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We have analyzed by gene amplification and sequencing mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining regions of the gyrA, gyrB, and parC genes of fluoroquinolone-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae mutants obtained during therapy or in vitro. Mutations leading to substitutions in ParC were detected in the two mutants obtained in vivo, BM4203-R (substitution of a histidine for an aspartate at position 84 [Asp-84-->His]; Staphylococcus aureus coordinates) and BM4204-R (Ser-80-->Phe), and in two mutants obtained in vitro (Ser-80-->Tyr). An additional mutant obtained in vitro, BM4205-R3, displayed a higher level of fluoroquinolone resistance and had a mutation in gyrA leading to a Ser-84-->Phe change. We could not detect any mutation in the three remaining mutants obtained in vitro. Total DNA from BM4203-R, BM4204-R, and BM4205-R3 was used to transform S. pneumoniae CP1000 by selection on fluoroquinolones. For the parC mutants, transformants with phenotypes indistinguishable from those of the donors were obtained at frequencies (5 x 10(-3) to 8 x 10(-3)) compatible with monogenic transformation. By contrast, transformants were obtained at a low frequency (4 x 10(-5)), compatible with the transformation of two independent genes, for the gyrA mutant. Resistant transformants of CP1000 were also obtained with an amplified fragment of parC from BM4203-R and BM4204-R but not with a gyrA fragment from BM4205-R3. All transformants had mutations identical to those in the donors. These data strongly suggest that ParC is the primary target for fluoroquinolones in S. pneumoniae and that BM4205-R3 is resistant to higher levels of the drugs following the acquisition of two mutations, including one in gyrA.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed among 150 clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae 4 pneumococcal isolates with resistance to fluoroquinolones (MIC of ciprofloxacin, >/=32 microgram/ml; MIC of sparfloxacin, >/=16 microgram/ml). Gene amplification and sequencing analysis of gyrA and parC revealed nucleotide changes leading to amino acid substitutions in both GyrA and ParC of all four fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates. In the case of strains 182 and 674 for which sparfloxacin MICs were 16 and 64 microgram/ml, respectively, nucleotide changes were detected at codon 81 in gyrA and codon 79 in parC; these changes led to an Ser-->Phe substitution in GyrA and an Ser-->Phe substitution in ParC. Strains 354 and 252, for which sparfloxacin MICs were 128 microgram/ml, revealed multiple mutations in both gyrA and parC. These strains exhibited nucleotide changes at codon 85 leading to a Glu-->Lys substitution in GyrA, in addition to Ser-79-->Tyr and Lys-137-->Asn substitutions in ParC. Moreover, strain 252 showed additional nucleotide changes at codon 93, which led to a Trp-->Arg substitution in GyrA. These results suggest that sparfloxacin resistance could be due to the multiple mutations in GyrA and ParC. However, it is possible that other yet unidentified mutations may also be involved in the high-level resistance to fluoroquinolones in S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial resistance of 158 Campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from humans in Quebec, Canada, from 1995 to 1997 was compared to the resistance of 47 and 86 strains of C. jejuni isolated in 1985 and 1986 and in 1992 and 1993, respectively. Of the 291 C. jejuni strains tested, no strain was resistant to erythromycin. Compared to the C. jejuni strains isolated in 1985 and 1986, the C. jejuni strains isolated in 1992 and 1993 were more resistant to tetracycline (40.7 versus 19.1%, respectively; P = 0. 01) but not to nalidixic acid or ciprofloxacin (P > 0.05). Compared to the C. jejuni strains isolated in 1992 and 1993 and in 1985 and 1986, the C. jejuni strains isolated from 1995 to 1997 were more resistant to tetracycline (55.7% versus 40.7 and 19.1%, respectively; P = 0.03 and P < 0.001, respectively) to nalidixic acid (13.9% versus 4.7 and 0%, respectively; P = 0.02 and P = 0.007, respectively), and to ciprofloxacin (12.7% versus 3.5 and 0%, respectively; P = 0.02 and P = 0.009, respectively).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Small intestine alterations produced by the enterotoxigenic capacity of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni are similar to the hydric, electrolytic and pathological changes caused by choleraic and thermolabile Escherichia coli toxins. AIM: To study the enterotoxigenic capacity of 4 strains of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni using the intestinal loop model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Rat intestinal loops were inoculated with culture filtrates of the four strains. Enterotoxigenicity was assessed by fluid accumulation, the increase in Na+ and Cl- in the loop fluid, and cAMP increase in loop tissues. An enterotoxigenic Escherichia coil strain and sterile Brucella both were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. RESULTS: The filtrates of two strains produced fluid accumulation in the loops, significantly increased Na+ and Cl- secretion to the intestinal lumen and increased tissue cAMP levels. CONCLUSIONS: Some strains of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni are able to show enterotoxigenicity in vivo, increasing cAMP levels in the intestinal cells and altering electrolyte exchange mechanisms.  相似文献   

