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We first describe the draft multiple/random access protocol for IEEE 802.14 over the cable TV/hybrid fiber coaxial (CATV/HFC) networks. To best fit this draft protocol into the target network, we propose a dynamic control scheme to adequately adjust the parameters. Simulations of the draft protocol are then presented to depict the effectiveness of the proposed scheme and further highlight the directions for the design of MAC protocols over the CATV/HFC networks  相似文献   

利用HFC网建设智能小区的解决方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细阐述了基于HFC技术的智能小区的宽带接入方式,介绍了HFC网络的系统结构,分析了运用Cable Modern的HFC解决方案以及产品的配置,这种宽带接入技术充分利用现有的网络资源,避免了网络的重复建设,有效地解决了网络布线的困难,降低了小区整体投资成本.  相似文献   

The notion of a logically routed network was developed to overcome the bottlenecks encountered during the design of a large purely optical network. In the last few years, researchers have proposed the use of torus. Perfect shuffle, hypercube, de Bruijn graph, Kautz graph, and Cayley graph as an overlay structure on top of a purely optical network. All these networks have regular structures. Although regular structures have many virtues, it is often difficult in a realistic setting to meet these stringent structural requirements. In this paper, we propose generalized multimesh (GM), a semiregular structure, as an alternate to the proposed architectures. In terms of simplicity of interconnection and routing, this architecture is comparable to the torus network. However, the new architecture exhibits significantly superior topological properties to the torus. For example, whereas a two-dimensional (2-D) torus with N nodes has a diameter of Θ(N0.5), a generalized multimesh network with the same number of nodes and links has a diameter of Θ(N0.25). In this paper, we also introduce a new metric, flow number, that can be used to evaluate topologies for optical networks. For optical networks, a topology with a smaller flow number is preferable, as it is an indicator of the number of wavelengths necessary for full connectivity. We show that the flow numbers of a 2-D torus, a multimesh, and a de Bruijn network, are Θ(N1.5), Θ(N1.25), and Θ(N log N), respectively, where N is the number of nodes in the network. The advantage of the generalized multimesh over the de Bruijn network lies in the bet that, unlike the de Bruijn network, this network can be constructed for any number of nodes and is incrementally expandable  相似文献   

Real-time data transmission, especially video delivery over high-speed networks have very stringent constraints in terms of network connectivity and offered data rate. However, in high-speed vehicular networks, direct communication between vehicles and road side units (RSU) often breaks down, resulting in loss of information. On the other hand, a peer-to-peer based multihop network topology is not sufficient for efficient data communication due to large packet loss and delay. In this paper, a novel ‘moving cluster multiple forward’ (MCMF) architecture is proposed and investigated for efficient real-time data communication in high speed vehicular networks. MCMF involves novel aspects in relation to the formation of clusters and managing the communication between groups of vehicles and introduction of a hierarchical multiple forwarding mechanism which enables communication between any vehicle and RSU via other vehicles. Additionally, a novel protocol called ‘alternate cluster resource reuse’ (ACRR) is proposed and its detailed communication mechanism is presented. Simulation tests show how the use of MCMF and the ACRR protocol results in superior bit-rate performance—around three times that obtained in peer-to-peer multihop communications and twice that of MCMF with no ACRR protocol. Further, the average delay in MCMF-based transmissions from vehicle to RSU is around 50 % that of a peer-to-peer multihop communication mechanism. MCMF/ACRR has the potential to support multimedia traffic according to the IEEE 802.11p standard, even with a sparse investment in the infrastructure.  相似文献   

The rapid growing of the Internet makes multimedia and broadband services closer to the users. For people at home, two typical networks are available to access the Internet: telephone network and CATV network. This paper presents a hierarchical tree-based structure for the hybrid fiber-cable (HFC) network where the traditional HFC network is partitioned into segments. Each segment is coordinated by a central traffic controller (CTC). A reservation-based traffic policy is also proposed for the CTC to schedule the data transmissions within the segment to provide guaranteed QoS, such as constant bit rate (CBR) service and variable bit rate (VBR) service. The CTC also furnishes the bridging function so that local traffic within the controlled segment is filtered to save the network bandwidth. Based on the segmentation concept and filtering function, the bandwidth can be reused efficiently and the system performance is improved significantly. Simulation results indicate that the proposed hierarchical HFC network performs much better than the traditional HFC network in terms of delay, delay jitter and channel utilization. Through the proposed traffic policy, the hierarchical HFC network also offers guaranteed QoS for the users  相似文献   

