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工业过程测量记录仪包括自动电位差计、自动平衡电桥、函数记录仪以及数字模拟指示相结合的混合式记录仪、无纸记录仪。本文选用性能较稳定的电子电位差计,对其进行检定,分析检定用标准器及整套检定设备引入的不确定因素,从而得到测量结果的不确定度。 相似文献
王新阳 《仪器仪表标准化与计量》2022,(6):28-31
本文依据JJG 139-2014 《拉力、压力和万能试验机检定规程》,对同轴度测量结果进行了不确定度评定,通过阐述测量过程中的各分量对示值误差的影响,得到了测量结果的扩展不确定度。 相似文献
王承忠 《试验技术与试验机》2008,48(1):1-5
微机液压万能材料试验机在材料试验中应用十分广泛。本文根据测量不确定度的原理和方法对试验机的负荷示值测量结果的不确定度来源进行了详细分析,并对测量结果的不确定度也进行了仔细的评定,以此作为材料试验机测量不确定度评定的一个典型实例。 相似文献
以单相电容运转异步电机为例,依据GB/T9651-2008的效率测定直接法,对电机效率的测量过程中的不确定度进行分析,得出各分量对测量结果不确定度产生影响的表达公式,最终求得测量结果不确定度。 相似文献
采用对比的方法从概念、来源和分类方法等方面,比较详细地介绍了测量误差与测量不确定度的联系与区别,并阐述了两者在测量领域的作用与意义。 相似文献
本文基于氧化物的ZAF修正法对典型样品进行定量分析。在得出了定量分析结果之后,分析了样品测量不确定度的来源,得出电子探针定量分析的不确定度模型,测算了每个影响因素的具体数据,最后计算出了定量结果的扩展不确定度。结果表明ZAF修正法引入的不确定度对测试结果的不确定度影响非常小,主要影响结果不确定度的因素是测量重复性引入的不确定度造成的。利用不确定度提高测试和仪器校准的准确度,可以对电子探针定量分析的后续工作提供基础和保障。 相似文献
建立一种分析小麦麦芽粉中氨酪酸的离子交换色谱法;本方法以邻苯二甲醛-巯基乙醇为柱后衍生试剂,固定相为R-SO3-Na+,流动相为pH=3.15的柠檬酸三钠和pH=9.70的硝酸钠缓冲液,梯度程序洗脱,柱后衍生,荧光检测器检测;方法稳定、快速、准确,氨酪酸的平均回收率(n=3)为96.0%。 相似文献
The paper discusses the evaluation of the uncertainty of a multivariate quantity using the Law of Propagation of Uncertainty defined in the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and a Monte Carlo method according to the GUM’s Supplement 2. The quantity analysed is the electrical impedance, which is not a scalar but a complex quantity. The used measuring method allows the evaluation of the impedance and of its uncertainty in different ways and the corresponding results are presented, compared and discussed. For comparison purposes, results of the impedance uncertainty obtained using the NIST Uncertainty Machine are also presented. 相似文献
The aim of this work was to identify the main sources of uncertainty, quantify the standard deviation of each source of uncertainty, and calculated combined and expended uncertainties for the determination of linezolid in injectable dosage forms by UV spectrophotometry. The contributions of precision, linearity and weight of linezolid reference standard are the most significant, contributing with about 77% of the overall uncertainty. The uncertainties on the absorbances (sample and standard), volumetric flasks and volumetric pipettes have virtually no influence on the overall uncertainty. The estimated uncertainty of the spectrophotometric method for determination of linezolid was adequate for the scope of the method. 相似文献
The three-probe method for separating the spindle rotation error and the specimen form error is extensively described in the literature. An attractive feature is its application in in-process measurement. However, the resulting uncertainty is studied far less extensively. In this paper, an evaluation and propagation method for the uncertainty, as well as for an uncertainty reduction, is given based on the system transfer function (S-function). First, utilizing the Laplace transform, the measurement system model is developed and expressed by an S-function. Second, the propagation laws of input uncertainties are analytically deduced by computing the partial derivatives of the S-function of roundness. Then, the laws are numerically validated by Monte Carlo simulations. The uncertainty propagation laws show that the uncertainties propagate with varying amplification over the harmonic domain, and moreover, they enable the quantification of both the harmonic and the total uncertainty of roundness. Taking the roundness uncertainty as a decisive parameter, three approaches are proposed for uncertainty reduction: (1) the hybrid 3-PM, where two roundness estimates are combined by taking individual harmonic estimate with the lowest uncertainty, (2) the fusion 3-PM, where the weighted average is taken over the harmonic domain, and (3) the angle optimization, which minimizes the total roundness uncertainty by properly arranging the sensor angles. The angle optimization is applied to the conventional 3-PM, as well as to the hybrid and the fusion 3-PMs. The genetic algorithm is adopted to speed up the optimization process. Finally, practical roundness measurements are performed. 相似文献
分析重量法测量水中全盐量不确定度的来源,评定了水中全盐量的测量不确定度,在各不确定度分量中,称量引入的不确定度较大. 相似文献
测量不确定度在数据处理中的应用探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
测量不确定度是与测量结果相关联的、表征合理地赋予被测量值分散性的参数,可以合理地评价测量结果的质量高低.在现行的数据处理标准中,大多未对测量不确定度提出相应的要求.本文通过对测量不确定度概念的探讨,及对实际工作中测量不确定度的分析,为以后测量结果数据处理的规范化、标准化打下了一定基础. 相似文献
吴红 《仪器仪表标准化与计量》2007,(3):34-37
一切测量结果都不可避免地具有不确定度。衡量测量结果及其质量的标准是测量结果的测量不确定度的大小。通过对工业铂热电阻的测量结果的测量不确定度的评定的分析和比较,可知测量结果的可靠程度,并可反映检测实验室的检测体系是否处于统计受控状态。进而可为产品进入国际市场奠定有利基础。 相似文献