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Phloem sap of wheat seedlings differing in whole leaf hydroxamic acid (Hx) concentrations was collected by cutting stylets of feeding aphids. DIMBOA-glucoside was the only Hx-related product found. Concentration of DIMBOA-glucoside in phloem sap showed a tendency to be negatively correlated with aphid performance.  相似文献   

TheNr-gene-based resistance of lettuce to the aphidNasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley) has previously been shown to be located in the phloem. Since chemical analyses of the phloem sap had shown no differences between resistant and susceptible lines, a bioassay was developed in order to test samples from resistant and susceptible plants on aphid feeding. For this, whole-plant extracts, honeydew, and EDTA-collected phloem extracts were obtained, and a sensitive bioassay was developed using EDTA samples. The EDTA was removed, and samples were added to a simple sucrose solution or to a complex artificial diet and presented in a choice situation comparing extracts from resistant and susceptible plants. EDTA-collected phloem sap samples from susceptible plants were preferred to those from resistant plants. The resistance is probably based on a feeding deterrent activity of the phloem sap in the resistant plant.  相似文献   

Sinigrin (allyl glucosinolate), the major glucosinolate in the cotyledons ofBrassica juncea cv. Cutlass, occurred in the highest concentration and amount at seedling emergence and declined during growth. Glucobrassicin (3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate), the major glucosinolate in the cotyledons ofB. napus cv. Westar, occurred in the lowest concentration and amount at seedling emergence. The amount of glucobrassicin per cotyledon pair increased about fourfold during 14 days of growth, but its concentration remained relatively unchanged because of dilution by increasing cotyledon biomass. These different glucosinolate profiles indicate a different metabolic control and different biological function for sinigrin and glucobrassicin. The flea beetle,Phyllotreta cruciferae Goeze, does not discriminate between cotyledons having sinigrin or glucobrassicin since the two crucifers were fed upon equally in choice tests. Restricting the concentration of sulfur in the nutrient medium accelerated the decline of sinigrin inB. juncea cv. Cutlass but did not alter the feeding rate ofP. cruciferae compared to controls. Sulfur restriction reduced glucobrassicin inB. napus cv. Westar to undetectable levels and somewhat reduced the feeding rate of P.Cruciferae. Nevertheless,P. cruciferae still fed actively on cotyledons ofB. napus cv. Westar depleted of glucosinolates and severely damaged many of them. Since glucosinolate type and concentration had little effect on feeding response, reduction or elimination of foliar glucosinolates alone would not seem a useful strategy for protecting seedlings of these two crucifers from flea beetle damage.  相似文献   

Three methods to collect phloem sap on different lettuce lines were optimized and are described in detail. The success ratio for stylectomy of aphids was over 80% through the combination of a specially designed setup and electrical penetration graphs to monitor phloem sap ingestion. For unknown reasons on some lettuce lines stylets never showed sustained exudation. There were clear differences in stylet exudation between two aphid species on the same lettuce line. Honeydew collection in hexadecane made accurate quantitative analysis possible; samples were large and clean, but biotransformed. The EDTA chelation method produced large samples, but dilution, oxidation, and impurities from the wound surface reduced the reliability.  相似文献   

The allelopathic nature ofJ. nigra L. was investigated in several planted mixed hardwood stands located near Syracuse, New York. Concentrations of chloroform-extracted juglone from soil collected beneathJ. nigra was determined by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Soil juglone concentrations were corrected based on recovery of synthetic juglone added to soil. Soil juglone levels were high in the spring, decreased during the summer, and were high again in the fall. The quantification of juglone from soil by HPLC was found to be more accurate than by TLC. Regression analysis indicated that individual tree variation in soil juglone levels could not be explained by differences in soil moisture, pH, organic matter content, and texture. The results of juglone recovery experiments suggest that chloroform-extractable juglone does not persist in soil. Juglone degradation by microorganisms could only explain a portion of the juglone decline. Ordinations revealed that the herbaceous and woody vegetation beneathJ. nigra, in comparison to vegetation beneathAcer saccharum andQuercus rubra, is distinct in only one of the four stands studied. This vegetational difference did not appear to be a consequence of any strong allelopathic influences ofJ. nigra (Scheffe's method of contrast, chi-square analysis). The allelopathic nature of juglone under these field conditions is questionable.  相似文献   

