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It is shown that in many cases the trivial upper bound 2|G|k + 1 on the number of states of an LR(k) parser for a grammar G is too conservative. In particular, if G is not right-recursive, the canonical LR(k) parser for G has at most |Gk|G|·2|G| states. Examples of grammars with large LR(k) parsers are given.  相似文献   

Implementation of a new compiler usually requires making frequent adjustments to grammar definitions. An incremental technique for updating the parser tables after a monor change to the grammer could potentially save much computational effort. More importantly, debugging a grammar is made easier if the grammar is re-checked for correctness after each small change to the grammar. The basic design philosophy of an incremental parser generator, and incremental algorithms for LR(0), SLR(1) and LALR(1) parser generation are discussed in this paper. Some of these algorithms have been incorporated into an implementation of an incremental LALR(1) parser generator.  相似文献   

LR is an LR(1) parser generation system. It is written entirely in portable ANS1 standard Fortran 66 and has been successfully operated on a number of computers. LR uses a powerful algorithm of Pager's to generate a space efficient parser for any LR(1) grammar. Generated parsers have been used in a variety of compilers, utility programs, and applications packages.  相似文献   

The paper is the third in a series of three papers devoted to a detailed study of LR(k) parsing with error recovery and correction. A new class of syntax errors is introduced, called (k)-local parser defined errors, which suit better than the conventional minimum distance errors for characterization of error detection and recovery in LR(k) parsing. The question whether a given string has n k-local parser defined errors for some integer n is shown to be decidable. Using the formalization of LR(k) parsing and error recovery presented in the first and the second paper in the series it is shown that the canonical LR(k) parser of an LR(k) grammar always has an error recovering extension which is able to produce a correction for any terminal string containing only (k)-local parser defined errors.  相似文献   

LR(k)文法能描述所有确定型上下文无关语言,广泛应用于各类分析器生成器中.传统的LR(k)文法断点调试方法仅支持在产生式右部末尾设置断点(后文简称尾部断点),不支持在产生式右部中间位置设置断点(后文简称中间断点),这给分析器的开发和调试带来了不便.文中提出了一种新颖的LR(k)文法断点调试方法,不但支持传统的尾部断点,还支持中间断点.该方法可显著增加可利用的断点数量,可以跟踪到更细粒度的文法成分,从而帮助用户更好地进行文法调试,降低分析器的开发难度.  相似文献   

A language implementation with proper compositionality enables a compiler developer to divide-and-conquer the complexity of building a large language by constructing a set of smaller languages. Ideally, these small language implementations should be independent of each other such that they can be designed, implemented and debugged individually, and later be reused in different applications (e.g., building domain-specific languages). However, the language composition offered by several existing parser generators resides at the grammar level, which means all the grammar modules need to be composed together and all corresponding ambiguities have to be resolved before generating a single parser for the language. This produces tight coupling between grammar modules, which harms information hiding and affects independent development of language features. To address this problem, we have developed a novel parsing algorithm that we call Component-based LR (CLR) parsing, which provides code-level compositionality for language development by producing a separate parser for each grammar component. In addition to shift and reduce actions, the algorithm extends general LR parsing by introducing switch and return actions to empower the parsing action to jump from one parser to another. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that CLR increases the comprehensibility, reusability, changeability and independent development ability of the language implementation. Moreover, the loose coupling among parser components enables CLR to describe grammars that contain LR parsing conflicts or require ambiguous token definitions, such as island grammars and embedded languages.  相似文献   

The generation of an LR parser consists of constructing a parse table, with one row per state (in a push-down automaton), and one column per terminal symbol. Traditionally, this is carried out row by row, with the computation of one row depending (potentially) on all the others. We present a technique for carrying out the lookahead computation of SLR (1) and LALR (1) parsers in a completely parallel fashion. Our technique performs the computation by column, rather than by row. We show that the computation is totally independent for each column, making it ideal for parallelization. The speedup factor of the technique is min (N, T), whereN is the number of processors andT is the number of terminal symbols in the user's grammar.  相似文献   

Summary Simple LR(1) and lookahead LR(1) phrase structure grammars are defined and corresponding deterministic two-pushdown automata which parse all sentences are given. These grammars include a wide variety of grammars for non context-free languages. A given phrase structure grammar is one of these types if the parse table for the associated automaton has no multiple entries. A technique for construction of this parse table is given which in the lookahead case involves elimination of inverses in a grammar for lookahead strings for LR(0) items and computation of first sets for strings of symbols in the given grammar.  相似文献   

Visual YACC is a tool that automatically creates visualizations of the YACC LR parsing process and synthesized attribute computation. The Visual YACC tool works by instrumenting a standard YACC grammar with graphics calls that draw the appropriate data structures given the current actions by the parser. The new grammar is processed by the YACC tools and the resulting parser displays the parse stack and parse tree for every step of the parsing process of a given input string. Visual YACC was initially designed to be used in compiler construction courses to supplement the teaching of parsing and syntax directed evaluation. We have also found it to be useful in the difficult task of debugging YACC grammars. In this paper, we describe this tool and how it is used in both contexts. We also detail two different implementations of this tool: one that produces a parser written in C with calls to Motif; and a second implementation that generates Java source code. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the difficult problems that faces a compiler writer is to devise a grammar that is suitable for both efficient parsing and semantic attribution. This paper describes a system that resolves conflicts in LR(1) parsing by taking advantage of information in the parse tree. The system, which functions as part of a compiler generator, rewrites the user's grammar to remove parsing conflicts. It then places code into the generated compiler that rewrites the parse tree during parsing so as to produce the tree of the original grammar. The compiler writer can then write the semantic attribution to fit his or her original grammar without any knowledge of the changes made. The method is expected to be efficient in most cases, even in parsing systems that do not explicitly build the entire parse tree. The method complements previous work in its capabilities and advantages. The system has been implemented and integrated into a compiler generator system.  相似文献   

