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A bioassay based on male copulatory responses occurring on contact with dead decoy insects was used to confirm the existence of a sex pheromone in the screwworm fly,Cochliomyia hominivorax. Males responded to female but not male decoys. Mated and virgin females were equally stimulatory. Activity was abolished when females were washed with hexane but partially restored by treatment with crude hexane extract of females. Responses decreased when extracts were diluted and when the number of females extracted per milliliter of hexane was decreased from 20 to 1 in the preparation of extracts concentrated to 0.4 female/l. Sexually mature female decoys of the 009 strain, the most laboratory-adapted of three strains examined in intrastrain tests, produced few copulatory attempts compared with those of Aricruz or DE-9 strains. However, newly emerged 009 as well as Aricruz females elicited responses from about 80% of sexually mature males. Those of the DE-9 strain stimulated fewer than 1%. The observation that 009 females were maximally stimulatory before becoming receptive to mating suggests that these strain differences resulted from laboratory colonization.  相似文献   

Laboratory mating tests and bioassays for a contact, mating-stimulant pheromone were conducted within and between two strains of the screwworm fly,Cochliomyia hominivorax. No strain or sex difference in pheromone activity occurred at emergence. However, the pheromone activity of females increased with age in one strain but declined in the other. Activity also declined in males of both strains but more steeply than in the females. Thus, sexual dimorphism in pheromone activity developed with age in both strains but to differing degrees. The decline in female pheromone activity was partly compensated for within that strain by a higher male responsiveness to pheromone. Female pheromone activity and mating success were positively correlated. Virgin females and those inseminated 24–48 hr previously were equally stimulatory. It appears that the strain differences arose from selection for reduced pheromone activity during laboratory colonization.  相似文献   

When hexane extracts of mature screwworm females were chromatographed on a silica gel column, mating stimulant activity was concentrated in a fraction that eluted with hexane-ether (946, v/v). Separation of this fraction with HPLC (acetonitrile-acetone; 6040, isocratic) resulted in a chromatogram of some 20 peaks. Only peaks 4–11 elicited mating responses. Peaks 5–10 had most of the activity, with peak 8 producing the highest response. Sixteen compounds were characterized from peak 8 by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: six unbranched secondary acetates (C31H62O2); seven previously unreported methyl-branched secondary acetates (C32H64O2); one unbranched ketone (C31H62O); and one methyl-branched ketone (C32H64O). The isomeric acetates were not completely resolved from each other by capillary gas chromatography (CGC) on methyl silicone columns. The sixteenth compound was an aldehyde (C30H60O) that was present only in occasional peak 8 preparations. These compounds and several derivatives were characterized by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (CGC-MS). The position of the acetate group was ascertained by conversion to a keto group or by replacement of the acetate with a methyl group. Pheromone activity was not observed in peaks trapped either from CGC or by recombination of the trapped CGC peaks from HPLC peak 8. This apparent loss of activity from CGC peaks or from TLC cannot currently be explained.Mention of a proprietary or commercial product does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

An olfactometer bioassay was used to follow attractant for screwworm flies,Cochliomyia hominivorax, in steam distillates of bovine blood under different distillation and storage conditions and after HPLC separation of components in a water-methanol gradient. In addition, fly responsiveness was examined in relation to sex and ovarian stage. Gravid and vitellogenic nullipars were attracted to the blood, although the former predominated four to one. Males did not respond at a dose that attracted 76% of gravid females. Maximum attractiveness occurred when distillate was stored in sealed glass ampoules. An argon atmosphere made storage at ambient temperatures feasible, but offered no advantage during storage at ca. –60°C or during distillation. The HPLC separation produced four fractions that duplicated the attractiveness of the distillate when recombined but showed little activity when presented as two-fraction, and most three-fraction, mixtures. Availability of the HPLC fractions for combination with other samples will facilitate location via bioassay of attractant components in samples obtained from subsequent or alternate isolations that preserve only one or two elements of the multicomponent mixture.Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation for its use by the USDA.  相似文献   

A laboratory behavioral assay examined intra- and interspecific responses to sex pheromone by screwworms,Cochliomyia hominivorax, and secondary screwworms,C. macellaria, in relation to the duration of colonization ofC. hominivorax test males. Females ofC. macellaria, like those ofC. hominivorax, were found to produce a pheromone that stimulates male copulatory attempts on contact. Newly colonized (<22 generations)C. hominivorax males did not respond toC. macellaria pheromone, indicating that pheromone contributes to reproductive isolation between these two closely related species. Although long-colonized (>200 generations)C. hominivorax males did respond toC. macellaria females or their extract, this behavior was infrequent and significantly less common than intraspecific responses. DeprivingC. macellaria adults of dietary protein did not affect the potency of female extracts, but did reduce male responsiveness to pheromone. These results provided little evidence that colonization reduces the ability ofC. hominivorax males to differentiate betweenC. hominivorax andC. macellaria females using sex pheromones.  相似文献   

