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Recent study shows that optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA) networks cannot be evaluated or designed by only considering the performance (i.e., correlation properties) of the optical pseudo-orthogonal codes selected. The structures of optical encoders and decoders are another important factors to consider and are needed to coordinate with the selected optical codes as much as possible. A special family of 2n codes, so-called 2n prime-sequence codes, is constructed. A general theorem on the cardinality of the new codes is provided. The properties and performance of the codes are also studied. Since these codes pose the algebraic properties of both prime-sequence and 2n codes, new optical encoding and decoding structures are designed to optimize the system parameters (e.g., power budget and cost) of these optical CDMA networks. This new configuration is particularly attractive for ultrafast optical processing and waveguide implementation for tile future high-capacity, low-loss, all-optical CDMA networks  相似文献   

The authors obtain lower and upper bounds on the peak intensity of a spectrally phase encoded ultrashort light pulse as a function of the length of spectral phase encoding. It is shown that using random phase codes for spectral encoding of ultrashort light pulses in a coherent ultrashort light pulse code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system is almost optimal. Furthermore, simple upper bounds and an asymptotic approximation on the bit error rate (BER) for a wide class of ultrashort light pulse CDMA systems are obtained. It is shown that, in spite of being simple, these upper bounds can be used to evaluate the performance of a coherent ultrashort light pulse CDMA system  相似文献   

In an optical multiple-access system, overall system throughput efficiency add significant implementation cost-reduction would be achieved if many users could access a common optical channel at any time without control among users. Recently one such scheme, an optical orthogonal code division multiple-access system (OOCDMA), was introduced by Salehi et al. (1982) for the case of no noise. In this paper, some extensions of that work are presented, including the effects of avalanche photodiode (APD) noise and thermal noise as well as interference for the OOCDMA direct-detection receiver. Since it has been shown that an optical hard-limiter before the receiver correlator can reduce the interference effect for the OOCDMA system in the absence of noise, the hard-limiter role in the presence of thermal and APD noise is also examined  相似文献   

张大勇  张昆  朱辰  李尧  王雄飞  张利明 《激光与红外》2016,46(10):1234-1237
报道了一种基于主振荡功率放大结构的全光纤脉冲光纤激光器。种子光源是一个直接脉冲调制的1064 nm的外腔光纤布拉格光栅半导体激光器。峰值功率为1000 mW的种子LD经两级掺Yb3+双包层光纤放大后,在100 kHz重复频率下,获得了平均功率63.2 W、脉冲宽度14.3 ns、光谱宽度(FWHM) 4.552 nm、光束质量M2=1.09的脉冲激光输出。在此实验基础上研制了光纤激光器样机。  相似文献   

报道了一种LD泵浦的紧凑型、高峰值功率、高光束质量、稳定性好的百皮秒激光技术。采用LD端面泵浦微片激光器(Microchip Laser),通过优化激光工作物质的掺杂浓度、长度、透过率和耦合系统等光学参数,在工作频率为100 Hz时,获得了脉冲宽度为297 ps,峰值功率≥80 MW,光束质量为M2=1.4,能量不稳定性0.02 %的单纵模激光输出。  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol.50, p.2018-31 (2002). In part I, we proposed and investigated a hybrid pulse position modulation/ultrashort light pulse code-division multiple-access (PPM/ULP-CDMA) system for ultrafast optical communication networks. In this scheme, the large bandwidth of a ULP is efficiently utilized by virtue of the very high time resolution of a time-space processor. More detailed analysis and discussion on the receiver scheme using the time-space processor is now presented; nonideal performance of the time-space processor, including the reference pulse realization problem, as well as amplifier and detector noise, are taken into account. Discussions on physically achievable ranges of the system parameters that determine the performance of the proposed PPM/ULP-CDMA system are also made based upon current, state of the art technology. As remedies to overcome the physical limitations on the system parameters, two modified modulation/demodulation schemes are proposed and investigated to enhance the performance of the hybrid PPM/ULP-CDMA system.  相似文献   

Temporal skewing, a hitherto unexamined effect of chromatic dispersion on multiwavelength optical code-division multiple-access (MW-O-CDMA) systems, is explored through simulation of realistic networks. In addition, two novel methods for combating the deleterious effects of temporal skewing are proposed: optimum threshold detection and code-pattern preskewing. It is shown that for a practical system configuration with optimum threshold detection, MW-O-CDMA networks can maintain design bit error rate performance within an order of magnitude for link lengths of up to approximately 500 m. Our results show that the effect merits careful attention in the design and realization of any MW-O-CDMA system based on two-dimensional codes. Code pattern preskewing presents the possibility of completely eradicating the impact of temporal skewing.  相似文献   

