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The electrical analysis of Ni/n-GaP structure has been investigated by means of current–voltage (IV), capacitance–voltage (CV) and capacitance–frequency (Cf) measurements in the temperature range of 120–320 K in dark conditions. The forward bias IV characteristics have been analyzed on the basis of standard thermionic emission (TE) theory and the characteristic parameters of the Schottky contacts (SCs) such as Schottky barrier height (SBH), ideality factor (n) and series resistance (Rs) have been determined from the IV measurements. The experimental values of SBH and n for the device ranged from 1.01 eV and 1.27 (at 320 K) to 0.38 eV and 5.93 (at 120 K) for Ni/n-GaP diode, respectively. The interface states in the semiconductor bandgap and their relaxation time have been determined from the Cf characteristics. The interface state density Nss has ranged from 2.08 × 1015 (eV?1 m?2) at 120 K to 2.7 × 1015 (eV?1 m?2) at 320 K. Css has increased with increasing temperature. The relaxation time has ranged from 4.7 × 10?7 s at 120 K to 5.15 × 10?7 s at 320 K.  相似文献   

Thermal annealing effects on gamma irradiated Ni/4H-SiC Schottky barrier diode (SBD) characteristics are analyzed over a wide range of temperatures (400–1100 °C). The annealing induced variations in the concentration of deep level traps in the SBDs are identified by thermally stimulated capacitance (TSCAP). A little decrease in the trap density at EC – 0.63 eV and EC – 1.13 eV is observed up to the annealing temperature of 600 °C. Whereas, a gamma induced trap at EC – 0.89 eV disappeared after annealing at 500 °C, revealing that its concentration (< 1013 cm−3) is reduced below the detection limit of the TSCAP technique. The electrical characteristics of irradiated SBDs are considerably changed at each annealing temperature. To understand the anomalous variations in the post-annealing characteristics, the interface state density distribution in the annealed SBDs is extracted. The electrical properties are improved at 400 °C due to the reduction in the interface trap density. However, from 500 °C, the electrical parameters are found to degrade with the annealing temperature because of the increase in the interface trap density. From the results, it is noted that the rectifying nature of the SBDs vanishes at or above 800 °C.  相似文献   

The dielectric properties of Ni/n-GaP Schottky diode were investigated in the temperature range 140–300 K by capacitance–voltage (CV) and conductance–voltage (G/ωV) measurements. The effect of temperature on series resistance (Rs) and interface state density (Nss) were investigated. The dependency of dielectric constant (ε′), dielectric loss (ε′′), loss tangent (tan δ), ac conductivity (σac), real (M′) and imaginary (M′′) parts of the electric modulus over temperature were evaluated and analyzed at 1 MHz frequency. The temperature dependent characteristics of ε′ and ε′′ reveal the contribution of various polarization effects, which increases with temperature. The Arrhenius plot of σac shows two activation energies revealing the presence of two distinct trap states in the chosen temperature range. Moreover, the capacitance–frequency (Cf) measurement over 1 kHz to 1 MHz was carried out to study the effect of localized interface states.  相似文献   

Two models have been used in order to explain the anomalies observed in a Ni/SiC-6H Schottky n-type diode I(V) characteristic. Both, parallel conduction and potential fluctuation models showed that the barrier's height is around a mean value of 1.86 V, corresponding to a factor of ideality of n=1. Another conclusion was that  V.It has been, also, explained why the Arrhénius or Richardson plot (ln(Is/T2) versus 1/T) is not linear and why the area of the low barrier height Al, representing a defective zone, is approximately about 0.12% of the total area contact.  相似文献   

The conduction power loss in an MOSFET synchronous rectifier with a parallel-connected Schottky barrier diode (SBD) was investigated. It was found that the parasitic inductance between the MOSFET and SBD has a large effect on the conduction power loss. This parasitic inductance creates a current that is shared by the two devices for a certain period and increases the conduction power loss. If conventional devices are used for under 1 MHz switching, the advantage of the low on-resistance MOSFET will almost be lost. To reduce the conduction loss for 10 MHz switching, the parasitic inductance must be a subnanohenley  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of as-fabricated and annealed Ni/n-type 6H-SiC Schottky diode has been investigated in the temperature range of 100-500 K. The forward I-V characteristics have been analysed on the basis of standard thermionic emission theory. It has been shown that the ideality factor (n) decreases while the barrier height (Φb) increases with increasing temperature. The values of Φb and n are obtained between 0.65-1.25 eV and 1.70-1.16 for as-fabricated and 0.74-1.70 eV and 1.84-1.19 for annealed diode in the temperature range of 100-500 K, respectively. The I-V characteristics of the diode showed an increase in the Schottky barrier height, along with a reduction of the device leakage current by annealing the diode at 973 K for 2 min.  相似文献   

