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Duso AB  Chen DD 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(13):2938-2942
A capillary electrophoresis method for measuring the effective mobilities of proton and hydroxide ions was developed. Photodiode array detection coupled with pH-indicating dyes enabled the detection of proton and hydroxide ions using a conventional CE instrument. The effects of ionic strength and pH of the background electrolyte on the measurement of effective mobility of the proton were first investigated. Mobility measurements were found to be independent of applied voltage. Hydroxide ion mobility was also measured and found to be in agreement with literature values. The effects of pH indicator and proton source on the ion mobility were determined and are described herein.  相似文献   

He Y  Lee HK 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(5):995-1001
This paper describes a straightforward approach for stacking extremely large volumes of sample solutions containing small organic and inorganic anions in capillary electrophoresis. The methodology involves the stacking of large sample volumes and the separation of the stacked anions in an acidic buffer (pH <4) without intermediate polarity switching. More than 300-fold enrichment was readily attained in a few minutes in the stacking of two similar organic (maleic and fumaric acids) and two inorganic (bromide and nitrate) anions. The applicability of the technique was tested in the determination of trace amounts of nitrate anion (analyte-to-matrix ratio being 1:2 × 10(4) and 1:2.5 × 10(6)) in analytical-grade potassium bromide and boric acid.  相似文献   

A new method for accurately determining effective mobilities and electroosmotic flow rates for capillary electrophoresis is described. The proposed method can be performed using most commercial capillary electrophoresis instruments. Problems inherent to the conventional mobility determination method such as a variable electroosmotic flow during the run and migration through unthermostated regions of the capillary are eliminated with the use of the proposed method. In addition, very low effective mobilities and electroosmotic flow rates can be measured quickly and reproducibly. Also, cation mobilities and anion mobilities can be measured in a single run regardless of the magnitude or direction of the electroosmotic flow.  相似文献   

Nonaqueous capillary zone electrophoresis of synthetic organic polypeptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poly(Nepsilon-trifluoroacetyl-L-lysine) was used as a model solute to investigate the potential of nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis (NACE) for the characterization of synthetic organic polymers. The information obtained by NACE was compared to that derived from size exclusion chromatography (SEC) experiments, and the two techniques were found to be complimentary for polymer characterization. On one hand, NACE permitted (i) the separation of oligomers according to their molar mass and (ii) the separation of the polymers according to the nature of the end groups. On the other hand, SEC experiments were used for the characterization of the molar mass distribution for higher molar masses. Due to the tendency of the solutes (polypeptides) to adsorb onto the fused-silica capillary wall, careful attention was paid to the rinsing procedure of the capillary between runs in order to keep the capillary surface clean. For that purpose, the use of electrophoretic desorption under denaturating conditions was very effective. Optimization of the separation was performed by studying (i) the influence of the proportion of methanol in a methanoVacetonitrile mixture and (ii) the influence of acetic acid concentration in the background electrolyte. Highly resolved separation of the oligomers (up to a degree of polymerization n of approximately 50) was obtained by adding trifluoroacetic acid to the electrolyte. Important information concerning the polymer conformations could be obtained from the mobility data. Two different plots relating the effective mobility data to the degree of polymerization were proposed for monitoring the changes in polymer conformations as a function of the number of monomers.  相似文献   

We describe a method, based on pressure-assisted capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (PACE/ESI-MS), that allows the simultaneous and quantitative analysis of multivalent anions, such as citrate isomers, nucleotides, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotides, and flavin adenine dinucleotide, and coenzyme A (CoA) compounds. Key to the analysis was using a noncharged polymer, poly(dimethylsiloxane), coated to the inner surface of the capillary to prevent anionic species from adsorbing onto the capillary wall. It was also necessary to drive a constant liquid flow toward the MS by applying air pressure to the inlet capillary during electrophoresis to maintain a conductive liquid junction between the capillary and the electrospray needle. Although theoretical plates were inferior to those obtained by CE/ESI-MS using a cationic polymer-coated capillary, the PACE/ESI-MS method improved reproducibility and sensitivity of these anions. Eighteen anions were separated by PACE and selectively detected by a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a sheath-flow electrospray ionization interface. The relative standard deviations (n = 6) of the method were better than 0.6% for migration times and between 1.4% and 6.2% for peak areas. The detection limits for these species were between 0.4 and 3.7 micromol/L with pressure injection of 50 mbar for 30 s (30 nL), that is, mass detection limits calculated in the range from 12 to 110 fmol at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. The utility of the method was demonstrated by analysis of citrate isomers, nucleotides, dinucleotides, and CoA compounds extracted from Bacillus subtilis cells.  相似文献   

