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Software changes during its lifetime. Likewise, software models change during their design time, e.g. by removing, adding or changing operations and classes. This is referred to as model evolution. In a refinement-based approach to software design, we moreover do not deal with a single but with a chain of models (viz. formal specifications), related via refinement. Changes thus need to be consistently made to all specifications in the chain so as to keep the refinement structure.In this paper, we develop co-evolutions of models in the context of the formal method Object-Z. More specifically, given a particular evolution of a specification we show how to construct a corresponding evolution for its refinements such that the refinement relationship is kept. A chain of models can thus be systematically and consistently evolved, while maintaining the given refinement structure.  相似文献   

Exception handling design can improve robustness, which is an important quality attribute of software. However, exception handling design remains one of the less understood and considered parts in software development. In addition, like most software design problems, even if developers are requested to design with exception handling beforehand, it is very difficult to get the right design at the first shot. Therefore, improving exception handling design after software is constructed is necessary. This paper applies refactoring to incrementally improve exception handling design. We first establish four exception handling goals to stage the refactoring actions. Next, we introduce exception handling smells that hinder the achievement of the goals and propose exception handling refactorings to eliminate the smells. We suggest exception handling refactoring is best driven by bug fixing because it provides measurable quality improvement results that explicitly reveal the benefits of refactoring. We conduct a case study with the proposed refactorings on a real world banking application and provide a cost-effectiveness analysis. The result shows that our approach can effectively improve exception handling design, enhance software robustness, and save maintenance cost. Our approach simplifies the process of applying big exception handling refactoring by dividing the process into clearly defined intermediate milestones that are easily exercised and verified. The approach can be applied in general software development and in legacy system maintenance.  相似文献   

利用精化演算的方法开发软件,其过程由巨大数量的小步骤构成,由手工完成极其烦琐,也极容易出错。因此,利用机器辅助工具的支持是必要的。在分析现有的精化工具的基础上,我们提出了一个用于软件形式化开发的精化工具RT(RefinementTool),对精化工具进行了需求分析和功能分析。在精化工具的设计中,分析了精化工具的设计目标、总体结构、精化与证明的表示方法、用户界面和工具的扩充性等问题,通过对精化和证明的表示方法的分析,提出了一种精化与证明的表示相结合的方法。  相似文献   

Morgan's refinement calculus is a successful technique for developing software in a precise and consistent way. This technique, however, can be hard to use, as developments may be long and repetitive. Many authors have pointed out that a lot can be gained by identifying commonly used development strategies, documenting them as tactics, and using them as single transformation rules. Also, it is useful to have a notation for describing derivations, so that they can be analysed and modified. In this paper, we present ArcAngel, a language for defining such refinement tactics; we present the language, its semantics, and some of its algebraic laws. Apart from Angel, a general-purpose tactic language that we are extending, no other tactic language has a denotational semantics and proof theory of its own.  相似文献   

ContextObject-oriented software undergoes continuous changes—changes often made without consideration of the software’s overall structure and design rationale. Hence, over time, the design quality of the software degrades causing software aging or software decay. Refactoring offers a means of restructuring software design to improve maintainability. In practice, efforts to invest in refactoring are restricted; therefore, the problem calls for a method for identifying cost-effective refactorings that efficiently improve maintainability. Cost-effectiveness of applied refactorings can be explained as maintainability improvement over invested refactoring effort (cost). For the system, the more cost-effective refactorings are applied, the greater maintainability would be improved. There have been several studies of supporting the arguments that changes are more prone to occur in the pieces of codes more frequently utilized by users; hence, applying refactorings in these parts would fast improve maintainability of software. For this reason, dynamic information is needed for identifying the entities involved in given scenarios/functions of a system, and within these entities, refactoring candidates need to be extracted.ObjectiveThis paper provides an automated approach to identifying cost-effective refactorings using dynamic information in object-oriented software.MethodTo perform cost-effective refactoring, refactoring candidates are extracted in a way that reduces dependencies; these are referred to as the dynamic information. The dynamic profiling technique is used to obtain the dependencies of entities based on dynamic method calls. Based on those dynamic dependencies, refactoring-candidate extraction rules are defined, and a maintainability evaluation function is established. Then, refactoring candidates are extracted and assessed using the defined rules and the evaluation function, respectively. The best refactoring (i.e., that which most improves maintainability) is selected from among refactoring candidates, then refactoring candidate extraction and assessment are re-performed to select the next refactoring, and the refactoring identification process is iterated until no more refactoring candidates for improving maintainability are found.ResultsWe evaluate our proposed approach in three open-source projects. The first results show that dynamic information is helpful in identifying cost-effective refactorings that fast improve maintainability; and, considering dynamic information in addition to static information provides even more opportunities to identify cost-effective refactorings. The second results show that dynamic information is helpful in extracting refactoring candidates in the classes where real changes had occurred; in addition, the results also offer the promising support for the contention that using dynamic information helps to extracting refactoring candidates from highly-ranked frequently changed classes.ConclusionOur proposed approach helps to identify cost-effective refactorings and supports an automated refactoring identification process.  相似文献   