An Au/Orcein/p-Si/Al device was fabricated and the current-voltage measurements of the devices showed diode characteristics. Then the current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and capacitance-frequency (C-f) characteristics of the device were investigated at room temperature. Some junction parameters of the device such as ideality factor, barrier height, and series resistance were determined from I-V and C-V characteristics. The ideality factor of 2.48 and barrier height of 0.70 eV were calculated using I-V characteristics. It has been seen that the Orcein layer increases the effective barrier height of the structure since this layer creates the physical barrier between the Au and the p-Si. The interface state density Nss were determined from the I-V plots. The capacitance measurements were determined as a function of voltage and frequency. It was seen that the values of capacitance have modified with bias and frequency.  相似文献   

An interesting Pt-oxide-GaN MOS-type Schottky diode hydrogen sensor with high-sensitivity hydrogen detection over a wide operating temperature regime is demonstrated. Experimentally, a voltage shift of 264.4 mV at a forward current of 1 mA is obtained under 5040 ppm H2/air gas. Also, a large current variation of 0.89 mA in magnitude between air and 5040 ppm H2/air gas is observed under a forward voltage of 0.2 V. Under an inert environment (N2), a so-called Temkin isotherm can be used to interpret the hydrogen adsorption behaviour at the Pt-oxide interface.  相似文献   

The Pt nano-film Schottky diodes on Ge substrate have been fabricated to investigate the effect of annealing temperature on the characteristics of the device. The germanide phase between Pt nano-films and Ge substrate changed and generated interface layer PtGe at 573 K and 673 K, Pt2Ge3 at 773 K. The current–voltage(I - V) characteristics of Pt/n-Ge Schottky diodes were measured in the temperature range of 183–303 K. Evaluation of the I - V data has revealed an increase of zero-bias barrier height ΦB0 but the decrease of ideality factor n with the increase in temperature. Such behaviors have been successfully modeled on the basis of the thermionic emission mechanism by assuming the presence of Gaussian distributions. The variation of electronic transport properties of these Schottky diodes has been inferred to be attributed to combined effects of interfacial reaction and phase transformation during the annealing process. Therefore, the control of Schottky barrier height at metal/Ge interface is important to realize high performance Ge-based CMOS devices.  相似文献   

The influence of high energy electron (HEE) irradiation from a Sr-90 radio-nuclide on n-type Ni/4H–SiC samples of doping density 7.1×1015 cm−3 has been investigated over the temperature range 40–300 K. Current–voltage (I–V), capacitance–voltage (C–V) and deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) were used to characterize the devices before and after irradiation at a fluence of 6×1014 electrons-cm−2. For both devices, the I–V characteristics were well described by thermionic emission (TE) in the temperature range 120–300 K, but deviated from TE theory at temperature below 120 K. The current flowing through the interface at a bias of 2.0 V from pure thermionic emission to thermionic field emission within the depletion region with the free carrier concentrations of the devices decreased from 7.8×1015 to 6.8×1015 cm−3 after HEE irradiation. The modified Richardson constants were determined from the Gaussian distribution of the barrier height across the contact and found to be 133 and 163 A cm−2 K−2 for as-deposited and irradiated diodes, respectively. Three new defects with energies 0.22, 0.40 and 0.71 eV appeared after HEE irradiation. Richardson constants were significantly less than the theoretical value which was ascribed to a small active device area.  相似文献   

We have experimentally studied the Ni/n-Si nano Schottky barrier height(SBH) and potential difference between patches in the nano Schottky diodes(SD) using contact atomic force microscopy(C-AFM) in tapping mode and scanning tunneling microscopy(STM). Topology measurement of the surface with C-AFM showed that, a single Ni/n-Si SD consists of many patches with different sizes. These patches are sets of parallel diodes and electrically interacting contacts of 5 to 50 nm sizes and between these individual diodes, there exists an additional electric field. In real metal semiconductor contacts(MSC), patches with quite different configurations, various geometrical sizes and local work functions were randomly distributed on the surface of the metal. The direction and intensity of the additional electric field are distributed in homogenously along the contact metal surface. SBH controls the electronic transport across the MS interface and therefore, is of vital importance to the successful operation of semiconductor devices.  相似文献   

A new and interesting Pt/oxide/In/sub 0.49/Ga/sub 0.51/P metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) Schottky diode hydrogen sensor has been fabricated and studied. The steady-state and transient responses with different hydrogen concentrations and at different temperatures are measured. The presence of dipoles at the oxide layer leads to an extra electrical field and the variation of Schottky barrier height. Even at room temperature, a very high hydrogen detection sensitivity of 561% is obtained when a 9090 ppm H/sub 2//air gas is introduced. In addition, an absorption response time less than 1 s under the applied voltage of 0.7 V and 9090 ppm H/sub 2//air hydrogen ambient is found. The roles of hydrogen adsorption and desorption for the transient response at different temperatures are also investigated.  相似文献   

