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Hadjur C  Daty G  Madry G  Corcuff P 《Scanning》2002,24(2):59-64
The optical sectioning property of the confocal microscope offers a breakthrough from the classic observation of the hair in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Confocal microscopy requires minimal sampling preparation, and the hair can be observed in its natural environment with less damage than by other microscopic methods such as SEM. While used in the reflection mode, the true morphology of the cuticle and the various exogenous deposits at the surface can be identified and quantified. This relatively noninvasive, nondestructive technique is routinely used by us to monitor the efficiency of cleansing shampoos, to assess the homogeneity of layering polymers, and to evaluate the changes they induce in the optical properties of the hair surface in terms of opacity, transparency, and brilliancy. A second important field of investigation uses the fluorescence channel which reveals the internal structure of the hair. Fluorescent probes (rhodamine and its derivatives) demonstrate the routes of penetration and outline the geometry of cortical cells and of the medulla according to their lipophilic or hydrophilic properties. A volume rendering of a hair cylinder provides a better understanding of the interrelationships between cuticle cells, cortical cells, and the medullar channel. This recent technology is becoming an invaluable tool for the cosmetic assessment of the hair.  相似文献   

Two‐photon fluorescence microscopy and confocal reflectance microscopy were compared to detect intracellular gold nanorods in rat basophilic leukaemia cells. The two‐photon photoluminescence images of gold nanorods were acquired by an 800 nm fs laser with the power of milliwatts. The advantages of the obtained two‐photon photoluminescence images are high spatial resolution and reduced background. However, a remarkable photothermal effect on cells was seen after 30 times continuous scanning of the femto‐second laser, potentially affecting the subcellular localization pattern of the nanorods. In the case of confocal reflectance microscopy the images of gold nanorods can be obtained with the power of light source as low as microwatts, thus avoiding the photothermal effect, but the resolution of such images is reduced. We have noted that confocal reflectance images of cellular gold nanorods achieved with 50 μW 800 nm fs have a relatively poor resolution, whereas the 50 μW 488 nm CW laser can acquire reasonably satisfactory 3D reflectance images with improved resolution because of its shorter wavelength. Therefore, confocal reflectance microscopy may also be a suitable means to image intracellular gold nanorods with the advantage of reduced photothermal effect.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3-D) image analysis algorithms and experimental results that demonstrate the feasibility of fully automated tracing of neurons from fluorescence confocal microscopy data are presented. The input to the automated analysis is a set of successive optical slices that have been acquired using a confocal scanning laser microscope. The output of the system is a labelled graph representation of the neuronal topology that is spatially aligned with the 3-D image data. A variety of topological and metric analyses can be carried out using this representation. For instance, precise measurements of volumes, lengths, diameters and tortuosities can be made over specific portions of the neuron that are specified in terms of the graph representation. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated for a set of sample fields featuring selectively stained neurons. Additional work will be needed to refine the method for unsupervised use with complex data involving multiple intertwined neurons and extremely fine dendritic structures.  相似文献   

The structure of the asphaltene phase in the bitumen is believed to have a significant effect on its rheological properties. It has traditionally been difficult to observe the asphaltene phase in unaltered samples of bitumen. The maltenes are thought to form a continuous phase in which the asphaltenes are ‘dispersed’. In this study, confocal laser‐scanning microscopy (CLSM) operating in fluorescence mode was used to examine the structure of paving‐grade Safaniya and San Joaquin bitumen. The asphaltene fraction fluoresces in the 515–545 nm wavelength range when irradiated with light with a wavelength of 488 nm. The major advantages of CLSM are that the bitumen sample requires little pretreatment or preparation that may affect the original dispersion of asphaltenes and the bitumen is observed at ambient temperature and pressure. This reduces the possibility of producing images that are not representative of the original material. CLSM was able to show the distribution of maltene and asphaltene components in bitumen. The asphaltene aggregates in the bitumen were observed to be 2–7 µm in size and formed a dispersed ‘sol’ structure in the continuous maltene matrix rather than a network ‘gel’ structure. Surprisingly, the structure and fluorescence of the asphaltene phase does not appear to alter radically upon oxidative ageing. The structure of the asphaltene phase of an AR4000 San Joaquin bitumen was found to be more homogeneous than that of Safaniya bitumen, illustrating the range of structures that can be observed in bitumens by this method.  相似文献   