In field-amplified injection in capillary electrophoresis (CE), the capillary is filled with two buffering zones of different ionic strength; this induces an amplified electrical field in the low ionic strength zone and a lower field in the high ionic strength zone, making sample stacking feasible. The electroosmotic flow (eof) usually observed in CE, however, displaces the low field zone and induces an extra band broadening preventing any CE separation in the field-amplified zone. These limitations have originated the restricted use of field amplification in CE only for stacking purposes. For the first time, in this work it is theoretically shown and experimentally corroborated that CE separation speed and efficiency can simultaneously be increased if the whole separation is performed in the field-amplified zone, using what we have called field amplified separation in capillary electrophoresis (FAsCE). The possibilities of this new CE mode are investigated using a new and simple coating able to provide near-zero eof at the selected separation pH. Using FAsCE, improvements of 20% for separation speed and 40% for efficiency are achieved. Moreover, a modified FAsCE approach is investigated filling the capillary with the high ionic strength buffer up to the interior of the detection window. Under these conditions, an additional 3-fold increase in sensitivity is also observed. The most interesting results were obtained combining the short-end injection mode and this modified FAsCE approach. Under these conditions, a part of a 3-fold improvement in efficiency and sensitivity, the total analysis time was drastically reduced to 40 s, giving rise to a time reduction of more than 7-fold compared to normal CE. This speed enhancement brings about one of the fastest CE separations achieved using capillaries, demonstrating the great possibilities of FAsCE as a new, sensitive, efficient, and fast CE separation mode.  相似文献   

Y Zhao  C E Lunte 《Analytical chemistry》1999,71(18):3985-3991
Two limitations of capillary electrophoresis (CE) are the low sample loadability of the capillary and an incompatibility with high ionic strength samples. Several strategies have been described to preconcentrate and lower the ionic strength of physiological samples prior to CE analysis. These have included both off-capillary and on-capillary approaches. We have previously described a version of on-column field-amplification stacking termed pH-mediated stacking. pH-mediated stacking was initially developed for the separation of cations. In this report, we describe the application of pH-mediated sample stacking to anions. In this method, an electrokinetic injection is used to introduce analyte anions into the CE system and simultaneously replace the sample matrix cations with ammonia from the background electrolyte. Base is then electrokinetically injected to neutralize the sample zone and create a low conductivity region across which the analyte anions will stack. Using this method, a sensitivity enhancement of more than 66-fold was achieved without loss in separation efficiency relative to normal electrokinetic injection. Detection limits of 0.3 microM for four phenolic acids in a physiological sample were achieved using simple UV absorbance detection. The limit to the amount of sample that could be loaded using this technique was the length of the separation capillary. To further increase the amount of sample that could be loaded, a double-capillary system was developed. Using the double-capillary system the sensitivity was increased more than 300-fold and detection limits of 0.06 microM were achieved.  相似文献   

A method for determining the accurate effective mobility value of an analyte in the presence of a charged interacting agent, such as a charged cyclodextrin, a micellar agent, a protein, or a DNA fragment that binds the traditional electroosmotic flow markers, is presented. Part of the capillary is filled with the charged interacting agent-containing background electrolyte; the other part is filled with the charged interacting agent-free background electrolyte. The analyte band is placed in the charged interacting agent-containing background electrolyte zone, while a neutral marker (electroosmotic flow marker) is placed in the adjacent charged interacting agent-free background electrolyte zone. The initial, preelectrophoresis distance between the analyte band and the neutral marker band is determined by pressure mobilizing the bands past the detector and recording the detector trace. Subsequently, by applying reverse pressure, the bands are moved back into the first portion of the capillary and a brief electrophoretic separation is carried out. Then, the bands are pressure mobilized again past the detector to obtain their final, postelectrophoresis distance. If (i) the neutral marker does not come into contact with the charged interacting agent and (ii) the analyte does not migrate out of the homogeneous portion of the charged interacting agent zone, the accurate effective electrophoretic migration distance of the analyte, corrected for bulk flow transport, can be determined. The actual electric field strengths in the different zones of the heterogeneously filled capillary can be calculated from the integral of the electrophoretic current and the conductivity of the charged interacting agent-containing background electrolyte measured in a separate experiment. Once the effective mobility of an analyte in the charged resolving agent-containing background electrolyte is determined by this method, the analyte becomes a mobility reference probe for that background electrolyte and can be used to calculate the bulk flow mobility in subsequent conventional CE separations utilizing the same charged interacting agent. The new method can also be used to probe the interactions of the charged interacting agents and the wall of the capillary.  相似文献   

