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为了改善金属间化合物Mg2Si在常温下的组织形态与分布,采用在Al30Mg2Si合金中添加不同量稀土元素镨(Pr)的办法,研究Pr对该合金中Mg2Si变质的影响.结果表明:适量的稀土元素Pr能够明显细化Mg2Si晶粒,改善其形态及其分布.当Pr加入0.2%时能够抑制Mg2Si树枝晶生长,且能使Mg2Si相均匀分布.当Pr加入0.6%~0.8%时,Mg2Si相呈规则多边体形态,且分布更加均匀,组织更加细小,可认为该含量时Mg2Si组织最完善,稀土Pr变质效果最好.当Pr增加到1.7%时,Mg2Si相再次呈不规则状,且分布不均匀. 相似文献
为了研究铋(Bi)对Al-30%Mg2Si复合材料显微组织和力学性能的影响,利用原位内生工艺制备了Al-30%Mg2Si复合材料,并加入不同量的Bi对其细化变质.利用扫描电镜进行显微组织观察,并利用布氏硬度计和液压式万能试验机进行力学性能测试.试验结果显示,稀土Bi的质量分数由0%增加至5%时,初生相Mg2Si的平均晶粒尺寸先减小后变大,而抗拉强度、硬度和伸长率则先提高后减小;当Bi加入量约为3%时,初生相Mg2Si显微组织细化效果最为明显,综合力学性能最好. 相似文献
为了提高镁合金的耐热性能,在Mg-5Sn-0.5Sr合金中加入Si和Ca等合金化元素,设计了Mg-5Sn-0.5Sr-xSi(x=1,2)和Mg-5Sn-0.5Sr-xSi-0.5Ca(x=1,2)合金.采用x-射线衍射仪(XRD)、光学显微镜(OM)与扫描电镜(SEM)研究了合金的相组成及显微组织,并利用力学性能试验机测定了合金的拉伸性能.结果表明,Mg-5Sn-0.5Sr-xSi(x=1,2)合金组织由沿α-Mg晶界析出的共晶Mg2Sn、Mg2Si相与α-Mg晶内初生MgSnSr相组成,且Mg2Si相的质量分数随Si元素的增加而增加.对于Mg-5Sn-0.5Sr-xSi-0.5Ca(x=1,2)合金而言,加入Ca元素能够显著促进初生(Ca,Sr)MgSn相的形成,而抑制晶界上Mg2Sn相的析出. 相似文献
Al-Cu合金是工业上应用广泛的合金.为了提高Al-10%Cu合金的力学性能,研究了熔体过热处理和高低温熔体混合处理对Al-10%Cu合金组织和性能的影响.结果发现:过热处理和高低温熔体混合处理能细化Al-10%Cu合金的凝固组织、提高其力学性能.熔体在900℃下过热处理后,其抗拉强度和延伸率最大,分别为171.9MPa和2.87%.高低温熔体混合处理对合金组织和性能的影响明显强于熔体过热处理.高低温熔体混合处理后,Al-10%Cu合金的抗拉强度和延伸率分别被提高到231.9MPa和3.62%. 相似文献
为了确定Cu、Zn、Mg等合金元素对重力铸造Al-5.5Fe基合金组织与力学性能的影响规律,采用了SEM、XRD、力学性能测试等分析检测手段.实验表明,适当增加Cu元素的质量分数可以有效提高Al-5.5Fe基合金的抗拉强度.对于重力铸造Al-5.5Fe-xCu合金而言,当Cu的质量分数由2.5%提高到4%时,该合金的抗拉强度得到明显提高,达到了130.65 MPa.Zn、Mg和Mn元素的添加可以有效提高Al-5.5Fe基合金的抗拉强度,Al-5.5Fe-4Cu-2Zn-0.4Mg-0.5Mn合金的抗拉强度达到了171.28 MPa.显微组织观察结果表明,向合金中加入Mg、Mn、Zn等元素可以将针片状Al3Fe的形貌改善得更加圆滑,合金中的第二相呈圆球状、N边形状以及六边形状,且弥散分布于基体中.第二相的数量会随着Cu元素的增加而增加,从而显著提高了合金的性能. 相似文献
研究了A l-25%Si合金在半固态等温电磁搅拌条件下合金显微组织的变化行为.分别在580℃、600℃下等温搅拌0 m in、10 m in、20 m in和30 m in,实验结果显示:随着搅拌时间的增加,初生硅发生细化,尺寸明显变小且边角更加钝化,分布也更加均匀;当搅拌时间超过20 m in后,初生硅尺寸变化不大,分布趋于均匀. 相似文献
为了提高Al-12Si合金在高温工况下的服役寿命,文中基于喷丸强化技术,探究了表层组织细化和压应力对材料疲劳性能的影响.采用微观表征手段对组织结构进行表征,通过X射线残余应力分析仪、显维维氏硬度仪以及常温旋弯疲劳试验机对喷丸强化后材料的表面残余应力、硬度及疲劳性能进行评价.研究结果表明:喷丸强化有效改善了初生硅的大小和... 相似文献
苗乃明 《江苏石油化工学院学报》2006,(1)
采用电磁搅拌装置制备ZA27合金半固态浆料,研究不同搅拌参数对非枝晶组织和性能的影响。结果表明;搅拌电流越大,晶粒越细小致密,搅拌时间短不足以打碎、圆整ZA27凝固时的先结晶组织,搅拌时间长,先结晶相易发生聚集长大,导致力学性能下降。搅拌时间10 min左右,ZA27合金的组织和性能较佳。 相似文献
苗乃明 《江苏工业学院学报》2006,18(1):41-44
采用电磁搅拌装置制备ZA27合金半固态浆料,研究不同搅拌参数对非枝晶组织和性能的影响。结果表明:搅拌电流越大,晶粒越细小致密,搅拌时间短不足以打碎、圆整ZA27凝同时的先结晶组织,搅拌时间长,先结晶相易发生聚集长大,导致力学性能下降。搅拌时间10min左右,ZA27合金的组织和性能较佳。 相似文献
Zr对Mg-Nd-Zr-Zn合金显微组织和力学性能的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在RJ-2溶剂和Be的联合保护下制备了Mg-Nd-Zr-Zn系合金,通过对合金显微组织的分析,以及Zr对显微组织及力学性能影响的研究,试制出了质量分数W Zr合理的Mg-Nd-Zr-Zn合金,经过测试,认为当质量分数W Zr小于0.8%时,W Zr的增加提高了合金的250℃高温抗拉强度,但当W Zr超过0.8%时,Zr对合金的强化作用有所降低。 相似文献
