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In this paper, we present a segmentation methodology of handwritten documents in their distinct entities, namely, text lines and words. Text line segmentation is achieved by applying Hough transform on a subset of the document image connected components. A post-processing step includes the correction of possible false alarms, the detection of text lines that Hough transform failed to create and finally the efficient separation of vertically connected characters using a novel method based on skeletonization. Word segmentation is addressed as a two class problem. The distances between adjacent overlapped components in a text line are calculated using the combination of two distance metrics and each of them is categorized either as an inter- or an intra-word distance in a Gaussian mixture modeling framework. The performance of the proposed methodology is based on a consistent and concrete evaluation methodology that uses suitable performance measures in order to compare the text line segmentation and word segmentation results against the corresponding ground truth annotation. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by experimentation conducted on two different datasets: (a) on the test set of the ICDAR2007 handwriting segmentation competition and (b) on a set of historical handwritten documents.  相似文献   

A novel text line extraction technique is presented for multi-skewed document images of handwritten English or Bengali text. It assumes that hypothetical water flows, from both left and right sides of the image frame, face obstruction from characters of text lines. The stripes of areas left unwetted on the image frame are finally labelled for extraction of text lines. The success rate of the technique, as observed experimentally, are 90.34% and 91.44% for handwritten Bengali and English document images, respectively. The work may contribute significantly for the development of applications related to optical character recognition of Bengali/English text.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new text line detection method for handwritten documents. The proposed technique is based on a strategy that consists of three distinct steps. The first step includes image binarization and enhancement, connected component extraction, partitioning of the connected component domain into three spatial sub-domains and average character height estimation. In the second step, a block-based Hough transform is used for the detection of potential text lines while a third step is used to correct possible splitting, to detect text lines that the previous step did not reveal and, finally, to separate vertically connected characters and assign them to text lines. The performance evaluation of the proposed approach is based on a consistent and concrete evaluation methodology.  相似文献   

There is a huge amount of historical documents in libraries and in various National Archives that have not been exploited electronically. Although automatic reading of complete pages remains, in most cases, a long-term objective, tasks such as word spotting, text/image alignment, authentication and extraction of specific fields are in use today. For all these tasks, a major step is document segmentation into text lines. Because of the low quality and the complexity of these documents (background noise, artifacts due to aging, interfering lines), automatic text line segmentation remains an open research field. The objective of this paper is to present a survey of existing methods, developed during the last decade and dedicated to documents of historical interest.  相似文献   

将图像分析实践中的经验知识与粒计算的基本思想相结合,总结形成了特征离散点计算,并将其应用于自然手写汉字文本行分割当中。在特征离散点计算的结构化问题求解框架下,提出了一种反馈式分列行投影文本行分割方法,分为特征离散点选择、特征离散点采样与优化、特征离散点编组与反馈以及行边缘优化四个环节。该方法在哈尔滨工业大学多人手写数据库上取得了相对以往算法较好的实验结果,同时分割速度较快。  相似文献   

In this paper, we strive towards the development of efficient techniques in order to segment document pages resulting from the digitization of historical machine-printed sources. This kind of documents often suffer from low quality and local skew, several degradations due to the old printing matrix quality or ink diffusion, and exhibit complex and dense layout. To face these problems, we introduce the following innovative aspects: (i) use of a novel Adaptive Run Length Smoothing Algorithm (ARLSA) in order to face the problem of complex and dense document layout, (ii) detection of noisy areas and punctuation marks that are usual in historical machine-printed documents, (iii) detection of possible obstacles formed from background areas in order to separate neighboring text columns or text lines, and (iv) use of skeleton segmentation paths in order to isolate possible connected characters. Comparative experiments using several historical machine-printed documents prove the efficiency of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an effective approach for grouping text lines in online handwritten Japanese documents by combining temporal and spatial information. With decision functions optimized by supervised learning, the approach has few artificial parameters and utilizes little prior knowledge. First, the strokes in the document are grouped into text line strings according to off-stroke distances. Each text line string, which may contain multiple lines, is segmented by optimizing a cost function trained by the minimum classification error (MCE) method. At the temporal merge stage, over-segmented text lines (caused by stroke classification errors) are merged with a support vector machine (SVM) classifier for making merge/non-merge decisions. Last, a spatial merge module corrects the segmentation errors caused by delayed strokes. Misclassified text/non-text strokes (stroke type classification precedes text line grouping) can be corrected at the temporal merge stage. To evaluate the performance of text line grouping, we provide a set of performance metrics for evaluating from multiple aspects. In experiments on a large number of free form documents in the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) Kondate database, the proposed approach achieves the entity detection metric (EDM) rate of 0.8992 and the edit-distance rate (EDR) of 0.1114. For grouping of pure text strokes, the performance reaches EDM of 0.9591 and EDR of 0.0669.  相似文献   