针对传统的激光脉冲编码激光器通常采用脉冲重复频率编码易受干扰的技术现状,提出了采用脉宽可调激光器进行激光脉冲宽度编码的新构想。并由此进一步提出了一种采用快速电光削波技术的脉宽可调激光器作为脉宽编码激光器的实现方案,这种脉宽编码激光器由种子激光源,电光削波组件及激光放大器组成,用可编程控制器控制延迟电路来改变普克尔盒电极上的电脉冲宽度,最终实现输出激光脉冲的脉宽可调。完成了这种脉宽编码激光器及其实验系统的理论设计。初步的分析结果证实了该方案的可行性。  相似文献   

In code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems transmitting over time-varying multipath channels, both intersymbol interference (ISI) and multiple-access interference (MAI) arise. The conventional suboptimum receiver consisting of a bank of matched filters is often inefficient because interference is treated as noise. The optimum multiuser detector is too complex to be implemented at present. Four suboptimum detection techniques based on zero forcing (ZF) and minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) equalization with and without decision feedback (DF) are presented and compared. They combat both ISI and MAI. The computational complexity of all four equalizers is essentially the same. All four equalizers are independent of the size of the data symbol alphabet. It is shown that the performance of the MMSE equalizers is better than that of the corresponding ZF equalizers. Furthermore, the performance of the equalizers with DF is better than that of the corresponding equalizers without DF. The impairing effect of error propagation on the equalizers with DF is reduced by channel sorting  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system in the framework of a discrete-event dynamic system (DEDS) in order to optimize the system performance. Based on this formulation, we develop infinitesimal perturbation analysis (IPA) for estimating the sensitivity of the average probability of bit error to factors ranging from near-far effects to imperfections in power control. The above estimates are shown to be unbiased, and this technique is then further incorporated into a stochastic gradient algorithm for achieving adaptive multiuser interference rejection for such systems, which is also subject to frequency nonselective slow fading. We use an IPA-based stochastic training algorithm for developing an adaptive linear detector with the average probability of error being the minimization criterion. We also develop a practical implementation of such an adaptive detector where we use a joint estimation-detection algorithm for minimizing the average probability of bit error. A sequential implementation that does not require a stochastic training sequence or a preamble is also developed  相似文献   

本文用Q开关红宝石激光器,对受激喇曼散射功率、脉冲宽度和光混频进行了观察.在本实验中,把受激喇曼光输出到KDP晶体进行了和频和差频实验.  相似文献   

报道了一种高峰值功率、窄线宽、高光束质量的主动调Q脉冲固体激光器,具有体积小、结构紧凑、环境适应性强等优点。采用LD侧面空间补偿泵浦、升压式RTP晶体电光调Q、利用布拉格体光栅VBG压窄线宽等技术。在工作频率20 Hz时,获得了脉冲宽度10 ns,单脉冲能量200 mJ,光束发散角2 mrad,在室温25 ℃时,中心波长1064 nm,中心波长漂移量≤0.05 nm,线宽(半高宽)≤0.1 nm的激光输出。  相似文献   

李珺  齐伟 《信息技术》2021,(2):131-136
针对电力设备对直流供电电源的要求,采用可以有效抑制输出电压纹波与输出电流谐波的双脉宽调制方式为开关管的控制方法,在此基础上对采用该技术的DC-DC电源设计进行了研究.首先完成电源的方案设计,并对电源控制系统进行详细的理论分析与计算,最后通过对设计电源的动态响应速度、抗输入扰动能力与抗负载突变能力等指标的实验,对电源的设...  相似文献   

激光脉宽和功率密度对烧蚀性能影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
微纳卫星的飞速发展对微推力器的性能提出了更高的的要求。激光推进微推力器因其比冲高、推力控制精确、能耗低等特点,为微纳卫星提供了一种性能优异的微推力器选择方案。文中在透射式烧蚀模式下,研究了半导体激光器的激光功率密度和脉宽对激光烧蚀性能的影响。结果表明,在工质厚度为200 μm的工况下,随着激光功率密度的增加,单脉冲冲量和比冲都逐渐增大,而冲量耦合系数和烧蚀效率都存在一个最优值。随着激光脉宽的增加,单脉冲冲量逐渐增加,比冲呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,在250 μs时,比冲达到最大值,约为221.8 s;冲量耦合系数和烧蚀效率都随着脉宽的增大而减小;脉宽超过一定的临界值时,会对激光烧蚀工质的靶坑产生不良影响,使得激光能量和工质严重浪费。激光参数的优化对于激光推进微推力器的工程化应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