In order to obtain an effective and reliable grain refiner for Mg-Al alloys, 1% (mass fraction) Mg3N2 was added into AZ31 Mg alloy. The microstructures of the Mg alloys were studied by optical microscopy, scan electron microscopy and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, and the mechanical properties were determined. The results show that adding a small amount of Mg3N2 to AZ31 Mg alloy can refine the grain size from 103 to 58 μm. The ultimate tensile strength and elongation of AZ31 Mg alloy are 174.1MPa and 8.3%, respectively. After the addition of 1% Mg3N2, the ultimate tensile strength and elongation of AZ31 Mg alloy are increased up to 198.7 MPa and 11.8%, respectively. The grain refinement mechanism is that AIN is formed after Mg3N2 is added.Both A1N and Mg phases are of HCP lattice structure, and the disregistry between Mg phases and AIN along (0001)Mg//(0001)AlN is 3.04%, which is very effective for heterogeneous nucleation. 相似文献
0 INTRODUCTIONThoughitsstrengthisnotveryhigh ,the 14 2 0Al -Lialloyhasmanyadvantagessuchasbetterplasticity ,lowerdensityanditcanworkundercorrosiveandlowtem peratureconditions[1] .Muchefforthasbeendevotedonimprovingthepropertiesofthe 14 2 0Al -Lialloy ,soitisdifficu… 相似文献
The microstructures and mechanical properties of A1-6Zn-2Mg-1.5Cu-0.4Er alloy under different treatment conditions were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation, and tensile properties and hardness test, respectively. The relationship between mechanical properties and microstructures of the alloys was discussed. With trace Er addition to A1-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy, Er and Al interact to form Al3Er phase, which is coherent with α(Al) matrix. The results show that A1-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy after retr... 相似文献
采用组织观察、性能检测、断口分析等方法研究了脉冲电流对Ti-6Al-4V合金显微组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明,脉冲电流使试样瞬间急速升温、产生较高的热压应力,并发生α→β相变,随后试样快速降温冷却发生β→α′相变。由于急速升温和快速冷却,新相的形核率增加且无充足时间长大,使合金的显微组织细化,而相变和组织细化导致了合金力学性能提高和电阻率变化。适当优化电脉冲处理工艺参数可使Ti-6Al-4V合金的综合力学性能明显提高。通过测量电阻变化可间接表征电脉冲处理后材料微观组织结构的变化程度。 相似文献
为了研究Ce元素对Al-15%Mg_2Si复合材料微观组织和力学性能的影响,利用原位内生工艺制备了Al-15%Mg_2Si复合材料,并加入不同质量分数的Ce元素对复合材料进行细化变质.利用扫描电子显微镜进行微观组织观察,利用布氏硬度计和液压万能试验机进行力学性能测试.结果表明,添加Ce元素后Mg_2Si相以块状和粒状形态存在于Al基体中,随着Ce元素质量分数的增加,初生Mg_2Si相得到细化,其力学性能呈现先增大后减小的趋势.当Ce元素的质量分数为0.6%时,初生Mg_2Si相的细化效果最好,其力学性能最佳. 相似文献
Zhen-duo Zhao Wei-min Mao Sha Li Rong-mao Zhong School of Materials Science Engineering University of Science Technology Beijing Beijing China 《北京科技大学学报(英文版)》2009,16(5)