Background electrolytes (BGEs) containing more than one UV-absorbing probe co-anion were investigated as possible means to control peak symmetries and improve the sensitivity of indirect detection in the separation of a mixture of inorganic and organic anions having a range of electrophoretic mobilities. In initial experiments, chloride and propanoate, which do not absorb at the detection wavelength, were added individually to a BGE containing phthalate as the UV-absorbing probe co-anion. The response ratios (i.e., the detector response for an analyte obtained with the BGE containing the probe and added co-anion divided by the response of the BGE containing the probe alone) were found to be dependent on the relative mobilities of the analyte, probe, and co-anion. In general, it was found that the analyte mainly displaced the BGE component to which its mobility was closest and exclusively displaced any BGE component having the same mobility. This behavior was utilized to design BGEs containing multiple probes to improve peak shapes by matching the mobilities of the BGE components with those of the analytes. A BGE comprising chromate and phthalate as probes was used to demonstrate the improvement in peak shapes when such an approach was used. This was further extended to a BGE containing three probes, namely, chromate, phthalate, and benzoate. System peaks were observed for each multiple-component BGE and for n BGE co-anions; n - 1 system peaks were induced. A simple linear function relating the mobility of the system peak for a two-co-anion BGE to the mobilities and relative concentrations of each of the co-anions was derived empirically. Finally, a series of probes was investigated to determine the optimum multiple BGE composition giving the best peak shapes and sensitivity in the separation of a mixture of 15 analytes. The best combination was a two-probe BGE consisting of chromate and 4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid.  相似文献   

The mobilization of an oil bank under the combined effect of Bond (N(B)) and capillary (N(C)) numbers, in a packed bed column of glass beads saturated with water, has been investigated. In order to reach the irreducible saturation the experiments have been run with sweeping water velocities outside the range of validity of the Darcy's law. The size of the glass beads was varied in the range between 2 mm and 5 mm. The oils used for the tests are hexadecane and hexane with viscosities different for an order of magnitude and densities smaller than that of water, and alpha-methylnaphthalene, which has a density very close to that of water, in order to single out the effect of the capillary number on the mobilization process. The plots of oil saturation as function of the trapping number (N(T)), which is the vectorial sum of N(B) and N(C), are reported and a mobilization diagram is drawn. Furthermore, a few tests in a basin, simulating an aquifer at a laboratory scale, have proved that the results obtained in the packed column are useful for determining the fate of a spill of oil above an aquifer. For these experiments also perchloroethylene (PCE), which has a density greater than that of water, has been used.  相似文献   

The two properties of aliphatic amines were investigated in propylene carbonate as solvent that are decisive for capillary electrophoretic migration: the actual mobilities and the pKa* values. Solutes were eight primary, secondary, and tertiary amines. Roughly, the actual ionic mobilities of the ammonium ions are inversely proportional to the solvent viscosity, fairly obeying Walden's rule. The pKa* values of the cation acids, HB+ (the corresponding acids of the amines, B), were related to the conventional pH* scale of the buffers. Determined from the effective mobilities as a function of the pH*, they are increased by approximately 7 units compared to water. This increase was interpreted based on the concept of the standard free energy of transfer of the individual species in the acid-base equilibrium. The corresponding medium effect on the proton, log mgammaH+ (the logarithm of the transfer activity coefficient mgammaH+) is approximately +8. The medium effect on the free base, B, was obtained from solubility data; it is about -1 and smaller. Plausible values for the medium effect on the cation HB+ (-1 to -2) lead to a sum of the increments, which corresponds with the overall effect, expressed by the change in pKa*. Examination of the individual contributions shows that the drastically lower basicity of propylene carbonate compared to water is mainly responsible for the increase in pKa upon transfer of the acid-base equilibrium of aliphatic ammonium/amine from the aqueous to the organic solvent.  相似文献   