The bark of Norway spruce trees,Picea abies (L.) Karst., was wounded to produce areas of bark with differing biochemical characteristics. Adults and larvae ofDendroctonus micans Kug. were inserted into these trees at points around the wounds. Larval survival was higher, larval dry weights were higher, and adults were more likely to oviposit at sites around the wound that had higher phloem moisture contents. Larvae showed higher survival and dry weights in phloem with low terpene contents. Adults oviposited in phloem with lower stilbene glucoside contents. Phloem moisture differed at sites around the wound compared with that at a control site away from the wound, and the nitrogen content of entire bark cores was higher above wounds than at control sites away from the wounds. Phloem moisture correlated with the nitrogen content of entire bark. Phloem terpene contents correlated with each other, as did the stilbene contents. Associations between the host exploitation pattern ofD. micans and the biochemistry of the host phloem are discussed in relation to preselection by adults of sites suitable for larval development.  相似文献   

Honeybees (Apis mellifera) use odors to identify and discriminate among flowers during foraging. This series of experiments examined the ability of bees to detect and discriminate among the floral odors of different varieties of two species of canola (Brassica rapa and Brassica napus) and also among three varieties of snapdragons (Antirhinnum majus). Individual worker honeybees were trained using a proboscis extension assay. The ability of bees to distinguish a floral odor from an air stimulus during training increased as the number of flowers used during training increased. Bees conditioned to the odor of one variety of flower were asked to discriminate it from the odors of other flowers in two different training assays. Bees were unable to discriminate among flowers at the level of variety in a randomized presentation of a reinforced floral odor and an unreinforced floral odor. In the second type of assay, bees were trained with one floral variety for 40 trials without reinforcement and then tested with the same variety or with other varieties and species. If a bee had been trained with a variety of canola, it was unable to differentiate the odor of one canola flower from the odor of other canola flowers, but it could differentiate canola from the odor of a snapdragon flower. Bees trained with the odor of snapdragon flowers readily differentiated the odor of one variety of a snapdragon from the odor of other varieties of snapdragons and also canola flowers. Our study suggests that both intensity and odor quality affect the ability of honeybees to differentiate among floral perfumes.  相似文献   

We examined genetic variation in inducibility and in constitutive and herbivore-induced levels of glucosinolates, trypsin inhibitors, and resistance to herbivory in families of Brassica rapa originating from a wild population. We also examined phenotypic and genetic correlations among absolute levels of these traits in control and induced plants. We grew seedlings of 10 half-sib families in pairs in pots, and exposed one plant per pair to folivory by Trichoplusia ni larvae. Two days later, we sampled all plants for total glucosinolate and trypsin inhibitor levels and examined the preference and consumption by T. ni larvae of previously damaged (induced) and undamaged (control) plants. There was no significant variation among sire families in the induction of glucosinolates or trypsin inhibitors by T. ni feeding. Total glucosinolate levels in either control or induced plants did not vary by family. In contrast, trypsin inhibitor levels in both control and induced plants varied significantly by family. Trichoplusia ni fed less on induced plants than on control plants in the bioassay, but neither the induction of resistance by prior T. ni feeding nor absolute levels of damage done to control and induced plants varied significantly by sire family. Temporal blocking strongly affected trypsin inhibitor levels and the response of some families in the bioassays. There were no significant phenotypic or genetic correlations of levels of glucosinolates or trypsin inhibitors with each other or with damage in either control or induced plants. Overall, these results suggest that in the B. rapa population that we studied, both total glucosinolate content and biological resistance to herbivory by T. ni was nonvariable and almost universally inducible by prior T. ni feeding. In contrast, control and induced levels of trypsin inhibitors varied genetically and have the capacity to respond to future selection imposed by herbivores. However, the role of these defenses in constitutive or induced resistance to T. ni in this species remains unclear.  相似文献   

