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唐国昌  丁锐锋 《氮肥技术》2006,27(4):45-45,53
小麦生长期长,需肥量大,根据小麦的营养特点和地力产量水平,设计出小麦专用肥的养分配比为15—6—4,按标准施用,完全可以达到目标产量水平。  相似文献   

小麦专用肥的配制与应用效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍小麦专用肥(13-8-11)的配制,并与总养分45%的通用肥进行田问对比试验,试验结果表明;小麦专用肥比通用复混肥平均增产13.5%,增产502.5kg/hm2,增资683.4元/hm2。  相似文献   

小麦除草专用肥的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过逐步对小麦综合栽培技术、基本N、P配方、成型专用肥配方mz4到除草专用肥配方等系列研究,优选出mz4-C2(基肥)和mz4-C3(追肥)2个小麦除草专用肥配方,其总株防效分别为79.45%(65d)和75.25%(65d),增产9.74%-22.10%,且对后茬油菜安全。  相似文献   

科学施肥是提高小麦产量的关键技术,根据小麦的需肥规律、目标产量、化肥利用率、土壤养分及原料选择,提出碳铵基小麦专用肥的养分配比,施用量及达到的目标产量。  相似文献   

南阳德润公司复肥厂利用对辊冷压造粒设备,开发出碳铵基小麦专用肥,取得了明显的施用效果。1氮、磷、钾比例参数的确定小麦生长期长,需肥量多,每生产100 kg小麦籽粒,需从土壤中吸收N 3 kg、P2O51.25 kg、K2O 2.5kg。小麦不同产量水平适宜N、P比与施氮量见表1。表1小麦不同产量水平适宜氮磷比与施氮量667 m2产量水平/kg适宜经验m(N)∶m(P2O5)667 m2产量水平/kg施N量/kg<200 1∶1<300 9~11200~400 1∶0.5 300~400 12~14>400 1∶0.25 400~600 14~16全县土壤平均碱解氮为56 m g/kg,速效磷为16m g/kg,速效钾为125 m g/kg。与大田作物地力分…  相似文献   

通过养分释放和吸湿性试验指出:采用包膜肥能使复混肥中氮、磷、钾养分缓慢释放,避免了养分随水流失,达到充分利用养分的目的;包膜肥的吸湿性比同一配方的常规复混肥低,温度愈高则愈显著。  相似文献   

本项发明属于烤烟栽培专用肥技术领域。该专用肥基本配方养分含量:氮(N)5.54%,磷(P2O5)8.4%,钾(K2O)10.3%,氮、磷、钾三元素合计含量约20%~25%;氮(N):磷(P2O5)  相似文献   

贾秀花 《山西化工》1999,19(2):40-41,46
太化集团公司化肥厂复肥分厂自1987年投产以来,一直从事复混肥的生产与施肥效果的研究,尤其近几年来,与市、县农科部门密切配合,共同协作,开发了十几个专用肥品种,小麦专用肥就是其中一种。 1 生产工艺及主要质量指标 1.1 原料来源  相似文献   

有机-无机烟草专用肥的生产与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁洋 《磷肥与复肥》2007,22(1):48-49
试验研究了有机-无机烟草专用肥养分配比与生产工艺,及其对烟叶产量和品质的影响。与等养分S-NPK农田试验对比结果,烟叶明显增产,每667m2增值168元,中上等烟叶比例增加12.1%。  相似文献   

介绍活力素水稻专用肥的配方及肥效试验结果,饶平县水稻田每667 m2施用该专用肥50 kg处理比当地常规施肥、施用等量进口复合肥和不施肥处理产量分别提高7.5%、8.1%和24.5%。  相似文献   

养分资源综合管理与肥料创新——探索化肥行业发展之道   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过数据,阐明美国以最廉价的生产方法生产化肥,以养分综合利用、合理的种植结构,尽可能减少化肥用量,从而达到化肥高效利用、农业高产、保护环境的多重目标。我国与美国存在较大差距。介绍了中国农业大学资源与环境学院所进行的“养分资源管理”研究项目,从理论到实践上把传统观念中施肥为增产的单一目标,转变到实现高产、优质、资源高效利用和生态环境保护的多重目标。这是缩小我国与美国在化肥施用上差别的最佳途径之一。  相似文献   

向华 《磷肥与复肥》2002,17(5):74-75
这一讲着重介绍特殊营养元素肥料发明专利申请文件撰写的几个基本问题。  相似文献   

我所研制开发的高浓度小麦专用肥 (1810 12 ) ,分别在上海黄泥头、潮泥 2种土壤上进行了田间肥效试验。初步结果表明 :高浓度小麦专用肥能促进小麦前期营养生长 ,提高小麦有效穗的成穗率 2 1% ,小麦产量增加8%~ 15 %的良好效果。在等氮同效状况下 ,施肥成本低于进口复合肥料。  相似文献   

