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The mechanism of vertical migration of radionuclides along the soil profile is studied. For large averaging, the process can be described by the sum of the rates of effective diffusion and vertical advection of a radionuclide. The results of theoretical calculations of the137Cs concentration profiles in light and heavy soils for actually observed atmospheric fallout in 1954–1999 are compared with the experimental profiles in mountain frozen-taiga and mountain frozen-forest tundra soils of southern Transbaikal. The rate of vertical migration is estimated and the reasons for the high137Cs contamination density of soil in this region are discussed. 4 figures, 27 references. Scientific and Industrial Association “Taifun.” GP “Sosnovgeolservis.” Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 207–213, March, 2000.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of the vertical distribution profile of137Cs in azonal terrain of small river valleys and gorges with a predominance of accumulative denudation processes in the redistribution of the soil mass (the valley of the River Lokna, the Plava area of the Tula region). The established correlation between the inventory of137Cs and its depth penetration into the soil confirms the proposition that the former is incremented by soil particles containing absorbed137Cs being washed in. A negative correlation was revealed between the exposure dose rates and the inventory of137Cs. Global Climate and Ecology Institute. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 134–139, February, 1999.  相似文献   

建立了小体积海水中134Cs、137Cs和60Co的联合分析方法,确定了最佳实验条件。采用磷钼酸铵富集法对海水中放射性铯进行浓集后,其上清液利用氢氧化钴沉淀载带海水中的60Co,用γ能谱仪进行测量。结果表明:该法对海水中放射性134Cs、137Cs和60Co的回收率分别为87%~95%、87%~95%和89%~93%,检测限分别为0.048、0.051、0.046 Bq/L。另外,对2017年IAEA国际比对(IAEA-RML-2017-01)海水样品中的134Cs、137Cs和60Co进行分析测量,核素分析结果的最终评价均为“通过”,验证了本实验室采用的134Cs、137Cs和60Co联合分析方法的可行性和可靠性,为今后该方法在常规海洋环境放射性监测中的应用推广奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The dynamics and present state of the radioactive contamination with 137Cs of littoral soil of Lake Kozhanovskoe and Lake Svyatoe on the Besed’ River are presented. The parameters of the vertical migration of 137Cs in soil-the rate of directional transfer with soil moisture, the diffusion coefficient, and the average velocity of vertical migration-are estimated by comparing the experimental and model distributions of 137Cs content over soil depth. It is shown that at the present time the two 5-cm layer of soil can contain 20–90% 137Cs depending on the type of soil and landscape. The average values of the diffusion coefficient, the rate of directional transfer, and the vertical migration velocity for 12-, 13-, and 20-year periods after the Chernobyl accident are 0.1–2.8 cm2/yr, 0.1–0.3 cm/yr, and 0.1–0.8 cm/yr, respectively. __________ Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 102, No. 5, pp. 306–311, May, 2007.  相似文献   

Scientific and Industrial Association “Taifun.” Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 76, No. 3, pp. 212–217, March, 1994.  相似文献   

To estimate the internal dose of a Chinese visiting scholar internally contaminated because of the Chernobyl Accident, the contents of 134Cs and 137Cs in urine were measured using a Ge(Li) γ-spectrometer. The internal doses were calculated based on data from the ICRP Publications. The effective doses from ^134Cs and ^137Cs were estimated to be 61 μSv and 98 μ Sv, respectively. The sum of 159 μSv was lower than the total effective dose (310 μSv), from the inhalation and ingestion of natural radionuclides. The dose of ^131I was also reviewed referring to the UNSCEAR 2000 Report. The equivalent effective dose of ^131I was estimated to be 2.9 mSv, 18 times more than the amount of ^134Cs and ^137Cs. Therefore, it is considered that the earlier estimation of internal doses of ^131I is important in evaluating radiation injuries from a nuclear reactor accident.  相似文献   

Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 262–264, April, 1990.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2007,34(1-2):28-35
A measurement station has been built for the non-destructive investigation of burnt fuel rod segments through high-resolution gamma spectrometry. Four UO2 pressurised water reactor fuel rod segments with different burnup levels between 50 and >100 GWd/t and ⩽10 year cooling time have been experimentally characterised using gamma-ray spectrometry to determine 134Cs, 137Cs and 154Eu and their corresponding concentration ratios. Experimental errors of ∼2% (1σ) for the 134Cs/137Cs ratio were obtained for most of the segments. In parallel, pin cell depletion calculations have been performed for each segment using the deterministic code CASMO-4. Measured and calculated ratios have then been compared with the purpose of deriving and validating pin-averaged single-ratio burnup indicators for very high burnups. It is shown that the 134Cs/137Cs ratio, frequently used as a burnup monitor, is considerably less precise for values exceeding 50 GWd/t; discrepancies of ∼16% are found between measured and calculated values, increasing with burnup up to ∼23%. The ratios built with the 154Eu concentration show even much larger discrepancies, essentially because this isotope is rather poorly predicted as revealed by just using different basic cross section data.  相似文献   

在热室中 ,用γ扫描装置对秦山核电厂 3× 3 -2考验组件中辐照历史、燃耗及冷却时间不同的两根燃料棒中的铯活度比A(13 4 Cs) /A(13 7Cs)的轴向分布进行了测量 ,并利用自行开发的压水堆燃料棒破损特性分析程序FCAC进行了理论计算。结果表明 :辐照和停堆冷却过程中燃料棒中铯原子的轴向迁移可以忽略 ,燃料棒中铯活度比的轴向分布由燃耗的轴向分布决定。  相似文献   

Large amounts of radioactive substances were released into the environment by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (FDNPP) accident. Several research institutes have mapped the distribution of nuclides with long half-lives, such as 134Cs and 137Cs. Although the ratio of 134Cs and 137Cs has been believed to be equal without depending on the location of the contaminated area, several researchers report that it is different depending on places quite a little. We measured the energy spectrum of gamma rays in high resolution within an approximately 3-km radius of the FDNPP by using an unmanned helicopter equipped with a LaBr3(Ce) scintillation detector. Then, we analyzed the 134Cs/137Cs ratio in the area from these measured data in detail. The results show that the 134Cs/137Cs ratio is different between the plume trace extending north and the other plume traces. We have obtained valuable data for identification of which radioactive substances were released by individual reactor units.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for estimating the distribution factors of137Cs and90Sr in soil and deposits. The method is based on predicting the forms in which these radionuclides occur and estimating the exchange distribution factor. It is shown that fixation of the radionuclides is a reversible process. A model is proposed for the transformation of the chemical forms of137Cs and90Sr. including leaching from fuel particles, fixation, and remobilization. It is shown that a first-order kinetic model satisfactorily describes the transformation of the forms of90Sr as well as137Cs for time periods of about one month. For longer periods of time, a diffusion fixation model is best for137Cs. Recommendations are made for the key parameters for various types of soils. 1 figure, 2 tables, 11 references. Scientific and Industrial Association “Taifun.” Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 55–60, January, 2000.  相似文献   

利用对气溶胶中典型放射性核素(~(131)I和134,~(137)Cs)的分析,可以评估福岛核事故产生的放射性物质对上海及全球的大气放射性本底水平造成的影响。本工作结合核事故释放过程、核素的天然衰变以及气象条件等因素,获得核事故期间上海的气溶胶中~(131)I和134,~(137)Cs活度浓度及其比值的分布特征:~(131)I被检出的时间(2011-03-27)早于~(134)Cs(2011-04-06)和~(137)Cs(2011-04-08),~(131)I的活度浓度(0.01~1.20 mBq/m3)比~(134)Cs(0.01~0.58mBq/m3)和~(137)Cs(0.01~0.65mBq/m3)大2~10倍,而且在不同的时间段出现相应的多峰值现象;~(131)I/~(137)Cs活度浓度比值(1.3~10.6)在2011年4月5日之后呈递减趋势,但是~(134)Cs/~(137)Cs活度浓度比值(0.8~2.9)则一直在1.1左右波动。利用HYSPLIT模型模拟放射性气团运移轨迹的分析方法,表明在核事故期间输入到上海的放射性气溶胶的途径有东北和西北两条主要迁移路径。同时通过结合国内相关城市核事故期间大气放射性监测数据,证实了东北路径在中国境内的控制地位。另外,通过总结和分析北半球大气监测数据中~(131)I/~(137)Cs和~(134)Cs/~(137)Cs活度浓度比值最大值的分布特征,验证了日本核事故产生的放射性气溶胶在北半球的传输过程。  相似文献   

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