The behavior of liposomes in capillary electrophoresis is studied for the purpose of developing a potential method for characterizing liposomes prepared for use in industrial and analytical applications. This study characterizes the electrophoretic behavior of liposomes under various conditions to provide information about electrophoretic mobility and liposome-capillary surface interactions. The results of this method are compared with the results obtained using traditional laser light-scattering methods to obtain size information about liposome preparations. Additionally, reactions of liposomes and the surfactant n-octyl-β-d-glucopyranoside are performed off-line in bulk solution experiments and on-line in the capillary. Automated delivery of lysis agents by multiple electrokinetic injections is demonstrated as a general method for inducing on-capillary reactions between liposomes and other reagents. Furthermore, some preliminary evidence on the use of liposomes as a hydrophobic partitioning medium for analytical separations is presented.  相似文献   

Until now, all methods for temperature sensing in capillary electrophoresis (CE) relied on molecular probes with temperature-dependent spectral/optical properties. Here we introduce a nonspectroscopic approach to determining temperature in CE. It is based on measuring a temperature-dependent rate constant of complex dissociation by means of a kinetic CE method known as nonequilibrium capillary electrophoresis of equilibrium mixtures (NECEEM). Conceptually, a calibration curve of "the rate constant versus temperature" is built using NECEEM and a CE instrument with a reliable temperature control or, alternatively, a nonelectrophoretic method, such as surface plasmon resonance. The calibration curve is then used to find the temperature during CE in the same buffer but with another CE apparatus or under otherwise different conditions (cooling efficiency, length and diameter of the capillary, electrical field, etc.). In this proof-of-principle work, we used the dissociation of a protein-DNA complex to demonstrate that the NECEEM-based temperature determination method allows for temperature determination in CE with a precision of 2 degrees C. Then, we applied the NECEEM-based temperature determination method to study heat dissipation efficiency in CE instruments with active and passive cooling of the capillary. The nonspectroscopic nature of the method makes it potentially applicable to nonspectroscopic detection schemes, e.g. electrochemical detection. A "kinetic probe" can be coloaded into the capillary along with a sample for in situ temperature measurements. Higher order chemical reactions can also be used for temperature sensing, provided a kinetic CE method for measuring a corresponding rate constant is available.  相似文献   

Armstrong DW  He L 《Analytical chemistry》2001,73(19):4551-4557
The advent of high-efficiency microbial separations will have a profound effect on both chemistry and microbiology. For the first time, it appears that it may be possible to obtain qualitative and quantitative information on microbial systems with the accuracy, precision, speed, and throughput that currently is found for chemical systems. Recently it was suggested that an analytical separations-based approach for determining the viability of cells would be advantageous. The feasibility of such an approach is demonstrated using CE-LIF of two bacteria and yeast. The analytical procedures and figures of merit are outlined. High-throughput analyses and evaluation of microorganisms now appear to be possible.  相似文献   

Bioanalytical applications of capillary electrophoresis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Evans CE 《Analytical chemistry》1997,69(15):2952-2954
A direct method of sample introduction for capillary electrophoretic techniques is described using a cross configuration and high-voltage shunting. No physical disturbance of the separation capillary inlet is required, and the feasibility of direct on-line injection is demonstrated. Both full- and pinched-mode injections are evaluated, with pinched-mode injections showing superior performance. In the pinched mode, only a portion of the cross volume is introduced onto the separation capillary, as a result, a lower volume is injected, and wall effects within the cross are minimized. Preliminary studies indicate a peak height reproducibility for replicate injections of better than 4.1%, with area reproducibilities of less than 3.1% for nonoverlapping solutes. Utilizing this direct on-line injection method, many rigid or restricted capillary geometries can be accommodated, and extension to the wide range of capillary electrophoretic techniques is feasible.  相似文献   

