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Creep Behavior of a Sintered Silicon Nitride   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A commercial sintered silicon nitride has been crept in bending and compression at temperatures of 1100°C to 1400°C. In the as-sintered condition the material contains an amorphous intergranular phase. This phase undergoes partial devitrification as a result of high temperature exposure. Preannealing the material to a stable microstructure has very little effect on the creep properties. Deformation behavior compares well with that predicted from a model for creep due to viscous flow of a non-Newtonian grain boundary phase. In bending, the model predicts an initial constant strain rate at low strains as the intergranular phase is squeezed out from between grains under compression. Samples crept in compression are not expected to have this same initial constant strain rate regime. The model also predicts a strong initial strain rate dependence (in bending) on the initial thickness of the amorphous grain boundary layer. Experimentally this strain rate is not affected by partial grain boundary crystallization, suggesting that partial devitrification does not alter the intergranular film thickness or viscosity. This is supported by transmission electron microscopy, which has shown that crystallization of the intergranular phase occurs largely in the pockets between grains, leaving amorphous films between grains.  相似文献   

The tensile creep behavior of a gas-pressure-sintered silicon nitride containing silicon carbide was characterized at temperatures between 1375° and 1450°C with applied stresses between 50 and 250 MPa. Individual specimens were tested at fixed temperatures and applied loads. Each specimen was pin-loaded within the hot zone of a split-tube furnace through silicon carbide rods connected outside the furnace to a pneumatic cylinder. The gauge length was measured by laser extensometry, using gauge markers attached to the specimen. Secondary creep rates ranged from 0.54 to 270 Gs−1, and the creep tests lasted from 6.7 to 1005 h. Exponential functions of stress and temperature were fitted to represent the secondary creep rate and the creep lifetime. This material was found to be more creep resistant than two other silicon nitride ceramics that had been characterized earlier by the same method of measurement as viable candidates for high-temperature service.  相似文献   

The tensile creep and creep rupture behavior of silicon nitride was investigated at 1200° to 1350°C using hotpressed materials with and without SiC whiskers. Stable steady-state creep was observed under low applied stresses at 1200°C. Accelerated creep regimes, which were absent below 1300°C, were identified above that temperature. The appearance of accelerated creep at the higher temperatures is attributable to formation of microcracks throughout a specimen. The whisker-reinforced material exhibited better creep resistance than the monolith at 1200°C; however, the superiority disappeared above 1300°C. Considerably high values, 3 to 5, were obtained for the creep exponent in the overall temperature range. The exponent tended to decrease with decreasing applied stress at 1200°C. The primary creep mechanism was considered cavitationenhanced creep. Specimen lifetimes followed the Monkman–Grant relationship except for fractures with large accelerated creep regimes. The creep rupture behavior is discussed in association with cavity formation and crack coalescence.  相似文献   

The creep behavior of a commercial grade of Si3N4 was studied at 1350° and 1400°C. Stresses ranged from 10 to 200 MPa in tension and from 30 to 300 MPa in compression. In tension, the creep rate increased linearly with stress at low stresses and exponentially at high stresses. By contrast, the creep rate in compression increased linearly with stress over the entire stress range. Although compressive and tensile data exhibited an Arrhenius dependence on temperature, the activation energies for creep in tension, 715.3 ± 22.9 kJ/mol, and compression, 489.2 ± 62.0 kJ/mol, were not the same. These differences in creep behavior suggests that mechanisms of creep in tension and compression are different. Creep in tension is controlled by the formation of cavities. The cavity volume fraction increased linearly with increased tensile creep strain with a slope of unity. A cavitation model of creep, developed for materials that contain a triple-junction network of second phase, rationalizes the observed creep behavior at high and low stresses. In compression, cavitation plays a less important role in the creep process. The volume fraction of cavities in compression was ∼18% of that in tension at 1.8% axial strain and approached zero at strains <1%. The linear dependence of creep rate on applied stress is consistent with a model for compressive creep involving solution–precipitation of Si3N4. Although the tensile and compressive creep rates overlapped at the lowest stresses, cavity volume fraction measurements showed that solution–precipitation creep of Si3N4 did not contribute substantially to the tensile creep rate. Instead, cavitation creep dominated at high and low stresses.  相似文献   

