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徐金锋 《中国石油石化》2008,(7):I0029-I0029
近期,笔者随片区财务代表到基层加油站检查走访,发现一些加油站员工对保险柜的使用和管理不规范,钥匙保管的指定人员不统一,结果导致了资金短缺情况的发生。  相似文献   

王艳平 《中国石油石化》2008,(3):I0012-I0012
元旦前夜,烟台公司栖霞十八站站内灯光通明,趁进站车辆不多的空隙,员工们卸下一天工作的劳累,饶有兴致地练起了大合唱。原来,这天一早,加油站的老客户“金山弘肥料有限公司”经理特地给站上送来一张邀请卡,希望员工们能够参加他们公司的元旦联欢晚会。  相似文献   

以持续不断的改革提升企业核心竞争力,以紧扣实际的创新寻找营销突破点,加油站从零座到47座,终成为区外市场中夺目的亮点。  相似文献   

500次阻断险情、无数次管网压力骤降聚升……中国石油西南油气田公司临危不乱,忠于职守,为抗震救灾提供了源源不断的“底气”支持。  相似文献   

马钊 《中国石油石化》2008,(3):I0044-I0048
走进中国石油甘肃销售兰州分公司慧达加油站,映入眼帘的是一串串令人惊叹的数字和耀眼的殊荣:销量连续六年超万吨,截至2007年10月底,零售量比上年同期增加747吨,增长8.91%“全国巾帼建功示范岗”、“甘肃省青年文明号”、“中油集团先进班组”、“中国石油百面红旗加油站”等锦标锦旗熠熠生辉。然而,这一切都与加油站经理田旭辉的凝聚效应、奉献精神是分不开的。  相似文献   

基于西门子PLC的司钻控制系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
分析了石油钻机控制系统的现状和发展,介绍了钻机PLC控制系统的软硬件设计、各种逻辑控制、实时检测和诊断、状态显示和故障处理等功能.阐述了以工业计算机IPC、PLC和人机界面(HMI)组成的核心控制系统.与传统的气动、液压控制系统相比较,基于PLC的司钻智能控制系统具有更高可靠性、先进性和适应性,系统容易操作、维护和扩展,易于适应野外油气田钻井作业的需要.  相似文献   

中韩在油气勘探、乙烯项目方面的合作,为两国经济合作注入全新的内容。中日韩三国合作的加强,也预示着东北亚能源合作体系萌动。  相似文献   

HS1802打包机自安装投用以来,一直达不到使用要求,经常出现故障,特别是主压、预压设备发生了严重的泄露和研损现象,经分析后认定主要是HS1802打包机液压系统存在问题,并对之进行改进,更换了主压、预压油缸并加大了压包压力,改造后的效果显著,设备实现了平稳高效地运行.  相似文献   

关乎车市走向的中国汽车消费税改革方案正在推进中。一位汽车业资深人士近日透露,财政部目前正在研究制订新的汽车消费税征税办法和税率,下半年可能出台细则。新办法的核心是降低小排量汽车的税率,提高大排量汽车的税率。这对SUV,尤其是中低档SUV是个巨大的打击。  相似文献   