The semisolid AlSi7Mg alloy slurry with large capacity was prepared by low superheat pouring and week traveling-wave electromagnetic stirring.The effects of electromagnetic stirring power and frequency on the shape and distribution of primary α-Al grains in the AlSi7Mg alloy slurry were discussed.The experimental results show that the AlSi7Mg alloy slurry with fine and spherical primary α-Al grains distributed homogeneously can be obtained.Under the condition of low superheat pouring and week traveling-wave... 相似文献
游志勇 《武汉理工大学学报(材料科学英文版)》2013,28(4):834-839
The effects of the solution and aging treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of the Mg-10Zn-5Al-0.1Sb-XCu cast magnesium alloys were investigated by brinell hardness measurement, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy spectrum analyzing apparatus and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The experimental results show that the strip-like τ-Mg32 (Al, Zn)49 phase is shown at the grain boundaries and Mg2Cu phase become smaller, even granular after solution treatment at 350 °C for 24 h. By ageing treatment at 180 °C, the ternary strengthening phase (τ phase) precipitates gradually at or around grain boundary. With increasing aging time, the micro-hardness improves obviously and up to the maximum (105.9 HV) at aging time of 36 h. In addition, the tensile-strengths at room temperature and at an elevated temperature respectively reach 228 MPa and 176 MPa, which is increased by 20% and 10%, respectively. 相似文献
Effect of electromagnetic stirring on the microstructure and wear behavior of iron-based composite coatings 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The effect of electromagnetic stirring on the microstructure and wear behavior of coatings has been investigated. A series of iron-based coatings were fabricated by the plasma-transferred arc cladding process by applying different magnetic field currents. The microstructure and wear resistance of the composite coatings were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and wet sand rubber wheel abrasion tester. The experimental re- sults showed that the microstructure of the coatings was mainly the γ-Fe matrix and (Cr, Fe)7C3 carbide reinforced phase. The coatings were metallurgically bonded to the substrate. With increasing magnetic field current, the amount of the block-like (Cr, Fe)7C3 carbide reinforced phase increased at first, reached a local maximum, and then decreased sharply. When the magnetic field current reached 3 A, the block-like (Cr, Fe)7C3 carbides with high volume fraction were uniformly distributed in the matrix and the coating displayed a high microhardness and an excellent wear resistance under the wear test condition. 相似文献