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Abstract Transjurisdictional water pollution problems are increasing in number and are becoming a significant governance problem in China. A large number of transjurisdictional water pollution disputes that have far-reaching social effects are occurring between provinces and are also frequent between municipalities, counties, towns, and villages. In this paper, several transjurisdictional water pollution cases in China, particularly in the Yellow River Basin, are discussed. The problems and causes for transjurisdictional water pollution are addressed. There are many causes for transjurisdictional water pollution problems although the key reasons are the rapid economic development, the failure of local authorities to enforce the existing laws and to implement administrative decisions, as well as inadequacies in the legal framework. Other factors include poor technology, shortage of funds, the institutional division of jurisdiction and management over water quantity and quality both administratively and legally, the lack of transparency in the decision-making process, insufficient public participation and information disclosure, poor communication, and lack of involvement of stakeholders in basin or sub-basin organizations. 相似文献
Flash flood hazard mapping is a supporting component of non-structural measures for flash flood prevention. Pilot case studies are necessary to develop more practicable methods for the technical support systems of flash flood hazard mapping. In this study, the headwater catchment of the Xiapu River Basin in central China was selected as a pilot study area for flash flood hazard mapping. A conceptual distributed hydrological model was developed for flood calculation based on the framework of the Xinanjiang model, which is widely used in humid and semi-humid regions in China. The developed model employs the geomorphological unit hydrograph method, which is extremely valuable when simulating the overland flow process in ungauged catchments, as compared with the original Xinanjiang model. The model was tested in the pilot study area, and the results agree with the measured data on the whole. After calibration and validation, the model is shown to be a useful tool for flash flood calculation. A practicable method for flash flood hazard mapping using the calculated peak discharge and digital elevation model data was presented, and three levels of flood hazards were classified. The resulting flash flood hazard maps indicate that the method successfully predicts the spatial distribution of flash flood hazards, and it can meet the current requirements in China. 相似文献
韩江流域是梅州及潮汕地区近千万人的主要水源地,虽然目前水质总体良好,但随着流域内人口、经济的快速发展,水体富营养化成为流域潜在风险之一。为分析流域氮营养盐特征和估算无机氮污染负荷,选取流域上、中、下游尖山、横山、潮安3个水文站及一级支流汀江溪口水文站,采用2004—2015年水质、流量监测数据,以无机氮为分析参数分别进行水质月季箱线图绘制、历史趋势分析、流量与浓度关系分析,认为:以非点源污染为基础加上点源污染,韩江流域无机氮浓度都呈高度显著上升趋势,城市下游河段已超允许污染负荷;建立的流量~污染负荷估算方程关系良好,据此可估算污染物负荷总量。 相似文献
微塑料污染在全球范围内受到广泛关注。综述了长江流域水体中微塑料污染的已有报道,分析了长江流域水体微塑料的空间分布和污染特征,探讨了长江流域微塑料污染的危害,并提出了相应的防控措施。结果表明:长江水体微塑料污染具有较高的空间异质性,表层水微塑料丰度在几十到几万 个/m3之间,沉积物中丰度在几十到几千个/kg之间;与国内外其他流域相比,长江流域水体微塑料污染处于中等偏低的水平,湖泊和水库的微塑料丰度普遍高于河流型水体;长江流域水体微塑料以聚酯类、聚乙烯和聚丙烯为主,形态多为纤维状、碎片和薄膜状;长江流域从上游至下游水体微塑料丰度逐渐升高,且多数水体微塑料丰度呈沿岸高、中心低的分布特征。控制长江流域水体微塑料污染,需完善相关法律法规、提高污水处理能力和塑料废物的管理处置能力。 相似文献
Complexity and trends analysis of hydrometeorological time series for a river streamflow: A case study of Songhua River Basin,China 下载免费PDF全文
