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In this paper we present a new practical camera characterization technique to improve color accuracy in high dynamic range (HDR) imaging. Camera characterization refers to the process of mapping device‐dependent signals, such as digital camera RAW images, into a well‐defined color space. This is a well‐understood process for low dynamic range (LDR) imaging and is part of most digital cameras — usually mapping from the raw camera signal to the sRGB or Adobe RGB color space. This paper presents an efficient and accurate characterization method for high dynamic range imaging that extends previous methods originally designed for LDR imaging. We demonstrate that our characterization method is very accurate even in unknown illumination conditions, effectively turning a digital camera into a measurement device that measures physically accurate radiance values — both in terms of luminance and color — rivaling more expensive measurement instruments.  相似文献   

This paper presents methods for photo‐realistic rendering using strongly spatially variant illumination captured from real scenes. The illumination is captured along arbitrary paths in space using a high dynamic range, HDR, video camera system with position tracking. Light samples are rearranged into 4‐D incident light fields (ILF) suitable for direct use as illumination in renderings. Analysis of the captured data allows for estimation of the shape, position and spatial and angular properties of light sources in the scene. The estimated light sources can be extracted from the large 4D data set and handled separately to render scenes more efficiently and with higher quality. The ILF lighting can also be edited for detailed artistic control.  相似文献   

The plenoptic function is a ray‐based model for light that includes the colour spectrum as well as spatial, temporal and directional variation. Although digital light sensors have greatly evolved in the last years, one fundamental limitation remains: all standard CCD and CMOS sensors integrate over the dimensions of the plenoptic function as they convert photons into electrons; in the process, all visual information is irreversibly lost, except for a two‐dimensional, spatially varying subset—the common photograph. In this state‐of‐the‐art report, we review approaches that optically encode the dimensions of the plenoptic function transcending those captured by traditional photography and reconstruct the recorded information computationally.  相似文献   

We present a novel method to estimate an approximation of the reflectance characteristics of optically thick, homogeneous translucent materials using only a single photograph as input. First, we approximate the diffusion profile as a linear combination of piecewise constant functions, an approach that enables a linear system minimization and maximizes robustness in the presence of suboptimal input data inferred from the image. We then fit to a smoother monotonically decreasing model, ensuring continuity on its first derivative. We show the feasibility of our approach and validate it in controlled environments, comparing well against physical measurements from previous works. Next, we explore the performance of our method in uncontrolled scenarios, where neither lighting nor geometry are known. We show that these can be roughly approximated from the corresponding image by making two simple assumptions: that the object is lit by a distant light source and that it is globally convex, allowing us to capture the visual appearance of the photographed material. Compared with previous works, our technique offers an attractive balance between visual accuracy and ease of use, allowing its use in a wide range of scenarios including off‐the‐shelf, single images, thus extending the current repertoire of real‐world data acquisition techniques.  相似文献   

Image blur caused by object motion attenuates high frequency content of images, making post‐capture deblurring an ill‐posed problem. The recoverable frequency band quickly becomes narrower for faster object motion as high frequencies are severely attenuated and virtually lost. This paper proposes to translate a camera sensor circularly about the optical axis during exposure, so that high frequencies can be preserved for a wide range of in‐plane linear object motion in any direction within some predetermined speed. That is, although no object may be photographed sharply at capture time, differently moving objects captured in a single image can be deconvolved with similar quality. In addition, circular sensor motion is shown to facilitate blur estimation thanks to distinct frequency zero patterns of the resulting motion blur point‐spread functions. An analysis of the frequency characteristics of circular sensor motion in relation to linear object motion is presented, along with deconvolution results for photographs captured with a prototype camera.  相似文献   

Video capture is limited by the trade‐off between spatial and temporal resolution: when capturing videos of high temporal resolution, the spatial resolution decreases due to bandwidth limitations in the capture system. Achieving both high spatial and temporal resolution is only possible with highly specialized and very expensive hardware, and even then the same basic trade‐off remains. The recent introduction of compressive sensing and sparse reconstruction techniques allows for the capture of single‐shot high‐speed video, by coding the temporal information in a single frame, and then reconstructing the full video sequence from this single‐coded image and a trained dictionary of image patches. In this paper, we first analyse this approach, and find insights that help improve the quality of the reconstructed videos. We then introduce a novel technique, based on convolutional sparse coding (CSC), and show how it outperforms the state‐of‐the‐art, patch‐based approach in terms of flexibility and efficiency, due to the convolutional nature of its filter banks. The key idea for CSC high‐speed video acquisition is extending the basic formulation by imposing an additional constraint in the temporal dimension, which enforces sparsity of the first‐order derivatives over time.  相似文献   

