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介绍了一种用于MEMS薄膜材料力学特性测试的单轴拉伸试验方法。其特点是微小试件两端固定,且与加载机构集成在基片上,从而可减少操作工作量,提高对准精度。整个机构以微细加工方法制成,硅类试件以干法蚀刻成型,金属类试件以电镀方法成型,其余加载机构以湿法刻蚀制成。试验表明:使用此机构可以简单且高精度地对薄膜试件进行拉伸试验,获得多项力学性能参数,从而为MEMS器件设计和分析提供可靠的理论基础。  相似文献   

Modeling and control of hysteresis in magnetostrictive actuators   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A novel dynamic model is proposed for the hysteresis in magnetostrictive actuators by coupling a Preisach operator to an ordinary differential equation, and a parameter identification method is described. An efficient inversion algorithm for a class of Preisach operators with piecewise uniform density functions is then introduced, based upon which an inverse control scheme for the dynamic hysteresis model is presented. Finally the inversion error is quantified and l1 control theory is applied to improve the robustness of inverse compensation. Simulation and experimental results based on a Terfenol-D actuator are provided.  相似文献   

采用传统固相合成法制成的LSCO作为功能相,并用钙硼硅玻璃作为无机粘结相制备了厚膜电阻浆料。研究了玻璃相的含量、峰值烧结温度对厚膜方阻及电阻温度系数的影响。结果表明:当浆料固相成分中玻璃相的质量分数为3%~9%(体积分数为11.11%~28.56%)时,制备的厚膜电阻浆料方阻变化范围为1kΩ/□~10MkΩ/□。电阻温度系数为-8000×10-6/℃~-5000×10-6/℃。  相似文献   

Active control of beam with magnetostrictive layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyses the damping characteristics obtained using a distributed magnetostrictive layer bonded to an aluminum beam for different boundary conditions and coil configurations. The magnetostrictive layer produces the actuating force required to control the vibration in the beam, based on a negative velocity feedback control law. The control input is the current to the solenoid surrounding the beam. Prior formulations in the literature have assumed that the current through the coil is a function of axial distance. Even though this assumption is mathematically valid, a physical consideration of the problem limits such an assumption. In the present study, perhaps for the first time, a finite element formulation, physically consistent with the problem has been developed. Vibration reduction in the beam, by positioning the magnetostrictive layer and its current carrying actuating coil pair along the beam is investigated. Issues associated with control for different boundary condition are highlighted.  相似文献   

The paper addresses mechatronic issue of multibody systems comprising giant magnetostrictive material based transducers (sensors and/or actuators). Interaction between dynamics and control in multibody system with smart material based transducers makes it possible to change system properties and functionality substantially as a response to applied electric, magnetic or temperature fields. To use this interaction in an optimal way, the proper mathematical models of controlled electro-magneto-elastic multibody systems need to be developed. In the paper, a general mathematical model of multibody systems with magnetostrictive transducers is presented. The model consists of the constitutive equations of magnetoelastic behavior of transducers, standard formulae of electromagnetism for induced voltage and current in the pick-up coil due to variation of magnetic field intensity, and finally, the equations of motion of multibody system itself. The last one can be derived using one of the well-known multibody dynamics formalisms. General model has been developed in detail for linearized dynamics of magnetostrictive transducers and implemented virtually for two practically important cases of interaction of hosting multibody system with transducers, namely for systems with displacement driven transducers and for systems with force driven transducers. Physical prototype of magnetostrictive transducer and test rig (hosting multibody system) have been built and used successfully for verification of developed models.  相似文献   

Gold (Au) and platinum (Pt) were used as the working electrode material to detect cholesterol in solution through enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Both gold and platinum were capable of detecting cholesterol through the electrochemical oxidation of H2O2, and could be used as the working electrode material. By comparison, however, Au was preferable over Pt in terms of higher response current and better sensitivity. Therefore, Au was chosen as the working electrode material for the fabrication of a thick-film screen-printed cholesterol biosensor consisting of three electrodes on an alumina substrate (working: Au, reference: Ag/AgCl, and counter: Au). The immobilization of the enzyme cholesterol oxidase (ChOx, E.C. on the Au working electrode was achieved using a self-assembly approach. A thiol, 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA), was self-assembled onto the gold working electrode forming a thin organic layer that served as the anchor for the enzyme immobilization. 1-Ethyl-3(3-dimethylamino propyl)carbodiimide methiodide (EDC) was then used to immobilize the enzyme ChOx covalently on the gold working electrode through the carbodiimide coupling between the carboxyl (–COOH) groups of the self-assembled MPA layer and the amino (–NH2) groups of the enzyme. Electrochemical measurements showed that this biosensor responded well to cholesterol, confirming that the self-assembly immobilization method was effective. The reproducibility, the interference, and the storage stability of the biosensor were studied and assessed.  相似文献   