In China's national economic growth, an important role is being played by the Songhua River because of the river's abundant resources and natural conditions. Therefore, study of hydrometeorological time series is very important to understand the basin behaviour. This research uses the snow cover data derived from MODIS, streamflow, and meteorological records in the Songhua River Basin to evaluate similarity, complexity, and trends in the snow cover, temperature, precipitation, and streamflow. In this paper, we suggest a new method of ranking the statistics symbolic sequences to examine the degree of similarity (distance measurement) between meteorological stations and compare it with non‐parametric correlation methods and also investigate the deviations in the complexity of a hydrometeorological time series. Information‐based similarity index and multiscale entropy confirm that the hydrometeorological time series of different stations have self‐similarity and abundant complexity. Wavelet entropy is also used to investigate the basin behaviour by taking streamflow records and population. It is found that with the increase in population and urbanization, the complexity values are increased. The results also exhibit that due to increase in urbanization, it affects the hydrological process and nature of environment resulting in complex catchment behaviour. Furthermore, the streamflow trend results displayed significant decline (22.21 m3/s × year?1) in the Songhua River. The results also indicated that the seasonal snow cover trend has no impact on changes of the streamflow. However, the decline of the streamflow may be influenced by the significant human activity upstream of the Songhua River. 相似文献
榕江流域重金属污染分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据2004年对榕江流域的水质监测结果,认为榕江流域的重金属污染较为严重,尤以铁、锰为甚.分析流域内水质重金属污染的主要原因是:电子、水泥等大量工业污染源排放;大量家庭作坊式小工业的废水未经处理直接排放;废电池随便丢弃.对重金属的危害性作了详尽的剖析,最后提出防治对策. 相似文献
流域污染负荷分割研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
根据排放方式的不同,水体污染可以分为点源污染和非点源污染两大类。鉴于产生机理、污染特性、污染范围等方面的不同,两类污染在区域内各自所占比重、防治方法等亦有所区别。在现实环境保护工作中,为了使污染防治措施更有针对性,有必要了解区域内两类污染各自所占的份额。以渭河流域陕西段为实例,分别运用径流分割法、降雨量差值法对流域内1991~1999年污染负荷进行了分割,并进行相互比较。结果表明,两种方法可以从不同的侧面分别对流域污染负荷进行分割,且两者分割结果相近,可以为流域污染防治政策的制定提供参考;流域内两类污染负荷所占比重大体相当,枯水年点源污染比重略高,而丰水年非点源污染比重较大。 相似文献
黄河流域水污染问题研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
黄河流域水污染问题日益受到人们的关注,对其加以研究以找到水污染防治的应对措施是急需的,也是必须的。在分析黄河流域水污染现状及造成水污染原因的基础上,通过历史研究、比较研究、分析实证研究、自然科学与人文科学的交叉研究等多种研究方法,探索了流域、区域与行业的统一管理,流域管理与科技的结合,多渠道、全方位的资金来源,流域责任意识的树立及法律、法规的完善,明确各方的权、责、利,使各方都有所为、有所得,调动多方的积极性,真正建立权威、高效、统一、协调的流域管理体制和良性运行机制等防治水污染的途径。 相似文献
The water quality improvement plan for the Tha Chin river basin in central Thailand has been studied by using integrated land-use and water quality modelling. There has been little research on water quality planning in this basin due to the complex and intensive data requirements and also due to modelling difficulties. This research attempts to apply the integrated land-use and water quality modelling to the Tha Chin river basin. Loading reduction scenarios were applied to find out the appropriate loading reduction target and hence the improved water quality in the main stream. 相似文献
淮河流域“97达标”一年来的回顾 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为检验1997年底淮河流域工业污染源达标治理成效及水污染防治规划目标,水利部淮河水利委员会于1998年1月和12月分别对全流域188个县级以上城镇和流域内46个重点城镇的人河排污口进行了全面监测,并开展了流域内重点河道控制断面的水质监测工作,从实测结果分析了淮河流域水污染防治所取得的成果和存在的问题,并提出切实可行的措施与建议。 相似文献
为了白杨河流域内莫合台洼地、白杨河洼地、艾里克湖3大区域的生态不被破坏,确保白杨河水库可以给下游艾里克湖输水,在研究白杨河流域水资源开发利用现状的基础上,设定白杨河拟建引水枢纽至白杨河水库之间的河段进行全防渗和部分防渗两套输水工程方案,并通过遥感技术、蒸散模型和水量平衡模型,统筹考虑上、中、下游的用水情况,建立水资源开发利用方案与3大生态保护目标之间的响应关系,对河段全防渗和部分防渗两个输水工程方案对3大生态保护目标所产生的影响进行对比分析。结果表明,部分防渗方案对生态的影响较小,部分防渗方案是合理的输水工程方案。 相似文献
中国工程院"西北地区农牧业可持续发展与节水战略"课题 《水利规划与设计》2003,(1):2-11
众所周知,水,是西北地区经济社会发展的制约因素之一。产业结构调整是西北地区从欠发达走向发展、富裕的重要措施;粮食安全是社会安定必不可少的重要冈素;西北地区农牧业可持续发展,是西北地区经济社会发展的重心。本报告在多学科、多专业协作基础上,提出了在西北地区经济社会、生态环境可持续发展前提下的农牧业可持续发展与节水战略。 相似文献
浑河流域非点源污染负荷估算与分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用输出系数法和SWAT模型两种方法对浑河流域2007年的非点源污染TN、TP负荷进行估算和模拟,并分析了浑河流域内各行政区及不同土地利用方式对浑河流域非点源污染负荷总量的影响及非点源污染负荷的年内排放特点.经计算,输出系数法估算的TN、TP负荷分别为17 468 t和996 t,SWAT模型模拟的TN、TP负荷量分别为15 355 t和1 112 t.由输出系数法估算结果可知浑河流域各行政分区中,沈阳市和抚顺市是浑河流域TN、TP的主要污染来源;在不同土地利用方式中,旱田对TN、TP的污染负荷贡献率最大.由SWAT模型模拟结果可知,TN、TP污染物排放年内有两个集中期,分别出现在7月、8月份和3月份.分析的结果及污染特性可为浑河流域非点源污染治理提供科学依据. 相似文献
欧洲流域管理模式注重依法管理、规划管理、综合管理、结果管理和时间管理、协调管理等,形成了完整的水法规框架体系、覆盖主要河流的流域规划体系、完整的水管理目标体系、可操作性强的约束监督机制,并明确了水环境各类目标完成的时限,调动了有关国家流域管理的积极性。结合我国流域管理的现状,借鉴欧盟流域管理模式的经验,我国应构建流域水管理法规体系、实行流域共同管理和流域水环境控制性指标管理,并应强化分级分区域约束机制建设,还应加快控制性工程建设,调整流域管理机构职责和工作方式,提升流域管理服务水平等。 相似文献