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We present a general approach for representing and reasoning with sets of defaults in default logic, focusing on reasoning about preferences among sets of defaults. First, we consider how to control the application of a set of defaults so that either all apply (if possible) or none do (if not). From this, an approach to dealing with preferences among sets of default rules is developed. We begin with an ordered default theory , consisting of a standard default theory, but with possible preferences on sets of rules. This theory is transformed into a second, standard default theory wherein the preferences are respected. The approach differs from other work, in that we obtain standard default theories and do not rely on prioritized versions of default logic. In practical terms this means we can immediately use existing default logic theorem provers for an implementation. Also, we directly generate just those extensions containing the most preferred applied rules; in contrast, most previous approaches generate all extensions, then select the most preferred. In a major application of the approach, we show how semimonotonic default theories can be encoded so that reasoning can be carried out at the object level. With this, we can reason about default extensions from within the framework of a standard default logic. Hence one can encode notions such as skeptical and credulous conclusions, and can reason about such conclusions within a single extension.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of representing arbitrary preferencesin causal reasoning and planning systems. In planning, a preferencemay be seen as a goal or constraint that is desirable, but notnecessary, to satisfy. To begin, we define a very general querylanguage for histories, or interleaved sequences of world statesand actions. Based on this, we specify a second language inwhich preferences are defined. A single preference defines abinary relation on histories, indicating that one history ispreferred to the other. From this, one can define global preferenceorderings on the set of histories, the maximal elements of whichare the preferred histories. The approach is very general andflexible; thus it constitutes a ‘base’ languagein terms of which higher-level preferences may be defined. Tothis end, we investigate two fundamental types of preferencesthat we call choice and temporal preferences. We consider concretestrategies for these types of preferences and encode them interms of our framework. We suggest how to express aggregatesin the approach, allowing, e.g. the expression of a preferencefor histories with lowest total action costs. Last, our approachcan be used to express other approaches and so serves as a commonframework in which such approaches can be expressed and compared.We illustrate this by indicating how an approach due to Sonand Pontelli can be encoded in our approach, as well as thelanguage PDDL3.  相似文献   

In a recent paper we have proposed terminological default logic as a formalism that combines means both for structured representation of classes and objects and for default inheritance of properties. The major drawback that terminological default logic inherits from general default logic is that it does not take precedence of more specific defaults over more general ones into account. This behavior has already been criticized in the general context of default logic, but it is all the more problematic in the terminological case where the emphasis lies on the hierarchical organization of concepts.The present paper addresses the problem of modifying terminological default logic such that more specific defaults are preferred. We assume that the specificity ordering is induced by the hierarchical organization of concepts, which means that default information is not taken into account when computing priorities. It turns out that the existing approaches for expressing priorities between defaults do not seem to be appropriate for defaults with prerequisites. Therefore we shall consider an alternative approach for dealing with prioritization in the framework of Reiter's default logic. The formalism is presented in the general setting of default logic where priorities are given by an arbitrary partial ordering on the defaults. We shall exhibit some interesting properties of the new formalism, compare it with existing approaches, and describe an algorithm for computing extensions. In the terminological case, we thus obtain an automated default reasoning procedure that takes specificity into account.This is an extended version of a paper presented at the13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 1993, Chambery, France.  相似文献   

Locational reasoning plays an important role in many applications of AI problem-solving systems, yet has remained a relatively unexplored area of research. This paper addresses both theoretical and practical issues relevant to reasoning about locations. We define several theories of location designed for use in various settings, along with a sound and complete belief revision calculus for each that maintains a STRIPS-style database of locational facts. Techniques for the efficient operationalization of the belief revision rules in planning frameworks are presented. These techniques were developed during application of the location theories to several large-scale planning tasks within the Sipe planning framework.  相似文献   