In images acquired by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), regions corresponding to the same concentration of fluorophores in the specimen should be mapped to the same grayscale levels. However, in practice, due to multiple distortion effects, CLSM images of even homogeneous specimen regions suffer from irregular brightness variations, e.g., darkening of image edges and lightening of the center. The effects are yet more pronounced in images of real biological specimens. A spatially varying grayscale map complicates image postprocessing, e.g., in alignment of overlapping regions of two images and in 3D reconstructions, since measures of similarity usually assume a spatially independent grayscale map. We present a fast correction method based on estimating a spatially variable illumination gain, and multiplying acquired CLSM images by the inverse of the estimated gain. The method does not require any special calibration of reference images since the gain estimate is extracted from the CLSM image being corrected itself. The proposed approach exploits two types of morphological filters: the median filter and the upper Lipschitz cover. The presented correction method, tested on images of both artificial (homogeneous fluorescent layer) and real biological specimens, namely sections of a rat embryo and a rat brain, proved to be very fast and yielded a significant visual improvement. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We compare the axial sectioning capability of multifocal confocal and multifocal multiphoton microscopy in theory and in experiment, with particular emphasis on the background arising from the cross‐talk between adjacent imaging channels. We demonstrate that a time‐multiplexed non‐linear excitation microscope exhibits significantly less background and therefore a superior axial resolution as compared to a multifocal single‐photon confocal system. The background becomes irrelevant for thin (< 15 µm) and sparse fluorescent samples, in which case the confocal parallelized system exhibits similar or slightly better sectioning behaviour due to its shorter excitation wavelength. Theoretical and experimental axial responses of practically implemented microscopes are given.  相似文献   

Monomolecular films of polymerized dimethyl-bis[pentacosadiinoic-oxyethyl] ammonium bromide (EDIPAB) provide one- and two-photon excited fluorescence that is sufficiently high to quantify the axial resolution of 3-D fluorescence microscopes. When scanned along the optical axis, the fluorescence of these layers is bright enough to allow online observation of the axial response of these microscopes, thus facilitating alignment and fluorescence throughput control. The layers can be used for directly measuring and monitoring the axial response of 4Pi-confocal microscopes, as well as for their initial alignment and phase adjustment. The proposed technique has the potential to supersede the conventional technique of calculating the derivative of the axial edges of a thick fluorescent layer. Coverslips with EDIPAB-layers can be used as substrates for the cultivation of cells.  相似文献   

In Paramecium primaurelia the uptake and intracellular flow of cholesteryl ester was studied by fluorescence confocal laser scanning optical microscopy and by the fluorescent analogue cholesteryl‐BODIPY® FL C12 (BODIPY‐CE). The BODIPY FL fluorophore has the characteristic of emitting green fluorescence, which is red‐shifted as the probe concentrates. In cells incubated with 25 µm BODIPY‐CE for 30 s, fluorescence is found in vesicles located around the cytopharynx in the posterior half of the cell. Successively, the lipid is internalized by food vacuoles, the fluorescent vesicles are distributed throughout the cell and the intracellular membranes are labelled. The food vacuole number is maximum after 10–15 min of continuous labelling, then it decreases until no food vacuoles are found in 30‐min fed cells. BODIPY‐CE accumulates in red‐labelled cytoplasmic droplets located in the anterior half of the cell. When food vacuole formation is inhibited by trifluoperazine, fluorescence is found on cellular membranes and in small green‐labelled vesicles at the apical pole. The inhibition of clathrin‐mediated endocytosis does not interfere in P. primaurelia with BODIPY‐CE intracellular flow: intracellular membranes and storage droplets in the cell anterior part are dyed. Conversely, the use of sterol‐binding drugs prevents the lipid accumulation in droplets, stopping the lipid within the cytoplasmic membranes. Furthermore, the cells treated with monensin and cytochalasin B show a labelling of the cellular membranes and lipid droplets, whereas NH4Cl reduces the lipid storage. Low temperature (4 °C) does not prevent the internalization of BODIPY‐CE that, however, is localized at the cytoplasmic membrane level and does not accumulate in storage droplets. In addition, BODIPY‐CE inhibits phagocytosis, as evidenced by comparing the kinetics of food vacuole formation of control cells, only fed with latex particles, with that of cells fed with latex particles and BODIPY‐CE. In conclusion, this study points out that in P. primaurelia the cholesteryl ester enters the cell via food vacuoles and through the plasma membrane and, inside the cell, it alters cell functions.  相似文献   