吉林油田公司把基层建设的内涵融入到各项具体工作中,与生产经营管理进一步结合,激活班组“细胞”,为公司又好又快助力。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Atlas of major Texas oil reservoirs, by W. E. Galloway et al.
Principles of Pleistocene stratigraphy, edited by N. Healy-Williams.
Conodont biofacies and provincialism, edited by D. L. Clark.
Mathematics for seismic data processing and interpretation: by A. R. Camina and J. R. Janacek.
Geological howlers, boners and bloomers. Edited by W. D. I. Rolfe.
Energy Information Guide 111: Fossil Fuels, compiled by R. D. Weber.
La chasse aux bougies, by Dr. W. Bruderer (in French).
Handbook of gas hydrate properties and occurrence, by I/: A. Kuustraa and E. C. Hammershaimb.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
"Stochastic Modelling and Geostatistics. Principles, Methods, and Case Studies" Ed. by J.M. Yarus and R.L. Chambers.
"Fractals in the Earth Sciences". C. C. Barton and P.R. La Pointe (eds).
"Hydrocarbon and petroleum geology of France", edited by A. Mascle.
"Volcanism associated with extension at consuming plate margins", ed. by J.L. Smellie, Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 81.
"An introduction to petroleum exploration for non-geologists", by R. Stoneley.
"Petroleum exploration opportunities in Africa and countries beyond", by D. K. Patton.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
An introduction to seismic interpretation, by R. McQuillin, M. Bacon and W. Barclay.
Elements of Micropalaeontology, by G. Bignot.
Petroleum resourse assessment, edited by C. D. Masters.
In search of oil vols 1 and 2, by B. F. Grossling and D. T. Nielsen.
Brines and evaporites, by Dr. P. Sonnenfeld.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Lacustrine petroleum source rocks "Lacustrine petroleum source rocks", edited by A. J. Fleet, K. Kelts and M. R. Tulbot.
Regional studies The Andes "Geology of the Andes and its relation to hydrocarbon and mineral resources", edited by G. E. Ericksen, M. T. Canas Pinochet and J. A. Reinemund.
Regional studies North Greenland "Petroleum Geology of North Greenland". Bull. Gronlands Geol. Unders. 158, edited by E G. Christiansen.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
"Mechanics of oil shale" edited by K. R Chong and J. W. Smith.
"Oil shale, the environmental challenges-III" edited by K. H. Petersen.
"Heavy crude oil and tar sands resources in the USSR", by Daria Mona Fane.
"Petroleum stratigraphy: a guide for non-geologists"; by R. L. Brenner.
"Mastodon-bearing springs and Late Quaternary geochronology of the Lower Pomme de Terre Valley, Missouri", by C. Vance Haynes
"Technology of Gasoline" edited by E. G. Hancock.
"Log Quality Control", by R. M. Bateman.
"Cased-Hole Log Analysis and Reservoir Performance Monitoring", by R. M. Bateman.
"Reservoir Engineering Techniques using FORTRAN", by M. K. Sina and L. R. Padget.
"Geology of the European Countries Vol. 1, Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom
"European Communities Oil and Gas Research and Development Projects: First Status Report" compiled by D. Fee.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Petrological Dictionary
"Tomkeieff Dicitonary," by S. I. Tomkerieff et al.
"The first pictorial history of the American oil and gas industry, 1859–1983" by Ruth Sheldon Knowles,
International Petroleum Encyclopedia.
"Developments in Geophysical exploration methods — 5", editied by A. A. Fitch.
International Petroleum Encyclopedia.
"Developments in Geophsical exploration methods — 5", edited by A. A. Fitch,
"Nature and Origin of Cretaceous carbon-rich sediments", edited by S. O. Schalanger and M. B. Cita.
"Well-site Geologist's handbook", by d. McPhater and B. MacTiernan,
"Studies on Mesozoic and Cenozoic dinoflagellate cysts", by R. J. Davey et al. Bulleting of the Britihs Museum (Natural History),
Arctic Energy Resources, edited by L. Rey.
Oil Economist's Handbook 1984, by Gilbert Jenkins.
Petroleum geochmistry and explortion of Europe, edited by J. Brooks.
"Residual Deposits: Surface Related Weathering Processes and Material, Edited by R. C. L. Wilson.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Exploration geochemistry "Geochemistry in petroleum production", by D. W. Waples.
Photomicrographic atlas of sedimentary rocks "Atlas of sedimentary rocks under the microscope", by A. E. Adams, W. S. MacKenzie and C. Guilford.
Geology in Petroleum Production "Geology in petroleum production", by A. J. Dikkers.
"Real science on past events" "Ancient diamond time capsules", by C. E. Melton.
ANEP 86 "ANEP 86, European Petroleum Year Book". ISSN 0342 6947. Otto Veith Verlag, Neumann-Reichardt
Organic Geochemistry "Advances in Organic Geochemistry", edited by P. A. Schenk, J. W. de Leeuw and G. W. M. Lijmbach.
Field work "Geology in the field", by R. R. Compton.
Also received …Geophysical Directory Inc., 2200 Welch Ave.
D. Reidel Publishing Co., Spuiboulevard 50
"Soils and Quaternary Geology of the SW United States" Geological Society of America, 3300 Penrose Placex  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Exploration planning: Strategic planning for exploration management, by A. N. Quick and N. A. Buck
Energy Resources in an Uncertain Future: Coal, gas, oil and uranium supply forecasting by M. A. Adelman, J. C. Houghton, G. Kaufman and M. B. Zimmerman
Geological structures: edited by Takeshi Uemara and Shinjiro Mizutani
The Caribbean - South American plate boundary and regional tectonics, edited by W. E. Bonini, R. B. Hargraves and R. Shagam
Geopolitics of natural gas, by J. Russell
Advances in petroleum geochemistry, (Volume I), edited by J. Brooks and D. Welte
The nation' oil, by G. Corti and E. Frater  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
"Micropalaeontology ofcarbonate environments", edited by M.B. Hart.
"Manual of carbonate sedimentology": T.J.A. Reijers and K. J. Hsü (Eds).
"Petroleum development geology", 3rd edition, by P. A. Dickey
"Principles of petroleum prospecting", by Kinji Magara.
"Petroleum exploration: a quantitative introduction", by R.L. Sengbush.
"Petroleumgeology", by F.K. North.
"Landward oil and gas 1985".
"China oil exploitation manual 1984/1985".
"Oil industry outlook for the United States 1987–1991" by R.J. Beck
"World energy — the facts and the future", 2nd edition, by Don Hedley.
"Energy resources: geology, suppiy and demand", edited by G.C. Brown and E. Skipsey.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
"Natural Gas: Prospects to 2000 (A Study by the IEA Secretariat)".
"Bacteria and the Enhancement of Oil Recovery" by V. Moss and D. G. Springham.
"Winning More Oil: Increasing Importance for Enhanced Oil Recovery", by R. Dafter.
"The Urach Geothermal Project (Swabian Alb, Germany)", Ed. R. Haenel.
"La Géologie des Charbons, des Schistes Bitumineux et des Kerogènes", Ed. H. J. Oertil, Bull.
"Petroleum Geology in China", Ed. J. F. Mason.  相似文献   

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