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工程造价实施“量价分离”的计价模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对工程造价计价模式探讨,提出新的改革计价模式-“量价分离”的设想。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,为确切地反映工程造价,创造公平竞争的市场环境,我们必须建立符合市场机制新的计价模式,取代具有计划经济特色的现行计价模式。工程计价作为建设领域改革的重点与难点,近年来日愈受到关注。从动态管理,量价分离到价费计取方式等系列措施的出台,表明造价改革已进入深的层次,将最后从根本上触及产品价格这一核心问题,工程计价的改革主要是解决现行造价构成中不合理的内容和方法以及产品价格与价值相背离的问题,它将对工程计价模式的改革起着重大的作用。  相似文献   

陈怀宇 《云南冶金》2003,32(3):49-51
对工程造价计价方式进行改革,在计价依据上,要实现根本上的“量价分离”;在管理方式上,要实现控制“量”、指导“价”、竞争“费”,达到合理使用投资、有效地控制工程造价,取得最佳投资效益的目的。  相似文献   

工程造价指标体系建设是对既往数据进行总结、统计,以达到指导未来工作目的的工作.本文介绍了工程造价体系的类型和数据来源,提出了工程造价指标体系的编制方法和内容.工程造价指标体系应按照"建设项目-区域工程-单项工程-单位工程-分部分项工程"的层次结构编制,具体内容包括工程概况、建安工程造价指标、设备价格指标、单项工程造价指...  相似文献   

马晓静  李丽 《包钢科技》2007,33(6):71-72,75
文章对市场经济体制下我国钢铁企业的营销模式展开论述,提出社会化大分工和钢铁产品属性决定了企业渠道策略、市场价格形成机制决定了企业价格策略的观点.  相似文献   

结合安钢的钢管营销模式,从市场信息管理、销售渠道建设、销量分解机制、价格调控机制以及产销互动的有机结合等五个方面对钢铁企业的营销模式进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

周尽晖 《铝镁通讯》2003,(1):52-52,38
阐述了建筑安装工程造价底价的概念与组成,分析了目前我国建筑市场承发包的现状,对建筑市场承发包价格管理的改革措施进行了探讨.  相似文献   

工程造价从广义上讲是指建设一项工程预期开支或实际开支的全部固定资产投资费用,即项目建设全过程中发生的费用总和,包括建安费用及其相关费用;狭义上讲是指工程价格,是为建设一项工程,预计或实际在土地市场、设备市场、技术劳务市场,以及承包市场等交易活动中所形成的建筑安装工程的价格和建设工程总价格即工程承包价格。  相似文献   

<正>焦炭:国庆期间,国内主流焦炭市场整体运行平稳,价格鲜有变动,成交情况延续节前平稳良好的态势。尽管节日期间唐山钢坯价格小幅上调,但焦化企业暂无提涨意愿,稳定价格和发货量为主。目前焦化企业开工率仍然维持节前偏高水平,出货较为顺畅库存并无压力。根据节日期间从各地独立焦化企业方面了解,节后短期内焦炭价格仍然持稳几率较大,截至目前焦钢企业维稳心态较浓厚。炼焦煤:国庆期间国内炼焦煤市场主流维稳运行。下游焦钢企业生产积极性一般,采购平稳,量价无明显变动。主流大矿多维持节前生产水平,供给压力并没有显著缓解。整体而  相似文献   

目前,工程造价管理由国家指令性价格和规定性定额逐步向政府宏观调控、企业自主报价、市场竞争形成价格的工程造价管理机制转变。本文重点阐述了现代信息技术对新形势下工程造价、项目投资与工程量清单计价的深远影响。  相似文献   

工程量清单计价模式是以工程量清单报价为平台的新的计价模式 ,在“边设计、边投资、边施工”工程招标中 ,应采取积极策略应对 ,以便在建筑市场竞争环境中合理合法地保护建设单位的经济利益  相似文献   

对安钢自营公司运营之管见   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨鸣旭  张瑞 《河南冶金》2004,12(3):52-53
通过定量分析销价与销量的关系,利用价格杠杆,探索区域市场的资源配置。就如何降低运营风险,实现利润最大化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The metallurgical industry of Russia was the object of investigation. The subject of the investigation were the mechanisms of managing costs and the price level for metal production, which is very topical from the viewpoint of maximizing them, and the main directions in the development of nonferrous metallurgy and the nonferrous metals market. Based on the results of studies on the main tendencies in the development of world and Russian nonferrous metallurgy, the influence of these factors on costs and prices is analyzed. Examples of the industry’s main institutional changes in the Russian Federation are presented. These investigations resulted in the development of a procedure that improves the mechanism of controlling costs and price level for metal production taking into account the situation in this field and on the nonferrous metals market.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the changes in costs and prices from 1986 to 1994 for more than 3,500 U.S. short-term general hospitals, including 122 horizontal mergers. These mergers were generally financially beneficial to consumers, providing average price reductions of approximately 7 percent. Merger-related price reductions were considerably less in market areas with higher market concentration levels. Merger-related price reductions in areas with higher penetration by health maintenance organizations (HMOs) were approximately twice those in areas with lower HMO penetration. Merger-related price reductions were greater for low-occupancy hospitals, nonteaching hospitals, nonsystem hospitals, similar-size hospitals, and hospitals with greater premerger service duplication.  相似文献   