The point spread function of an objective lens of a fluorescence confocal microscope was directly measured by imaging fluorescent beads. We analysed how the measurement of the point spread function was influenced by the diameter of the fluorescent beads and how the restoration technique with a deconvolution algorithm improved the measuring performance. Numerical and experimental results are presented for a typical point spread function and a zero‐centred point spread function.  相似文献   

Specimen-induced aberrations cause a reduction in signal levels and resolution in fluorescence microscopy. Aberrations also affect the image contrast achieved by these microscopes. We model the effects of aberrations on the fluorescence signals acquired from different specimen structures, such as point-like, linear, planar and volume structures, when imaged by conventional, confocal and two-photon microscopes. From this we derive the image contrast obtained when observing combinations of such structures. We show that the effect of aberrations on the visibility of fine features depends upon the specimen morphology and that the contrast is less significantly affected in microscopes exhibiting optical sectioning. For example, we show that point objects become indistinguishable from background fluorescence in the presence of aberrations, particularly when imaged in a conventional fluorescence microscope. This demonstrates the significant advantage of using confocal or two-photon microscopes over conventional instruments when aberrations are present.  相似文献   

Spatial resolution and the sensitivity to detect a fluorophore are the two most important optical parameters that characterize a confocal microscope. However, these are rather difficult to estimate quantitatively. We show that fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) provides an easy and reliable measure of these quantities. We modify existing schemes for performing FCS on a commercial confocal microscope to carry out these measurements, and provide an analysis routine that can yield the relevant quantities. Our method does not require any modification of the confocal microscope, yet it yields a robust measure of the resolution and sensitivity of the instrument.  相似文献   

We report on the introduction of active optical elements into confocal and multiphoton microscopes in order to reduce the sample-induced aberration. Using a flexible membrane mirror as the active element, the beam entering the rear of the microscope objective is altered to produce the smallest point spread function once it is brought to a focus inside the sample. The conventional approach to adaptive optics, commonly used in astronomy, is to utilise a wavefront sensor to determine the required mirror shape. We have developed a technique that uses optimisation algorithms to improve the returned signal without the use of a wavefront sensor. We have investigated a number of possible optimisation methods, covering hill climbing, genetic algorithms, and more random search methods. The system has demonstrated a significant enhancement in the axial resolution of a confocal microscope when imaging at depth within a sample. We discuss the trade-offs of the various approaches adopted, comparing speed with resolution enhancement.  相似文献   

Efficient targeting of therapeutic reagents to tissues and cell types of interest is critical to achieving therapeutic efficacy and avoiding unwanted side effects due to offtarget uptake. To increase assay efficiency and reduce the number of animals used per experiment during preclinical development, we used a combination of direct fluorescence labeling and confocal microscopy to simultaneously examine the biodistribution of two therapeutic proteins, Cerezyme® and Ceredase®, in the same animals. We show that the fluorescent tags do not interfere with protein uptake and localization. We are able to detect Cerezyme and Ceredase in intact cells and organs and demonstrate colocalization within target cells using confocal microscopy. In addition, the relative amount of protein internalized by different cell types can be quantified using cell type‐specific markers and morphometric analysis. This approach provides an easy and straightforward means of assessing the tissue and cell type‐specific biodistribution of multiple protein therapeutics in target organs using a minimal number of animals. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study presents a method for high-precision distance measurements and for the volume-conserving segmentation of fluorescent objects with a size of the order of the microscopic observation volume. The segmentation was performed via a model-based approach, using an algorithm that was calibrated by the microscopic point spread function. Its performance was evaluated for three different fluorochromes using model images and fluorescent microspheres as test targets. The fundamental limits which the microscopic imaging process imposes on the accuracy of volume and distance measurements were evaluated in detail. A method for the calibration of the axial stepwidth of a confocal microscope is presented. The results suggest that in biological applications, 3D distances and radii of objects in cell nuclei can be determined with an accuracy of ≤ 60 nm. Using objects of different spectral signature, 3D distance measurements substantially below the lateral half width of the confocal point spread function are feasible. This is shown both theoretically and experimentally.  相似文献   

