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In this paper, we propose a time‐varying modified minimum mean‐squared error (MMSE) detector for the detection of higher data rate signals in a multirate asynchronous code‐division multiple‐access (CDMA) system which is signaled in a fast Rayleigh fading channel. The interference viewed by a higher data rate symbol will be periodic due to the presence of a lower data rate symbol which spans multiple higher data rate symbols. The detection is carried out on the basis of a modified MMSE criterion which incorporates differential detection and the ratio of channel coefficients in two consecutive observation intervals inherently compensating the fast variation of the channel due to fading. The numerical results obtained by the MMSE detector with time‐varying detection show around 3 dB (M=2) and 6 dB (M=4) performance improvement at a BER of 10?3 in the AWGN channel, while introducing more computational complexity than the MMSE detector without time‐varying detection. At a higher Eb/N0, the proposed scheme can achieve a BER of approximately 10?3 in the presence of fast channel variation which is an improvement over other schemes.  相似文献   

Joint Data and Kalman Estimation for Rayleigh Fading Channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Channel estimation is an essential part of many detection techniques proposed for data transmission over fading channels. For the frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel an autoregressive moving average representation is proposed based on the fading model parameters. The parameters of this representation are determined based on the fading channel characteristics, making it possible to employ the Kalman filter as the best estimator for the channel impulse response. For IS-136 formatted data transmission the Kalman filter is employed with the Viterbi algorithm in a Per-Survivor Processing (PSP) fashion and the ove rall bit error rate performance is shown to be superior to that of detection techniques using the RLS and LMS estimators. To allow more than one channel estimation per symbol interval, Per-Branch Processing (PBP) method is introduced as a general case of PSP and its effect on performance is evaluated. The sensitivity of performance to parameters such as fading model order and vehicle speed is also studied.  相似文献   

A novel data-aided fading estimation technique that employs both pilot anddata symbols is proposed to significantly reduce the bandwidth redundancy ofthe pilot-symbol-aided (PSA) systems using receivers with low complexity andlatency in the shadowed mobile satellite fading channels. The shadowed mobilesatellite fading channels are modeled as the sum of a lognormally distributeddirect component and a Rayleigh distributed multipath component, and the PSAsystem employs 16-ary quadrature-amplitude-modulation (16QAM) fortransmission. Monte Carlo computer simulation has been used to assess thetechnique on the bit-error-rate (BER) performances of the system in the lightshadowed, the average shadowed and the heavy shadowed Rician fadingenvironments. The results have shown that the proposed technique requires avery low bandwidth redundancy to provide satisfactory BER performances, andcan substantially lower the error floors of the PSA systems.  相似文献   

给出了在频率选择性慢衰落信道下适用于突发传输的两种快速频偏估计算法。针对慢衰落选择性信道下的频率估计问题,两种算法均给出了一个简单的闭式解,且算法实现无需任何信道幅度信息。第一种算法要求用于频率估计的训练序列的自相关矩阵具有对角特性,第二种算法使用周期的训练序列,两种算法所需的运算量大大低于最大似然估计算法。仿真结果显示,在较高信噪比下两种算法均具有较好的估计性能。  相似文献   

刘顺兰  汪佳丽 《电信科学》2015,31(9):112-117
摘要:在快时变环境下的OFDM(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,正交频分复用)系统中,针对非采样间隔信道CIR(channel impulse response,信道冲击响应)能量泄漏和ICI(inter-carrier interference,子载波间干扰)的问题,提出了一种基于分数抽头信道近似的复指数基扩展联合反馈离散傅里叶变换信道估计算法。该算法首先根据基于分数抽头信道近似的复指数基扩展模型计算信道参数,再根据该信道参数计算出快时变环境下OFDM系统的ICI系数,然后将初次消除ICI的信号作为反馈进行离散傅里叶变换,进一步消除噪声和ICI。该算法在一定程度上抑制了CIR能量泄漏,消除了ICI和噪声,有效地近似了实际信道。仿真结果表明,该算法在误比特率和信道均方误差方面均有明显提高。  相似文献   

