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简要介绍了国内外PVC生产需求情况、发展趋势以及天津PVC发展优势分析和存在差距,并提出发展建议。  相似文献   

The drive to recycle individual polymers in a “closed-loop”—that is, bottles-to-bottles—began in the late 1980s. Technology and market streams for high-volume packaging plastics like HDPE and PET evolved first. Smaller-volume packaging plastics have followed. This article describes technology development and the state of the market, including general economics for vinyl recycling. Recycling of PVC packaging, to say nothing of recycling of other plastics, continues to evolve and should be viewed as a work-in-progress; still, closed-loop recycling of PVC bottles is a commercial reality.  相似文献   

中国PVC工业现状与发展分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了我国PVC工业的生产现状,重点分析了目前国内PVC工业发展和技术发展的特点,并对我国PVC工业的发展趋势进行了预测,在此基础上探讨了今后国内PVC工业发展的方向。  相似文献   

贾国梁 《电镀与涂饰》2012,31(11):70-73
综述了近年来中国涂料和涂料中间体(包括树脂中间体,有机颜料中间体和溶剂、助剂中间体)的发展状况,探讨了涂料增长率与GDP增长率之间的关系,并对涂料和涂料中间体未来的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

综述了我国PVC生产的发展和产需情况,包括在2010年拟在我国新建的PVC装置及其新产品、新技术及新设备,展望了我国PVC发展方向。  相似文献   

Members of the Association Internationale de la Savonnerie et de la De’tergence (AIS) have furnished statistical information on various products showing growth in volume in total and in each of the countries. On the whole, the situation is favorable. In general, the global growth of the market of synthetic detergents is about 6% in volume per year, but it may vary greatly from one country to another. There is some doubt, however, that this growth rate will continue at a similar pace in the future. Although soaps have continued to decline in favor of detergents, we observe a certain stability of this type of product as a whole. As for detergents, they are increasing with respect to synthetic liquid products and washing powders. Such is not the case for cleaning products and auxiliary products. It is true, however, that the greater part of the market is presently taken by fabric washing and dishwashing products. In several countries, an important market for fabric softeners is developing recently; however, we do not yet have detailed statistical data concerning this market. While the greater part of synthetic detergent consumption has to do with household uses, there are at present many other applications. Products designed for indus trial uses are not in the AIS statistics and therefore are not covered in this study. Because the soap and detergent industry sells its products to the public, it pays close attention to the demands of the consumers, and we may expect it will continue to innovate and create new products. Within the framework of the AIS, we try to study market trends by presenting each year the statistical data of the preceding financial year (available from the AIS, 49 Square Marie Louise, Brussels). A retrospective study covering five years seemed to us interesting, and we venture to hope that the conclusions provided will serve to foresee the future.  相似文献   

聚氯乙烯现状分析及展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了世界及我国PVC树脂生产和市场情况,并进行了对比。指出为满足国际、国内市场的需求,应着力增加PVC牌号并提高质量。  相似文献   

太阳能选择性吸收涂层的现状及发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
吕坤  王海英  董华 《中国涂料》2003,18(4):36-38
简述太阳能选择性吸收涂层的吸收原理及材质具有选择性吸收的条件 ,概述了各种涂层的性质及分类 ,并预测其发展方向  相似文献   

(接上期)(4)利用进口VCM直接聚合制PVC的原料路线,有常州化工厂、南通树脂厂、无锡化工集团公司、江苏北方氯碱集团公司、江苏金益集团公司、无锡银卡集团公司、新沂化工公司、上海天原化工公司、安徽氯碱化工集团公司、杭州电化集团公司、安徽江山化学公司、歙县树脂厂等十余家企业。落后的电石乙炔法生产PVC,环境污染严重,每生产1tPVC产生20kg电石粉尘,排出14t电石浆,其中,水的质量分数为百分之八十五左右,折合干基约2t和10t含硫碱性废水。电石乙炔法PVC能耗高,每吨耗电约5500kW·h(含电石生产用电),每吨电石法PVC比乙烯法还要多…  相似文献   

聚氯乙烯的市场分析和技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评述了世界和中国聚氯乙烯工业产能和需求市场发展现状与趋势以及聚氯乙烯生产的技术进展。  相似文献   

