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We define topological pseudo orbital specification, topological weak specification, topological ergodic shadowing, topological \(\underline {d}\)-shadowing for a continuous map on a uniform space and show that they are equivalent for a uniformly continuous map with topological shadowing on a totally bounded uniform space.  相似文献   


In this paper, various properties of non-autonomous dynamical systems having periodic shadowing property and local weak specification property are studied. The main theorem gives an interrelation among the shadowing property, periodic shadowing property and local weak specification property of an expansive non-autonomous system.


为促进上海市实现能源的综合利用,优化能源供应结构,推进循环经济和资源节约型城市的建设,根据上海市发展和改革委员会沪发改能源[2004]019号《关于印发燃气空调和分布式供能系统协调推进工作会议会议纪要的通知》、上海市建设和管理委员会沪建建[2005154号文的精神,在上海市科学技术委员会支持下,上海市电力公司会同有关单位组成了规程编制组。编制组得到了市市政局、市消防局、市质监局、市安监局、市规划局、市环保局的大力帮助,在参考国外的一些资料,广泛征求意见的基础上,制定了本规程。  相似文献   

A general expression is developed for determining the degree of freedom in the design of a multiple-effect evaporation plant having some or all of the following auxiliary features: condensate flash tanks, liquor flash tanks, intermediate liquor heaters, multiple feeds, finisher unit, vapor bleed points, and twin-body evaporator effects. These degrees of freedom are utilized in specifying the process design variables for the evaporation plant.  相似文献   

For linear (control) systems on infinite-dimensional state spaces with finite-dimensional unstable subspace, this paper introduces the concepts of topological entropy and invariance entropy. For linear dynamical systems on Banach spaces, described by a strongly continuous semigroup, the topological entropy is given by the sum of the real parts of the unstable eigenvalues of the infinitesimal generator. An application is provided by computing the topological entropy of delay equations and of a parabolic partial differential equation. Furthermore, the invariance entropy for infinite-dimensional linear control systems is equal to the topological entropy of the homogeneous equation and so it is also described by the eigenvalues of the infinitesimal generator.  相似文献   

简要介绍了新标准的主要内容,并对标准中的技术要求作了详细说明.新标准"流化床燃烧装置技术条件"是在总结我国30多年发展流化床锅炉的经验.并吸收国外先进技术的基础上制订的.其目的在于提高流化床燃烧装置的燃烧效率和运行安全可靠,减少对环境的污染.  相似文献   

For linear flows on vector bundles, it is shown that the topological entropy of lower dimensional subspaces in the fibers is determined by the Morse spectrum over chain recurrent components of the induced flows on Grassmann bundles.  相似文献   

Motivated by the search for universal orbits in geometric control theory and universal topological semigroups over local semigroups in topological groups, particularly Lie groups, we introduce a very general axiomatic notion of “trajectory,” namely a topological space equipped with a family of paths satisfying certain properties that make it what we call an “admissible family.” Considering one-parameter families of these paths as a homotopy allows us to construct a homotopy path space, our main object of consideration. We identify a distinguished subfamily of admissible paths via what we call a selection or partial selection and show how this insures collapses in the homotopy path space structure. We establish sufficient conditions to identify the homotopy path space as the simply connected covering or as residing in the simply connected covering and point out certain of its universal properties in this setting. We close by applying and illustrating our results in the setting of Lie groups and semigroups.  相似文献   


In this paper, we introduce the concept of measure theoretic r-entropy on a compact metric space in the context of amenable group actions. To be precise, we generalize Katok’s r-entropy formula and Brin-Katok r-entropy formula to infinite countably amenable group actions.


浅谈原材料采购规程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
概述了采购规程的特点,编制依据,编制程序,编号原则及复审,对了解采购规程有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper deals with well-posedness and L 2-regularity properties for a class of semilinear retarded functional differential equations. A relation between the reachable set of a semilinear system and that of the corresponding linear system is proved. We also show that the Lipschitz continuity and the uniform boundedness of the nonlinear term can be considerably weakened. Finally, a simple example is given, to which our main result can be applied. This work was supported by the Brain Korea 21 Project in 2006.  相似文献   

本文结合工作经验及质量体系的要求 ,围绕采购技术文件编制的意义、要点及原材料采购质量的控制手段和方法等方面 ,对如何保证电站锅炉用原材料的采购质量进行了探讨  相似文献   

详细介绍了地震的基本概念和《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》在锅炉钢结构地震设计中的应用,计算地震作用时各系数的选取,基本自震周期的计算方法。  相似文献   

为提高水电机组一次调频技术水平,以广东电网一次调频运行管理规定为例,探讨了水电机组一次调频技术参数规范.依据相关国家和行业标准,指出类似规范中普遍存在的未采用专用术语、固有转速死区指标过低的不足,结合现场实际情况,分析了人工转速死区、调节模式不同类型及频率测量精度对水电机组一次调频的影响,指出规范应明确一次调频死区、永态差值系数和频率测量精度要求,并提出了切合实际的建议.  相似文献   

We show how knots in appear in a natural way as complete invariants of topological conjugacy for the simplest gradient-like diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds.  相似文献   

Performance of thermal interface materials (TIMs) used between a microelectronic device and its associated heat spreader is largely dependent on the bulk thermal conductivity of the TIM, but the bond-line thickness (BLT) of the applied material as well as the interfacial contact resistances are also significant contributors to overall performance. Hierarchically Nested Channels (HNCs), created by modifying the surface topology of the chip or the heatsink with hierarchical arrangements of microchannels in order to improve flow, have been proposed to reduce both the required squeezing force and the final BLT at the interfaces. In the present work, a topological optimization framework that enables the design of channel arrangements is developed. The framework is based on a resistance network approximation to Newtonian squeeze flow. The approximation, validated against finite element (FE) solutions, allows efficient, design-oriented solutions for squeeze flow in complex geometries. A comprehensive design sensitivity analysis exploiting the resistance network approximation is also developed and implemented. The resistance approximation and the sensitivity analysis is used to build an automated optimal channel design framework. A Pareto optimal problem formulation for the design of channels is posed and the optimal solution is demonstrated using the framework.  相似文献   

We discuss a certain type of evolution of loops in smooth manifolds described in terms of natural almost complex structures on appropriate loop spaces. The main attention is paid to holomorphic families of transverse loops in a Cauchy–Riemann manifold, with an emphasis on the geometry of their images. In this context, we introduce a special class of foliated solid tori, called holomorphic doughnuts, and show that they are connected with certain classical geometric constructions. In particular, we show that holomorphic doughnuts can be obtained from isolated singularities of algebraic plane curves. We also establish the existence of holomorphic dynamics for generic real-analytic loops. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 32Q60, 35Q15, 58D15.  相似文献   

加工直齿圆锥齿轮工作中,对刨齿机的调整和圆锥齿轮的计算。在机械零件加工中,经常遇到圆锥齿轮的加工,在小批量生产及单件生产中,需要在专用刨齿机上进行。圆锥齿轮的加工,对于机床的调整和各步骤的计算比较复杂和繁琐,因此本文针对圆锥齿轮的加工,阐述了机床的调整和锥齿轮的计算,并简述了加工工艺规程。  相似文献   

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