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A key benefit of generic programming is its support for producing modules with clean separation. In particular, generic algorithms are written to work with a wide variety of types without requiring modifications to them. The Runtime concept idiom extends this support by allowing unmodified concrete types to behave in a runtime polymorphic manner. In this paper, we describe one implementation of the runtime concept idiom, in the domain of the C++ standard template library (STL). We complement the runtime concept idiom with an algorithm library that considers both type and concept information to maximize performance when selecting algorithm implementations. We present two implementations, one in ISO C++ and one using an experimental language extension. We use our implementations to describe and measure the performance of runtime-polymorphic analogs of several STL algorithms. The tests demonstrate the effects of different compile-time vs. run-time algorithm selection choices.  相似文献   

Efficient DNA sticker algorithms for NP-complete graph problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adleman's successful solution of a seven-vertex instance of the NP-complete Hamiltonian directed path problem by a DNA algorithm initiated the field of biomolecular computing. We provide DNA algorithms based on the sticker model to compute all k-cliques, independent k-sets, Hamiltonian paths, and Steiner trees with respect to a given edge or vertex set. The algorithms determine not merely the existence of a solution but yield all solutions (if any). For an undirected graph with n vertices and m edges, the running time of the algorithms is linear in n+m. For this, the sticker algorithms make use of small combinatorial input libraries instead of commonly used large libraries. The described algorithms are entirely theoretical in nature. They may become very useful in practice, when further advances in biotechnology lead to an efficient implementation of the sticker model.  相似文献   

In C++, multi‐dimensional arrays are often used but the language provides limited native support for them. The language, in its Standard Library, supplies sophisticated interfaces for manipulating sequential data, but relies on its bare‐bones C heritage for arrays. The MultiArray library, a part of the Boost library collection, enhances a C++ programmer's tool set with versatile multi‐dimensional array abstractions. It includes a general array class template and native array adaptors that support idiomatic array operations and interoperate with C++ Standard Library containers and algorithms. The arrays share a common interface, expressed as a generic programming concept, in terms of which generic array algorithms can be implemented. We present the library design, introduce a generic interface for array programming, demonstrate how the arrays integrate with the C++ Standard Library, and discuss the essential aspects of their implementation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several graph libraries have been developed in the past few decades, and they were basically designed to work with a few graphs. However, there are many problems in which we have to consider all subgraphs satisfying certain constraints on a given graph. Since the number of subgraphs can increase exponentially with the graph size, explicitly representing these sets is infeasible. Hence, libraries concerned with efficiently representing a single graph instance are not suitable for such problems. In this paper, we develop Graphillion, a software library for very large sets of (vertex-)labeled graphs, based on zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams. Graphillion is not based on a traditional representation of graphs. Instead, a graph set is simply regarded as a “set of edge sets” ignoring vertices, which allows us to employ powerful tools of a “family of sets” (a set of sets) and permits large graph sets to be handled efficiently. We also utilize advanced graph enumeration algorithms, which enable the simple family tools to understand the graph structure. Graphillion is implemented as a Python library to encourage easy development of its applications, without introducing significant performance overheads. In experiments, we consider two case studies, a puzzle solver and a power network optimizer, in which several operations and heavy optimization have to be performed over very large sets of constrained graphs (i.e., cycles or forests with complicated conditions). The results show that Graphillion allows us to manage a huge number of graphs with very low development effort.  相似文献   

We are interested in the graph coloring problem. We propose an exact method based on a linear-decomposition of the graph. The complexity of this method is exponential according to the linearwidth of the entry graph, but linear according to its number of vertices. We present some experiments performed on literature instances, among which COLOR02 library instances. Our method is useful to solve more quickly than other exact algorithms instances with small linearwidth, such as mug graphs. Moreover, our algorithms are the first to our knowledge to solve the COLOR02 instance 4-Inser_3 with an exact method.  相似文献   

Traditional static checking centers around finding bugs in programs by isolating cases where the language has been used incorrectly. These language‐based checkers do not understand the semantics of software libraries, and therefore cannot be used to detect errors in the use of libraries. In this paper, we introduce STLlint, a program analysis we have implemented for the C++ Standard Template Library and similar, generic software libraries, and we present the general approach that underlies STLlint. We show that static checking of library semantics differs greatly from checking of language semantics, requiring new representations of program behavior and new algorithms. Major challenges include checking the use of generic algorithms, loop analysis for interfaces, and organizing behavioral specifications for extensibility. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Lambda Library (LL) adds a form of lambda functions to C++, which are common in functional programming languages. The LL is implemented as a template library using standard C++; thus no language extensions or preprocessing is required. The LL consists of a rich set of tools for defining unnamed functions. In particular these unnamed functions work seamlessly with the generic algorithms in the C++ Standard Library. The LL offers significant improvements, in terms of generality and ease of use, compared to the current tools in the C++ Standard Library. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present the design of the Boost interval arithmetic library, a C++++ library designed to handle mathematical intervals efficiently and in a generic way. Interval computations are an essential tool for reliable computing. Increasingly a number of mathematical proofs have relied on global optimization problems solved using branch-and-bound algorithms with interval computations; it is therefore extremely important to have a mathematically correct implementation of interval arithmetic. Various implementations exist with diverse semantics. Our design is unique in that it uses policies to specify three independent variable behaviors: rounding, checking, and comparisons. As a result, with the proper policies, our interval library is able to emulate almost any of the specialized libraries available for interval arithmetic, without any loss of performance nor sacrificing the ease of use. This library is openly available at www.boost.org.  相似文献   