Text extraction in mixed-type documents is a pre-processing and necessary stage for many document applications. In mixed-type color documents, text, drawings and graphics appear with millions of different colors. In many cases, text regions are overlaid onto drawings or graphics. In this paper, a new method to automatically detect and extract text in mixed-type color documents is presented. The proposed method is based on a combination of an adaptive color reduction (ACR) technique and a page layout analysis (PLA) approach. The ACR technique is used to obtain the optimal number of colors and to convert the document into the principal of them. Then, using the principal colors, the document image is split into the separable color plains. Thus, binary images are obtained, each one corresponding to a principal color. The PLA technique is applied independently to each of the color plains and identifies the text regions. A merging procedure is applied in the final stage to merge the text regions derived from the color plains and to produce the final document. Several experimental and comparative results, exhibiting the performance of the proposed technique, are also presented.  相似文献   

For the first time, a genetic framework using contextual knowledge is proposed for segmentation and recognition of unconstrained handwritten numeral strings. New algorithms have been developed to locate feature points on the string image, and to generate possible segmentation hypotheses. A genetic representation scheme is utilized to show the space of all segmentation hypotheses (chromosomes). For the evaluation of segmentation hypotheses, a novel evaluation scheme is introduced, in order to improve the outlier resistance of the system. Our genetic algorithm tries to search and evolve the population of segmentation hypotheses, and to find the one with the highest segmentation/recognition confidence. The NIST NSTRING SD19 and CENPARMI databases were used to evaluate the performance of our proposed method. Our experiments showed that proper use of contextual knowledge in segmentation, evaluation and search greatly improves the overall performance of the system. On average, our system was able to obtain correct recognition rates of 95.28% and 96.42% on handwritten numeral strings using neural network and support vector classifiers, respectively. These results compare favorably with the ones reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Variations in inter-line gaps and skewed or curled text-lines are some of the challenging issues in segmentation of handwritten text-lines. Moreover, overlapping and touching text-lines that frequently appear in unconstrained handwritten text documents significantly increase segmentation complexities. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for unconstrained handwritten text-line segmentation. A new painting technique is employed to smear the foreground portion of the document image. The painting technique enhances the separability between the foreground and background portions enabling easy detection of text-lines. A dilation operation is employed on the foreground portion of the painted image to obtain a single component for each text-line. Thinning of the background portion of the dilated image and subsequently some trimming operations are performed to obtain a number of separating lines, called candidate line separators. By using the starting and ending points of the candidate line separators and analyzing the distances among them, related candidate line separators are connected to obtain segmented text-lines. Furthermore, the problems of overlapping and touching components are addressed using some novel techniques. We tested the proposed scheme on text-pages of English, French, German, Greek, Persian, Oriya and Bangla and remarkable results were obtained.  相似文献   