对厚膜集成压力传感器放大电路进行了设计和实验。结果表明,该电路的设计具有功能强、集成容易、调试方便、工作温度范围宽等特点。其性能指标均可达到技术要求,实现了厚膜压力传感器的集成化和放大功能.  相似文献   

研究了柠檬酸胺-1-羟基乙烷二膦酸(HEDP)镀液体系中Ni-W的力学性能。通过紫外曝光的光刻、电铸和注塑(UV—LIGA)技术制备出微拉伸试样和单轴微拉伸测试系统进行拉伸试验。结果表明:在Ni-W薄膜试样尺寸为5μm×50μm×100μm条件下,其杨氏模量约为100.4GPa,抗拉强度为1.96GPa,应变约为3.6%。  相似文献   

浆料的制备是采用丝网印刷工艺制备金属氧化物半导体气敏传感器过程中的关键.浆料由有机载体、功能相和玻璃相组成.有机载体包括溶剂和助剂,通过比较不同溶剂组分的配比和不同含量助剂的添加得出松油醇、丁基卡必醇醋酸酯和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯按质量比为6∶3∶1组成的混合溶剂及添加物的质量分数分别为:乙基纤维素6%、司班85 4%和1,...  相似文献   

超磁致伸缩薄膜/光纤的制备及其磁探测性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用磁控溅射工艺在光纤表面制备了厚度均匀的TbDyFe超磁致伸缩薄膜。利用马赫 曾德尔干涉仪对TbDyFe超磁致伸缩薄膜/光纤传感器的磁探测性能进行了实验测试。结果表明:在调制频率f=1kHz附近,传感器对磁场具有最大的信号响应;在恒定直流磁场及调制磁场强度小于1kA/m的条件下,输出信号大小随调制磁场强度线性增加;在35~50kA/m的直流磁场范围内,传感器(对应1m长传感臂)可探测的最小磁场变化Hmin=8.6×10-2A/m,若采用分辨力为10-6rad的干涉仪并增加镀膜光纤的长度和薄膜厚度,则可进一步提高传感器的磁探测灵敏度。  相似文献   

利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对长方形和圆形两种霍尔器件的工作状态进行模拟,分析霍尔片(霍尔器件工件区域)结构尺寸与霍尔器件灵敏度的关系,研究形状对器件灵敏度的影响.结果表明:圆形霍尔片灵敏度比长方形霍尔片的高,当圆形霍尔片的半径与厚度比值为15时,灵敏度最高.  相似文献   

坡莫合金(Ni80Fe20)薄膜是微机电系统常用的磁性材料之一.介绍了一种用于测试其机械性能的单轴拉伸试验模型.此模型的特点是微小试件两端固定、且与加载机构集成在基片上,从而可减少操作工作量、提高对准精度.整个机构以微细加工方法制成:坡莫合金拉伸试件以光刻和电镀技术成型,其余的加载机构以湿法蚀刻制成.实验表明:使用此机构可以简单且高精度地对薄膜试件进行拉伸试验,获得多项力学性能参数,从而为MEMS器件设计和分析提供可靠的理论基础.  相似文献   

This paper details improvements of the d33 coefficient for thick-film Lead–Zirconate–Titanate (PZT) layers. In particular, the effect that the powder milling process has on particle size, shape and distribution has been investigated. Ball milled, jet milled and attritor milled powders were obtained from Morgan Electro-Ceramics Ltd. These powders were mixed with various ratios of lead borosilicate glass in the range of 5–20% by weight and an appropriate quantity of Electro-Science Laboratories (ESL) 400 solvent to formulate a screen printable thixotropic paste. The use of a polymer top electrode to reduce the number of firing cycles the PZT layer is subjected to was also investigated. The results show that the highest values of d33 were obtained from the ball milled powder with 10% glass content, but the most consistent results were obtained from the attritor milled samples. The samples printed with a polymer top electrode have shown an average increase of around 15% in the value of d33.  相似文献   

