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沼气是我国农村可开发的可再生能源,介绍了发展沼气的生态、社会意义,当前晋中市发展沼气中存在的认识、经济、技术问题,提出了加强领导、典型示范、强化技术培训、集中建设等加快发展沼气的建议.  相似文献   

广东农村沼气建设现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展农村沼气对解决农民生活用能,缓解能源紧张,改善农村的生产生活条件,增加农民收入,减少薪柴消耗,实现造林绿化,充分发挥山区和农村环境的生态屏障功能有非常积极的意义。针对广东农村沼气建设的现状、特点和存在问题,文章提出从加大政府扶持和宣传培训、加强示范管理、引进和推广沼气综合利用技术等方面加快广东农村沼气建设的建议。  相似文献   

农村沼气发展正好与云南省绿色经济强省的发展思路相适应;“十五”期间,云南省每年将新增农村户用沼气池10万口,开发和推广商品化沼气池的时机已经成熟,加大商品化沼气池的发展,有利于培育沼气产业;商品化沼气的推广应用,有利于沼气建设的健康、稳定和快速发展;大力开发沼气综合利用,有利于农村经济和可持续农业的发展。  相似文献   

农村能源是发展农业和农村经济的基本条件和重要物质基础。“八五”以来,我省的农村能源工作取得了可喜的成绩,全省农村能源已形成年开发与节约370万吨标煤的能力,年创综合经济效益约20亿元.5年间森林覆盖率由35.9%提高到50.85%,为改善农村用能结构.提高用能水平,保护主态环境,促进“三高”农业发展.增加农民收入和增强农业发展后劲等发挥了重要作用。“八五”以来主要取得了以下八个方面的成就:1沼气建设得到大力推进“八五”以来户用沼气池、大中型沼气工程、城镇沼气净化池等沼气建设均得到大力推进。仅1995年全省新建户用…  相似文献   

山东省大中型沼气工程建设又有新举措近几年来,山东省的沼气建设已经从农村走向城市,从小型家用沼气池发展到大中型沼气工程,由以获取生活燃料和肥料为主逐步向工农业生产的节能、环保和无害化处理等领域发展。在酿酒行业中,蓬莱酒厂率先建造了2700m3的沼气工程...  相似文献   

随着全国农村沼气建设的不断深入,沼气灶具、灯具在农村得到普及推广。目前,部分燃气具厂也瞄准了农村沼气热水器这片广阔的市场,纷纷推出自己的产品。每一个沼气池都是一座独立的沼气加工厂,沼气成分随沼气发酵原料的成分、投料配比、发酵温度、池型结构等因素而变化。与人工煤气、天燃气和液化石油气相比,沼气具有气压不稳定、成分不稳定和燃烧不稳定的特点;农村地区水压不稳定,农民管理意识较淡薄,这些因素影响了沼气热水器的正常使用。  相似文献   

安徽将在未来3a时间内,加快沼气、秸秆等农村可再生能源发展,使农村可再生能源使用量占农村地区生产和生活能源消费总量的20%以上。同时使农村生活和农业生产污染物排放水平降低50%。“十一五”期间,全省农村新增沼气池100万口,新建畜禽养殖场沼气工程3100处,农村户用沼气普及90%的县和50%以上的村;  相似文献   

赵琼仙 《能源技术(上海)》2006,27(4):156-157,160
通过对会泽县30年来农村沼气发展的现状进行调查分析,对沼气推广中存在的问题进行了剖析,着重阐述了发展沼气应坚持的原则,认为要从实现农村可持续发展的高度来推进沼气的发展,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

农村沼气建设,是发展现代农业的有效途径,实现农村节能减排的有效措施.沼气后续服务体系建设是实现农村沼气快速、健康发展的重要保障.通过分析目前农村沼气服务体系建设中存在问题,总结近年来农村沼气服务体系建设的经验,提出设立沼气维修基金和构建“协会+网点+农户”运行模式,加强制度监督等,破解当前沼气服务体系运行过程中各种矛盾,从而实现沼气建设由“重建设轻管理”向“建管并重”、“以用促建”的良性发展和促进沼气后续服务体系的规范化、专业化、物业化和市场化.  相似文献   