设计出了一种窄脉冲大电流的半导体脉冲激光器驱动电路,并对电路进行理论分析以及Multisim仿真研究。相比以往研究,本仿真研究中考虑了电路和LD本身的寄生参数,使得仿真与实际电路更加吻合。该电路结构简单,采用了专用的MOSFET硬件关断加速电路和电容充放电方式向负载提供瞬时窄脉冲大电流的脉冲输出,脉冲宽度低于2.5ns,上升时间低于3.5ns,峰值电流超过20A。  相似文献   

在气体配比HCl:Xe:He=0.12%:1%:98.88%实现了大功率短脉冲XeCl准分子激光器,以纳米异质结构、微观量子阱、表面微小尺度薄膜沉积,镀制金刚石薄膜、半导体薄膜、巨磁薄膜,及外延生长及后续的光刻、激光与物质的相互作用、等离子体研究为目的,设计了高能量、短脉宽脉冲放电激励的XeCl准分子激光器新型结构,完成了脉冲波形测试。试验结果表明:激光脉宽最短13ns,单脉冲能量450mJ,矩形光斑大小2cm×1cm,束散角3mrad,最高重复频率5 Hz。验证了激光器结构、动力学速率方程、总结出了饱和增益、脉宽规律。产生的短脉宽激光热融蚀效应小,类金钢石材料对基底形成了良好的等离子溅射羽辉。  相似文献   

Transmitting multimedia data over a code-division multiple access (CDMA) channel presents a new set of challenges: data demands will sometimes exceed the system capacity, in which case the system must make the most efficient use of its limited resources. In this paper, we present our approach for unifying power control, variable forward error correction (VFEC), and scheduling for a downlink system by allocating the system resources. The resources we consider are: fixed bandwidth available for each user and the transmit power budget for each cell. Our objective is to maximize the overall system satisfaction, which we call “system utility.” This objective is achieved by applying a distributed algorithm which divides the overall optimization problem into a hierarchy of three levels (system, cell, and user), with each performing independent and parallel optimizations. We perform simulation-based evaluation of the system performance with a simple cell structure and uniformly distributed users. The system is simulated using a specific utility function: the step function. Finally, several practical issues regarding the implementation are investigated  相似文献   

Block coding for a memoryless two-input single-output multiple-access channel, called a two-user adder channel, is studied. Techniques for constructing codes for this particular channel are presented. Upper and lower bounds on the achievable rates of these codes are derived. These bounds define various two-dimensional regions for the achievable rates of codes for the two-user adder channel.  相似文献   

为了研究激光脉宽对撞击电子后产生的辐射能量分布, 采用模拟计算的方法, 以Lorentz方程以及电子辐射方程为基础, 建立了紧聚焦激光作用于静止单电子模型, 并通过MATLAB软件模拟了不同脉宽下的激光脉冲与电子作用后产生的电子辐射能量分布, 对飞秒紧聚焦椭圆偏振激光脉冲的脉宽与电子间的辐射功率峰值进行了深入研究。结果表明, 当紧聚焦激光脉冲遇到静止单电子, 在激光脉冲撞击电子时, 电子会发出辐射; 散射辐射在散射方向的中心呈尖锥状积累; 随着激光脉宽的增加, 辐射功率分布逐渐呈现出双峰形; 脉冲宽度越宽, 电子辐射功率峰值越小, 脉宽为10λ0时的峰值功率仅为脉宽为0.1λ0时峰值功率的1%(初始脉宽λ0=3.33fs), 同时辐射功率达到峰值所需时间越长, 最高峰的持续时间越长, 频谱函数的截止频率越低, 高频分量变少, 谐波次数增加。该结果对激光空气等离子体诊断方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了研究如何从脉冲种子光经放大器后获得能量为毫焦级、纳秒级脉宽的激光脉冲,以及重频、受激喇曼效应对输出激光脉冲的影响,采用基于主振荡动率放大方式建立了3级脉冲双包层掺Yb光纤放大器的瞬态理论模型。在不同重频下对能量为10nJ、脉宽为100ns的脉冲种子光经放大后的脉冲能量、峰值功率、平均功率、脉宽及受激喇曼效应进行了数值模拟。计算数据表明,当重频小于200Hz时输出激光脉冲的能量、波形受重频的影响很小,可以忽略不计,在适当参量下受激喇曼效应对各级放大输出几乎没有影响。结果表明,适当选择3级光纤放大器的各项参量可以实现毫焦级的激光脉冲输出。  相似文献   

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