A genomic library of Campylobacter jejuni (NCTC 11351) was used to identify genes which could confer a hemolytic phenotype to Escherichia coli. Accordingly, when transformants were screened on blood plates, hemolytic colonies appeared at a frequency of 3 x 10(-4). The gene conferring the hemolytic activity was identified by subcloning and was found to be responsible for the phenotype of all hemolytic transformants isolated. The open reading frame conferring this activity encodes a protein of 36,244 Da with a typical endopeptidase type II leader sequence. The protein is modified with palmitic acid when it is processed in E. coli, confirming that it is a typical lipoprotein. The deduced gene product of 329 amino acids has significant homology to the group of solute binding proteins from periplasmic-binding-protein-dependent transport systems for ferric siderophores, including the FatB protein from Vibrio anguillarium and the FhuD protein from Bacillus subtilis. In particular, the protein contained the signature sequence for siderophore-binding proteins, suggesting that the protein may be the siderophore-binding protein component of an iron acquisition system of C. jejuni.  相似文献   

Penis calcinosis is a rare pathology and only two previous cases have been reported in literature. We describe the clinicopathologic features of a case of nodular foreskin calcinosis in a 25-year-old man. The patient's history resulted negative for local trauma, inflammatory disorders or metabolic diseases. The mass measured up to 2 cm and was histologically constituted by multiple intradermic calcium deposits, whose deepest ones were surrounded by epithelioid histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells, with no evidence of any epithelial structures around none of them. These features were consistent with a non-metastatic calcinosis, likely idiopathic, even though also dystrophic calcinosis, observed at its end-stage, may show the same microscopic aspect. The exact idiopathic/dystrophic nosology is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The frequencies of human leukocyte antigens (HLA)-class I (A, B and Cw) were determined serologically and those of HLA-class II (DRB1 and DQB1) at the genomic level in 35 Japanese patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), 58 with Fisher's syndrome (FS), and 112 healthy controls. HLA-B54 and -Cw1 antigens were found in GBS and FS patients from whom Campylobacter jejuni had been isolated more often than found in the healthy controls. No HLA types were related to GBS or FS as a whole, except for the B54 antigen which often was significant in the entire GBS group. This relation, however, may depend on the high population of C. jejuni-isolate patients in our GBS group. There were no relationships between the frequencies of HLA types and the presence of serum IgG antibodies to GM1, GQ1b, GD1a, or GalNAc-GD1a. Our findings suggest that HLA types are associated with the onset of GBS and FS after C. jejuni enteritis and that the HLA types in distinct GBS and FS subgroups of a single etiological origin need to be examined.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to describe clinical and serologic features of Fisher syndrome associated with IgG anti-GQ1b ganglioside antibody following Campylobacter jejuni enteritis. DESIGN: A clinical trial. PARTICIPANTS: Four consecutive patients with Fisher syndrome were studied. INTERVENTION: Samples of sera from four patients were tested for reactivity to GQ1b ganglioside by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from samples of stool from three patients were serotyped by the method of Penner and Hennessy and that of Lior. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum IgG anti-GQ1b antibody titer and serotypes of C. jejuni. RESULTS: Diplopia occurred 8 to 14 days after the onset of diarrhea. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from samples of stool from all of the patients. ELISA revealed a high serum IgG anti-GQ1b antibody titer for all four patients. Two patients had high serum titers of other antiganglioside antibodies frequently related to Guillain-Barré syndrome. These two patients developed limb weakness following the onset of ophthalmoplegia. The C. jejuni serotype was Penner's serotype 2 for all three of the patients tested. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that C. jejuni, especially Penner's serotype 2, enteritis could trigger development of Fisher syndrome associated with IgG anti-GQ1b antibody.  相似文献   