一种基于Z和精化演算的形式化开发方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析Z和精化演算各自的特点,本文提出了一种使两者无缝集成的形式化开发方法。该方法利用Z良好的描述特性和扩充的类机制,将系统规约直妆定义成精化演算中的抽象程序,然后用精化规则对抽象程序逐步精化,直到可执行程序。最后给出了一个简单例子。  相似文献   

Parallel computers have not yet had the expected impact on mainstream computing. Parallelism adds a level of complexity to the programming task that makes it very error-prone. Moreover, a large variety of very different parallel architectures exists. Porting an implementation from one machine to another may require substantial changes. This paper addresses some of these problems by developing a formal basis for the design of parallel programs in the form of a refinement calculus. The calculus allows the stepwise formal derivation of an abstract, low-level implementation from a trusted, high-level specification. The calculus thus helps structuring and documenting the development process. Portability is increased, because the introduction of a machine-dependent feature can be located in the refinement tree. Development efforts above this point in the tree are independent of that feature and are thus reusable. Moreover, the discovery of new, possibly more efficient solutions is facilitated. Last but not least, programs are correct by construction, which obviates the need for difficult debugging. Our programming/specification notation supports fair parallelism, shared-variable and message-passing concurrency, local variables and channels. The calculus rests on a compositional trace semantics that treats shared-variable and message-passing concurrency uniformly. The refinement relation combines a context-sensitive notion of trace inclusion and assumption-commitment reasoning to achieve compositionality. The calculus straddles both concurrency paradigms, that is, a shared-variable program can be refined into a distributed, message-passing program and vice versa. Received July 2001 / Accepted in revised form May 2002  相似文献   

基于形式概念分析提出构建面向对象程序中类及类体系结构新方法.利用形式概念分析重要性质:给定对象和属性的二元关系,形式概念分析能把所有由相关的对象集合和属性集合组成的概念构成概念格;在概念格上,高层的概念表示共性而低层的概念表示个性.通过对现有面向对象应用程序的分析,可以得到新的类及类体系.这样做的好处是:所得到的类体系不仅等价于应用程序最初的类体系,而且在新体系中对象只包含它真正需要的成员,没有冗余成员.自然地,该方法可以用来发现类体系设计的不足之处,也可为类体系重建提供重要的参考建议.  相似文献   

Formal models for user interface design artefacts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There are many different ways of building software applications and of tackling the problems of understanding the system to be built, designing that system and finally implementing the design. One approach is to use formal methods, which we can generalise as meaning we follow a process which uses some formal language to specify the behaviour of the intended system, techniques such as theorem proving or model-checking to ensure the specification is valid (i.e., meets the requirements and has been shown, perhaps by proof or other means of inspection, to have the properties the client requires of it) and a refinement process to transform the specification into an implementation. Conversely, the approach we take may be less structured and rely on informal techniques. The design stage may involve jotting down ideas on paper, brainstorming with users etc. We may use prototyping to transform these ideas into working software and get users to test the implementation to find problems. Formal methods have been shown to be beneficial in describing the functionality of systems, what we may call application logic, and underlying system behaviour. Informal techniques, however, have also been shown to be useful in the design of the user interface to systems. Given that both styles of development are beneficial to different parts of the system we would like to be able to use both approaches in one integrated software development process. Their differences, however, make this a challenging objective. In this paper we describe models and techniques which allow us to incorporate informal design artefacts into a formal software development process.  相似文献   

面向对象程序设计语言的形式语义研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向对象程序设计语言(以下简称面向对象语言)的基本思想起源于六十年代中期的Simula语言,在七十年代的Smalltalk语言及环境中得到发展,在八十年代的Eiffel、C++等语言中进一步得到巩固和完善。  相似文献   