发展沼气是改善农村生态环境、生产无公害农产品的一项重要举措,介绍了以沼气为纽带的农村庭院经济模式和发展沼气的特点,分析了利用沼气发展农村庭院经济,具有可观的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

在许多地区,由于农户收入水平较低,沼气建设过分依赖政府补贴,能源服务公司的经营管理能力及融资能力都比较差,导致当地沼气行业发展缓慢。为了改变这种局面,使沼气行业走上快速的发展道路,在世界自然基金会的资助下,北京天恒可持续发展研究所以湖南常德地区为试点制定并实施了沼气商业化发展机制,并根据实际情况不断完善机制的内容,使其具有广泛推广使用价值。在这一机制下,为能源服务公司提供了流动资金的支持和经营管理、技术的培训,提高了其经营管理能力和技术水平,为农户提供了延期支付服务,为银行开辟了新的信贷业务,通过宣传提高了农户对沼气的认识。同时,通过对具有成立能源服务公司潜在能力的技术、管理人员进行了有针对性的培训,协助他们成立民营能源服务公司,以期引进竞争机制,促进当地沼气行业的发展。根据项目的实施情况和进一步的发展目标,天恒所又对项目做出了改进,保证在项目资助方退出之前,使沼气产业走向市场化、规模化。  相似文献   

分析了我国沼气服务体系建设的现状和问题,指出现存沼气服务体系对政府的过度依赖,导致"自我造血"功能有限,面临生存危机;提出了构建适应市场经济条件地农村合同管理模式,为完善农村沼气建设和管理提借.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to present the energy flows in the life cycle of biogas utilization systems (cogeneration and transportation), as well as their mutual relations, starting from providing the feedstock for digestion through to end-of-life management of biogas system as fertilizer on agricultural land. This study was carried out through the energy analysis of two scenarios (biogas in cogeneration and biogas in transportation) using performance of Mirotin biogas plant (1 MW) in Serbia. Results obtained in this study have shown that the analyzed scenario (biogas in cogeneration and biogas in transportation) have positive energy balances (52,114 and 53,585 GJ) and these scenarios are sustainable from energetic point of view.  相似文献   

The energy efficiency of different biogas systems, including single and co-digestion of multiple feedstock, different biogas utilization pathways, and waste-stream management strategies was evaluated. The input data were derived from assessment of existing biogas systems, present knowledge on anaerobic digestion process management and technologies for biogas system operating conditions in Germany. The energy balance was evaluated as Primary Energy Input to Output (PEIO) ratio, to assess the process energy efficiency, hence, the potential sustainability. Results indicate that the PEIO correspond to 10.5–64.0% and 34.1–55.0% for single feedstock digestion and feedstock co-digestion, respectively. Energy balance was assessed to be negative for feedstock transportation distances in excess of 22 km and 425 km for cattle manure and for Municipal Solid Waste, respectively, which defines the operational limits for respective feedstock transportation. Energy input was highly influenced by the characteristics of feedstock used. For example, agricultural waste, in most part, did not require pre-treatment. Energy crop feedstock required the respect cultivation energy inputs, and processing of industrial waste streams included energy-demanding pre-treatment processes to meet stipulated hygiene standards. Energy balance depended on biogas yield, the utilization efficiency, and energy value of intended fossil fuel substitution. For example, obtained results suggests that, whereas the upgrading of biogas to biomethane for injection into natural gas network potentially increased the primary energy input for biogas utilization by up to 100%; the energy efficiency of the biogas system improved by up to 65% when natural gas was substituted instead of electricity. It was also found that, system energy efficiency could be further enhanced by 5.1–6.1% through recovery of residual biogas from enclosed digestate storage units. Overall, this study provides bases for more detailed assessment of environmental compatibility of energy efficiency pathways in biogas production and utilization, including management of spent digestate.  相似文献   