李媚  杨铁军 《电子科技》2007,(7):17-19,35
主要研究了MIMO-OFDM系统中快速时变信道的信道估计问题,将3种自适应信道估计算法: RLS,QRD-RLS,IQRD-RLS,应用于快速时变信道进行比较研究,并对其进行计算机仿真。仿真结果表明,3种算法性能相似,其中,QRD-RLS和IQRD-RLS算法的收敛速度要快于RLS算法,对于实时系统而言,这两种算法的效率更高。因此,QRD-RLS和IQRD-RIS算法更适合于快速时变信道。  相似文献   

用Laguerre滤波器实现多径衰落信道自适应均衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺双赤 《电讯技术》2004,44(1):82-86
提出了一种衰落信道自适应均衡的新方法。该方法基于Laguerre滤波器结构,采用最小二乘估计估算滤波器极点,通过RLS算法实现自适应过程。仿真结果表明,由于Laguerre滤波器同时具有FIR和ⅡR结构的特点,在信噪比低、信道多径条件复杂的情况下,可以获得比通常的线性自适应均衡器和决策反馈均衡器更好的抗符号间干扰的效果;同时,Laguerre滤波器结构的稳定性有效地减少了差错传播的发生。  相似文献   

Since the conventional detector performs poorly in bandwidth-efficient Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems, several multiuser detectors were proposed recently. In this paper, we compare performance of the decorrelator, the two-stage detector (2S), and the decision-feedback detector (DF) for the Rayleigh flat fading synchronous CDMA channel. First, assuming perfect channel estimation, we show that the 2S and the DF have much lower bit error rate (BER) than the decorrelator, and prove that the ideal DF has unity Asymptotic Multiuser Efficiency (AME). Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of these detectors in the presence of channel mismatch. We model the Rayleigh flat fading channel as the second order Auto Regressive (AR) process, and use the Kalman filter as the channel estimator. The lower bounds on the BER of the 2S and the DF are derived. The analytical results and the simulations show that the estimation error accumulated due to cancellation of other users limits the performance of the 2S and the DF. Therefore, in the presence of channel mismatch, the decorrelator offers comparable or even better performance than more complex decision-feedback and two-stage detectors.  相似文献   

在OFDM系统中,准确的信道估计是对抗瑞利衰落信道中信道干扰的关键。提出了一种对OFDM信道估计的新方法,利用CR Spline函数的插值方法,设计一个特定的导频结构,从而导出信道估计的CR Spline函数形式,用该函数近似信道衰落包络。实验结果表明,仅用少量导频就可以近似出信道特性,并具有良好的平滑性。计算机仿真证明了提出算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对高速率信息传输系统中多径衰落对单载波频域均衡(SC-FDE)信道估计造成的影响,在SC-FDE原理基础上,将无线通信中信噪比估计和SC-FDE中信道估计结合起来,对现有信噪比估计算法进行优化。分析和仿真结果表明,此方法能有效地改善多径衰落信道中信道估计的有效性,提高了频域均衡的效果,从而改善了SC-FDE系统的误码率(BER)性能。  相似文献   

分析了现有实用OFDM系统的信道估计方法及其硬件结构,并根据信道的统计特征给出了一种改进的门限滤波方法与其对应的硬件结构.在提高性能的同时,这种方法复杂度并不高,且不需要任何已知的信道统计特性.通过实验验证,这种新方法(尤其是二维的方法)明显优于传统的基于FFT的方法和最小二乘方法.  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的信道估计算法.采用基于SVD的LMMSE算法对导频符号的信道系数进行估计,比较了改进后的算法与原有算法.仿真结果证明,无论对于快衰落信道,还是慢衰落信道,改进后算法都具有更好的性能,更适合于无线OFDM系统.  相似文献   

秦志毅 《电子科技》2007,(3):51-52,57
利用最大似然代价函数推导出了一种导频辅助的OFDM定时估计算法。在信道阶数未知情况下,对其导频采用循环前缀(CP)方式和补零(ZP)方式的性能做了比较分析。用ZP方式导频时,该算法克服了信道阶数未知时定时测度平台。仿真分析验证了本算法性能的优越性。  相似文献   