对智能规划中的常用工具——放松式规划图(relaxed planning graph,简称RPG)的图论性质进行了深入研究.将RPG中的命题层抽取出来,得到一个不包含任何动作的命题关系图(proposition relation graph,简称PRG),发现PRG仍具有RPG的主要规划性质.初步研究结果包括以下4个方面:初始命题集(initial proposition set,简称IPS)的闭出邻集(close out-neighborhoods,简称CON)是放松式规划可达命题集(relaxed reachable proposition set,简称R-RPS);初始状态命题到目标状态命题的最大距离是规划解长度的合理估计;无圈序指出了对应命题被实现的顺序要求;出度或入度为1的结点收缩对应规划中构造的宏动作.上述结果中,前两者说明PRG保留RPG的主要规划性质,后两者可用于建立目标议程或宏动作提取等领域.还提出与上述结论相关的3种算法:从RPG中得到PRG的算法(复杂性为O(mn2),其中,n为RPG的命题数,m为RPG的动作数);约简无圈序算法(复杂性为O(n+m),其中,n为PRG的结点数,m为PRG的边数);宏动作建议算法(复杂性为O(n2),n为PRG的结点数).  相似文献   

The existing approaches that map the given explicit preferences into standard assumption‐based argumentation (ABA) frameworks reveal some difficulties such as generating a huge number of rules. To overcome them, we present an assumption‐based argumentation framework equipped with preferences (p_ABA). It increases the expressive power of ABA by incorporating preferences between sentences into the framework. The semantics of p_ABA is given by extensions, which are maximal among extensions of ABA with regard to the extension ordering “lifted” from the given sentence ordering. As a theoretical contribution of this study, we show that prioritized logic programming can be formulated as a specific form of p_ABA. The advantage of our approach is that not only does p_ABA enable us to express different kinds of preferences such as preferences over rules, over goals, or over decisions by means of sentence orderings but we can also successfully obtain solutions from extensions of the p_ABA expressing the respective knowledge for various applications such as epistemic reasoning, practical reasoning, and decision making with preferences in a uniform and domain‐independent way without suffering from difficulties of the existing approaches.  相似文献   

We illustrate a methodology for formalizing and reasoning about Abadi and Cardelli’s object-based calculi, in (co)inductive type theory, such as the Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions, by taking advantage of natural deduction semantics and coinduction in combination with weak higher-order abstract syntax and the Theory of Contexts. Our methodology allows us to implement smoothly the calculi in the target metalanguage; moreover, it suggests novel presentations of the calculi themselves. In detail, we present a compact formalization of the syntax and semantics for the functional and the imperative variants of the ς-calculus. Our approach simplifies the proof of subject deduction theorems, which are proved formally in the proof assistant Coq with a relatively small overhead. Supported by UE project IST-CA-510996 Types and French grant CNRS ACI Modulogic.  相似文献   

基于图论和启发式搜索的装配序列规划算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将装配序列规划中成熟的割集法和人工智能中启发式搜索方法相结合,提出一个高效的装配序列生成算法。此算法在启发函数的指导下,直接产生所需的最佳装配规划,避免了单独采用割集法产生装配AND/OR图而导致的组合爆炸的问题。同时省去了在选择装配规划时,对整个装配AND/OR图进行再次搜索。此算法与其它算法相比具有效率高、智能性强的特点。最后给出了一个实例。  相似文献   

The multitrip pickup and delivery problem with time windows and manpower planning (MTPDPTW-MP) determines a set of ambulance routes and finds staff assignment for a hospital. It involves different stakeholders with diverse interests and objectives. This study firstly introduces a multiobjective MTPDPTW-MP (MO-MTPDPTWMP) with three objectives to better describe the real-world scenario. A multiobjective iterated local search algorithm with adaptive neighborhood selection (MOILS-ANS) is proposed to solve the problem. MOILS-ANS can generate a diverse set of alternative solutions for decision makers to meet their requirements. To better explore the search space, problem-specific neighborhood structures and an adaptive neighborhood selection strategy are carefully designed in MOILS-ANS. Experimental results show that the proposed MOILS-ANS significantly outperforms the other two multiobjective algorithms. Besides, the nature of objective functions and the properties of the problem are analyzed. Finally, the proposed MOILS-ANS is compared with the previous single-objective algorithm and the benefits of multiobjective optimization are discussed.   相似文献   

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