The flexural strength and creep behavior of RE2Si2O7–Si3N4 materials were examined. The retention in room-temperature strengths displayed by these ceramics at 1300°C was 80–91%, with no evidence of inelastic deformation preceding failure. The steady-state creep rates, at 1400°C in flexural mode, displayed by the most refractory materials are among the lowest reported for sintered Si3N4. The creep behavior was found to be strongly dependent on residual amorphous phase viscosity as well as on the oxidation behavior of these materials. All of the rare-earth oxide sintered materials, with the exception of Sm2Si2O7–Si3N4, had lower creep strains than the Y2Si2O7–Si3N4 material.  相似文献   

In Part I of this paper, experimental observations on creep testing of 74 tensile specimens of an advanced silicon nitride were presented. In this part, equations are developed for predicting creep rates in the primary and secondary regimes in the temperature range 1477–1673 K. The resulting model predicts creep strain rates to within a factor of two. The underlying phenomenological basis, which employs an activation energy approach, is discussed. The mechanisms that are likely to be responsible for the transiency of the primary creep regime and for the unique stress and temperature dependencies of the creep rates are explored.  相似文献   

An experimental self-reinforced hot-pressed silicon nitride was used to examine the effects of microstructure on high-temperature deformation mechanisms during compression testing. At 1575–1625°C, the as-received material exhibited a stress exponent of 1 and appeared to deform by steady-state grain-boundary sliding accommodated by solution-reprecipitation of silicon nitride through the grain-boundary phase. The activation energy was 610 ± 110 kJ/mol. At 1450–1525°C for the as-received material, and at 1525–1600°C for the larger-grained heat-treated samples, the stress exponent was >1. Damage, primarily in the form of pockets of intergranular material at two-grain junctions, was observed in these samples.  相似文献   

We have characterized the tensile creep, rupture lifetime, and cavitation behavior of a commercial, gas-pressure-sintered silicon nitride in the temperature range 1150° to 1400°C and stress range 70 to 400 MPa. Individual creep curves generally show primary, secondary, and tertiary creep. The majority of the primary creep is not recoverable. The best representation of the data is one where the creep rate depends exponentially on stress, rather than on the traditional power law. This representation also removes the need to break the data into high and low stress regimes. Cavitation of the interstitial silicate phase accompanies creep under all conditions, and accounts for nearly all of the measured strain. These observations are consistent with a model where creep proceeds by the redistribution of silicate phase from cavitating interstitial pockets, accommodated by grain-boundary sliding of silicon nitride.  相似文献   

Creep and Creep Rupture of an Advanced Silicon Nitride Ceramic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Creep and creep rupture behavior of an advanced silicon nitride ceramic were systematically characterized in the temperature range 1150° to 1300°C using uniaxial tensile creep tests. Absence of tertiary creep and the order-of-magnitude breaks in both creep rate and rupture lifetime at certain threshold combinations of stress and temperature were two characteristic features of the creep behavior observed. Thermal annealing was found to have enhanced both subsequent creep resistance and creep rupture life. The stress exponent (n) and the activation energy (Q) defined in the Norton relation were found to be 12.6 and 1645 kJ/mol for the material investigated. Both values appear to fall in the general range of those reported for other but similar types of Si3N4 ceramic materials. The stress exponent, m , equivalent to the slope of the Larson–Miller equation was found to be in the range 13 to 14.4, and that defined as p in the Monkman–Grant relation to be 0.91, based on the available experimental data. The values of m , n , and p obtained above approximately support the interrelationship of the three exponents given by p = m/n.  相似文献   

The effect of grain size on the tensile creep of silicon nitride was investigated on two materials, one containing 5% by volume Yb2O3, the other containing 5% by volume Yb2O3 and 0.5% by mass Al2O3. Annealing of the Al2O3-free silicon nitride for a longer period during processing increased the grain size by a factor of 2. This increase did not affect the tensile creep rate; the grain size exponent of the creep rate differed little from zero, p =−0.20 ± 1.37 (95% confidence level). This finding supports the more recent theories of tensile creep for which p = 0 or −1 and rejects the more classical theory of solution-precipitation. In compression, a more limited data set showed p =−1.89 ± 1.72 (95% confidence level). In contrast to the Al2O3-free material, a longer term anneal of the Al2O3-containing material during processing did not increase its grain size. Despite this, the longer-annealed Al2O3-containing material crept 10 to 100 times slower than the short-annealed material. The enhancement of creep resistance may be a consequence of SiAlON formation during the additional annealing, which reduces the Al content in the amorphous phase and increases its viscosity. Such changes in chemical composition of the grain boundaries are more effective in controlling tensile creep rate than is the grain size.  相似文献   