智能建筑是近几年迅速崛起的一种新型建筑(群 ) ,它利用计算机技术、通信技术、控制技术和多媒体技术等创造家居、办公的安全高效和舒适的生活工作环境。利用HFC网实现智能建筑的部分服务 ,节省了投资 ,也使布线简单 ,易于维护。1 系统原理目前国内的智能建筑如图 1所示。图 1所有这些功能并不是都能通过HFC网实现 ,能集成在HFC网的功能包括 :(1 )防灾报警紧急求助系统 ,包括烟雾(煤气)泄漏报警、防盗报警、紧急求助。(2 )有线电视系统 ,包括加解扰电视收费、扩展业务和增值业务中的相关内容。(3)多表远传系统 ,包括水表、电表、…  相似文献   

This paper reviews the future prospects of cable television networks through their evolution towards HFC topology. This upgrade will allow cable operators to provide full broadband bi-directional communications (image, data and voice) and generate new revenues from their existing network. This article focuses on: what is an HFC topology, what are the relevant parameters to characterize its physical layer, what are the technological key issues and future trends?  相似文献   

The objective of autonomic networking is to enable the autonomous formation and parametrization of nodes and networks by letting protocols sense and adapt to the networking environment at run time. Besides its dynamic aspects, a core requirement of autonomic networking is to define a structured framework and execution environment that enables algorithms to operate in a continously changing environment. This paper presents the major design principles of the Autonomic Network Architecture (ANA) and reports on a first implementation. The guiding principle of ANA is to strive for flexibility and genericity at all levels of the architecture. In our approach we explicitly avoid to impose a "one-size-fits-all" architecture (where communication protocols and paradigms are fixed by the architecture). To this end, ANA introduces generic abstractions, for example "information dispatch points" instead of addressable endpoints, as well as communication primitives that support network heterogeneity, adaptability, and evolution. These core abstractions allow for the coexistance of multiple and diverse networking styles and protocols. With the public release of the ANA prototype, we aim at federating autonomics related networking projects, enabling different actors to share, compare, and build upon each other?s work. The ANA runtime can host clean slate network designs as well as legacy Internet technology and serves as a platform for demonstrating autonomic communication principles.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the presentation of a new intelligent architecture adapted to network management.  相似文献   

We describe an architecture for an optical local area network (LAN) or metropolitan area network (MAN) access. The architecture allows for bandwidth sharing within a wavelength and is robust to both link and node failures. The architecture can be utilized with an arbitrary, link-redundant mesh network (node-redundancy is necessary only to handle all node failures), and assumes neither the use of a star topology nor the ability to embed such a topology within the physical mesh. Reservation of, bandwidth is performed in a centralized fashion at a (replicated) head end node, simplifying the implementation of complex sharing policies relative to implementation on a distributed set of routers. Unlike a router, however, the head end does not take any action on individual packets and, in particular, does not buffer packets. The architecture thus avoids the difficulties of processing packets in the optical domain while allowing for packetized shared access of wavelengths. We describe the route construction scheme and prove its ability to recover from single link and single node failures, outline a flexible medium access protocol and discuss the implications for implementing specific policies, and propose a simple implementation of the recovery protocol in terms of state machines for per-link devices  相似文献   

A multibus train (ordered demand assignment) communication architecture, using the AMTRAC protocol (for efficient utilization of fiber-optic-based very-high-speed networks) is presented. Taking advantage of the emerging WDM (wavelength-division multiplexing) and FDM (frequency-division multiplexing) technologies, the proposed solution introduces a coordinated multichannel control combining the performance advantages of two known approaches for high-speed communication: multichannel and train protocols. As a result an AMTRAC-based high-speed network achieves channel utilization significantly higher than previous approaches. For a network consisting of N stations, with propagation delay to packet transmission time ratio given by a, the AMTRAC architecture reaches a capacity of 1/(1+a/N 2)  相似文献   

A bidirectional architecture for associative memory (AM) capable of vector arithmetic operations is proposed. By introducing a pair of masking and tagging mechanisms, the conventional concepts of bit-operations and word-operations in AM have been generalized to row and column operations, respectively. The proposed architecture demonstrates a symmetrical functionality such that associative processing can be performed in both column and row directions. A set of built-in vector arithmetic and logic units (VALU) is designed to perform the basic vector operations, which offers O(max{n, m}) speed-up for vector operations over the conventional AM at an O(n + m) cost for realizing an n × m AM array. As an applicational example, an associative processing implementation for artificial neural networks is presented.  相似文献   

