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高温矿井热源分析及计算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高温矿井不仅影响工作效率和矿山经济效益,也严重影响井下作业人员的身体健康和生命安全,为此必须采取切实有效的方法解决矿井出现的高温问题.直接导致矿井内气温升高的原因是矿井内各种热源的散热,因此分析矿井各种热源以及计算其散发的热量对矿井热害治理是十分必要.对一般高温矿井可能存在的热源进行了分类分析,并给出各种热源放热量的计算方法.  相似文献   

姚桥矿井下热源分析及热害防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以姚桥矿井下热环境的大量实测数据为依据,对影响采掘面气侯条件的各热源进行了定量计算,分析了其分布规律,在此基础上提出了切合实际的改善矿井气侯条件的措施。  相似文献   

通过调查分析,得知某矿床开采深度下降之后,地温、空气自压缩热和热水是主要热源,通风能力不足是主要热因。为改善井下高温气候条件,提出了优化通风系统、缩短进风和回风线路长度、增加通风量、改善通风效果、辅以制冷的综合降温措施。  相似文献   

浅析矿井压力计算中的数学模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

推导了工件上任意一移动点热源作用下温度场的瞬态解,将电弧热流和熔滴热焓量两部分构成的MAG焊接热输入近似处理为沿3个坐标轴的一连串点热源,根据实验结果确定了热输入的分布模式,计算了MAG焊的温度场,计算表明该模型能较精确地计算出熔合线的几何形状,预测熔深,焊接工艺实验验证了该计算模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

基于串热源的MAG焊接温度场解析计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推导了工件上任意一移动点热源作用下温度场的瞬态解 ,将电弧热流和熔滴热焓量两部分构成的MAG焊接热输入近似处理为沿 3个坐标轴的一连串点热源 ,根据实验结果确定了热输入的分布模式 .计算了MAG焊的温度场 ,计算表明该模型能较精确地计算出熔合线的几何形状 ,预测熔深 .焊接工艺实验验证了该计算模型的可靠性  相似文献   

随着GB8918-2006《重要用途钢丝绳》、GB/T8706-2006《钢丝绳术语、标记和分类》和《煤炭安全规程》2010版的相继实施,一些和矿井钢丝绳选型相关的概念发生了变化,其计算公式也相应调整.本文主要目的是介绍相关概念、新公式推导过程,并基于新标准进行矿钢丝绳选型计算,以便使新标准尽快应用到工程实际中.  相似文献   

为提高喷射火灾场景中对热辐射强度的预测结果的准确度,并且能够对热辐射强度进行快速 估算,将喷射火焰视为热载荷密度均匀分布于火焰中心线上的一条线热源,并考虑火焰中心线的形 状,提出基于线热源模型的火灾热辐射计算方法.通过对两个案例进行分析,结果表明:线热源模型 比点源模型提高了火灾热辐射预测结果的精度,比固体模型的计算过程更为简单便捷,满足工程快 速估算的需求.火焰线热源模型考虑了火焰长度方向的影响,但未考虑其宽度方向可能造成的影响 和火焰沿长度方向上热载荷分布的不均匀性,这可能引起计算结果与真实结果之间的误差,还有待 进一步的研究.  相似文献   

总结了国外对高温矿井皮带运输机上高温煤炭散热量的计算方法,分析了皮带运输机上高温煤炭同风流的热湿交换过程及其影响因素,提出了散热量的计算模型,并从我国高温矿井的实际出发,得出了适合我国煤矿实际的实用计算公式。  相似文献   

高温矿井集中生产对采煤工作面气候及制冷量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在矿井热力分析的基础上,建立了井下各种热源散热量的计算模型。利用这些模型和所编制的计算机程序,分析加大工作面开采强度、装备大功率重载机械设备以及增大采面尺寸(走向长度和倾斜长度)为主的集中生产后,采面的气候条件及制冷量的变化情况。根据这些变化提出了对于高温矿井的集中生产,必须考虑制冷费用及降温的难易和可能性,坚持合理集中的原则  相似文献   

The frictional performance of gaskets is greatly affected by fiictional heat in operational mine hoists. Based on frictional mechanism and heat transfer theory, the mathematical model of the temperature field of the PVC gasket in an operational mine hoist was investigated, a numerical simulation using ANSYS is presented and the distribution of the temperature and heat flux were studied under basic assumptions. The results show that the temperature gradually decreases as the radius of the model increases and the isotherms are arcs of concentric semi-circle. The heat flux is of bilateral symmetry in the model and decreases radially. The theoretical values correspond with the measured values for a short time (τ≤100 s) when the steel wire rope slides.  相似文献   

CO2属于环境友好型制冷剂,其跨临界循环非常适用于热泵系统。通过对自然工质物性和CO2污水源热泵专用活塞压缩机不可逆损失的研究,构建了带节流阀和带膨胀机的2种单级C02污水源热泵系统数学模型,开发了一套CO2单级热泵循环性能分析平台。该项目拟设计一种高效稳定的C02污水源热泵系统,实现城市污水低温余热的回收再利用,既符合社会可持续发展的要求,同时也是节能减排的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

