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李宾飞  叶金桥  李兆敏  冀延民  刘巍 《石油学报》2016,37(10):1265-1272,1301
采用轴对称悬滴形状分析技术研究了高温、高压条件下CO_2-原油体系和原油-碳酸水体系的相间作用及其界面张力的变化规律。研究结果表明:在高温、高压条件下CO_2与原油之间的相间作用可分为2个阶段,第1阶段为CO_2溶解并使原油膨胀,第2阶段为CO_2抽提轻质组分并使油相体积减小;压力增大,CO_2与原油的相间作用速度变快,压力接近最小混相压力时,油滴形态变得极不稳定,CO_2对轻质组分的抽提作用增强,CO_2与原油界面变模糊。温度和压力是影响CO_2与原油界面张力的主要因素,温度越高,气液界面越不稳定,动态界面张力波动越大,平衡界面张力越大;压力越高,动态界面张力达到平衡时间越短,最终的平衡界面张力越低。原油-碳酸水体系界面处的相互作用较弱,油水界面清晰,油滴形态稳定。CO_2从水相向油相逐渐扩散过程中,油滴体积不断膨胀并逐渐达到稳定,未出现CO_2抽提轻质组分导致油滴体积减小的现象。随着CO_2在水相中的溶解及向油相中的扩散,界面张力逐渐下降并达到平衡;温度和压力越高,油水界面张力达到平衡的时间越短,油水界面张力越小。  相似文献   

用界面张力法测定CO2与原油的最小混相压力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用悬滴法,测定了在模拟地层温度为356.5K、压力为8.54~23.43MPa时的CO2与原油间的界面张力.实验发现,CO2与原油间的界面张力随压力的增加近似呈线性下降趋势.对该数据进行了线性回归,并用外推法计算出当界面张力为零时的最小混相压力为24.17MPa,与实验观测达到一次接触混相状态时的压力(23.43MPa)相比,相对误差为3.16%.采用界面张力确定CO2与原油间的最小混相压力,既可通过直接观测接触混相状态确定,也可利用所测界面张力数据进行估算,操作简单易行,且耗时少.  相似文献   

舒晓辉 《石油天然气学报》2013,35(3):122-123,137,167,168
针对腰英台低渗透油藏条件,通过高温高压界面张力仪测量了原油与CO2间界面张力随着压力的变化关系;运用非稳态JBN方法测量了低渗透油藏CO2驱过程中不同油藏压力下的油气相对渗透率曲线。对油气界面张力变化和相对渗透率曲线变化规律的研究,结果表明,随着油藏压力的增大,CO2与原油间的界面张力逐步降低,导致油气相对渗透率曲线等渗点逐步向右偏移,两相共渗区逐步拓宽,气驱残余油饱和度逐步降低,且相对渗透率曲线有向对角直线形态转变的趋势。  相似文献   

注CO2开发含沥青质油藏会导致沥青质沉淀,造成储层堵塞,而注入纳米颗粒能够有效抑制沥青质沉淀。在明确原油注CO2产生沥青质沉淀特征的基础上,选取不同地区4种沥青质质量分数的原油,分别测定了无机纳米颗粒SiO2、金属氧化物纳米颗粒Co3O4和Fe3O4作用下的CO2与原油的界面张力,并评价了原油性质对纳米颗粒性能的影响。结果表明:原油中沥青质沉淀量随压力的增加而增大,CO2与原油间界面张力随压力的增加呈现出先快速下降后逐渐变缓的趋势,对应的一次接触最小混相压力也随沥青质沉淀量的增加而增大;纳米颗粒具有较高的表面活性和比表面积,能够吸附沥青质颗粒,抑制沥青质聚集,有效降低油气体系界面张力,其中纳米颗粒性能高低依次为无机纳米颗粒SiO2、金属氧化物纳米颗粒Co3O4和Fe3O4;纳米颗粒性...  相似文献   

重烷基苯磺酸盐/碱/原油体系的界面张力   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
研究了碱/重烷基苯磺酸盐/大主原油及苏北原油体系的动态和平衡界面张力特性。结果表明,在一定的碱浓度范围内,碱/HABS/原油体系的动态界面张力呈出现明显的出象,动态界面张力最低点可达10^-3-10^-5mN/m数量级,而平衡罪面张力只能达到10^-3mN/m数量级。  相似文献   

为深入探究高温高压(70℃,8 MPa)条件下,CO_2驱稠油的微观运移特征及其对采收率的影响,利用高温高压微观可视化模拟系统,模拟不同区域不同阶段的CO_2驱稠油过程,研究CO_2驱稠油的微观运移特征,并定量分析该过程中CO_2对稠油采收率的影响。研究结果表明:CO_2驱稠油过程可分为油气互溶、沥青质析出和气体携带部分沥青质颗粒运移3个部分。一次气驱阶段,CO_2先以小气泡自由移动,随后发生变形、合并或分裂,最后以连续相运移为主;关井阶段,CO_2气体溶解于稠油且伴随沥青质析出;二次气驱阶段,CO_2携带部分沥青质颗粒呈连续状运移,扩大波及面积。此外,调整CO_2驱稠油过程中的反应条件可以平衡气体降黏和沥青质析出的相互影响,促进油气有效运移,提高采收率。  相似文献   

