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We report on our investigation of a new verification tool, the Symbolic Model Verifier (SMV), created at Carnegie Mellon University. We have successfully, employed this tool to detect deadlock in an industrial design, namely, Hewlett-Packard's Summit bus converter chips. In addition to locating a known deadlock in the original chip design and checking its solution, we successfully detected other previously unknown defects in the design. In our experiments, we were able to verify properties on finite-state models of the circuit with 150 to 200 state variables in a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

In formal verification, we verify that a system is correct with respect to a specification. Even when the system is proven to be correct, there is still a question of how complete the specification is and whether it really covers all the behaviors of the system. The challenge of making the verification process as exhaustive as possible is even more crucial in simulation-based verification, where the infeasible task of checking all input sequences is replaced by checking a test suite consisting of a finite subset of them. It is very important to measure the exhaustiveness of the test suite, and indeed there has been extensive research in the simulation-based verification community on coverage metrics, which provide such a measure. It turns out that no single measure can be absolute, leading to the development of numerous coverage metrics whose usage is determined by industrial verification methodologies. On the other hand, prior research of coverage in formal verification has focused solely on state-based coverage. In this paper we adapt the work done on coverage in simulation-based verification to the formal-verification setting in order to obtain new coverage metrics. Thus, for each of the metrics used in simulation-based verification, we present a corresponding metric that is suitable for the setting of formal verification and describe an algorithmic way to check it.  相似文献   

The term systems verification refers to the specification and verification of the components of a computing system, including compilers, assemblers, operating systems and hardware. We outline our approach to systems verification, and summarize the application of this approach to several systems components. These components consist of a code generator for a simple high-level language, an assembler and linking loader, a simple operating system kernel, and a microprocessor design.  相似文献   

In this paper we concentrate on aspects related to modeling and formal verification of embedded systems. First, we define a formal model of computation for embedded systems based on Petri nets that can capture important features of such systems and allows their representation at different levels of granularity. Our modeling formalism has a well-defined semantics so that it supports a precise representation of the system, the use of formal methods to verify its correctness, and the automation of different tasks along the design process. Second, we propose an approach to the problem of formal verification of embedded systems represented in our modeling formalism. We make use of model checking to prove whether certain properties, expressed as temporal logic formulas, hold with respect to the system model. We introduce a systematic procedure to translate our model into timed automata so that it is possible to use available model checking tools. We propose two strategies for improving the verification efficiency, the first by applying correctness-preserving transformations and the second by exploring the degree of parallelism characteristic to the system. Some examples, including a realistic industrial case, demonstrate the efficiency of our approach on practical applications.  相似文献   

Intelligent robots are autonomous and are used in environments where human interaction is hazardous or impossible. Verification of software for intelligent robots is mandatory because in situations where intelligent robots are employed online, error recovery is almost impossible. In this paper, we provide a formal framework for offline verification of software used in robotic applications. The specification enables one to design a robotic agent which represents a class of real-life robots. Forward and inverse kinematic operations of the robotic agent are specified using the specification for rigid solids and their primitive operations. An object-oriented design of the robotic agent derived from the specifications is given. We use the specification technique VDM for our purpose.This work was partially supported by FCAR, Quebec and NSERC, Canada.  相似文献   

切片技术最初是作为一种程序分解抽取的分析技术而出现的,经过20多年的不断发展和完善,应用范围已遍及软件工程学科的各个方面。特别是从本世纪初,随着非经典切片:计算切片和证明切片两个新兴研究方向的出现,其学术研究和工程价值越发突出。简要地介绍了切片技术思想的起源、发展过程,并着重介绍非经典的计算切片和证明切片技术及其在验证领域的应用。  相似文献   

为了系统高效地分析固件中潜在的安全隐患,提出了一种基于行为时序逻辑 TLA 的软硬件协同形式验证方法。通过对固件工作过程中的软硬件交互机制进行形式建模分析,在动态调整攻击模型的基础上,发现了固件更新过程中存在的安全漏洞,并通过实验证实了该漏洞的存在,从而证明了形式验证方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