This paper mainly deals with the present situation, characteristics, and countermeasures of cooling in deep mines. Given existing problems in coal mines, a HEMS cooling technology is proposed and has been successfully applied in some mines. Be-cause of long-term exploitation, shallow buried coal seams have become exhausted and most coal mines have had to exploit deep buried coal seams. With the increase in mining depth, the temperature of the surrounding rock also increases, resulting in ever increasing risks of heat hazard during mining operations. At present, coal mines in China can be divided into three groups, i.e., normal temperature mines, middle-to-high temperature mines and high temperature mines, based on our investigation into high temperature coal mines in four provinces and on in-situ studies of several typical mines. The principle of HEMS is to extract cold energy from mine water inrush. Based on the characteristics of strata temperature field and on differences in the amounts of mine water inrush in the Xuzhou mining area, we proposed three models for controlling heat hazard in deep mines: 1) the Jiahe model with a moderate source of cold energy; 2) the Sanhejian model with a shortage of source of cold energy and a geothermal anomaly and 3) the Zhangshuanglou model with plenty of source of cold energy. The cooling process of HEMS applied in deep coal mine are as follows: 1) extract cold energy from mine water inrush to cool working faces; 2) use the heat extracted by HEMS to supply heat to buildings and bath water to replace the use of a boiler, a useful energy saving and environmental protection measure. HEMS has been applied in the Jiahe and Sanhejian coal mines in Xuzhou, which enabled the temperature and humidity at the working faces to be well controlled.  相似文献   

地源热泵系统U型埋地换热器的实验研究与优化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对比几种地源热泵系统U型埋地换热器的理论计算模型的基础上,将短时间步温度反应系数模型应用于某小区办公楼的地源热泵系统,对埋地换热器进行了理论分析,并给出了与实验值对比的结果.结果表明,短时间步温度反应系数模型可以较好地预测埋地换热器的换热性能,为地源热泵系统的设计与优化提供了依据。  相似文献   

以不同热源位置下室内自然对流换热过程为研究对象,采用有限容积数值方法对质量守恒方程、能量守恒方程进行离散求解,研究了瑞利数Ra在103~106之间,不同热源位置情况下,室内的流体流线、等温线的分布特征和Nu数的变化。分析结果表明:Ra=103时,等温线以热源为中心向外扩散呈均匀拱形,随着Ra数的增加,等温线逐渐弯曲变形,在冷壁和热壁附近形成薄边界层;流线呈现为两个反向对称的涡,随着Ra的增大,涡的大小改变并发生运动;Ra=103时,D=0情况下的Nu最大;热源的位置对换热量的影响较大,D=0.5时,Nu数曲线最陡,D=0时最平缓;Nu数与Ra数呈幂数关系,拟合的线性相关性可达90%。结论为研究室内复杂传热机理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

从暖通空调领域冷热源方式入手,分析不同冷热源方式减少CO2排放的机理。根据减排机理给出计算减排量公式,得出相应条件下的减排量。结果表明,这些冷热源方式将有助于该领域的节能和减排,应大力推广使其得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

A new air-water dual source heat pump water heater with heat recovery is proposed.The heat pump system can heat water by using a single air source,a single water source,or air-water dual sources.The water is first pre-heated by waste hot water,then heated by the heat pump.Waste heat is recovered by first preheating the cold water and as water source of the heat pump.According to the correlated formulas of the coefficient of performance of air-source heat pump and water-source heat pump,and the gain coefficient of heat recovery-preheater,the formulas for the coefficient of performance of heat pump in six operating modes are obtained by using the dimensionless correspondence analysis method.The system characteristics of heat absorption and release associated with the heat recovery-preheater are analyzed at different working conditions.The developed approaches can provide reference for the optimization of the operating modes and parameters.The results of analysis and experiments show that the coefficient of performance of the device can reach 4-5.5 in winter,twice as much as air source heat pump water heater.The utilization of waste heat in the proposed system is higher than that in the system which only uses waste water to preheating or as heat source.Thus,the effect of energy saving of the new system is obvious.On the other hand,the dimensionless correspondence analysis method is introduced to performance analysis of the heat pump,which also has theoretical significance and practical value.  相似文献   

地源热泵系统运行特性的分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在涡旋压缩式地源热泵系统的冬、夏季典型工况下的循环性能分析的基础上,重点分析了地源热泵系统冬季随冷凝温度、循环水流量变化时的的运行特性,指出地源热泵系统的运行工况应兼顾末端负荷和机组循环性能之间的关系,并采取内外参数综合的容量调节方法。  相似文献   

介绍了回风源热泵技术及其原理,针对某矿井总回风蕴含热能较大、回收利用价值高的优势,提出了利用回风源热泵技术将回风热能交换到循环水中,作为热泵系统低温热源的方案,结合矿井的实际情况和实测数据出发,进行了方案实施。经使用验证,该方案达到了节能环保的目的,取得了较好的社会与经济效益。  相似文献   

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