An electroosmotic flow (EOF) controlled counterflow isotachophoretic stacking boundary (cf-ITPSB) system under field amplified conditions has been examined as a way to improve the sensitivity of anions separated by capillary zone electrophoresis. The system comprised a high concentration of a high-mobility leading ion (100 mM chloride) and a low concentration of low-mobility terminating ion (1-3 mM MES or CHES) added to the sample in an unmodified fused-silica capillary at pH 8.05, buffered with Tris. Computer simulation studies using the software GENTRANS showed an increase in sensitivity of at least 10-fold over the previous cf-ITPSB system for simple inorganic ions, nitrite and nitrate. The simulations also suggested that the cf-ITPSB became stationary within the capillary and that its stationary position was not adversely affected by the concentration of MES. This was in contrast to experimental results that showed a slow and continual movement of the cf-ITPSB. This was more pronounced at lower concentrations of terminator (i.e., <3 mM) and resulted in a loss of resolution due to the cf-ITPSB being closer to the detector upon separation. This discrepancy was attributed to the change in pH across the capillary due to electrolysis and low buffering capacity in the sample, a phenomenon that cannot be simulated by the GENTRANS software. Replacement of MES with CHES as a lower mobility ion with increased buffer capacity failed to reduce the movement of the cf-ITPSB but did provide a further 3-fold improvement in sensitivity. The potential of this approach for sensitivity enhancement was demonstrated for the co-EOF separation of a mixture of six inorganic and small organic ions, with detection limits at the single-figure nanogram per liter level. These detection limits are 100,000 times better than can be achieved by normal hydrodynamic injection (ions prepared in water) and 250 times better than has been achieved by other online preconcentration approaches. The application of the EOF-controlled cf-ITPSB with counter-EOF separation of two pharmaceutical pollutants, naproxen and diflunisal, was also demonstrated with an improvement in sensitivity of 1000 giving detection limits of 350 ng/L in sewage treatment wastewater without any offline pretreatment.  相似文献   

With longitudinal diffusion as an unavoidable source of peak broadening, the peak efficiency (expressed by the plate number, N) in capillary zone electrophoresis depends on the ratio of electrophoretic mobility, mu, and tracer- or self-diffusion coefficient, D. Both parameters are functions of the ionic strength of the electrolyte solution. According to theory, the mobility is decreased with increasing ionic strength by the relaxation effect (depending on the relative permittivity) and the electrophoretic effect (depending on the relative permittivity and the viscosity of the solvent), whereas the diffusion coefficient is decreased only by the relaxation effect. This allows the theoretical predictions that the plate number, which is proportional to the ratio mu/D, decreases with increasing ionic strength and that the magnitude of this reduction depends on the solvent. Taking the values for relative permittivity and viscosity allows forecasting that, in general, water as a solvent exhibits the smallest lowering of the plate number, as compared to organic solvents. The theoretical predictions are confirmed by the data for the ratio calculated from measured mobilities and diffusion coefficients for iodide as the analyte ion in water, methanol, and acetonitrile with ionic strength of the background electrolyte varying between 0.005 and 0.080 mol L(-1). Whereas the experimentally observed plate number per volt is reduced from its "ultimate value" of about 20 (analyte charge number z = 1, zero ionic strength) in water by only 10%, the decrease at the same ionic strength in methanol and acetonitrile reaches 25 to 30%. Thus, the maximum plate number should read Nmax approximately equals 13 zU (with U being the effective voltage) for these solvents with ionic strengths normally applied in capillary electrophoresis. This reduction is not stemming from inappropriate experimental conditions, but has fundamental physicochemical causes.  相似文献   

High-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) is a new technology for atmospheric pressure, room temperature separation of gas-phase ions. The FAIMS system acts as an ion filter that can continuously transmit one type of ion, independent of mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). Capillary electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry (CE-MS) has been extensively used for the analysis of complex bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). The coupling of FAIMS to CE-MS provides a sensitive technique for the characterization of these complex glycolipids, permitting the separation of trace-level LPS oligosaccharide glycoforms for subsequent structural characterization using tandem mass spectrometry. This was demonstrated for LPS from nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae strain 375 following O-deacylation with anhydrous hydrazine. This strain of H. influenzae can express a triheptosyl-containing glycoform to which four hexose residues are linked forming the outer-core region of the molecule. This has been referred to as the Hex4 glycoform. Glycoforms have been identified which differ in the number of phosphoethanolamine substituents in the inner-core. With the use of CE-FAIMS, isomeric Hex4 glycoforms containing two PEtn groups were separated and characterized by MS/MS. FAIMS provided a significant reduction in mass spectral noise, leading to improved detection limits ( approximately 70 amol of the major glycoform). The extracted mass spectrum showed that the apparent noise was virtually eliminated. In addition to the reduction of chemical background, the ion current was increased by as much as 7.5 times as a result of the atmospheric pressure ion-focusing effect provided by the FAIMS system. The linearity of response of the CE-FAIMS-MS system was also studied. The calibration curve is linear for approximately 3 orders of magnitude, over a range of 40 pg/microL to 10 ng/microL.  相似文献   

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