Verification of software systems, and security protocol analysis as a particular case, requires frameworks that are expressive, so as to properly capture the relevant aspects of the system and its properties, formal, so as to be provably correct, and with a computational counterpart, so as to support the (semi-) automated certification of properties. Additionally, security protocols also present hidden assumptions about the context, specific subtleties due to the nature of the problem and sources of complexity that tend to make verification incomplete. We introduce a verification framework that is expressive enough to capture a few relevant aspects of the problem, like symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and multi-session analysis, and to make assumptions explicit, e.g., the hypotheses about the initial sharing of secret keys among honest (and malicious) participants. It features a clear separation between the modeling of the protocol functioning and the properties it is expected to enforce, the former in terms of a calculus, the latter in terms of a logic. This framework is grounded on a formal theory that allows us to prove the correctness of the verification carried out within the fully fledged model. It overcomes incompleteness by performing the analysis at a symbolic level of abstraction, which, moreover, transforms into executable verification tools.  相似文献   

Formal specification combined with mechanical verification is a promising approach for achieving the extremely high levels of assurance required of safety-critical digital systems. However, many questions remain regarding their use in practice: Can these techniques scale up to industrial systems, where are they likely to be useful, and how should industry go about incorporating them into practice? This paper discusses a project undertaken to answer some of these questions, the formal verification of the microcode in the AAMP5 microprocessor. This project consisted of formally specifying in the PVS language a Rockwell proprietary microprocessor at both the instruction-set and register-transfer levels and using the PVS theorem prover to show the microcode correctly implemented the instruction-level specification for a representative subset of instructions. Notable aspects of this project include the use of a formal specification language by practicing hardware and software engineers, the integration of traditional inspections with formal specifications, and the use of a mechanical theorem prover to verify a portion of a commercial, pipelined microprocessor that was not explicitly designed for formal verification.  相似文献   

We examine IBM's exploitation of formal verification using RuleBase—a formal verification tool developed by the IBM Haifa Research Laboratory. The goal of the paper is methodological. We identify an integrated methodology for the deployment of formal verification which involves three complementary modes: architectural verification, block-level verification, and design exploration.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of various existing approaches to automated formal analysis and verification. The most space is devoted to the approach of model checking, including its basic principles as well as the different techniques that have been proposed for dealing with the state space explosion problem in model checking. This paper, however, includes a brief discussion of theorem proving and static analysis too. All of the discussed approaches are introduced mostly on an informal level, with an attempt to provide the reader with their basic ideas and references to works where more details can be found.  相似文献   

Formal hardware verification methods: A survey   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Growing advances in VLSI technology have led to an increased level of complexity in current hardware systems. Late detection of design errors typically results in higher costs due to the associated time delay as well as loss of production. Thus it is important that hardware designs be free of errors. Formal verification has become an increasingly important technique towards establishing the correctness of hardware designs. In this article we survey the research that has been done in this area, with an emphasis on more recent trends. We present a classification framework for the various methods, based on the forms of the specification, the implementation, and the proff method. This framework enables us to better highlight the relationships and interactions between seemingly different approaches.  相似文献   

This paper presents a formal analysis of the device discovery phase of the Bluetooth wireless communication protocol. The performance of this process is the result of a complex interaction between several devices, some of which exhibit random behaviour. We use probabilistic model checking and, in particular, the tool PRISM to compute the best- and worst-case performance of device discovery: the expected time for the process to complete and the expected power consumption. We illustrate the utility of performing an exhaustive, low-level analysis to produce exact results in contrast to simulation techniques, where additional probabilistic assumptions must be made. We demonstrate an example of how seemingly innocuous assumptions can lead to incorrect performance estimations. We also analyse the effectiveness of improvements made between versions 1.1 and 1.2 of the Bluetooth specification.  相似文献   