LOCAL AREA NETWORKS are currently enjoying tremendous popularity as a means for providing wideband interconnection and communications among data terminals, host computers and other types of digital equipment located throughout a single building or a campus of buildings. Such networks are typically based on bus, ring, or star architectures, each of which manifests its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, an architectural approach is described that draws upon and integrates the advantages found separately in these three different architectures, while avoiding the major disadvantages found in any one. This new architecture employs a centrally located short bus that provides an extremely efficient packet-switching service to the devices attached to the network. Bandwidth on the short bus is dynamically allocated in response to instantaneous demands by means of a highly efficient but flexible prioritybased bus contention scheme. The approach permits multiple priority classes with fair allocation of bandwidth within each class, along with a capability for integrated circuit and packet switching. The architecture can also make use of existing twisted-pair building wiring, and at the same time take advantage of emerging optical-fiber technology. In addition, the architecture provides a means to expand the network beyond a local area, resulting in a wide-area network capability.  相似文献   

1 网络设计建议小区的双向HFC网采用星型拓扑结构是适宜的 ,最好是无源同轴网络。从HFC网络的发展趋势来看 ,从光纤到节点 (简称FTF)、光纤到路边 (简称FTC)、光纤到最后一个放大器(简称FTLA) ,每一光节点所服务的用户逐步减少 ,这是HFC网向宽带综合业务用户网发展的必然要求。同时 ,非广电业务都是双向业务 (电话、计算机通信、交互式视频业务等 ) ,进一步缩小FTF模型中一个光节点的服务区域 ,以充分利用光纤传输的优越性。并且双向传输的上行信道存在两个基本的问题———上行频带 (通常为 5~ 4 0MHz)阻塞和反…  相似文献   

Fiber optic rings are widely deployed in metropolitan area networks (MAN). These rings currently employ architectures and protocols that are neither optimized for nor scalable to the network demand. Therefore, emerging technologies are being pushed to replace the traditional architectures. Among these technologies, optical burst switching (OBS) is an effective and promising technology. In this study, a novel architecture, dual-fiber OBS (DOBS), is proposed. This architecture has similar functions to those of fiber delay lines, partial wavelength conversion and deflection routing. A theoretical model is developed to evaluate the performance of DOBS, which is compared with single-fiber and simple two-fiber schemes by introducing them into ring and mesh MAN in simulations. The results reveal that DOBS can exponentially reduce the burst dropping probability. Moreover, since DOBS can be implement using commercially available devices and dark fibers, it is commercially viable in metro networks.  相似文献   

本文分析了HFC接入网和ATM网络互支持技术,根据HFC接入网与ATM网络相连的相关接口、协议和网络完备性目标,给出了一个与HFC接入网相连的ATM宽带传输网的组网优化方案。本文提出的工程性完备网络概念及优化分析原理可作为工程网络优化设计的一种依据和参考,使设计具有更高的网络先进性和更强的网络实用性。  相似文献   

The authors discuss data communications networks (DCNs) used by operating telephone companies to interconnect large numbers of telecommunications network elements with operations systems and workstations to support and manage telecommunications networks, referred to by the international telegraph and telephone consultative committee (CCITT) as a telecommunications management network (TMN). The TMNs can include different types of DCNs such as private lines, circuit-switched networks, packet-switched networks, and integrated services digital networks (ISDNs). These can be divided into two classes: connection-mode and connectionless-mode networks. The authors briefly consider TMN concepts and implementation architectures. They then focus on TMN internetworking design alternatives, issues, and protocol stacks, in order to provide data network designers and implementors with the necessary fundamentals in considering and choosing interworking solutions for TMN applications  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analyzed the performance and feasibility of a hybrid wavelength division multiplexing/time division multiplexing passive optical network (WDM/TDM) PON system with 128 optical networks units (ONUs). In the proposed network, the triple play services (video, voice and data) are successfully transmitted to a distance of 28 km to all ONUs. In addition, we investigate and compare the proposed hybrid PON for suitability of various modulation formats for different distance. It has been observed that the most suitable data format for hybrid PON network is NRZ Rectangular.  相似文献   

为了快速有效的确定电网的脆弱节点,提出了一种利用多种指标综合筛选电力系统脆弱节点的方法。首先通过绘制出系统各负荷节的 PV,QV 曲线,求取各负荷节点的电压变化指标和无功功率裕度指标;随后将这两种指标进行综合,用于判断电力系统脆弱节点。通过设置不同的权重系数可以实现不同情况下的脆弱节点判断。并将此方法应用于实际电网,将得出的脆弱节点分析结果与通过传统的模态分析法得出的结果进行比较,证明了此方法在筛选系统脆弱节点方面的正确性与有效性。  相似文献   

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