As a renewable energy, biogas is not only an important part of the development of rural new energy, but also an important aspect of sustainable development in China. The development process and present status of household biogas, specifically the opportunities and constraints of household biogas in rural China, are discussed in this paper. Only about 19% of the biogas potential has been utilized in rural China. There are several opportunities for household biogas development in rural China, including the problem of rural household energy consumption, the availability of biogas fermentation materials, national financial subsidies, legal and international clean development mechanisms. Also, more research needs to be done in straw fermentation and cold fermentation technology. Training should be conducted to raise the level of biogas customers in comprehensive biogas utilization. Measures should be taken to improve the follow-up services and management of biogas plants. The information presented in this paper will be helpful not only to the sustainable development of household biogas in rural China, but also to the development of biogas in similar countries around the world.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2007,31(5):326-344
This paper analyses the overall environmental impact when biogas systems are introduced and replace various reference systems for energy generation, waste management and agricultural production. The analyses are based on Swedish conditions using a life-cycle perspective. The biogas systems included are based on different combinations of raw materials and final use of the biogas produced (heat, power and transportation fuel). A general conclusion is that biogas systems normally lead to environmental improvements, which in some cases are considerable. This is often due to indirect environmental benefits of changed land use and handling of organic waste products (e.g. reduced nitrogen leaching, emissions of ammonia and methane), which often exceed the direct environmental benefits achieved when fossil fuels are replaced by biogas (e.g. reduced emissions of carbon dioxide and air pollutants). Such indirect benefits are seldom considered when biogas is evaluated from an environmental point of view. The environmental impact from different biogas systems can, however, vary significantly due to factors such as the raw materials utilised, energy service provided and reference system replaced.  相似文献   

沼气发酵猪粪管理系统对温室气体排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于生命周期清单分析以及清洁发展机制,引入"碳足迹"概念,对我国散养猪以及规模化养猪场引入沼气发酵系统后猪粪管理系统温室气体排放及减排进行了估算。农户散养猪粪处理系统中,12 m3沼气池厌氧发酵过程碳足迹为223.40 kg CO2e/a,沼气代替原煤燃烧减少444.33 kg CO2e/a温室气体,沼气发酵净减少220.93 kg CO2e/a温室气体,我国散养生猪产生的猪粪以此沼气池发酵可减少温室气体20 984.62 Gg CO2e/a;分析运行规模约1 000 m3大型沼气工程的碳足迹,保守估计为2 835.32 t CO2e/a,运行沼气工程替代煤炭以及减少猪粪排放的温室气体共约2 914.23 t CO2e/a,故沼气工程年减少温室气体78.91 t CO2e,该项目共可减排1 578.20 t CO2e。在猪粪管理系统中采用沼气发酵系统可以更好地促进温室气体减排的进行。  相似文献   

沼气发酵综合利用的现状与发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
论述了我国沼气发酵综合利用技术的现状-沼气和沼气发酵残留物的各种利用途径及所取得的经济效益,分析讨论了沼气技术与农村可持续发展的关系,提出了“绿色-立体经济”模式。  相似文献   

The unsustainable use of fossil fuels has led to increased awareness and widespread research on the accessibility of renewable energy resources such as biogas. Biogas is a methane rich gas that is produced by anaerobic fermentation of organic material. Despite its potential to replace biomass in Africa, where over 70% of the households use wood fuel and agricultural waste for cooking, biogas technology has not been adopted by Sub-Saharan African countries compared to their Asian counterparts. This paper examines the socioeconomic constraints to adoption of biogas in Sub-Saharan Africa and explores factors that could enhance adoption of the technology. These include standardization and quality control, as well as an approach of integrated farming using biogas and slurry. The article recommends mobilization of local and external funds to promote biogas, use of ready to use funds such as the Clean Development Mechanisms in overcoming the initial construction costs of biogas units, and formation of user and disseminator associations to reduce costs by joint procurement and linkage to finance. It further advocates the promotion of multiple uses of biogas for purposes other than cooking and lighting. It is expected that widespread adoption of the technology could lead to self-sufficiency in household energy provision for cooking. This would facilitate environmental management and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

The availability of trace metals as micro-nutrients plays a very significant role on the performance and stability of agricultural biogas digesters, which are operated with energy crops, animal excreta, crop residues, organic fraction of municipal solid wastes or any other type of organic waste. The unavailability of these elements in biogas digesters is probably the first reason of poor process efficiency without any other obvious reason, despite proper management and control of other operational and environmental parameters. However, trace metal requirements of biogas digesters operated with solid biomass are not often reported in literature. Therefore, the aim of this article is to review the previous and current literature about the trace metal requirements of anaerobic biogas digesters operated with solid organic substrates for production of methane.  相似文献   

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