不同压力下原油和CO_2的相互作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了不同压力下原油与CO2的相互作用,及其对原油与CO2间的界面张力和采收率的影响.首先,在可视化高压饱和单元中,进行一系列不同平衡压力下的原油-CO2饱和测试来确定沥青质沉降的初始压力.然后,采用对称悬滴形状分析法来研究在27 ℃下、平衡压力时的原油-CO2原油体系的界面张力.通过可视高压视窗可以观察到实际地层条件下原油-CO2之间的界面相互作用.研究发现,平衡压力低于门限压力时,原油-CO2体系的平衡界面张力随着平衡压力呈线性降低.平衡压力足够高,原油中的轻质组分会很快从油相中进入CO2相,即强烈的轻质组分抽提.通过饱和实验发现,发生强烈的轻质组分抽提时的压力高于沥青质沉降的初始压力.最后,做了不同注入压力下的CO2的驱替实验,研究了原油与CO2的相互作用对采收率的影响.岩心实验表明,注入压力在适当的范围时,CO2采收率随注入压力的增大而迅速增加.  相似文献   

为了优选CO2与原油间最小混相压力的测量方法,对两种不同的实验方法进行了比较分析。采用界面张力法和细长管实验法测量模拟地层温度为108℃,地层压力为24~40 MPa条件下的CO2与原油间的最小混相压力。实验发现,界面张力随压力的增加近乎呈线性下降。利用悬滴法测得的最小混相压力为38.094 MPa,利用细长管实验法测得的最小混相压力为39.2 MPa,两者与通过线性回归外推法得到的最小混相压力38.715 MPa相比,相对误差分别为1.60%和1.25%。通过比较,细长管实验法的精确度更好。  相似文献   

采用轴对称悬滴形状分析技术,测量了30℃与50℃下,CO_2压力在0.1~10.0 MPa范围内,离子型表面活性剂水溶液/CO_2/风城超稠原油体系中油水两相的界面张力。实验结果表明,表面活性剂水溶液和原油的平衡界面张力随着CO_2压力的增大而增大,高压CO_2的存在能有效降低十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)水溶液/原油体系与纯水/原油体系中油水两相的界面张力;而在十烷基三甲基溴化铵水溶液/原油体系和十二烷基三甲基氯化铵(DTAC)水溶液/原油体系中,高压CO_2的存在则会使得油水两相界面张力增大。溶解在SDS水溶液中的CO_2能够协助SDS乳化原油,而溶解在DTAC水溶液中的CO_2则不利于DTAC乳化原油。  相似文献   

工业木素磺酸盐与大庆原油形成低界面张力的条件研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统地研究了工业木素磺酸与大庆原油形成低界面张力的条件。研究证明,单纯工业木素磺酸盐不能与大庆原油形成超低界面张力,但与多种活性剂能产生协同效应,添加少量石油磺酸盐、碱为助剂配制的工业木素磺酸盐三元复合体系与大庆原油间的界面张力可以达到10^3mN/m-10^-4mN/m数量级。  相似文献   


In order to enhance oil recovery of a conventional oil reservoir by CO2 flooding, the changes in the properties of the crude oil before and after CO2 flooding are systematically investigated by on-site sampling and experimental testing. The results show that, after CO2 flooding, the light hydrocarbons of the produced crude oil is increased and the heavy hydrocarbons of the produced crude oil is decreased due to the deposition of resins and asphaltenes in the pores of the formation. In addition, the produced fluid (a mixture of oil and water) has a high water separation rate, the oil- water interface has a high tension value, and the crude oil has a high acid value and a low viscosity. The conclusions can provide a certain guidance for high-efficiency development of a conventional oil reservoir by CO2 flooding.  相似文献   

不同注采方式下CO2埋存与驱油效果优化评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张烈辉  杨军  熊钰  符奇 《天然气工业》2008,28(8):102-104
工业和人类生活过程中产生的温室气体CO2排放量日益增加,由此导致的空气污染和温室效应正在严重地威胁着人类赖以生存的环境。实行CO2高效利用与地质埋存相结合的一体化技术思路是缓解环境污染压力、提高石油采收率的有效途径。针对这一问题,建立了目标函数,并应用商业软件对注CO2驱的9套注采方案进行了数值模拟对比研究。结果表明:溶剂驱比纯CO2驱的采收率更高,但减少了CO2的埋存量;进行溶剂驱或水气交替驱到CO2驱的转换可以使目标函数值更大;井控方法是CO2埋存与EOR的最优方法,该方法累计产油量最大,储集的CO2也最多。这些结论为油田三次采油提供了技术参考,也为减排CO2提供依据。  相似文献   