Sinalbin was identified as a chemical component of insect anti-xenosis and antibiosis resistance mechanisms in seedlings ofSinapis alba by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography, HPLC, treatment with sulfatase and myrosinase, various feeding tests using artificial and natural substrates, and by measuring sinalbin concentrations in cotyledons and leaves during seedling development. The effects of sinaibin on feeding were dependent upon the insect species and upon the rapidly changing profile of sinaibin concentrations in the developing seedling. The high concentrations of sinalbin found in young cotyledons (up to 20 mM) and leaves (up to 10 mM) deterred the feeding of the flea beetle,Phyllotreta cruciferae Goeze and larvae of the bertha armyworm,Mamestra configurata Walker. The protection that sinalbin confers upon the vulnerable, newly emerged seedling (and upon tiny, young leaves) appears critical for the first few days of survival ofS. alba under feeding pressure from flea beetles in the field. The lower concentrations of sinaibin found in older cotyledons and leaves (2–3 mM) offer little or no protection againstP. cruciferae and may actually stimulate the feeding of this crucifer specialist. These concentrations of sinaibin, however, are still effective in reducing the level of feeding by larvae of the more generalist feederM. configurata.  相似文献   

Laboratory olfactometer bioassays and field trapping experiments showed that the flea beetle,Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze), was highly attracted by oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.) when flea beetles were on the plant. This attraction was mediated by a flea beetle-produced aggregation pheromone based upon: (1) Oilseed rape damaged mechanically, or byP. cruciferae, or by diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella (L.), did not attractP. cruciferae. (2) Contact with the plants or feeding was required for the production of aggregation pheromone because oilseed rape alone was not attractive when separated from flea beetles by a screen. (3) Equal numbers of males and females were attracted.  相似文献   

The effects of plant competition and herbivory on glucosinolate concentrations in cabbage root and foliage were investigated in a cabbage-red clover intercropping system. Cabbage plants were grown under different competitive pressures and with varying degrees of attack by root-feeding Delia floralis larvae. Glucosinolate concentrations in cabbage were affected both by intercropping and by D. floralis density. Glucosinolate concentrations in foliage generally decreased as a response to intercropping, while the responses to insect root damage of individual glucosinolates were weaker. Root glucosinolates responded more strongly to both intercropping and egg density. Total root glucosinolate concentration decreased with clover density, but only at high egg densities. Increased egg density led to opposite reactions by the indole and aliphatic glucosinolates in roots. The responses of individual root glucosinolates to competition and root damage were complex and, on occasion, nonlinear. Reduced concentrations of several glucosinolates and the tendency towards a decrease in total concentration in cabbage foliage caused by intercropping and larval damage suggest that competing plants or plants with root herbivory do not allocate the same resources as unchallenged plants towards sustaining levels of leaf defensive compounds. This could also be true for root glucosinolate concentrations at high egg densities. In addition, the results suggest that changes occurring within a structural group of glucosinolates may be influenced by changes in a single compound, e.g., glucobrassicin (indol-3-ylmethyl) in foliage or sinigrin (2-propenyl) in roots.  相似文献   

To elucidate the identity of the volatile compounds that could be involved in the searching behavior of the parasitoidCotesia rubecula Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), the volatiles released by cabbage and frass of Lepidoptera feeding on cabbage were collected and analyzed using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. The volatiles emitted by intact cabbage were -pinene, -pinene, myrcene, 1,8-cineole,n-hexyl acetate,cis-3-hexen-1-yl acetate, and dimethyl trisulfide. Mechanical damage on an intact plant induced the release of two more compounds,trans-2-hexenal and 1-methoxy-3-methylene-2-pentanone. Current feeding by larvae ofPieris rapae L. (Pieridae) induced the plant to release all the compounds released after mechanical damage and additionally 4-methyl-3-pentenal and allyl isothiocyanate. Current feeding by larvae ofPlutella xylostella L. (Plutellidae) induced the plant to release all the compounds present after mechanical damage and additionally allyl isothiocyanate. The volatiles emitted after feeding by the lepidopterans had ceased were the same as those emitted by cabbage damaged by mechanical means. The blend of volatiles emitted by frass was comprised of plant chemicals, mainly sulfur compounds. Frass ofP. rapae emitted allyl isothiocyanate, methyl isothiocyanate, methyl propyl sulfide, dimethyl trisulfide,S-methyl methane thiosulfinate, 4-methyl-3-pentenal,trans-2-hexenal, and 2,3-dihydro-4-methyl furan. Frass ofP. xylostella emitted only dimethyl trisulfide andS-methyl methane thiosulfinate. The blend of volatiles emitted by frass is herbivore-species specific.  相似文献   