针对维吾尔文手写体文本中行分割问题,基于连通域大小将图像中文字分为三类,提出了自适应涂抹细化算法,对主体文本行进行定位;并对第三类连通域中相邻两文本行间粘连的字符进行切割;此外,利用重心范围内的邻域搜索算法,解决了剩余笔画的文本行归附问题。实验结果表明,该方法与常见的水平投影法,分段投影法,及涂抹方法相比具有更好的分割效果。  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel active contour model (R-DRLSE model) based on level set method is proposed for image segmentation. The R-DRLSE model is a variational level set approach that utilizes the region information to find image contours by minimizing the presented energy functional. To avoid the time-consuming re-initialization step, the distance regularization term is used to penalize the deviation of the level set function from a signed distance function. The numerical implementation scheme of the model can significantly reduce the iteration number and computation time. The results of experiments performed on some synthetic and real images show that the R-DRLSE model is effective and efficient. In particular, our method has been applied to MR kidney image segmentation with desirable results.  相似文献   

针对印刷文字缺陷检测难等问题,本文提出了一种改进的图像细化算法用于文字检测。首先根据投影法分割字符,进一步对分割的字符图像逐步细化得到文字的骨架,然后根据文字骨架的信息完成检测;  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new, fast, and stable hybrid numerical method for multiphase image segmentation using a phase-field model. The proposed model is based on the Allen-Cahn equation with a multiple well potential and a data-fitting term. The model is computationally superior to the previous multiphase image segmentation via Modica-Mortola phase transition and a fitting term. We split its numerical solution algorithm into linear and a nonlinear equations. The linear equation is discretized using an implicit scheme and the resulting discrete system of equations is solved by a fast numerical method such as a multigrid method. The nonlinear equation is solved analytically due to the availability of a closed-form solution. We also propose an initialization algorithm based on the target objects for the fast image segmentation. Finally, various numerical experiments on real and synthetic images with noises are presented to demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed model and the numerical method.  相似文献   

Separating text lines in unconstrained handwritten documents remains a challenge because the handwritten text lines are often un-uniformly skewed and curved, and the space between lines is not obvious. In this paper, we propose a novel text line segmentation algorithm based on minimal spanning tree (MST) clustering with distance metric learning. Given a distance metric, the connected components (CCs) of document image are grouped into a tree structure, from which text lines are extracted by dynamically cutting the edges using a new hypervolume reduction criterion and a straightness measure. By learning the distance metric in supervised learning on a dataset of pairs of CCs, the proposed algorithm is made robust to handle various documents with multi-skewed and curved text lines. In experiments on a database with 803 unconstrained handwritten Chinese document images containing a total of 8,169 lines, the proposed algorithm achieved a correct rate 98.02% of line detection, and compared favorably to other competitive algorithms.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach of the image segmentation methods. This approach is based on a functional model composed of five elementary blocks called in an iterative process. Different segmentation methods can be decomposed with such a scheme and lead to elementary building blocks with unified functionality and interfaces. We present the decompositions of three segmentation methods and the implementation results, which illustrate the potential of the proposed model. This generic model is a common framework, which makes segmentation techniques more readable and offers new perspectives for the development, the comparison and the implementation of segmentation methods.  相似文献   

视频和图像文本提取方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文本提取在视频和图像中具有重要的应用价值。近年来,大数据时代带来了海量信息检索的迫切需求,大量视频和图像中文本的提取方法涌现出来。回顾了视频和图像中文本提取的算法,从文本提取流程出发,将其分为文本区域检测定位和文本分割两大步骤。在每个步骤中,分析并比较了现有算法的使用范围及相对优缺点,讨论了图像公用数据库,列举了近些年来图像中文本提取的重要应用,指出了当前研究中存在的问题,展望了视频和场景图像文本提取方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

An image segmentation technique is proposed which uses a texture measure that counts the number of local extrema in a window centered at each picture point. Four gray level pictures are derived, each of which represents a texture or gray level property of the original image. These intermediate pictures are used to derive the number of segments in which to divide the original image. The segmentation is then performed by assigning each pixel in the original image to a region by using a four-dimensional distance measure on the intermediate pictures, comparing each location to each selected segment. This process is then repeated in a hierarchical structure using decreasing window sizes so that smaller regions within the larger ones are defined. The computations required are amenable to real-time video implementation using state-of-the-art devices.  相似文献   

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