Hantaviruses cause an important human illness, HFRS. Blood samples from 22 HFRS-positive, six seronegative patients and 15 healthy controls were examined in 1995, during the largest HFRS epidemic in Croatia. Results of double- and triple-colour immunofluorescence analysis showed an increased percentage of cytotoxic T cells (CD3+CD8+) in seropositive patients compared with seronegatives and healthy controls. The majority of seropositive HFRS patients expressed activation and memory antigens on T and B lymphocytes. The percentage of CD23+ and CD21+ B lymphocytes was lower in seropositive patients. HFRS patients had elevated levels of sCD23 and five had elevated total IgE. The increased expression of both early and late T cell activation antigens, e.g. CD25, CD71 and HLA-DR, memory cells and sCD23 positively correlated with biochemical parameters (AST, ALT, urea, alpha2-globulin) during the acute phase of HFRS. The phenotypic changes observed, especially early and late T cell activation markers, as well as memory cells, could be useful parameters in the evaluation of HFRS course, and prognostic factors of HFRS severity. Additional attention should be paid to liver involvement in the pathogenesis of HFRS.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni were isolated from 7 epidemic outbreaks (121 isolates), 15 patients with gastroenteritis, chicken meats (47 isolates) and chicken cecal contents (70 isolates). The isolates and one standard strain of C. jejuni JCM2013 were analysed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA method (RAPD). Total of 254 C. jejuni isolates were divided 68 different RAPD types which included strains that did not to divided by Lior's or Penner's serotyping system. To compare the similarities of RAPD patterns among the isolates, the amplification patterns of DNA were estimated by means of the Dice coefficient, and clustering of strains was based on the unweighted average pair group method (UPGMA) to facilitate the plotting of a dendrogram. It suggests that amplification band patterns of human isolates were different from those of chicken ones. Thus additional information given from RAPD profiles serves for epidemiological investigation and RAPD analysis is recommended as rapid and effective typing method.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni produces a toxin called cytolethal distending toxin (CDT). The genes encoding this toxin in C. jejuni 81-176 were cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence of the genes revealed that there are three genes, cdtA, cdtB, and cdtC, encoding proteins with predicted sizes of 30,11-6, 28,989, and 21,157 Da, respectively. All three proteins were found to be related to the Escherichia coli CDT proteins, yet the amino acid sequences have diverged significantly. All three genes were required for toxic activity in a HeLa cell assay. HeLa cell assays of a variety of C. jejuni and C. coli strains suggested that most C. jejuni strains produce significantly higher CDT titers than do C. coli strains. Southern hybridization experiments demonstrated that the cdtB gene is present on a 6.0-kb ClaI fragment in all but one of the C. jejuni strains tested; the cdtB gene was on a 6.9-kb ClaI fragment in one strain. The C. jejuni 81-176 cdtB probe hybridized weakly to DNAs from C. coli strains. The C. jejuni 81-176 cdtB probe did not hybridize to DNAs from representative C. fetus, C. lari, C. "upsaliensis," and C. hyointestinalis strains, although the HeLa cell assay indicated that these strains make CDT. PCR experiments indicated the probable presence of cdtB sequences in all of these Campylobacter species.  相似文献   

Three sets of primers were designed for PCR detection and differentiation of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. The first PCR assay was designed to coidentify C. jejuni and C. coli based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences. The second PCR assay, based on the hippuricase gene sequence, identified all tested reference strains of C. jejuni and also strains of that species which lack detectable hippuricase activity. The third PCR assay, based on the sequence of a cloned (putative) aspartokinase gene and the downstream open reading frame, identified all tested reference strains of C. coli. The assays will find immediate application in the rapid identification to species level of isolates. The assays combine with a protocol for purification of total DNA from fecal samples to allow reproducible PCR identification of campylobacters directly from stools. Of 20 clinical samples from which campylobacters had been cultured, we detected C. jejuni in 17, C. coli in 2, and coinfection of C. jejuni and Campylobacter hyointestinalis in 1. These results were concordant with culture and phenotypic identification to species level. Strain typing by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism of the flagellin (flaA) gene detected identical flaA types in fecal DNA and the corresponding campylobacter isolate. Twenty-five Campylobacter-negative stool samples gave no reaction with the PCR assays. These PCR assays can rapidly define the occurrence, species incidence, and flaA genotypes of enteropathogenic campylobacters.