A novel shear-thickening phenomenon has been observed in superplastic silicon nitrides compression tested between 1500° and 1600°C. Liquid-enhanced creep of SiAlONs undergoes a transition from Newtonian behavior to shear-thickening behavior at a characteristic stress, with the strain rate sensitivity increasing from unity to around 2. The transition stress is always around 20 MPa, even though the Newtonian flow stress is very sensitive to temperature, grain size, and phase composition. Rheopexic hysteresis, manifested as a slow stress relaxation to a steady-state value after a strain rate decrease, was also observed in the shear-thickening regime. We attribute the cause for shear thickening to a repulsive force between initially wetted SiAlON grains, which form a "dry" and "rigid" bridge in between when pressed above a characteristic stress, possibly due to the contact of the residue Stern layers on the opposing grain/liquid interfaces. A micromechanical model, which takes into account the stress variation among differently oriented grain boundaries, has been formulated to assess the effect of "rigid" grain boundaries. A continual stochastic rearrangement of grain configurations and a relatively thick Stern layer are suggested as the necessary prerequisites for shear thickening in liquid-enhanced creep.  相似文献   

A chemical process for fabrication of Si3N4/BN nanocomposite was devised to improve the mechanical properties. Si3N4/BN nanocomposites containing 0 to 30 vol% hexagonal BN ( h -BN) were successfully fabricated by hot-pressing α-Si3N4 powders, on which turbostratic BN ( t -BN) with a disordered layer structure was partly coated. The t -BN coating on α-Si3N4 particles was prepared by reducing and heating α-Si3N4 particles covered with a mixture of boric acid and urea. TEM observations of this nanocomposite revealed that the nanosized hexagonal BN ( h -BN) particles were homogeneously dispersed within Si3N4 grains as well as at grain boundaries. As expected from the rules of composites, Young's modulus of both micro- and nanocomposites decreased with an increase in h -BN content, while the fracture strength of the nanocomposites prepared in this work was significantly improved, compared with the conventional microcomposites.  相似文献   

Microstructure and Properties of Self-Reinforced Silicon Nitride   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Problems associated with manufacturing Si3N4/SiC-whisker composites have been overcome by developing selfreinforced Si3N4 with elongated β-Si3N4 grains formed in situ from oxynitride glass. This Si3N4–Y2O3–MgO–SiO2–CaO-based material has a flexure strength >1000 MPa and fracture toughness >8 MPa·m½. The optimum combination of mechanical properties has been obtained with Y2O3:MgO ratios ranging from 3:1 to 1:2, CaO contents ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 wt%, and Si3N4 contents between 90 and 96 wt%.  相似文献   

Five laboratories tested NIST-supplied, pin-loaded, 76-mm-long tensile creep specimens at 1400°C under a 150 MPa load using flag-based, laser extensometry. The laboratories reported failure time and strain and supplied the individual creep curves. Only one of the laboratories produced failure times that were significantly less than the others. It is likely that their reduced failure times resulted from small load calibration and test temperature errors. After steps were taken to ameliorate these problems, three additional tests yielded failure times that agreed with those of the other four laboratories. Although the times to failure from the four laboratories that initially agreed were statistically indistinguishable, their creep curves exhibited subtle differences. These differences probably arose because the laboratories used different gage length definitions. When we recalculated the creep curves to the same gage length definition, the differences between the four laboratories whose times to failure agreed, vanished. Although a number of the specimens exhibited edge chips, creep cracks, and obvious chemical interactions with the flags, the presence of these defects did not reduce the time or strain to failure. Two additional creep tests in our laboratory, using specimens that were grossly misaligned, yielded failure times and strains that were commensurate with those from well-aligned specimens.  相似文献   

Ceramics containing α-SiAlON with improved high-temperature properties such as thermal stability and creep and oxidation resistance were synthesized. The influence of starting composition on the amount of residual grain-boundary phase has been explored. Results have been interpreted in terms of compatibility phase relationships in the Si3N4–AlN–Al2O3–Re2O3 system and transient evolutions.  相似文献   

