against five human ovarian carcinoma cell lines, viz., CH1, CH1cisR, A2780, A2780cisR and SKOV-3. They were less active than cis-platin and showed cross-resistance with cis-platin in the CH1cisR and A2780cisR acquired resistance lines.They were also tested for possible anti-HIV activity using the HIV-I IIIB virus and C8166 cells, but they were inactive compared with AZT.  相似文献   

Four new protein-binding platinum(II) complexes, 10, 11, 21, 22, in which the dichloroplatinum moiety is coordinated either to a carbon-substituted or a nitrogen-substituted ethylene diamino ligand, were prepared in ten-step syntheses. According to pH-dependent stability studies with strictly related compounds, 11 and 22 exhibit acid-sensitive properties.  相似文献   

The reactions of tetraethylthiouram disulfide (DTS), an inhibitor of the nephrotoxicity of Pt(II) drugs, an efficient agent in the treatment of chronic alcoholism, in the treatment of HIV infections, AIDS and heavy metal toxicity, and a fungicide and herbicide, with K(2)[PtCl(4)], in ratio 1:1 and 1:2, gave the compounds [PtCl(2)DTS] and [Pt(S(2)CNEt(2))(2)] respectively. The reaction of the complexes K(2)[PdCl(4)], Pd(AcO)(2) and [PdCl(2)(PhCN)(2)], where PhCN = Benzonitrile, with tetraethylthiouram disulfide in ratio 1:1 or 1:2, yielded orange crystals identified as [Pd(S(2)CNEt(2))(2)]. The crystals were suitable for study by X-ray diffraction. The -S-S- bridge in the tetraethylthiouram disulfude molecule was broken and the two molecules of the thiocarbamate derivative were bound to the Pd(II) by the equivalents sulfur atoms. All the compounds were characterized by IR, (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopies.  相似文献   

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