聚氯乙烯增塑剂现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了国内外聚氯乙烯增塑剂市场形势,分析了我国工业塑料与增塑剂的现状,发展与消费结构关系,论述了工业增塑剂行业的清洁生产工艺研究最新进展,特别是国内外采用固体超强酸,稀土固体酸,固载杂多酸及复合固体氧化物催化剂催化酯合成工业增塑剂的研究动态,指出高效,持效,无毒或低毒,无公害化的增塑剂产品,清洁化工业生产方式是全球塑料助剂的发展趋势。  相似文献   

PVC热稳定剂的现状及发展方向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了PVC热稳定剂的作用机理及要求,概述了热稳定剂的种类、应用及国内外发展状况,提出了我国PVC热稳定剂的发展方向。  相似文献   

针对传统含悬浮物矿井水处理工艺存在的问题,提出采用磁分离工艺,并进行了工艺流程对比及效益分析,结果表明:磁分离工艺运行成本低至0.358元/t;以处理量48 000 m~3/d,进水ρ(SS)=3 200 mg/L,出水ρ(SS)<30 mg/L,年运行时间为365 d的煤矿矿井水处理项目为例,扣除设备运行费用,每年可实现经济效益1 139.6万元。  相似文献   

The final step in the purification of PVC bottles for recycling is melt filtration. However, this common practice increases in complexity when dealing with a clear, thermally sensitive material such as PVC. This paper will explore both conventional and new techniques for melt filtration. This paper also describes various types of contamination found in the form of other polymers and foreign material, as well as experimental data on acceptable levels and processing conditions to purge them from the vinyl melt stream.  相似文献   

PVC树脂应用与发展现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
综述了国内外聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂的市场供需状况及消费结构,分析了PVC树脂应用的发展趋势及新产品开发情况。为增强我国PVC工业的竞争能力提出建议:除了应重视通用PVC的产品质量外,大力开发各种高性能的专用树脂是当务之急,从而使PVC产品不断系列化、高性能化、专用化和产业化。  相似文献   

油田采出水处理技术现状及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
油田采出水处理的目的是去除水中的油、悬浮物、添加剂以及其它有碍注水、易造成注水系统腐蚀、结垢的不利成分。所采用的技术包括重力分离、粗粒化、浮选法、过滤、膜分离以及生物法等十几种方法。各油田或区块的水质成分复杂、差异较大,处理后回注水的水质要求也不一样,因此处理工艺应有所选择。研制新型设备和药剂,开发新工艺,应用新技术成为油田采出水处理发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

PVC制品的现状及其发展前景   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
概述了PVC制品的发展前景和PVC塑料在世界及我国的供需现状 ,分析了我国PVC加工技术与国外存在的差距 ,指出了PVC塑料制品的主要发展方向 ,并提出了一些发展建议。  相似文献   

Single use technology (SUT) is in widespread use throughout the biopharmaceutical industry where it is replacing traditional stainless steel plant particularly for the manufacture of small volume, high value products. The key drivers for SUT uptake include reduction of regulatory risk, lower capital and energy costs and increased facility flexibility. Disposable technology is now well established for cell culture, liquid handling and storage but its application to some downstream operations is proving more intractable. Single‐use chromatography resins are generally uneconomic at process scale and there are limitations on large‐scale tangential flow filtration capacities. The development of disposable sensor technology is lagging behind that of bioreactors and capacities for microbial culture are presently limited to 2000 litres. Concerns regarding compatibility of equipment from different suppliers and extractable and leachable testing are being addressed but continue to influence uptake of SUT by traditional manufacturers. Complete ‘plug and play’ disposable process trains, however, are becoming increasingly available and are being embraced by Contract Manufacturing Organisations (CMOs) with multiproduct facilities. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

电石法PVC工艺作为我国主流PVC生产工艺适宜我国国情需要,符合国家能源战略安全需求,近年来我国电石法PVC企业在加速产业转型升级、推动无汞催化剂绿色化技术研发等方面的有力举措为电石法工艺的未来发展奠定了坚实基础.作者认为电石法PVC在我国PVC行业未来5~10年,甚至更长时期,其路线重要,不可轻易替代.  相似文献   

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