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The design features of the electron accelerator with a large-area 200-keV beam and results of its investigation are described. The accelerator is based on a set of discrete longitudinal filament cathodes and operates in the continuous mode. The cross section of the beam extracted into the atmosphere is 40 × 50 cm2, and the maximal current density of the extracted electron beam is up to 100 μA/cm2. The nonuniformity of the current density distribution over the electron beam cross section is 10% or less.  相似文献   

The plasma-filled rod-pinch diode (PFRP) is an intense source of x-rays ideal for radiography of dense objects. In the PRFP megavoltage electrons from a pulsed discharge concentrate at the pointed end of a 1 mm diameter tapered tungsten rod. Ionization of this plasma might increase the energy of tungsten's Kα(1) fluorescence line, at 59.3182 keV, enough for the difference to be observed by a high-resolution Cauchois transmission crystal spectrograph. When the PFRP's intense hard bremsstrahlung is suppressed by the proper shielding, such an instrument gives excellent fluorescence spectra, albeit with as yet insufficient resolution to see any effect of tungsten's ionization. Higher resolution is possible with various straightforward upgrades that are feasible thanks to the radiation's high intensity.  相似文献   

The design of an electron accelerator cathode unit with short filament elements in the form of a coil without a tightening mechanism is described. The advantage of the developed design over those of cathodes with long filaments with tightening mechanisms is shown. The nonuniformity of the beam-current density distribution behind the foil is <3%. The filament power required for cathodes in the form of coils is 20% lower than that for long-filament cathodes at the same beam-current density. Mechanical stresses leading to a breakdown of the cathode filaments are absent. The service life is determined mainly by the emission-caused wear of cathodes.  相似文献   

New crystal devices—an array of bent strips and a fan-type reflector based on thin straight plates—have been used to study extraction and collimation of the beam circulating in the accelerator at energies of 50 and 1.3 GeV. It is shown that these devices allow high-efficiency beam steering in a wide energy range. For 50-GeV protons, the efficiency of beam extraction and collimation is ~90%, which is the highest efficiency attained for this method to date. It has been observed that the use of different crystals causes the particle loss at the accelerator downstream of the absorber to decrease by a factor of 2–3 in comparison with the standard single-stage scheme of beam collimation by a steel absorber.  相似文献   

A real-time interferometer (RTI) has been developed to monitor the bunch length of an electron beam in an accelerator. The RTI employs spatial autocorrelation, reflective optics, and a fast response pyro-detector array to obtain a real-time autocorrelation trace of the coherent radiation from an electron beam thus providing the possibility of online bunch-length diagnostics. A complete RTI system has been commissioned at the A0 photoinjector facility to measure sub-mm bunches at 13 MeV. Bunch length variation (FWHM) between 0.8 ps (~0.24 mm) and 1.5 ps (~0.45 mm) has been measured and compared with a Martin-Puplett interferometer and a streak camera. The comparisons show that RTI is a viable, complementary bunch length diagnostic for sub-mm electron bunches.  相似文献   

Extraction and collimation of the 50-GeV proton beam with a bent silicon crystal at the U-70 accelerator of the Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Russia) was investigated. Until recently, proton beam extraction (and collimation) from accelerators has been effected using crystals with the (111) or (110) plane orientation, when the beam propagates far from the crystal axes. In the described experiment, the silicon crystal was oriented so that the proton beam was incident on it near the 〈110〉 axis. Under these conditions, a part of the beam was deflected by the crystal owing to the dynamic chaos phenomenon. The maximum beam extraction efficiency was as high as ~80%.  相似文献   

The results of investigating the focusing of a high-power ion beam, which is formed by a diode with a semicylindrical geometry and a passive anode, are presented. Two types of focusing diodes were investigated: with external magnetic insulation (one-pulse mode) and self-magnetic insulation of electrons (twopulse mode). Measurements of the energy-density distribution of the ion beam and the ion-current density were performed. It was found that when the diode operates in the two-pulse mode, the region of the maximum ion-beam energy density in the focal plane is displaced relative to the region of the maximum ion-current density by 5–10 mm. It is shown that the effect of a displacement of the focal spot with the maximum energy density is determined by the presence of a large number of accelerated neutral atoms in the ion beam. These atoms are produced as a result of the ion charge-exchange process in the anode–cathode gap of the ion diode during its operation in the two-pulse mode.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation of the energy-density distribution over the cross section of a pulsed ion beam formed with a passive-anode diode in the mode of magnetic insulation and a closed electron drift in the anode–cathode gap are presented. Diodes of two types are studied: with external magnetic insulation (Br diode) on the BIPPAB-450 accelerator (400 kV, 80 ns) and self-magnetic insulation of electrons (spiral diode) on the TEMP-4M accelerator (250 kV, 120 ns). In the investigated diodes, various processes are used to form anode plasma: a breakdown over the surface of a dielectric coating on the anode and ionization of the anode surface with accelerated electrons (Br diode), as well as explosive emission of electrons (spiral diode). To analyze the ion-beam energy density, thermal-imaging diagnostics is used with a spatial resolution of 1–2 mm. The energy-density is calculated from the one-dimensional Child–Langmuir relationship. It is shown that a continuous plasma layer is efficiently formed on the working anode surface for all the investigated diodes. The anode-plasma concentration is rather high, and the beam-energy density is limited by the space charge of ions, but not by the plasma concentration. It is found that, when the magnetic field in the Br-diode anode–cathode gap decreases or the electron current in the spiral diode increases, the energy density of the high-power ion beam rises significantly, but the beam homogeneity decreases.  相似文献   