Phototoxicity and photobleaching are major limitations in live-cell fluorescence microscopy. They are caused by fluorophores in an excited singlet or triplet state that generate singlet oxygen and other reactive oxygen species. The principle of controlled light exposure microscopy (CLEM) is based on non-uniform illumination of the field of view to reduce the number of excited fluorophore molecules. This approach reduces phototoxicity and photobleaching 2- to 10-fold without deteriorating image quality. Reduction of phototoxicity and photobleaching depends on the fluorophore distribution in the studied object, the optical properties of the microscope and settings of CLEM electronics. Here, we introduce the CLEM factor as a quantitative measure of reduction in phototoxicity and photobleaching. Finally, we give a guideline to optimize the effect of CLEM without compromising image quality.  相似文献   

The mean or net preferential orientation of cellulose fibrils in plant cell walls is detected with polarization confocal laser scanning microscopy using the fluorescence dichroism of Congo Red. Single cells, arrays of cells in a tissue, or the epidermis of whole organs can be assayed in vivo . Aerial parts require an extra pectinase treatment because of the cuticle, which is impermeable to aqueous solutions. Peeling off the epidermis can be an elegant alternative, especially for leaves. With this method the net preferential fibril orientation can be related to the symmetry axis of the cell in quantitative terms. Data issuing from this approach are useful in current research on plant biomechanics.  相似文献   

The technique of serial optical sectioning by confocal microscopy, in conjunction with off-line digital image analysis, was used to quantify the radial distribution of damaged cells in rat pancreatic islets following cryopreservation. The process consists of imaging frozen-thawed islets of Langerhans using laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). The three-dimensional (3-D) distribution and analysis of the two populations of viable and damaged cells was visualized via acridine orange/propidium iodide (AO/PI) fluorescent staining. In preparation for cryopreservation, isolated and cultured rat pancreatic islets were brought to a 2 m concentration of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) by serial addition at decreasing temperatures. Ice was nucleated in the islet suspension at ?10°C, and individual specimens were frozen to ?70°C at cooling rates of 1, 3, 10 and 30°C/min in a programmable bulk freezer and subsequently stored in liquid nitrogen. After rapid thawing and serial dilution to remove DMSO, individual islets were prepared with AO/PI stains for imaging on the LSCM. Serial sections of the islets, 2–7 μm in thickness, were obtained and processed to obtain high-contrast images. Analysis algorithms consisted of template masking, grey-level thresholding, median filtering and 3-D blob colouring. The radial distribution of damaged cells in the islets was determined by isolating the cell and computing its distance from the centroid of the 3-D islet volume. An increase in the number of blobs corresponding to single and/or aggregates of damaged cells was observed progressively with distance from the centre towards the periphery of the islet. This pattern of freeze-induced killing of cells within the islet was found to occur consistently in the numerous individual specimens processed.  相似文献   

Chinese algae fossils can provide unique information about the evolution of the early life. Thin sections of Neoproterozoic algae fossils, from Guizhou, China, were studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy, and algae fossils were fluorescenced at different wavelengths when excited by laser light of 488 nm, 476 nm, and 568 nm wavelength. When illuminated by 488 nm laser light, images of the algae fossils were sharper and better defined than when illuminated by 476 nm and 568 nm laser light. The algae fossils fluoresce at a wide range of emission wavelengths. The three-dimensional images of the fluorescent algae fossils were compared with the transmission images taken by light microscope. We found that the fluorescence image of the confocal laser scanning microscope in a single optical section could pass for the transmission image taken by a light microscope. We collected images at different sample depths and made a three-dimensional reconstruction of the algae fossils. And on the basis of the reconstruction of the three-dimensional fluorescent images, we conclude that the two algae fossils in our present study are red algae.  相似文献   

Protein body-free maize zein, when mixed at 35 degrees C (above its glass transition temperature range), significantly (p < 0.01) improved the rheological and leavening properties of sorghum-wheat composite flour dough, resulting in improved loaf volume. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to observe the structure of zein fibrils and the interaction between zein and gluten proteins in the composite dough and bread systems. Autofluorescence and immunolocalization techniques were used to locate gluten and zein, respectively. Optical sections were collected every 0.4 microm through the samples and digitally processed to produce reconstructed three-dimensional images. Results showed that zein fibrils form an outer layer that intermittently coats the gluten networks, thereby strengthening them. This type of microstructure is able to withstand the pressure exerted by gas cell expansion during yeast fermentation to increase loaf volume.  相似文献   

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