Iridoid glycosides are a group of terpenoid secondary plant compounds known to deter generalist insect herbivores. In ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata), the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol can be induced following damage by insect herbivores. In this study, we investigated whether the same compounds can be induced following infection by the fungal pathogen Diaporthe adunca, the causal agent of a stalk disease in P. lanceolata. Significant induction of aucubin and catalpol was observed in two of the three plant genotypes used in this study following inoculation with the pathogen. In one of the genotypes, induction occurred within 6 hr after inoculation, and no decay was observed within 8 days. The highest level of induction was observed in reproductive tissues (spikes and stalks) where infection took place. In these tissues, iridoid glycoside levels in infected plants were, on average, 97% and 37% higher than the constitutive levels in the corresponding control plants, respectively. Significant induction was also observed in leaves (24%) and roots (17%). In addition to significant genotypic variation in the level of induction, we found genetic variation for the tissue-specific pattern of induction, further broadening the scope for evolutionary fine-tuning of induced responses. Recent studies have revealed a negative association between iridoid glycoside levels in P. lanceolata genotypes and the amount of growth and reproduction of D. adunca that these genotypes support. However, for the three genotypes used in the present study, differences in resistance were not related to their constitutive or induced levels of iridoid glycosides, suggesting that additional resistance mechanisms are important in this host-pathogen system. We conclude that iridoid glycosides in P. lanceolata can be induced both by arthropods and pathogenic micro-organisms. Pathogen infection could, therefore, potentially enhance resistance to generalist insect herbivores in this species.  相似文献   

Leaves from forest-grown sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh) and yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis Britt.) trees were analyzed for four tannin measures (hydrolyzable and condensed tannins, total phenolics, and protein binding) at three times during the growing season. Fifteen-year-old half-sib sugar maples from four provenances, representing the geographical extremes of the sugar maple range and growing in a common garden, were examined for the same traits. We found no significant geographic or seed source component to variation in three of the four tannin measures. We found significant seasonal changes in both birch and maple leaf tannins. Withincanopy leaf tannin variation tended to obscure differences between trees in maple, but in birches between-tree differences in leaf tannin content were more readily found. We also found a significant negative correlation between leaf protein binding capacity and leaf wet weight.  相似文献   

Removal of type B trichome exudate fromSolanum berthaultii leaflets leads to a decrease in tarsal gumming and mortality and an increase in feeding by the green peach aphid,Myzus persicae. Type B trichome exudate of theS. berthaultii accession PI 473331 is composed of a complex of 3,3,4,6-tetra-O-acyl sucroses containing primarily short-chain branched carboxylic acids. The acyl constituents are primarily derived from 2-methylpropanoic, 2-methylbutyric, and 8-methylnonanoic acids but constituents derived fromn-decanoic and dodecanoic acids are also present. Sucrose esters inhibit settling and probing by aphids in glass feeding cages.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction between plants (horsenettle; Solanum carolinense) and herbivorous insects (flea beetles; Epitrix spp., and tobacco hornworm; Manduca sexta) by focusing on three questions: (1) Does variation in nitrogen availability affect leaf chemistry as predicted by the carbon-nutrient balance (CNB) hypothesis? (2) Does variation in plant treatment and leaf chemistry affect insect feeding? (3) Is there an interaction between the insect herbivores that is mediated by variation in leaf chemistry? For three successive years (1998-2001), we grew a set of clones of 10 maternal plants under two nitrogen treatments and two water treatments. For each plant in the summer of 2000, we assayed herbivory by hornworms in both indoor (detached leaf) and outdoor (attached leaf) assays, as well as ambient flea beetle damage. Estimates of leaf material consumed were made via analysis of digitized leaf images. We also assayed leaves for total protein, phenolic, and glycoalkaloid content, and for trypsin inhibitor, polyphenol oxidase, and peroxidase activity. Despite strong effects of nitrogen treatment on growth and reproduction, only total protein responded as predicted by CNB. Leaf phenolic levels were increased by nitrogen treatment, polyphenol oxidase activity was decreased, and other leaf parameters were unaffected. Neither hornworm nor flea beetle herbivory could be related to plant treatment or genotype or to variation in any of the six leaf chemical parameters. A negative relationship between flea beetle and hornworm herbivory was found, but was not apparently mediated by any of the measured leaf chemicals. Because leaf resistance was maintained in low nitrogen plants at the apparent expense of growth and reproduction, our results support the concept of a fitness cost of defense, as predicted by the optimal defense hypothesis.  相似文献   