A novel series of 2,X-dimethylalkanes were isolated and identified. The nonpolar fraction of the surface lipids secreted by the adult (5-day-old) screwworm,Cochliomyia hominivorax, contains over 130 different hydrocarbons comprising normal alkanes (32% of the total hydrocarbon), branched alkanes (53%), and monoalkenes (11%). Branched alkanes included monomethylalkanes with substitution in all possible positions except for 4-methylalkanes, internally branched dimethylalkanes, and 2,X- and 3,X-dimethylalkanes. At emergence, adults of both sexes of the 009 strain have nearly identical gas Chromatographic profiles, which diverge as the insect ages. Irradiation of pharate pupae does not affect the hydrocarbon produced.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of that product by the USDA.  相似文献   

Each of 20 methyl-branched and 1,5-dimethyl-branched alkanes that comprise the active principle of saturated hydrocarbons of the female stable fly,Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), was synthesized and evaluated for mating stimulant activity. The compounds that showed the highest degree of activity in bioassays were 15-methyl- and 15,19-dimethyltritriacontanes.Diptera: Muscidae.Mention of a proprietary or commercial product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Study of lipids from male and female laboratory-reared flies led to the demonstration of a potent contact sex stimulant in extracts and cuticular hydrocarbons of the female tsetse fly Glossina tachinoides (Westwood) against conspecific males. Thin-layer and column chromatography indicated that extracts contained hydrocarbons and saponifiable lipids. Biological activity was found in the alkanes from females, including prominent branched-chain alkanes that were detected by gas chromatography (GC). The alkanes were separated and collected by preparative gas chromatography (GC), and only the 37-carbon region showed biological activity. GC–mass spectrometry showed the major peak contained a mixture of isomeric 11,23-, 13,25- plus a minor amount of 11,21-dimethylheptatriacontane. Two racemic isomers were synthesized, and bioassays showed that the greatest activity was possessed by the 11,23- isomer with somewhat less activity in 13,25-dimethyl heptatria-contane. Dose–response data showed ED50 at 5 g per decoy with solvent-washed males, nonspecific females, or corks as decoys. These alkanes released sexual activity in males that comprised most of the behaviors released by a female fly of the same species.  相似文献   

Adult maleG. pallidipes attempted to copulate with decoys treated with a branched paraffin obtained from laboratory-reared female flies. The compound causing maximal response was isolated and identified as 13,23-dimethylpentatriacontane. The synthesized compound elicited increasing responses with increasing doses. This sex- and species-specific compound was always present in physiological amounts in females, as it increased from 2 g at emergence to 10 g per female at 14 days. It was present in wild-caught females from a wide geographical range.  相似文献   

Components of a sex pheromone that cause male face flies to strike at females were found to be the straight-chain monoalkenes (Z)-14-nonacosene, (Z)-13-nonacosene, and (Z)-13-heptacosene. Although these compounds were found in the extracts of both sexes, extracts from sexually mature males contained a much higher proportion of nonacosane and heptacosane, which attenuated the activity of the active monoalkenes. The monoalkenes were readily synthesized by a Wittig reaction modified by the use of hexamethylphosphoric triamide as a cosolvent with tetrahydrofuran to produce a product containing 94–96% (Z) isomer.  相似文献   

The cuticular alkenes of the female stable fly,Stomoxys calcitrans (L), which were responsible for inducing male fly copulatory behavior are (Z)-9-hentriacontene, (Z)-9-tritriacontene, 13-methyl-1-hen-triacontene and 13-methyl-1-tritriacontene. The identifications of the branched alkenes and the synthesis of these four compounds are described. Bioassays indicate that these materials in combination with previously described methyl branched alkanes are more active than the individual components.Diptera=Muscidae.Mention of proprietary or commercial products in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the U.S.D.A.  相似文献   

Both males and females ofRhabditis pellio release pheromones that attract the opposite sex prior to copulation. A quantitative bioassay for the female-produced pheromone was designed, based on male movement toward a pheromone source placed at one end of a 10-mm strip of bacterial material maintained on nutrient agar in a petri plate. Females produced pheromone from the age at which they attained the adult stage (3 days following hatching from the egg) and maintained a relatively constant production level until at least the ninth day of life. Similarly, males became responsive to the female pheromone by the third day and remained responsive through the ninth day, although the time required for the males to migrate toward a female pheromone source increased with increasing age. No daily rhythm of pheromone responsiveness by males or pheromone production by females was observed when the nematodes were conditioned to a 1212 h light-dark cycle.  相似文献   