A method to measure the density distribution of a dense hydrogen gas jet is presented. A Mach 5.5 nozzle is cooled to 80 K to form a flow capable of molecular cluster formation. A 250 V, 10 mA electron beam collides with the jet and produces H(α) emission that is viewed by a fast camera. The high density of the jet, several 10(16)?cm(-3), results in substantial electron depletion, which attenuates the H(α) emission. The attenuated emission measurement, combined with a simplified electron-molecule collision model, allows us to determine the molecular density profile via a simple iterative calculation.  相似文献   

We report on the characteristics of the electronegative plasma in a large-scale hydrogen negative ion (H(-)) source. The measurement has been made with a time-resolved Langmuir probe installed in the beam extraction region. The H(-) density is monitored with a cavity ring-down system to identify the electrons in the negative charges. The electron-saturation current decreases rapidly after starting to seed Cs, and ion-ion plasma is observed in the extraction region. The H(-) density steps down during the beam extraction and the electron density jumps up correspondingly. The time integral of the decreasing H(-) charge density agrees well with the electron charge collected with the probe. The agreement of the charges is interpreted to indicate that the H(-) density decreasing at the beam extraction is compensated by the electrons diffusing from the driver region. In the plasmas with very low electron density, the pre-sheath of the extraction field penetrates deeply inside the plasmas. That is because the shielding length in those plasmas is longer than that in the usual electron-ion plasmas, and furthermore the electrons are suppressed to diffuse to the extraction region due to the strong magnetic field.  相似文献   

Hydrogen ion beam optics in a two-stage linear acceleration system is studied by examining the beam divergence as a function of the voltage and gap distribution, the beam perveance, the background gas pressure, the aspect ratio, and the total accelerating energy (60-110 keV). The system consists of four electrodes with single, cylindrical, straight-bore apertures acting as an extraction-accel-decel column. An optimum relation between the field ratio and the extraction perveance is obtained from measurements for the minimum beam divergence condition. The HWHM divergence angle is <0.3 degrees under optimum conditions. Qualitative agreement between the measurements and a previous theoretical study is noticed. A potential application of the results to high energy neutral beam injectors for fusion research is also discussed.  相似文献   

A high-efficiency ion source for a mass-spectrometer’s detector of molecular beams and their scattering products is described. The ion source is designed according to a scheme of impact ionization of a beam particle by a longitudinal electron beam in a magnetic field with a strength of up to 130 mT. The design of the source developed is very flexible and has no limitations for use in any experiments with molecular beams. An ionization efficiency of particles of an atomic helium beam of 10?3 ions/atom has been achieved. The useful signal-to-background ratio in the detector’s chamber is 3 × 104 during detection of ions with mass-to-charge ratio m/q = 4 amu.  相似文献   

During laser cleaving of brittle materials, with the controlled fracture technique, thermal stresses are generated which induce the crack and extend it along the cutting path, subsequently causing material separation. One of the problems in laser cutting of glass with this technique is the cut path deviation at the leading and the trailing edges of the glass sheet. Previous work with a continuous beam diode laser has shown the deviation to be partly due the high magnitudes of thermal stresses generated near the edges of the sheet. This paper reports on the effects of using a pulsed diode laser to cut soda lime glass. The effect of pulse parameters and cutting speed on the quality output variables such as cut deviation angle and surface finish are studied. Finite element modelling is also used to simulate the effects of the moving beam on stress generations to facilitate the understanding of the process mechanisms, and the results are compared with the experimental data. This work shows how to minimise the cut path deviation at the edges by reducing thermal stresses using optimum pulsed diode laser parameters and providing additional flexibility to the process.  相似文献   