Generic programming is an especially attractive paradigm for developing libraries for high-performance computing because it simultaneously emphasizes generality and efficiency. In the generic programming approach, interfaces are based on sets of specified requirements on types, rather than on any particular types, allowing algorithms to inter-operate with any data types meeting the necessary requirements. These sets of requirements, known as concepts, can specify syntactic as well as semantic requirements. Besides providing a powerful means of describing interfaces to maximize software reuse, concepts provide a uniform mechanism for more closely coupling libraries with compilers and for effecting domain-specific library-based compiler extensions. To realize this goal however, programming languages and their associated tools must support concepts as first-class constructs. In this paper we advocate better syntactic and semantic support to make concepts first-class and present results demonstrating the kinds of improvements that are possible with static checking, compiler optimization, and algorithm correctness proofs for generic libraries based on concepts.  相似文献   

MapReduce in MPI for Large-scale graph algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Communication-centric systems are software systems built as assemblies of distributed artifacts that interact following predefined communication protocols. Session-based concurrency is a type-based approach to ensure the conformance of communication-centric systems to such protocols. This paper presents a model of session-based concurrency with mechanisms for run-time adaptation. Our model allows us to specify communication-centric systems whose session behavior can be dynamically updated at run-time. We improve on previous work by proposing an event-based approach: adaptation requests, issued by the system itself or by its context, are assimilated to events which may trigger adaptation routines. These routines exploit type-directed checks to enable the reconfiguration of processes with active protocols. We equip our model with a type system that ensures communication safety and consistency properties: while safety guarantees absence of run-time communication errors, consistency ensures that update actions do not disrupt already established session protocols. We provide soundness results for binary and multiparty protocols.  相似文献   

An important application of the dynamic program slicing technique is program debugging. In applications such as interactive debugging, the dynamic slicing algorithm needs to be efficient. In this context, we propose a new dynamic program slicing technique that is more efficient than the related algorithms reported in the literature. We use the program dependence graph as an intermediate program representation, and modify it by introducing the concepts of stable and unstable edges. Our algorithm is based on marking and unmarking the unstable edges as and when the dependences arise and cease during run-time. We call this algorithm edge-marking algorithm. After an execution of a node x, an unstable edge (x, y) is marked if the node x uses the value of the variable defined at node y. A marked unstable edge (x, y) is unmarked after an execution of a node z if the nodes y and z define the same variable var, and the value of var computed at the node y does not affect the present value of var defined at the node z. We show that our algorithm is more time and space efficient than the existing ones. The worst case space complexity of our algorithm is O(n2), where n is the number of statements in the program. We also briefly discuss an implementation of our algorithm.  相似文献   

We outline an approach to construction of software libraries in which generic algorithms (algorithmic abstractions) play a more central role than in conventional software library technology or in the object-oriented programming paradigm. Our approach is to consider algorithms first, decide what types and access operations they need for efficient execution, and regard the types and operations as formal parameters that can be instantiated in many different ways, as long as the actual parameters satisfy the assumptions on which the correctness and efficiency of the algorithms are based. The means by which instantiation is carried out is language dependent; in the C + + examples in this paper, we instantiate generic algorithms by constructing classes that define the needed types and access operations. By use of such compile-time techniques and careful attention to algorithmic issues, it is possible to construct software components of broad utility with no sacrifice of efficiency.  相似文献   

We examine what is necessary to allow generic libraries to be used naturally in a multi-language, potentially distributed environment. Language-neutral library interfaces usually do not support the full range of programming idioms that are available when a library is used natively. We investigate how to structure the language bindings of the neutral interface to achieve a better expressibility and code re-use. We furthermore address how language-neutral interfaces can be extended with import bindings to recover the desired programming idioms. We also address the question of how these extensions can be organized to minimize the performance overhead that arises from using objects in manners not anticipated by the original library designers. Our approach is to treat a library as a software component and to view the problem as one of component extension. We use C++ as an example of a mature language, with libraries using a variety of patterns, and use the Standard Template Library as an example of a complex library for which efficiency is important. By viewing the library extension problem as one of component organization, we enhance software composibility, hierarchy maintenance and architecture independence.  相似文献   

