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报刊发行是邮政企业的重点业务之一。本文利用邮政综合计算机网和Oracle数据库,基于通信中间件技术构建了跨平台的数据通信网络,解决了系统通信过程中大容量和多用户并发数据通信的问题,实现了安全、可靠、及时、准确的数据通信。该系统的成功应用提高了邮政企业的服务质量和经济效益。  相似文献   

随着企业规模的不断扩大和相互通信需求的日益增长,需要在企业总部、分支机构以及合作伙伴之间建立安全、有效、经济的信息传输通道,VPN 是解决这一需求的有效手段。本文基于计算机、通信及网络技术,探讨了利用虚拟专用网络(VPN)实现局域网之间以及局域网访问外部互联网间的数据加密通信,重点探讨了 VPS 的技术、实现方法、采用的通信协议和组网方式,并阐述了 VPN 技术应用的发展趋势。  相似文献   

近日,263网络集团在北京正式宣布进军多媒体综合通信服务领域,并发布了新的企业战略-利用互联网技术,为广大客户提供融合数据、语音、视频的多媒体综合通信服务,成为新型的互联网通信服务提供商。  相似文献   

将即时通信技术与企业信息管理系统相结合建立企业即时通信平台、网络虚拟社区,实现企业职工之间的信息同步,职工之间进行信息交互、沟通.采用基于P2P技术即时通信的客户/服务器架构,使用从MFC类中的Casync Socket类的派生类实现底层通讯,底层利用UDP数据报协议进行通讯.各个用户之间采用对等网络技术(点对点网络技术)进行通信,它让用户可以直接连接到其他用户的计算机,进行资源共享与交换.  相似文献   

融合语音、数据和视频的网络在企业中的应用越来越普遍.IP语音通信已经成为企业通信系统的主流选择.这种情况下,企业非常关注如何通过对IP通信技术的有效利用,将自己与竞争对手差异化,从而提高生产率和顾客满意度,获得更多的利润.智能通信时代正在到来.  相似文献   

融合语音、数据和视频的网络在企业中的应用越来越普遍。IP语音通信已经成为企业通信系统的主流选择。这种情况下,企业非常关注如何通过对IP通信技术的有效利用,将自己与竞争对手差异化,从而提高生产率和顾客满意度,获得更多的利润。智能通信时代正在到来。  相似文献   

王育齐  陈明  余亮坤 《福建电脑》2014,(1):36-39,85
本文首先论述了中小企业的通信网络的搭建,以及相关的网络拓扑结构;接着利用NAT原理,UDP和TCP穿越技术提出了基于.NET框架的企业内部P2P通信平台的解决方案;最后利用C#语言在.NET框架下实现了该方案,并在校园网环境下测试了该方案的有效性,证明能够满足企业内部安全可靠的通讯。  相似文献   

杨红艳 《微型电脑应用》2007,23(10):56-58,64
随着网络技术应用的不断深入,MPLS的虚拟专用网技术引起了人们的广泛关注,MPLS/VPN能够利用公用骨干网络广泛而强大的传输能力,使一些大型跨地域企业利用该技术实现安全的远程通信。  相似文献   

随着现代信息科技的飞速发展,中小企业对于语音、数据、视频通信、多媒体会议、协同办公、通信录等业务需求日益增加,融合通信(Unified Communication,后文简称UC)技术应运而生。融合通信是可以降低企业通信成本,提高沟通效率进而提高企业运行效率的方案。本文通过对各种融合通信技术的研究与分析,提出了中小企业基于思科系统的企业融合通信方案。  相似文献   

基于多代理技术,在异构网络环境下构造了一个兼容WfMC参考模型的工作流系统模型。通过利用多代理通信技术、XML及中间件技术,使得这个框架可以应用于大型企业ERP应用中的任务调度管理。  相似文献   

根据欧洲电信标准委员会(ETSI)及美国《通讯协助法》(CALEA)关于电子监听标准的研究和规定,本文分析了在电子监听中执法机构对电信服务提供者的要求、监听的相关数据类型以及交接接口标准等问题。对规范我国电子监听标准、开展电子监听工作有一定的借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

周跃庆  吴迪 《计算机仿真》2005,22(7):204-206
感应加热电源系统包含电路、电力电子、控制、保护等模块,系统的分析和设计具有一定的难度。建立感应加热电源系统的仿真模型,有利于对系统性能进行分析,对于系统参数的设计具有重要的指导作用。该文应用Matlab/Simulink、电力系统模块库(SimPowerSystems)和通信系统模块库(Communications Blockset),构建了感应加热电源系统的完整仿真模型。具体分析了功率控制、锁相环和负荷模块的构成。最后给出仿真结果,并通过与JGRC30-150感应加热电源系统的实验波形比较,证明所建仿真模型的正确性。  相似文献   