唐恬  姜军  张平 《无线电工程》2007,37(3):25-27,46
基于对实际系统中信道冲激响应(CIR)泄漏问题的详细分析,提出了一种次优的时域信道估计算法。该算法克服了CIR泄漏的影响,因此能够很好地适应实际系统中的非整数采样多径衰落信道。该算法不需要预先知道信道统计特性,还具有低复杂度的特点。与已有信道估计算法进行了仿真比较,结果证明该算法极大地降低了信道估计MSE值,同时也不存在“地板效应”。  相似文献   

快时变环境下OFDM系统中的信道估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在OFDM系统中,怎样对快时变信道进行较为准确的估计是一个具有挑战性的课题。该文在利用信道基扩展模型的基础上,提出了一种适合于快时变环境下OFDM系统的信道估计方法,并且依据使估计的均方误差最小的准则,推导了相应最优的导频序列,包括最优的导频取值和最优的导频分布。可以证明,最优的导频序列是由一些相邻的等间隔等能量的子序列构成,每个子序列的导频之间满足一定的相位关系。仿真结果表明了所提估计算法在快时变环境下的有效性和采用所推导的最优导频序列进行估计的优越性。  相似文献   

OFDM系统在动态环境下的自适应信道估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了OFDM通信系统信道估计采用二维自适应维纳滤波的情形,信道估计根据对不同的信道环境(多径时延,多普勒频移)的实时检测,自适应地选择适宜的滤波参数,动态地跟踪信道的变化特征。仿真分析得到了最优的滤波参数并且证明了在非完全匹配条件下的插值亦有很好的效果。  相似文献   

Link Adaptation (LA) has been proposed in the literature as a means of increasing the throughput obtained by each user in wireless communication systems. Due to its significant simplicity, LA has even been adopted as the standard adaptive coding technique for the next generation mobile communication system known as EDGE. In this paper, we present a novel link adaptation technique, valid for use in the case of Rayleigh fading wireless channels. The new technique is based on the blind channel estimation algorithm usually used for combating inter-symbol interference (ISI). The algorithm is presented and its efficiency in providing the maximum available throughput is illustrated by means of computer simulations.  相似文献   

宋梁  胡波  凌燮亭 《电子学报》2002,30(5):723-726
在移动通信系统中,由于衰落和多普勒效应,为了实现基于Viterbi算法的极大似然序列估计(MLSE),需要不断跟踪信道参数变化.本文首先提出了一种新的基于插值的信道估计方法ICP(Interpolating channel processing),并给出了该方法的两种实现形式,同已有的一些算法的比较结果表明:新方法具有更小的计算复杂度,误码率更低.同时,本文对如何降低Viterbi算法(VA)的计算复杂度也作了探讨.通过采用自适应减小计算复杂度的算法(ATA),本文提出的ICP算法具有更优的性能.  相似文献   

为解决正交频分复用(OFDM)系统在快速时变信道下引入的子载波间干扰(ICI)导致性能急剧下降的问题,提出一种基于带状矩阵的数据辅助型信道估计算法。通过分析由多普勒频偏引入的子载波间干扰矩阵,运用线性模型对信道冲击响应算法进行建模,对每个子载波设计带状补偿矩阵以最大程度消除ICI。数值仿真结果表明,该信道估计算法较最小均方误差(MMSE)算法复杂度大大减小,便于实现,满足快速时变信道下的估计精度需要。  相似文献   

高效频谱调制方式在蜂窝移动通信系统中的性能分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陆建华  姚彦 《通信学报》1998,19(4):30-34
本文研究高效频谱调制方式MPSK及MQAM在蜂窝移动通信中的应用及其性能。在综合考虑共道干扰,Rayleigh衰落以及高斯噪声等影响因素的基础上,结合分集接收技术,我们给出了MPSK及MQAM应用于蜂窝移动通信时误码率计算的通用近似公式。蒙特-卡洛仿真表明文中给出的误码率近似公式能很好地吻合实际系统的仿真结果。  相似文献   

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