The defense secretions of five species of MalaysianNasutitermes,N. longinasus, N. matangensis, N, havilandi, N. johoricus, andNasutitermes species 01, are compared.N. longinasus andN. species 01 provide trinervitene alcohols,N. havilandi mainly tricyclic trinervitene and tetracyclic kempane alcohols and acetates, whereasN. matangensis furnish acetyl/propionyl derivatives of trinervita-11(12),15(17)-dien-3,9,13-triol (XXI and XXII). A new diterpene, assigned as trinervita-11(12),15(17)-dien-3,13-diol-3,13-O-diacetate (XVII), is isolated fromN. havilandi. The mono- and diterpenoid compositions, being species-specific, are useful for chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Two- to 12-day-old larvae ofBlattella germanica are repelled by certain volatile fatty acids present in the frass. Propionic, isovaleric, and valeric acids are strongly repellent, isobutyric acid is slightly repellent, and acetic and butyric acids are without effect. These results are discussed in relation to control of population density.  相似文献   

Food search behavior in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) to extracts of granulated food was quantified and compared with the response to solutions of amino acid mixtures. The concentration of each of 18 amino acids was analyzed in the food extract and similar pure amino acid solutions were prepared. Earlier published electrophysiological data and the data of concentrations in the test area were used to order the amino acids with respect to their presumed contribution to the stimulatory effect of the food extract. The 18 amino acids were tested collectively (18 aa) or were divided into two groups, one group containing 7 amino acids (7 aa) which was presumed to have a high stimulatory effect and the other group containing the remaining 11 amino acids (11 aa). The solutions of 7, 11, and 18 aa were stimulatory at concentrations between 2 and 5 × 10–6 M, but no significant responses were observed at 2–5 × 10–9 M. This can be compared with the food extract which elicited response at all concentrations tested, i.e., the total concentrations of 18 amino acids were 5 × 10–9, 5 × 10–8, 5 × 10–7, and 5 × 10–6 M. The response to the 18 aa solution was compared with the food extract and was shown to be significantly lower at 5 × 10–9 M but not at 5 × 10–6 M. These results show that amino acids induce food search behavior in Arctic charr, but there are other substances which also contribute to the stimulatory effect of the food extract.  相似文献   

The defensive secretions from the nymphs and the adults of both sexes inP. apterus were chemically investigated. Forty components were identified from the nymphal posterior dorsoabdominal glands and 35 from the adult metathoracic glands of both sexes. Within the 43 identified chemicals, we found 23 aldehydes, five saturated hydrocarbons, five alcohols, three ketones, three lactones, two terpenes, one phenol and one ester. Thirteen of these compounds had never been reported within the Heteroptera. Whereas eight components are specific to the nymphs, methyl pentenal, (E)-2-hexenol, and heptadecanal are the only adult-specific components. The biological role of all the identified chemicals is almost unknown inP. apterus and is discussed comparatively with regard to other Heteroptera.  相似文献   

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