Conventional LR parser generators create tables which are used to drive a standard parser procedure. Much faster parsers can be obtained by compiling the table entries into code that is directly executed. A possible drawback with a directly executable parser is its large size. In this paper, we introduce optimization techniques that increase the parsing speed even further while simultaneously reducing the size of the parser.  相似文献   

It is shown that if the basic method for eliminating single productions from canonical LR parsers developed by Pager is applied to an SLR parser and the resulting parser is free of conflicts, then the resulting parser is a valid parser which accepts exactly the strings in the language. However, if the elimination process is performed during the construction of an SLR parser, then the resulting parser may be invalid even if it were free of conflicts.  相似文献   

LALR(1)语法分析器的自动生成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章简单介绍了语法分析器自动生成的原理和技术,根据语法分析器的生成过程,介绍了实用的语法分析器的自动生成器各个部件及其实现的详细过程。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe our experience in grammar engineering to construct multiple parsers and front ends for the Python language. We present a metrics-based study of the evolution of the Python grammars through the multiple versions of the language in an effort to distinguish and measure grammar evolution and to provide a basis of comparison with related research in grammar engineering. To conduct this research, we have built a toolkit, pygrat , which builds on tools developed in other research. We use pygrat to build a system that automates much of the process needed to translate the Python grammars from EBNF to a formalism acceptable to the bison parser generator. We exploit the suite of Python test cases, used by the Python developers, to validate our parser generation. Finally, we describe our use of the menhir parser generator to facilitate the parser and front-end construction, eliminating some of the transformations and providing practical support for grammar modularisation.  相似文献   

The paper is the second in a series of three papers devoted to a detailed study of LR(k) parsing with error recovery and correction. Error recovery in LR(k) parsing of a context-free grammar is formalized by extending an LR(k) parser of the grammar such that it accepts all strings over the terminal vocabulary. The parse produced by this extension for a terminal string is a right parse if the string is in the language. In the case of a string not in the language the parse produced by the extension contains so-called error productions which represent the error recovery actions performed by the extension. The treatment is based on the formalization of LR(k) parsing presented in the first paper in the series and it covers practically all error recovery methods designed for LR(k) parsing.  相似文献   

Aho and Ullman give an algorithm in [1] for eliminating reductions of the form AB, where A and B are nonterminals, from a set of LR(k) parsing tables, thus increasing the speed of the parser and reducing its size. We present a modification of their algorithm and show that after reductions by AB have been eliminated, the symbols A and B can be equated and the associated columns of the parsing table merged, further reducing the size of the parser. The new set of tables parses according to an “abridged” grammar with fewer nonterminal symbols than the original. Finally, we give an algorithm which for certain LR(1) grammars constructs a set of LR(1) tables with no reductions by single productions, directly from the grammar.  相似文献   

LALR(1)分析程序生成系统在编译器构造领域以外被许多普通软件开发者学习和使用.为帮助用户理解LALR(1)分析器方法,编写出正确、完整、无语法分析冲突的文法规范,严格定义了使用LALR(1)分析器生成器时用户可能遇到的几类文法问题,描述一个为帮助用户解决这些问题而开发的LALR(1)分析器可视化和断点调试系统VPGE.VPGE以多种视图显示LALR(1)分析器的数据结构,包括状态栈、符号栈、输入符号串、分析树和底层的自动机,支持LR分析动作的单步执行和断点调试.性能实验结果表明,VPGE比GNU的Bison有更快的分析器生成速度,从而提供了一个LALR(1)文法及分析器的快速交互式调试环境.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two of the problems commonly associated with LR parsing and syntax directed translation schemes, namely grammar stratification and excessively large table size, A solution is discussed which can eliminate stratification of the grammar by allowing the designer to embed semantics directly within the LR table (i.e., at shift and error entries instead of just at reduce entries) and to use global context to determine what semantics should be performed. The non-stratified grammar can produce a significantly smaller LR table than the corresponding stratified grammar. The compatibility of this scheme with commonly used table compaction techniques is also discussed.  相似文献   

Tomita-style generalised LR (GLR) algorithms extend the standard LR algorithm to non-deterministic grammars by performing all possible choices of action. Cubic complexity is achieved if all rules are of length at most two. In this paper we shall show how to achieve cubic time bounds for all grammars by binarising the search performed whilst executing reduce actions in a GLR-style parser. We call the resulting algorithm Binary Right Nulled GLR (BRNGLR) parsing. The binarisation process generates run-time behaviour that is related to that shown by a parser which pre-processes its grammar or parse table into a binary form, but without the increase in table size and with a reduced run-time space overhead. BRNGLR parsers have worst-case cubic run time on all grammars, linear behaviour on LR(1) grammars and produce, in worst-case cubic time, a cubic size binary SPPF representation of all the derivations of a given sentence.  相似文献   

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