The cuticular lipids of male and femaleFannia femoralis were similar for recently emerged insects but soon began to develop chromatographic patterns characteristic of each sex. Mature females contained more C31 and C33 monoolefin in the cuticular lipid than males. Also, the double bonds in the monoolefins of the female lipid were situated predominantly at the eleventh and thirteenth carbons, while most of those from the males were centrally located in the molecule or at the ninth carbon.The female C31 monoolefin stimulated copulation by the males, but more mating activity occurred when the saturated hydrocarbons present in the female cuticular lipids were added. The synthetic monoolefin most active as a mating stimulant pheromone was (Z)-11-hentriacontene, but the addition of female alkanes or of syntheticn-alkanes to (Z)-11-hentriacontene increased the activity of the synthetic pheromone.A portion of a dissertation intended for submission by the first author to the Graduate School of the University of Maryland in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.Mention of a proprietary or commercial product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the University of Maryland.  相似文献   

Chromatograms of the cuticular lipids washed from newly emerged male and femaleFannia pusio were nearly identical. By the time the flies were 1 day old, the chromatographic profiles for the sexes were different. Mature females contained more C31- and C33-hydrocarbons than the males. The double bonds of the female monoolefins were mostly at the eleventh and thirteenth carbons, but those of the males were predominantly at the ninth carbon. Most active in stimulating copulation by males were the unbranched monoolefins with 31 and 33 carbons from the females. When they were synthesized and tested, the most active compound was (Z)-11-hentriacontene.A portion of a dissertation intended for submission by the first author to the Graduate School of the University of Maryland in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.Mention of a proprietary or commercial product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the University of Maryland.  相似文献   

A male-produced sex pheromone of the papaya fruit fly,Toxotrypana curvicauda Gerstaecker, was isolated from volatiles collected from air passed over calling males and was identified as 2-methyl-6-vinylpyrazine by comparative gas-liquid chromatographic and spectroscopic evidence. Synthetic 2-methyl-6-vinylpyrazine elicited typical pheromonal responses from unmated mature female flies such as walking, running, and flying in an arena bioassay; flying upwind with a zigzag flight pattern; and hovering in the pheromone plume in a wind-tunnel bioassay. These responses were similar quantitatively and qualitatively to responses to naturally occurring pheromone from calling male papaya fruit flies.This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or the recommendation for its use by USDA.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone component of maleLutzomyia longipalpis tergal gland extract was isolated and its activity confirmed by bioassay. Whole tergal gland extract was analyzed by HPLC and fractions were collected as they eluted from the detector. Each fraction was tested in an attraction bioassay with virgin unfed femaleLutzomyia longipalpis. HPLC analysis showed that whole extract contained several peaks; one large peak, one small peak and several minor peaks. Purity of the HPLC fractions was determined by GC analysis. The bioassays revealed that the large peak was responsible for most of the observed female behavior. The addition of the small peak to the large peak improved the response although by itself the small peak failed to elicit any significant behavior. Minor peaks failed to elicit any response. Chemical analysis revealed the large peak to be a relatively nonpolar hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

The secretion from the rectal pheromone glands of maleDacus tryoni andDacus neohumeralis is largely a mixture of six aliphatic amides. In order of decreasing quantity these areN-3-methylbutylpropanamide,N-3-methylbutylacetamide,N-(3-methylbutyl-2-methylpropanamide,N-2-methylbutylpropanamide,N-2-methylbutylacetamide, andN-(2-methylbutyl)-2-methylpropanamide. The proportions of the various amides in the two species are similar.  相似文献   

The analyses of virgin female sex pheromone gland extracts and gland volatiles by GC, GC-EAD and GC-MS, followed by field trapping experiments, have identified (E)-9-dodecenyl acetate (E9–12Ac) as the primary sex pheromone component of the purplestriped shootworm,Zeiraphera unfortunana. Dosages of 1.0–10.0 g ofE9–12Ac impregnated in rubber septa provide an effective trap bait and can be used for monitoring purposes.Lepidoptera: Tortricidae.  相似文献   

Female cowpea weevils,Callosobruchus maculatus (F.), emitted a pheromone which excited males. Pheromone release began soon after emergence and continued for one week. Synchronization of pheromone release with calling behavior was demonstrated. Mating reduced pheromone release but not male response. Pheromone obtained by aeration collection was utilized for determining a quantitative dose-response relationship.Mention of a commercial product does not constitute an endorsement by the USDA.Visiting scholar on leave from Shanghai Institute of Entomology, PRC.  相似文献   

The sex attractant pheromone produced by femaleDacus oleae Gmelin is a mixture of four compounds, two of which are found in the rectal gland and the other two elsewhere in the insect body. The ratio of these compounds in the pheromone blend was measured. Biological activity of all four compounds and their combinations was studied in lab and field cage tests. The most abundant compound in the mixture (55.7%) shows the highest biological activity. Recombination of all compounds significantly increases activity of the main compound.Diptera: Tephritidae.This work was partly supported by NATO research grant No. 1352.  相似文献   

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