At present, the critical computations of real-time systems are guaranteed before run-time by performing a worst-case analysis of the system's timing and resource requirements. The result is that real-time systems are engineered to have spare capacity, under normal operation. A challenge of current research is to make use of this spare capacity, in order to satisfy requirements for adaptivity in the system. Adaptivity can be implemented by optional computations with firm deadlines, which can be guaranteed at run-time by the use of flexible scheduling. This report assumes that the algorithms which attempt to guarantee optional computations at run-time, actually run on the same processor as the optional and critical computations themselves. The report starts with a brief survey of the complex requirements for adaptivity within real-time systems. Such requirements can include task hierarchies composed of interdependent subtasks each with its own utility. Evidence is cited which indicates that the run-time support for a computational model which supports all such requirements, would incur overheads so large, that little spare capacity would remain for the optional computations themselves. Following this, the report presents a constrained computational model, which, it is claimed, could be cost-effectively supported at run-time. The model is nevertheless general enough to satisfy many of the requirements for adaptivity. The constrained model uses Best Effort Admissions Policy to arbitrate between three categories of optional computation, each with its own utility level. The viability of the constrained model is demonstrated by simulation studies which compare the performance of the model to that of First-Come-First-Served Admissions Policy.  相似文献   

A style of programming that uses higher-order functions has become common in C++, following the introduction of the Standard Template Library (STL) into the standard library. In addition to their utility as arguments to STL algorithms, function parameters are useful as callbacks on GUI events, defining tasks to be executed in a thread, and so forth. C++’s mechanisms for defining functions or function objects are, however, rather verbose, and they often force the function’s definition to be placed far from its use. As a result, C++ frustrates programmers in taking full advantage of its own standard libraries. The effective use of modern C++ libraries calls for a concise mechanism for defining small one-off functions in the language, a need that can be fulfilled with lambda expressions.This paper describes a design and implementation of language support for lambda expressions in C++. C++’s compilation model, where activation records are maintained in a stack, and the lack of automatic object lifetime management make safe lambda functions and closures challenging: if a closure outlives its scope of definition, references stored in a closure dangle. Our design is careful to balance between conciseness of syntax and explicit annotations to guarantee safety. The presented design is included in the draft specification of the forthcoming major revision of the ISO C++ standard, dubbed C++0x. In rewriting typical C++ programs to take advantage of lambda functions, we observed clear benefits, such as reduced code size and improved clarity.  相似文献   

Moreau  J.P. Borel  J. Samani  D. 《Micro, IEEE》1992,12(4):43-53
The time-to-market and cost constraints of designing VLSI circuits, together with increasing complexity, necessitate a structured design methodology. Such a methodology should be based on an extensive use of libraries of generic components and previously designed macro blocks. An ideal library for modern design strategies that are based on a top-down structured approach is described. The concepts of portability, migratability, and interoperability of libraries are discussed. It is shown that libraries capitalize on knowledge gained over generations of designs, and successful libraries demand a serious effort at standardization  相似文献   

Expression Templates (ET) are a powerful tool for development of user-friendly numerical libraries. By this concept and by operator overloading in C++, numerical algorithms can be implemented in a mathematical notation without decreasing the performance in comparison to optimized C or FORTRAN codes. In this paper, we present new Expression Template techniques. First, we explain the concept of “Easy Expression Templates”, which are easier to implement than classical ET. Then, we explain “Fast Expression Templates”. This concept leads to an optimal performance even on special architectures like vector machines. Furthermore, concepts for storing expressions and code optimizing are presented. In order to verify the usability of these programming techniques in real applications, we discuss a template library which calculates local stiffness matrices arising from Finite Element discretizations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the algorithmic concepts of the Cuckoo-search (CK), Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Differential evolution (DE) and Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithms have been analyzed. The numerical optimization problem solving successes of the mentioned algorithms have also been compared statistically by testing over 50 different benchmark functions. Empirical results reveal that the problem solving success of the CK algorithm is very close to the DE algorithm. The run-time complexity and the required function-evaluation number for acquiring global minimizer by the DE algorithm is generally smaller than the comparison algorithms. The performances of the CK and PSO algorithms are statistically closer to the performance of the DE algorithm than the ABC algorithm. The CK and DE algorithms supply more robust and precise results than the PSO and ABC algorithms.  相似文献   

The design of efficient graph algorithms usually precludes the test of edge existence, because an efficient support of that operation already requires time for the initialization of an adjacency-matrix representation. We describe an alternative representation of static directed graphs taking Θ(n+m) initialization time and using Θ(n2) space, which supports the efficient implementation of all usual operations on static graphs. The sparse graph representation allows the design of efficient graph algorithms using both iteration over all vertices adjacent with a given vertex and edge-existence operations, although at the expense of additional (uninitialized) space which may, nevertheless, be used for other purposes. To the best of our knowledge, the representation leads to the first graph algorithms with the disconcerting property that the time complexity is better than the space complexity.  相似文献   

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