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汽轮机冷凝器自转塑料纽带自动在线除垢防垢技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过调查实例强调了保持传热面清洁的重要性 ,在计算水垢对汽轮机冷凝器传热系数影响的基础上 ,论证了仅 0 2 5mm厚的水垢会导致传热系数下降 31 2 % ,介绍了自转塑料纽带的自动除垢防垢和传热强化的原理及其试验结果 ,进一步计算分析了应用该技术可以为电厂汽轮机带来的经济效益  相似文献   

论述水冷设备污垢对运行效率的影响,介绍纽带自动除垢技术的结构原理和纽带材料改用工程塑料的优越性,叙述塑料纽带自动除垢能力的实验室试验结果和初步的工业应用情况。  相似文献   

立式壳管式氨冷凝器自动除垢防垢技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了常用的除垢方法 ,重点介绍了一种新的自动清洗技术———在每根冷凝管内悬挂一条特制的塑料螺旋纽带 ,利用冷却水带动纽带自转对管内污垢实行刮擦清洗作用。在某大型肉联厂初步的工业应用试验结果表明 ,安装纽带后冷却水进出口温度差比安装前提高了 2 7.5 %。  相似文献   

介绍了直接利用立式下流水冷设备冷却水的自身位能,驱动管内塑料扭带自转实现自动除垢垢的结构原理,对低流速下的可行性问题进行了等值能量理论分析,论述了除垢防垢用的塑料扭带结构的优化研究结果,叙述了初次装机工业应用试验的情况和效果。  相似文献   

流振旋转螺旋自动除垢防垢技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传热管内的流振旋转螺旋能实行在线、连续、自动除垢防垢,并且结构简单、成本低、通用性强,是传热设备防治污垢很有效的新技术。本文扼要地介绍了该新技术的原理、除垢能力试验及其流体动力学性能试验。  相似文献   

超音频脉冲防垢除垢技术应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于部分油田清水硬度较高,加热炉、换热器运行结垢严重,造成换热器换热效果变差,加热炉效率降低,每年均需要组织清洗维修。为此,经调研、筛选,组织了吉一联超音频脉冲防垢除垢仪现场试验。通过试验,有效改善了换热器、加热炉的结垢状况,提高了设备运行效率。该工艺可以作为油田防垢除垢辅助措施并进行推广。  相似文献   

孤东采油四矿主力区块均为稠油区块,日常生产主要采用掺热污水进行井筒降粘、地面拌输。由于污水杂质含量、矿化度高,现场结垢问题突出、掺水管线堵塞严重,最终由于水垢积累较快,泥沙杂质成垢堵塞严重,无法解决,只得停产更换管线,影响生产,耗费大量人力物力。  相似文献   

<正>目前水泥企业在解决循环冷却水换热器结垢问题上,常用的除垢方法主要有酸洗、碱洗和机械清洗。其中酸洗或碱洗方法,清除的比较细致,但是会对设备造成一定的腐蚀,清洗后的液体排放还会对环境造成二次污染;同时清洗时需要大量的水,造成水资源浪费。机械清洗虽然对垢的厚度以及化学成分没有要求,但是清洗时会花费大量的人力和物力,而且对于换热面的死角清洗不到,除垢不彻底。为此,我公司尝试采用在线超声波防垢除垢技术(ZNCF)在循环冷却  相似文献   

易卫国 《化肥设计》2004,42(5):53-54
立式水冷器是一种通用换热设备,应用最广的是制冷系统的立式水冷冷凝器,其次是管外为气体降温的水冷设备。这种立式水冷设备的传热系数普遍很低。笔者曾经在数十家工厂进行现场调查或实测,大多数水冷器的冷却水进出口水温差仅为1℃,究其原因主要是冷却管内有比较厚的水垢。  相似文献   

水的电磁变频除垢防垢技术和实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了水的电磁除垢、防垢原理,提出了基于STM32F103变频水磁化处理系统实验设计方案,并对系统方案各部分功能进行了分析,设计了硬件电路,实现了从1~18 MHz磁场自动变频.实验结果表明,该方法能够提高水处理设备除垢、防垢能力和环境的适应性,系统阻垢率达到78%,除垢率达到61%.  相似文献   

The effects of reaction temperature, pressure and residence time were investigated with a flow apparatus. Cellobiose decomposition kinetics and products in suband supercritical water were examined at temperatures from 320 to 420 °C at pressures from 25 to 40 MPa, and at residence times within 3 sec. Cellobiose was found to decompose via hydrolysis and pyrolysis. The yield of desired hydrolysis product, glucose, was the maximum value of 36.8% at 320 °C, 35 MPa, but the amount of 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF), fermentation inhibitor increased too because residence time increased in the subcritical region owing to decrease of reaction rate. Meanwhile, though the yield of glucose is low in the supercritical region, the yield of HMF decreased compared with the subcritical region; and at the minimum yield of HMF (380 °C, 25 MPa), the yield of glucose was 21.4%. The decomposition of cellobiose followed first-order kinetics and the activation energy for the decomposition of cellobiose was 51.05 kJ/mol at 40MPa.  相似文献   

Three R.E.MO.S. (Remote Environmental MOnitoring System) telemetric networks have been installed in the catchment area of River Nestos, by research team PERSEAS. The first network has been installed in Nestos Delta. This network consists of two Remote Stations (R.S.):
The first one is called R.S. “Nestos” and is settled in Nestos Delta in Chrysoupoli and
the second one is called R.S “Agiasma” and is settled in the homonymous Lagoon.
This paper deals with R.S. “Agiasma”, which operates in Agiasma Lagoon, an area of great environmental importance in the west part of River Nestos Delta. The gradients of the water quality and quantity monitored parameters are very important for the ecological preservation of the lagoon. Moreover, this case can be an excellent example of how the real-time monitoring data can work as an alarm system to prevent environmental hazards.The scientific issues this paper is focused on are:
The three years systematic daily electronic monitoring data (1/1/2000-31/12/2002). The monitored parameters are Water level—H (cm), Salinity—Sal (‰), Redox Potential—RP (mV), Dissolved Oxygen—DO (mg/l), Water Temperature—Tw (oC) and Air Temperature—Ta (oC).
The assessment of water quality and quantity parameters and the aquatic environment of Agiasma lagoon.
The detection of trends, using the non-parametric Spearman's criterion. This trend analysis proved the existence of trends for the parameters H, Sal and RP.
The necessity of real-time monitoring, which can prevent and confront possible natural hazards and disasters and work as an alarm system for the local authorities.

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