We present a promising formal verification methodology based on the inductive approach using the imPROVE-HDL tool. This methodology is dedicated for RTL IPs or IP-based digital/logic hardware designs to prove the correctness of their temporal properties related to the control-dominated architecture model. Each temporal property can be checked through the IP interface where all properties have to be proved or disproved. We developed a new methodology to generate the appropriate environment of the IP interface according to the design context (master, slave, arbiter and decoder) before starting the verification of all properties one by one. When all temporal properties are verified, we generate some test sequences that contain a complex scenario to check the compatibility between all properties. We implemented our methodology to generate the appropriate environment and applied the inductive approach to verify various properties of two real IP designs using the imPROVE-HDL tool developed by TNI-Valiosys. The first design is an RTL IP-based digital hardware dedicated for real time video processing, where the second one performs an AHB to AHB Bridge. On these designs, we successfully proved few properties and discovered a design violation.  相似文献   

Graph transformation has recently become more and more popular as a general, rule-based visual specification paradigm to formally capture (a) requirements or behavior of user models (on the model-level), and (b) the operational semantics of modeling languages (on the meta-level) as demonstrated by benchmark applications around the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The current paper focuses on the model checking-based automated formal verification of graph transformation systems used either on the model-level or meta-level. We present a general translation that inputs (i) a metamodel of an arbitrary visual modeling language, (ii) a set of graph transformation rules that defines a formal operational semantics for the language, and (iii) an arbitrary well-formed model instance of the language and generates a transitions system (TS) that serve as the underlying mathematical specification formalism of various model checker tools. The main theoretical benefit of our approach is an optimization technique that projects only the dynamic parts of the graph transformation system into the target transition system, which results in a drastical reduction in the state space. The main practical benefit is the use of existing back-end model checker tools, which directly provides formal verification facilities (without additional efforts required to implement an analysis tool) for many practical applications captured in a very high-level visual notation. The practical feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by modeling and analyzing the well-known verification benchmark of dining philosophers both on the model and meta-level.  相似文献   

统一建模语言(UML)所建立的模型的正确性无法通过其本身进行形式化验证,为解决这个问题,根据UML模型的静态性质和动态模块行为两个方面提出结合形式化规格说明语言的模型形式化方案,以此为基础提出将UML目标模型转化为Z规格说明的形式化方法,并用Z-EVES工具形式化检测Z规格描述的正确性.通过实例分析验证了该方法的可行性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a bottom‐up approach for the verification of systems with modular structure: we prove that when the modules are composed in specific ways, the complete software system verifies a composition of the properties each component does. We focus on the process of upgrading systems with new functionalities, where the validity of old requirements needs to be ensured, but also an understanding of the new properties the upgraded system would enjoy is useful. In this work, we assume each component to be specified by a CCS process, and the properties to be expressed by selective mu‐calculus formulae. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在编译器的构造中,常由于语义的二义性等问题导致不正确的目标程序.为解决此问题,提出了一种新型的语法及语义正确性验证方案,即建立LR (k)文法和Z规格说明的联系,以此构造LR (k)文法的形式化描述及其形式化验证.实验结果表明,该方案能有效描述并检测LR (k)文法分析器中的语法错误及语义二义性,有助于提高分析器的有效性.  相似文献   

The correct functioning of interactive computer systems depends on both the faultless operation of the device and correct human actions. In this paper, we focus on system malfunctions due to human actions. We present abstract principles that generate cognitively plausible human behaviour. These principles are then formalised in a higher-order logic as a generic, and so retargetable, cognitive architecture, based on results from cognitive psychology. We instantiate the generic cognitive architecture to obtain specific user models. These are then used in a series of case studies on the formal verification of simple interactive systems. By doing this, we demonstrate that our verification methodology can detect a variety of realistic, potentially erroneous actions, which emerge from the combination of a poorly designed device and cognitively plausible human behaviour.  相似文献   

Web服务组合在运行时多发生由于类型不匹配而产生的错误,为了有效地避免这种错误,在多元Pi-演算的基础上提出了Web服务形式化描述模型。通过基本类型定义、语法定义和判定规则说明单个Web服务的类型良好性,通过操作语义说明Web服务发生组合时的类型良好性;给出Web服务可替换性定义,并在此定义基础上说明如何进行Web服务组合的功能验证。提出的类型化Web服务形式化描述模型,准确说明了Web服务组合运行时的类型良好性,以及Web服务组合的功能验证方法。最后通过例子说明,提出的定义和判断方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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