The electrical characteristics of Pd/SiO2/n-Si Schottky barrier type structures are reported over a range of temperatures and after exposure to different ambient conditions. A number of conduction mechanisms through the diodes have been identified. Exposure to hydrogen gas is shown to produce an increase in the conductivity of the diodes and a voltage shift in the capacitance-bias characteristics; this is attributed to both an increase in the interface state density and also to a reduction in the work function of the palladium. It is suggested that the nature of the interfacial oxide layer is of paramount importance in determining the dominant conduction process through the devices.  相似文献   

This work reports the fabrication and investigation of surface-type organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) based diode. Thin film of CuPc of thickness 100 nm has been thermally sublimed onto glass substrate with preliminary deposited metallic electrodes to form surface-type Ag/CuPc/Au Schottky diode. Current-voltage characteristics are measured at room temperature under dark condition. The barrier height is calculated as 1.05 eV. The value of mobility and conductivity is found to be and , respectively. It is found that at low voltages the device shows ohmic conduction and a space charge limited current conduction mechanisms are dominated at higher voltages.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the fabrication and investigation of a surface-type organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine(CuPc) based diode.A thin film of CuPc of thickness 100 nm was thermally sublimed onto a glass substrate with preliminary deposited metallic electrodes to form a surface-type Ag/CuPc/Au Schottky diode.The current-voltage characteristics were measured at room temperature under dark conditions.The barrier height was calculated as 1.05 eV.The values of mobility and conductivity was found to be 1.74×10-9 cm2/(V·s) and 5.5×10-6Ω-1·cm-1,respectively.At low voltages the device showed ohmic conduction and the space charge limited current conduction mechanisms were dominated at higher voltages.  相似文献   

Gas sensitivity of Pt/InP Schottky barrier diode was characterized byI–V, C–V and complex impedance under different gas phase composition. The results show that the barrier height decreased when the device was exposed to a hydrogen-containing atmosphere, and the barrier height increased in an oxygen-containing atmosphere. The sensing mechanism was analyzed.  相似文献   

We accurately measured the noise temperature and conversion loss of a cryogenically cooled Schottky diode operating near 800 GHz, using the UCB/MPE Submillimeter Receiver at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The receiver temperature was in the range of the best we now routinely measure, 3150 K (DSB). Without correcting for optical loss or IF mismatch, the raw measurements set upper limits ofT M=2850 K andL M=9.1 dB (DSB), constant over at least a 1 GHz IF band centered at 6.4 GHz with an LO frequency of 803 GHz. Correction for estimated optical coupling and mismatch effects yieldsT M=1600 K andL M=5.5 dB (DSB) for the mixer diode itself. These values indicate that our receiver noise temperature is dominated by the corner cube antenna's optical efficiency and by mixer noise, but not by conversion loss or IF mismatch. The small fractional IF bandwidth, measured mixer IF band flatness from 2 to 8 GHz, and similarly good receiver temperatures at other IF frequencies imply that these values are representative over a range of frequencies near 800 GHz.  相似文献   

Pd/Si MIS Schottky diode hydrogen detectors have been fabricated with a response of 2-3 orders of magnitude change in current for 154 ppm of H2in N2. Detailed evaluation of dark I-V, C-V, illuminated I-V, and internal photoemission data unambiguously ascribes the strong hydrogen sensitivity of these diodes to hydrogen-induced change in the work function of Pd, rather than to any surface-state effects. The reaction rate of the device to different gas ambients has been studied with time response measurements. A long-term degradation mechanism has been identified and traced to the poisoning of Pd by environmental sulfur. The role of oxygen and atomic hydrogen in determining the Schottky barrier height also is discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

《Solid-state electronics》2006,50(9-10):1510-1514
A Ni/SiC Schottky diode was fabricated with an α-SiC thin film grown by the inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition, ICP-CVD method on a (1 1 1) Si wafer. The α-SiC film was grown on a carbonized Si layer that the Si surface had been chemically converted to a very thin SiC layer by the ICP-CVD method at 700 °C. To reduce defects between the Si and α-SiC, the surface of the Si wafer is slightly carbonized. The film characteristics of α-SiC were investigated by employing TEM and FT-IR. A sputtered Ni thin film was used for the anode metal. The boundary status of the Ni/SiC contact was investigated by AES as a function of annealing temperature. It is shown that the ohmic contact could be acquired below 1000 °C annealing temperature. The forward voltage drop of the Ni/α-SiC Schottky diode is 1.0 V at 100 A/cm2. The breakdown voltage is 545 V which is five times larger than the ideal breakdown voltage of a silicon device. Also, the dependence of barrier height on temperature was observed.  相似文献   

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