研究钢铁行业余热余压发电与传统火力发电组成的电力市场,分析钢铁企业余热余压发电上网电价策略。建立了有关钢铁企业、传统化石燃料发电企业和地方政府三方的斯坦克尔伯格博弈(Stackelberg)模型,比较余热余压发电技术上网电价的三种定价策略(固定价格、固定溢价和可变溢价),并进行了数值模拟分析市场规模、余热余压发电成本系数和钢铁企业环境成本对最优规制价格、最优钢铁企业利润和最优社会总福利的影响。结果表明:三种定价策略下最优规制价格、最优钢铁企业利润和最优社会总福利差异非常大。不同偏好的政策制定者会从不同的风险性和补贴选择不同的定价策略。其中,风险性大和补贴高是最优规则价格中的可变溢价策略、最优钢铁企业利润中的固定溢价策略和最优社会总福利中的可变溢价策略;风险性低和补贴低是最优规则价格中的固定价格策略、最优钢铁企业利润中的固定价格策略和最优社会总福利中的固定溢价策略;其他情形的风险性和补贴位于这两种情况之间。   相似文献   

2014年以来,国内外钼市场整体表现为外热内冷,涨跌互现行情。国际市场在现货供应吃紧和需求强劲支撑的作用下,整体行情呈现震荡上行态势,总体水平好于去年,国内市场钼价整体步伐运行缓慢,主要由钼铁市场即国内钢厂招标价格引导各级产品价格走势,导致主流行情多以弱市趋稳行情为主。本文采用图文并茂,定性与定量相结合的方法,在简要对2014年上半年国内外钼市场变化情况回顾的基础上,重点从外围宏观经济环境、钢铁行业运行状况、铝供需基本面等方面剖析了钼价运行内在规律及影响因素,并对2014年下半年钼市场前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

China has made great achievements in wind power generation. By the end of 2009, the installed capacity of wind power totaled 25.8053?GW, 13.8032?GW of which was added in 2009. Although the industry has developed at an impressive rate, its scale is still comparatively small, not fully matching the country’s economic size and great demand for green power. It is widely believed that the wind power market in China can develop at an even faster rate over the next decade. A stable market for wind power investment relies on both the cost of wind power and an effective pricing policy to motivate growth in the wind industry. This paper presents corresponding analysis of the costs of wind power generation and the current pricing policies implemented in China. The composition of wind power costs is elaborated through comparing it with that of conventional power resources. The localization of wind turbine manufacturing, which aims to decrease the wind generation costs and promote the development of the local wind power industry, is introduced. Two current pricing systems applied in China are examined: the price committed by the wind power concession bidding projects and the price authorized by the provincial governments. An inflation-adapted model is proposed to analyze the risk of concession prices. Finally, the paper concludes with discussions on the potential benefits and the future strategies for the development of wind power in China.  相似文献   

D Weatherburn  B Lind 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,92(5):557-69; discussion 611-3
It may be argued that seizing large quantities of heroin being imported into the country should decrease its supply and hence increase its price, resulting in a reduction in the quantity of the drug being purchased or consumed. To date, however, there has been no empirical evidence that heroin seizures in Australia have any effect on the price of heroin at street level. This article describes a 2-year research study during which the price and purity of street-level heroin were regularly monitored. It was found that heroin seizures had no effect on the price, purity or perceived availability of heroin at street level. It was further found that admissions to methadone treatment were not affected by the price or perceived availability of heroin or by local arrests for heroin use/possession, nor was any relationship found between these arrests and the price of street-level heroin. Nevertheless, two-thirds of those who sought entry to local methadone programmes indicated the price as a reason for stopping using heroin. This paper argues that supply-side law enforcement should only be used as a strategy for maintaining high heroin prices if the demand for heroin can be shown to be price-elastic and, further, that the costs of such a strategy need to be weighted against the benefits.  相似文献   

根据莱钢战略客户的特点,从分析客户占有率入手,建立客户购买数量趋势模型对市场和客户需求进行分析;利用“企业-客户”价值模型,探讨了影响企业战略客户关系的因素,提出了莱钢应通过增加客户效用、降低客户成本的方法保持战略客户。  相似文献   

2002年铝市场回顾与2003年展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章回顾了 2 0 0 2年的铝市场 ,2 0 0 2年前三个季度国内外铝价呈区间振荡走势 ,第四季度国内期货与现货价格开始急速走高。总体上讲 ,与上年比较 ,铝的价格重心仍在下移。市场供应快速增长 ,消费从第二季度开始温和回升 ,全年全球市场过剩量超过 90万t,但国内市场则短缺近 6万t,预计 2 0 0 3年国内外市场均将过剩。  相似文献   

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