Cylindrical buttuohead specimens of an advanced silicon nitride were tested in uniaxial tension at temperatures between 1422 and 1673 K. In the range 1477 to 1673 K, creep deformation was reliably measured using high-temperature contact probe extensometry. Extensive scanning and transmission electron microscopy has revealed the formation of lenticular cavities at two-grain junctions at all temperatures (1422–1673 K) and extensive triple-junction cavitation occurring at the higher temperatures (1644–1673 K). Cavitation is believed to be part of the net creep process. The stress rupture data show stratification of the Monkman–Grant lines with respect to temperature. Failure strain increased with increase in rupture time or temperature, or decrease in stress. Fractography showed that final failure occurred by subcritical crack growth in all specimens.  相似文献   

The outstanding question as to the microstructure of silicon nitride at temperatures associated with potential high-temperature applications of the material is addressed experimentally by quenching thin (transmission electron microscopy) samples from 1450°C and examining them in the microscope. The morphology of the microstructure is qualitatively unchanged compared to the materials slowly cooled, for example, after hot-pressing, to room temperature. The most significant difference is that the thickness of the intergranular phase is larger, typically 2 to 10 nm, as compared to the ∼ 1 nm observed in the hot-pressed material. In addition there is an apparent increase in the volume fraction of the intergranular phase at the three-grain junctions. On the basis of a number of supporting experiments including both hot-stage transmission electron microscopy (up to 1000°C) and Auger electron spectroscopy of material fractured and examined at 850°C, the change in microstructure is concluded to occur at temperatures above about 1000°C.  相似文献   

A New Model for Tensile Creep of Silicon Nitride   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tensile creep rate of most commercial grades of Si3N4 increases strongly with stress. Although the usual power-law functions can represent the creep data, the data often show curvature and systematic variations of slope with temperature and stress. In this article, we present a new approach to understanding the creep of ceramics, such as Si3N4, where a deformable second phase bonds a deformation-resistant major phase. A review of experimental data suggests that the rate of formation and growth of cavities in the second phase controls creep in these materials. The critical step for deformation is the redistribution of the second phase away from the cavitation site to the surrounding volume. The effective viscosity of the second phase and the density of active cavities determine the creep rate. Assuming that the hydrostatic stresses in pockets of the second phase are normally distributed leads to a model that accurately describes the tensile creep rate of grades of Si3N4. In this model, the creep rate increases exponentially with the applied stress, is independent of Si3N4 grain size, is inversely proportional to the effective viscosity of the deformable phase, and is proportional to the cube of the volume fraction of the deformable phase.  相似文献   

Measurements of the tensile creep and creep rupture behavior were used to evaluate the long-term mechanical reliability of a commercially available and a developmental hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) silicon nitride. Measurements were conducted at 1260° and 1370°C utilizing button–head tensile specimens. The stress and temperature sensitivities of the secondary creep rates were used to estimate the stress exponent and activation energy associated with the dominant creep mechanism. The stress and temperature dependencies of creep rupture life were determined by continuing individual creep tests to specimen failure. Creep deformation in both materials was associated with cavitation at multigrain junctions. Two-grain cavitation was also observed in the commercial material. Failure in both materials resulted from the evolution of an extensive damage zone. The failure times were uniquely related to the creep rates, suggesting that the zone growth was constrained by the bulk creep response. The fact that the creep and creep rupture behaviors of the developmental silicon nitride were significantly improved compared to those of the commercial material was attributed to the absence of cavitation along two-grain junctions in the developmental material.  相似文献   

Commercial silicon nitride powder with A12O3 and Y2O3 additives was hot-pressed to complete density. The resulting microstructure contained elongated grains with no trace of remaining α-Si3N4. The aspect ratio of the elongated grains increased with increasing soak time at a fixed hot-pressing temperature. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the crystalline phase in the hot-pressed samples was β-sialon (Si6−zAlzOzN8−z) with z values that increased with soak time. The fracture strength and fracture toughness of the samples increased as the aspect ratio of the grains increased. The Vickers hardness decreased slightly as the soak time was increased, which was attributed to a grain size effect. Wear tests of silicon nitride against silicon nitride were conducted on a reciprocating pin-on-disk apparatus with paraffin oil as a lubricant. Correlation studies of wear with microstructure and mechanical properties were performed. The wear rate increased rapidly with increasing soak time in spite of the increased strength and toughness. This was attributed to increased third-body wear caused by pullout of pieces from the wear surface. The pullout mechanism was not conclusively identified. However, TEM examination showed clear evidence of dislocation motion under the wear scar. Grain boundary microstresses caused by the anisotropic thermal expansion and elastic properties of the elongated grains may have contributed to the observed pullout.  相似文献   

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