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To search differentially expressed sequences correlated with pathogenesis of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), including the candidates of tumor suppressor genes. METHODS: cDNA representational difference analysis (RDA) was performed to isolate differentially expressed sequences between cDNA from normal human primary cultures of nasopharyngeal epithelial cells and cDNA from NPC cell line HNE1. The sources of differentially expressed products were proved by Southern blot and Northern blot. The fragments were cloned with pGEM-T easy kit and sequenced by the chain termination reaction. RESULTS: Four differentially expressed cDNA fragments were isolated in the fourth subtractive hybridization using cDNA from normal human primary cultures of nasopharyngeal epithelial cells as tester amplicon and cDNA from NPC cell line HNE1 as driver amplicon by cDNA RDA. These differential cDNA fragments revealed that they really came from the tester amplicon and were not expressed or down-regulated in the NPC HNE1 cells. Of these obtained clones, some are the fragments of the human known genes including house-keeping genes, the others are novel genes. CONCLUSION: NPC involves alteration of multiple genes. Some of known genes matched with the differentially expressed sequences have an effective suppressive ability on the carcinoma.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic abnormalities in human malignancies frequently involve chromosome 7. The existence of several tumor suppressor genes on the long arm of chromosome 7 has been suggested in both epithelial and hematologic malignancies. From the Danish Cytogenetic Register, we identified 183 persons with constitutional abnormalities involving chromosome 7, including 16 patients with Williams syndrome. By linkage to the Danish Cancer Registry, we found five persons with cancer, including one thyroid carcinoma, three carcinomas of the digestive tract, and one malignant melanoma. There were no cases of leukemia. The overall risk of developing cancer was not increased.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if patients with the Guillain-Barré syndrome are likely to have had Campylobacter jejuni infection before onset of neurologic symptoms. DESIGN: A case-control study. SETTING: Several university medical centers. PATIENTS: Case patients met clinical criteria for the Guillain-Barré syndrome between 1983 and 1990 and had a serum sample collected and frozen within 3 weeks after onset of neurologic symptoms (n = 118). Disease controls were patients with other neurologic illnesses (n = 56); healthy controls were hospital employees or healthy family members of patients (n = 47). MEASUREMENTS: Serum IgA, IgG, and IgM antibodies to C. jejuni were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Assays were done in a blinded manner. RESULTS: Optical density ratios > or = 2 in two or more immunoglobulin classes were seen in 43 (36%) of patients with the Guillain-Barré syndrome and in 10 (10%) of controls (odds ratio, 5.3; 95% CI, 2.4 to 12.5; P < 0.001). Increasing the optical density ratio or the number of immunoglobulin classes necessary to yield a positive result increased the strength of the association. The number of patients with the Guillain-Barré syndrome who had positive serologic responses was greatest from September to November (P = 0.02). Male patients were three times more likely to have serologic evidence of C. jejuni infection (P = 0.009); the proportion of patients with the syndrome who had a positive serologic response increased with age. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with the Guillain-Barré syndrome are more likely than controls to have serologic evidence of C. jejuni infection in the weeks before onset of neurologic symptoms. Campylobacter jejuni may play a role in the initiation of the Guillain-Barré syndrome in many patients.  相似文献   

Thirty Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) strains isolated from stools of Israeli children with enteritis were tested for sensitivity to eight antimicrobial agents (MIC) and the presence of plasmids. It was found that all the isolates were sensitive to ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, furazolidone and erythromycin. Of the 30 strains tested, 21 (70%) were found to be tetracycline-resistant, a relatively high resistance rate as compared with data from other countries and previous reports from Israel. Plasmids were detected in 17 out of 30 C. jejuni isolates (55.6%). A total of nine different plasmid profiles could be distinguished; six profiles were represented by one strain each. Of the 21 tetracycline-resistant strains, plasmids were found in 17 isolates (80%) carrying from 1-2 to 5 plasmids of various sizes. No plasmids were found in tetracycline-sensitive strains, with the exception of one isolate which contained a 24.4 MDa plasmid and was co-trimoxazole-resistant. Our studies indicate a relatively high percentage of tetracycline-resistant C. jejuni isolates in the Tel Aviv area. In 80% of these strains, various plasmid profiles were detected.  相似文献   

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