《Information & Management》1998,33(5):263-272
Successful management of emerging technologies is critical to the survival of business organizations today. However, given the risky and often unproven nature of these technologies, considerable confusion exists on how to manage their implementation. This paper recounts the experiences of US West Communications with their intranet project, and uses it to understand problems faced in implementing emerging technologies and ways of overcoming such problems. By providing a longitudinal view of the company's intranet experience over a period of 3 years, it identifies key organizational factors that facilitated or impeded acceptance of this emerging technology. Lessons learned at US West are used to recommend guidelines that can help practitioners implement emerging technologies in their organizations more effectively.  相似文献   

Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging type of network which facilitates vehicles on roads to communicate for driving safety. It requires a mechanism to help authenticate messages, identify valid vehicles, and remove malevolent vehicles which do not obey the rules. Most existing solutions either do not have an effective message verification scheme, or use the public key infrastructure (PKI). In this network, vehicles are able to broadcast messages to other vehicles and a group of known vehicles can also communicate securely among themselves. So group communication is necessary for the network. However, most existing solutions either do not consider this or use pairing operation to realize this. They are either not secure or not effective. In this paper, we provide a more comprehensive set of secure schemes with Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) in VANETs to overcome their shortcomings. Of course, we still need to use Pairing operation in some place. Our scheme is composed of three schemes: (1) Communications between Vehicles and Road-Side Units (RSUs), (2) One to One Communications within a Group, (3) One to One Communications without a Group. Based on our simulation study, we show that our schemes are effective and the delay caused is much lower. The average delay caused by our first scheme is nearly thousands of times lower than prior schemes. The average delay caused by our second scheme is 0.312 ms, while the delay caused by prior scheme is 12.3 ms. Meanwhile the average delay caused by our third scheme is 0.312 ms, and the delay caused by prior scheme is about 9 s.  相似文献   

在交通部纪检组的直接领导下,结合交通部纪检监察工作的实际.研究开发了交通部纪栓监察案件动态管理和分析系统(简称JJMS).基本上实现了用现代信息技术管理交通部的信访工作和部机关纪检监察案件.  相似文献   

简要介绍了GPRS技术,通过中国移动通信有限公司的通用分组无线业务(general packet radio service,GPRS)网络,实现电力系统远程数据采集和传输。本文提出一种基于Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications公司GR47模块和Samsung公司ARM7器件4480的电能远程抄表系统。  相似文献   

Providing World Wide Web or FTP service on a small scale is a well-solved problem, but scaling server technology for a site that accepts millions of connections per day can easily push multiple machines and networks to the bleeding edge. In this case study, we describe concrete configuration techniques that helped us get the best possible performance out of server resources at Netscape Communications. We designed, implemented, and babysat the Netscape Web site from its inception until traffic grew to about five million hits per day. The site now gets more than 120 million hits per day. We describe many iterations through the loop of watching the load increase, finding various failures, and fixing what was broken. We hope our experience will help readers configure a high-performance server from the start and then know what to look for when it becomes overloaded  相似文献   

For decades, we've grown accustomed to the idea that electronic equipment gets increasingly powerful and economical with time each year, we buy more capability for the same price. Soon, however, there might be an exception. A new US Federal Communications (FCC) rule (FCC report 03-273) states that all US TV recorders made after July 2005 must recognize and obey a signal or marker in programs: the broadcast flag, that will restrict users from copying or distributing digital content. The "flag" is actually an instruction to the copying device, and although the FCC has suggested that deserving groups (such as those building systems to help the blind) might get exemptions, devices for the consumer market will have to obey it. Consequently, we could see consumers rush to buy high-definition digital TV recorders before the rule goes into effect this summer (2005).  相似文献   

基于HLA/RTI和分布式数据库初步构建了一个开放的测试和评估应用框架,为战术C4KISR系统中的指挥、控制、通信(C3)以及典型飞行器武器系统的作战效能(K)提供一种有效的可扩展的测试评估环境.系统采用了基于HLA/RTI的分布式体系结构,与被测系统相连.建立了典型的层次化战术CAKISR系统效能指标体系,并实现相应的评估算法模型.基于Oracle数据库建立了通用的战术C4KISR系统试验数据库/用例库/算法库和相应的管理工具,并开发了通用的分析评估工具,支持评估指标的在线/离线计算和显示.  相似文献   

融合通信是当今计算机应用领域研究热点之一,人们对融合通信系统中应用服务的要求也越来越高.在数据存取方面,基于传统关系型数据库或者基于传统文件系统的存储方式已经越来越不能满足应用的需求.随着Hadoop技术以及相关子系统的发展,分布式存储的优势日渐明显.因此,本文在分析HBase、Hive各自特点及其体系结构的基础上,结合融合通信具体项目提出了基于HBase-Hive集成设计的存储引擎设计方法,以此来解决融合通信系统中数据安全性、数据获取效率等方面不满足的情况.通过对比实验表明,该设计方案提高系统数据查询获取效率,也为后续数据挖掘方面的开发做好准备.  相似文献   

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