Algebras of imperative programming languages have been successful in reasoning about programs. In general an algebra of programs is an algebraic structure with programs as elements and with program compositions (sequential composition, choice, skip) as algebra operations. Various versions of these algebras were introduced to model partial correctness, total correctness, refinement, demonic choice, and other aspects. We introduce here an algebra which can be used to model total correctness, refinement, demonic and angelic choice. The basic model of our algebra are monotonic Boolean transformers (monotonic functions from a Boolean algebra to itself).  相似文献   

面向对象的软件重构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
重构已经成为面向对象领域中的研究热点与最佳实践之。该文从重构的定义、重构的作用、什么时候进行重构、如何进行重构等几个方面详细介绍了重构技术,并给出了代码示例,演示重构的过程。  相似文献   

The introduction of probabilistic behaviour into the B-method is a recent development. In addition to allowing probabilistic behaviour to be modelled, the relationship between expected values of the machine state can be expressed and verified. This paper explores the application of probabilistic B to a simple case study: tracking the volume of liquid held in a tank by measuring the flow of liquid into it. The flow can change as time progresses, and sensors are used to measure the flow with some degree of accuracy and reliability, modelled as non-deterministic and probabilistic behaviour respectively. At the specification level, the analysis is concerned with the expectation clause in the probabilistic B machine and its consistency with machine operations. At the refinement level, refinement and equivalence laws on probabilistic GSL are used to establish that a particular design of sensors delivers the required level of reliability.  相似文献   

形式方法与面向对象方法的结合探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李刚  朱关铭  童頫 《计算机工程》1998,24(1):13-16,69
文中讨论了形式方法和面向对象方法各自的优缺点,结合作者设计的面向对象形式规格说明语言OOZS,介绍了将这两种方法结合起来的三种途径,并对这三种途径进行分析,评价和对比,最后提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper answers a challenge designed to test the modularization features of specification languages. The RAISE Specification Language (RSL) is shown to have the power necessary to meet the challenge.Basic features of RSL, particularly those useful for the problem, are introduced. Two solutions to the problem are exhibited. The first follows the structure of the challenge problem very closely and is model-based in style. The second shows how RSL may be written in an algebraic style.An example of a proof of implementation is also given.  相似文献   

介绍基于扩展构造型演算的交互式多步证明系统。该系统中以函数式语言ML为开发环境,建立了ECC的项、规则证明策略和证明管哩机制的描述,并引入规约类型、类类型、类和对象的表示,为面向对象的程序规约和定理证明系统的结合进行了一些探索。  相似文献   

The refinement calculus for the development of programs from specifications is well suited to mechanised support. We review the requirements for tool support of refinement as gleaned from our experience with existing refinement tools, and report on the design and implementation of a new tool to support refinement based on these requirements. The main features of the new tool are close integration of refinement and proof in a single tool (the same mechanism is used for both), good management of the refinement context, an extensible theory base that allows the tool to be adapted to new application domains, and a flexible user interface. Received June 1997 / Accepted in revised form June 1998  相似文献   

介绍了面向对象设计和设计模式,并以虚拟教室系统中的共享白板为基础讨论了面向对象软件重构过程中的一些问题.将设计模式和重构贯穿于面向对象的软件开发和演化过程可以得到更加灵活的、可复用的软件。  相似文献   

Mutation Testing in the Refinement Calculus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article discusses mutation testing strategies in the context of refinement. Here, a novel generalisation of mutation testing techniques is presented to be applied to contracts ranging from formal specifications to programs. It is demonstrated that refinement and its dual abstraction are the key notions leading to a precise and yet simple theory of mutation testing. The refinement calculus of Back and von Wright is used to express concepts like contracts, useful mutations, test cases and test coverage.  相似文献   

一种从Z到精化演算的软件开发方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、引言形式化方法的研究和应用已有二十多年的历史,源于Dijkstra和Hoare的程序验证以及Scott、stratchey等人的程序语义研究,指为保证复杂系统的可靠性,以数学为基础对其进行精确描述和验证的语言、技术和工具。形式化方法的关键在于形式规约语言。通过语法和语义有严格数学定义的形式规约语言对系统及其各方面性能的描述,产生系统的形式规约,可以帮助开发者获得对所描述系统的深刻理解,并通  相似文献   

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