The momentum dispersion of the proton beam extracted from the vacuum chamber of the U-70 accelerator by channeling was measured for the first time. At an 80-mrad bending angle of the Si single crystal, the following beam parameters were attained: an intensity of 107 protons/s for 1012 protons/s hitting the crystal, momentum dispersion of the beam Δp/p = 0.13%, and a background particle admixture of 0.03% or less.  相似文献   

Methods for measuring the profiles of high-power electron beams by using a thin tungsten wire moved transversely to the beam have been developed. In one method, the electron current intercepted by the wire is measured and the beam profile is determined from a solution to the Abel equation under the assumption of axial beam symmetry. The second method is based on the detection of the local radiation emitted by the wire being heated by the beam to 1700–2200 K. The wire is additionally heated by an electric current in order to improve the sensitivity and spatial resolution. The measured beam current density is ~5–50 A/cm2, and the resolution is ~0.1 cm.  相似文献   

J. An  X.X. Shen  Y. Lu  Y.B. Liu 《Wear》2006,261(2):208-215
In the present work, Al-Pb alloy was irradiated by high current pulsed electron beam. X-ray diffractometer, electronic probe microanalysis, scanning electron microscopy and Knoop hardness indentation were used to characterize the microstructure and mechanical property of Al-Pb alloy. The results show that the microstructure and mechanical property can be greatly improved. The tribological properties of high current pulsed electron beam irradiated Al-Pb alloy were investigated under dry sliding conditions using a pin-on-disc type wear testing machine. The overlapped zone beneath the melted zone exhibits good resistance to wear. Optical observation and scanning electron microscopy analysis reveal that the low wear rate and lowest level in coefficient of friction at high load level for irradiated Al-Pb alloy are due to a lubricious tribolayer covering almost the entire worn surface. The wear mode varies from oxidative wear at low load to film spalling at high load and, finally, adhesive wear.  相似文献   

The 40-MeV electron linear accelerator RELUS-6 with a 100-mA pulse current has been designed. The standing wave accelerator with a biperiodic accelerating structure is composed of four sections and is powered from two 6-MW pulse klystrons. The operating frequency is 2856 MHz. The total length of the accelerating structure is 2.73 m. Calculations have been performed with the aim of selecting the lengths of the first three cells in the first accelerating section and the values of the accelerating field in them, so that the width of the energy spectrum at the end of the accelerator is 2%. The geometry of the accelerating structure and the power input cells has been designed. Four accelerating structures have been manufactured based on the simulation results. The structures have been tuned to the operating frequency, the predetermined accelerating field distribution, and a fixed coupling between the feed waveguide and the accelerating section.  相似文献   

Wong WK  Rau EI  Thong JT 《Ultramicroscopy》2004,101(2-4):183-195
The conditions for the detection of electron-acoustic (EA) and surface electron beam induced voltage (SEBIV) signals using a common sample mount and bottomside detection scheme are hereby discussed. It is shown that while the intrinsic properties of the sample under electron-beam irradiation would chiefly determine the presence of these contrast mechanisms, the manner in which the sample is mechanically and electrically configured in relation to the signal detection is crucial in determining the actual signal coupling mechanisms at work and hence the assumptions by which a robust and consistent interpretation of experimental results can be made. EA signals are detectable only if electrical coupling between the sample and the detector is defeated, a necessary pre-requisite as the signal magnitude of carrier-generated SEBIV coupling is 2-3 orders larger in most cases. With regards to SEBIV detection, bottomside SEBIV detection may be preferable to topside detection owing to minimization of topographic signal contribution, higher signal coupling efficiency and a less complex sample-detector mounting procedure.  相似文献   

A beam of six-charged carbon ions with an energy of 24.8 GeV/nucleon is extracted from the U-70 synchrotron by means of a silicon crystal bent through 85 mrad. A total of 200000 particles are observed in beamline 4a upon forcing 109 circulating ions to the crystal. The geometrical parameters, timing structure, and composition of the beam have been measured. It has been shown for the first time that, using a bent single crystal, an ion beam with required parameters can be extracted from the accelerator ring and formed for regular use in physics experiments.  相似文献   

Using improved beam diagnostic tools, the structure of an ion beam extracted from an electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) becomes visible. Especially viewing targets to display the beam profile and pepper pot devices for emittance measurements turned out to be very useful. On the contrary, diagnostic tools integrating over one space coordinate like wire harps for profile measurements or slit-slit devices, respectively slit-grid devices to measure the emittance might be applicable for beam transport investigations in a quadrupole channel, but are not very meaningful for investigations regarding the given ECRIS symmetry. Here we try to reproduce the experimentally found structure on the ion beam by simulation. For the simulation, a certain model has to be used to reproduce the experimental results. The model is also described in this paper.  相似文献   

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