When uncertain systems are actuated by smart material based actuators, the systems exhibit hysteresis nonlinearities and corresponding control is becoming a challenging task, especially with magnetostrictive actuators which are dominated by asymmetric hystereses. The common approach for overcoming the hysteresis effect is inverse compensation combining with robust adaptive control. Focusing on the asymmetric hysteresis phenomenon, an asymmetric shifted Prandtl–Ishlinskii (ASPI) model and its inverse are developed and a corresponding analytical expression for the inverse compensation error is derived. Then, a prescribed adaptive control method is applied to mitigate the compensation error and simultaneously guaranteeing global stability of the closed loop system with a prescribed transient and steady-state performance of the tracking error without knowledge of system parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is validated on a magnetostrictive actuated platform.  相似文献   

石英薄膜的质量是决定各种石英基底的微纳器件品质高低的关键所在.阐述如何运用研磨和化学机械抛光CMP(Chemical&Mechanical Polishing)技术获得高品质石英薄膜的方法.由于石英属于高硬度材料,选用金刚石研磨液和球墨铸铁研磨盘对石英衬底进行研磨,以获得较高的研磨速率和较好的研磨后的表面粗糙度.在石英CMP中,采用特殊的“两步抛“工艺,对衬底进行抛光.第一步粗抛抛光液采用金刚石颗粒直径为0.3 μm的研磨液与SiO2颗粒直径为50 nm的抛光液相混合,第二步精抛只采用SiO2的抛光液.实验结果表明,采用上述技术,可以获得高品质的石英薄膜,厚度为(25.1±3.2)μm,表面粗糙度约为0.89 nm(RMS).  相似文献   

根据阻抗测量法设计了一种基于AD5933的磁致伸缩材料共振频率检测系统,详细介绍了该系统硬件电路及软件设计。该系统采用基于AD5933的阻抗测量模块、基于MSP430F169的单片机处理模块、12864液晶显示模块以及供电模块完成了磁致伸缩材料共振频率的数据采集、处理、存储及图谱显示。测试结果表明,该系统具有测量误差小、抗干扰性强、实时性高的特点,检测误差低至7Hz。  相似文献   

A finite difference approximation method for the numerical study of the evolution equations for magnetoelastic materials is proposed and results concerning the numerical stability are established. Experiments on a specific test problem are carried out mainly to investigate on some evolutive phenomena such as the development and propagation of singular solutions.  相似文献   

采用自行研制的鼓膜实验装置,结合迈克尔逊激光干涉位移测量技术,获取薄膜的变形值与压力值之间的关系曲线,以实现薄膜试样力学性能的测试.对鼓膜法测试薄膜力学性能的现状做了评述;对实验原理以及装置设计进行论述;进行实验测量,并对实验结果进行有限元分析与仿真.对纯铝薄膜(纯度99.9%,厚为210 μm)进行鼓膜实验,测得其弹性模量E为68.3 GPa,与资料结果基本一致,说明研制的鼓膜实验装置测量薄膜力学性能方法切实可行.实验装置对于在微/纳机电系统(MEMS/NEMS)中广泛应用的薄膜材料的力学性能表征具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

The effects of curing temperature on the expansive effectiveness, strength, hydration degree, and microstructure of shrinkagecompensated binder were studied. The results showed that under the standard curing temperature (20℃), most crystalline ettringite grows in pores, which makes less contribution to the expansion of paste than gelatinous ettringite blended with C-S-H gel. An elevated curing temperature (40℃) promotes the hydration rate of expansive agent and cement. However, quickly developing strength o...  相似文献   

A combined molecular imprinting and thick film electrochemical sensor for cholesterol concentration detection had been developed. The ferro-ferric cyanide coupled redox reaction was used as the means to quantify the cholesterol presented in the test medium. This electrochemical sensor employed a modified gold working electrode, a platinum counter electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The alkanethiol was used to form the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on the gold working electrode. The SAM was then used with the cholesterol as the template forming the molecular imprinting layer. This sensor prototype could detect cholesterol concentrations between 66 and 700 nM and only a 1 μL of the sample volume was required.  相似文献   

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