在全国51个试验点安排超级稻专用肥在超级稻上的大田示范试验,结果表明,施用超级稻专用肥的超级稻667 m2平均产量为678.6 kg,比等养分的复合肥667 m2增产85.4 kg,平均增产幅度达到14.2%。  相似文献   

试验表明,水稻、小麦穗分化后,氮、磷、钾及中微量元素养分以适当比例配合施用,比单施氮肥增产,还能提高品质。水稻以19.85.6154(SiO2)2.5(ZnSO4)增产效果最好,比CK增产13.3%,N、K、Si对水稻穗分化后的营养最为重要;小麦以34.5013.52.5(MnSO4)增产效果最好,2年6个点平均增产14.1%,N、K、Mn对小麦幼穗分化后的营养极为重要。文中介绍了8种处理对小麦、水稻产量、质量的影响。  相似文献   

Similar to other regions of Asia, irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield increases in Punjab, India, have slowed in recent years. Future yield increases may occur in smaller increments through fine-tuning of crop management mainly by accounting for the large spatial and temporal variation in soil characteristics. On-farm experiments were conducted from 2002–03 to 2004–05 on 56 irrigated wheat farms (hereafter referred to as ‘sites’) in six key irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat regions of Punjab to evaluate an approach for site-specific nutrient management (SSNM). Site-specific N–P–K applications were calculated by accounting for the indigenous nutrient supply, yield targets, and nutrient demand as a function of the interactions between N, P, and K. The performance of SSNM was tested for two wheat crops. Compared with the current farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP), average grain yield increased from 4.2 to 4.8 Mg ha−1, while plant N, P, and K accumulations increased by 12–20% with SSNM. The gross return above fertilizer cost (GRF) was about 13% greater with SSNM than with FFP. Improved timing and/or splitting of fertilizer N increased N recovery efficiency from 0.17 kg kg−1 in FFP plots to 0.27 kg kg−1 in SSNM plots. The agronomic N use efficiency was 63% greater with SSNM than with FFP. As defined in our study, SSNM has potential for improving yields and nutrient use efficiency in irrigated wheat. Future research must build on the present approach to develop a more practical way for achieving similar benefits across large areas without site-specific modeling and with minimum crop monitoring.  相似文献   

The conventional deduction procedure of computation of soil () and fertilizer () nutrient efficiencies for the amount of fertilizer required for specified yield targets does not make provision of the amount of soil nutrient derived by crops from the available pool of soil nutrients not accounted for in the amount extracted by a soil test procedure. The derivation of two mathematical models, viz., Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Model I [TNAU Model I] and Model II [TNAU Model II] is reported in this paper which aim at computing the soil () and fertilizer () nutrient efficiencies not accounted for by the conventional method.In the case of TNAU Model I, the relationship between the nutrient uptake (U) and the soil (S) and the fertilizer (F) nutrients was established by assuming a functional relationship of the type U =S +F such that 0 1 and 0 1. In TNAU Model II the same relationship was established as U =S +F + such that 0 1, 0 1 and > 0. The term in the latter model is a measure of the amount of soil nutrient the crop absorbs from a slowly available pool of nutrients not accounted for in the amounts extracted by the soil test procedure employed or applied through fertilizer.The field verification of these models is reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

控失复混(合)肥对皖北地区小麦产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合粮丰工程开展控失复混(合)肥对皖北地区小麦产量影响的研究。结果显示,施用控失复合肥的小麦较施用常规小麦配方肥增产4.2%~13.9%,平均增产8.4%,每公顷新增纯收益在571.5~1 879.9元。  相似文献   

河北冬小麦和夏玉米施用化肥品种结构分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
20 0 0年和 2 0 0 2年对河北农户冬小麦和玉米施用肥料品种结构的调查结果表明 ,施肥中普遍存在重冬小麦而轻夏玉米的现象。冬小麦基肥主要是磷酸二铵 ,追肥主要是尿素 ;夏玉米追肥用量高于基肥 ,主要品种是尿素 ;磷酸二铵和三元复合肥则是基肥的主要品种。提高河北省冬小麦、夏玉米的肥料利用率 ,一方面要指导农民科学施肥 ,平衡区域施肥量 ;另一方面化肥企业也应针对不同农作物的特点 ,开发、生产适宜的肥料品种  相似文献   

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