The e ects of CO_2 and salt type on the interfacial tension(IFT) between crude oil and carbonated brine(CB) have not been fully understood. This study focuses on measuring the dynamic IFT between acidic crude oil with a total acid number of 1.5 mg KOH/g and fully CO_2-saturated aqueous solutions consisting of 15,000 ppm of KCl, NaCl, CaCl_2 and MgCl_2 at 30 °C and a wide range of pressures(500–4000 psi). The results of IFT measurements showed that solvation of CO_2 into all the studied aqueous solutions led to an increase in IFT of acidic crude oil(i.e., comparison of IFT of crude oil/CB and crude oil/brine), while no significant e ect was observed for pressure. In contrast, the obtained results of studied salts indicated a positive e ect on the IFT reduction of acidic crude oil/carbonated water(CW)(i.e., comparison of IFT of crude oil/CB and crude oil/CW).  相似文献   

During CO2 flooding, the crude oil is treated with CO2, and meanwhile it is displaced by CO2. Based on the two processes, the influence of pressure and CO2 content on the asphaltene precipitation and oil recovery efficiency are systematically investigated by indoor simulation experiment. With the increase of the pressure or CO2 content during CO2 treatment, the amount of asphaltene precipitation can be increased to a certain value. Correspondingly, the degrees of the changes of oil-water interface, the compositions of crude oil, and reservoir permeability are positively correlated with the amount of asphaltene precipitation. However, during the process, the oil recovery has an optimal value due to the combined action of asphaltene precipitation and the improvement of flow performance of the crude oil. These conclusions can provide a basis for high efficiency development of low permeability oil reservoirs by CO2 flooding.  相似文献   


In this paper, an experimental technique was developed to study the interfacial interactions between crude oil and CO2 under reservoir conditions. By using the axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA) for the pendant drop case, this new technique makes it possible to measure the interfacial tensions (IFTs) between crude oil and solvents, such as CO2, at high pressures and elevated temperatures. The major component of this experimental setup is a see-through windowed high-pressure cell. In this study, the IFT of the crude-oil–CO2 system was measured as a function of pressure at two fixed temperatures. It was found that, due to mutual interfacial interactions between crude oil and CO2, their dynamic IFT gradually reduces to a constant value, i.e., the equilibrium IFT. The major interfacial interactions observed in this study include light-ends extraction and initial turbulent mixing. At T = 58°C, the equilibrium IFT reaches 1–2 dyne/cm when P ≥ 13.362 MPa, and only partial miscibility is achieved even up to P = 28.310 MPa. Thus, this experimental study shows that only partial miscibility can be obtained in most CO2 flooding reservoirs. In addition, it is expected that the observed light-ends extraction and initial turbulent mixing phenomena may have significant effects on ultimate oil recovery and long-term CO2 sequestration.  相似文献   

Miscible CO2 injection process has become widely used technique for the enhanced oil recovery in low permeability reservoirs. Core flooding experiments and field test of CO2 miscible flooding in low permeability sandstone reservoirs and its influence on crude oil properties was studied. The results showed that CO2 miscible flooding in low permeability sandstone reservoirs can enhance oil recovery both in laboratory study and field test. The permeability of sandstone reservoirs decreased during CO2 miscible flooding due to the precipitation of asphaltene of crude oil. The precipitation of asphaltene lead to a reduction of asphaltene content and the apparent viscosity of crude oil. A further study on inhibitors and removers for asphaltene deposits from crude oil should be investigated to prevent and remove asphaltene deposits in low permeability sandstone reservoirs.  相似文献   

对松辽盆地高含CO2气藏储层包裹体及其气体组分的地球化学特征研究发现,储层中CO2包裹体不发育,包裹体中CO2的地球化学特征和气藏中气体的地球化学特征有比较大的差别,包裹体中的CO2显示有机成因,而气藏中的CO2显示无机成因;但包裹体中与气藏中的烃类气体的同位素特征却比较一致。造成包裹体上述特征的原因一是无机幔源CO2的充注速度快,包裹体来不及生长;二是在CO2充注以前,储层已经被烃类气体所饱和,在储层缺水的地质环境下不适宜包裹体的形成。最后结合地质特征认为,CO2的充注发生在烃类气体充注以后。  相似文献   

含油气盆地中流体包裹体类型及其地质意义   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
根据流体包裹体的透光和荧光性特征,首先将包裹体划分为烃包裹体、含烃包裹体和无荧光的盐水包裹体与非烃包裹体3大类。其次,再根据包裹体的组成和相态特征,将烃包裹体划分为以下9类:液态烃-气液烃包裹体、气态烃包裹体、含沥青包裹体、含烃盐水包裹体、含烃气体包裹体、液相盐水包裹体、两相盐水包裹体、非烃气体包裹体和含子矿物的盐水包裹体。液态烃-气液烃包裹体类进一步划分为以下4个亚类:重质油包裹体、中质油包裹体、轻质油包裹体和凝析油包裹体。论文还重点探讨了烃包裹体在烃源岩、储集岩和输导岩中的分布规律及各类流体包裹体在油气生成、运移和成藏演化中的地质应用。  相似文献   

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