3D computer graphics models and digitally-controlled manufacturing have come together to enable the design, visualization, simulation, and automated creation of complex 3D objects. In our work, we propose and implement a framework for designing computer graphics objects and digitally manufacturing them such that no adversary can make imitations or counterfeit copies of the physical object, even if the adversary has a large number of original copies of the object, knowledge of the original object design, and has manufacturing precision that is comparable to or superior to that of the legitimate creator of the object. Our approach is to design and embed a signature on the surface of the object which acts as a certificate of genuinity of the object. The signature is detectable by a signature-reading device, based on methods in computer graphics and computer vision, which contains some of the secret information that was used when marking the physical object. Further, the compromise of a signature-reading device by an adversary who is able to extract all its secrets, does not enable the adversary to create counterfeit objects that fool other readers, thereby still enabling reliable copy detection. We implemented a prototype of our scheme end-to-end, including the production of the physical object and the genuinity-testing device.  相似文献   

We describe a fast sampling algorithm for generating uniformly‐distributed point patterns with good blue noise characteristics. The method, based on constrained farthest point optimization, is provably optimal and may be easily parallelized, resulting in an algorithm whose performance/quality tradeoff is superior to other state‐of‐the‐art approaches.  相似文献   

Measuring the spectral power distribution of a light source, that is, the emission as a function of wavelength, typically requires the use of spectrophotometers or multi‐spectral cameras. Here, we propose a low‐cost system that enables the recovery of the visible light spectral signature of different types of light sources without requiring highly complex or specialized equipment and using just off‐the‐shelf, widely available components. To do this, a standard Digital Single‐Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera and a diffraction filter are used, sacrificing the spatial dimension for spectral resolution. We present here the image formation model and the calibration process necessary to recover the spectrum, including spectral calibration and amplitude recovery. We also assess the robustness of our method and perform a detailed analysis exploring the parameters influencing its accuracy. Further, we show applications of the system in image processing and rendering.  相似文献   

The accurate measurement of the light transport characteristics of a complex scene is an important goal in computer graphics and has applications in relighting and dual photography. However, since the light transport data sets are typically very large, much of the previous research has focused on adaptive algorithms that capture them efficiently. In this work, we propose a novel, non-adaptive algorithm that takes advantage of the compressibility of the light transport signal in a transform domain to capture it with less acquisitions than with standard approaches. To do this, we leverage recent work in the area of compressed sensing, where a signal is reconstructed from a few samples assuming that it is sparse in a transform domain. We demonstrate our approach by performing dual photography and relighting by using a much smaller number of acquisitions than would normally be needed. Because our algorithm is not adaptive, it is also simpler to implement than many of the current approaches.  相似文献   

Despite their high popularity, common high dynamic range (HDR) methods are still limited in their practical applicability: They assume that the input images are perfectly aligned, which is often violated in practise. Our paper does not only free the user from this unrealistic limitation, but even turns the missing alignment into an advantage: By exploiting the multiple exposures, we can create a super‐resolution image. The alignment step is performed by a modern energy‐based optic flow approach that takes into account the varying exposure conditions. Moreover, it produces dense displacement fields with subpixel precision. As a consequence, our approach can handle arbitrary complex motion patterns, caused by severe camera shake and moving objects. Additionally, it benefits from several advantages over existing strategies: (i) It is robust under outliers (noise, occlusions, saturation problems) and allows for sharp discontinuities in the displacement field. (ii) The alignment step neither requires camera calibration nor knowledge of the exposure times. (iii) It can be efficiently implemented on CPU and GPU architectures. After the alignment is performed, we use the obtained subpixel accurate displacement fields as input for an energy‐based, joint super‐resolution and HDR (SR‐HDR) approach. It introduces robust data terms and anisotropic smoothness terms in the SR‐HDR literature. Our experiments with challenging real world data demonstrate that these novelties are pivotal for the favourable performance of our approach.  相似文献   

Visualizing dynamic participating media in particle form by fully solving equations from the light transport theory is a computationally very expensive process. In this paper, we present a computational pipeline for particle volume rendering that is easily accelerated by the current GPU. To fully harness its massively parallel computing power, we transform input particles into a volumetric density field using a GPU-assisted, adaptive density estimation technique that iteratively adapts the smoothing length for local grid cells. Then, the volume data is visualized efficiently based on the volume photon mapping method where our GPU techniques further improve the rendering quality offered by previous implementations while performing rendering computation in acceptable time. It is demonstrated that high quality volume renderings can be easily produced from large particle datasets in time frames of a few seconds to less than a minute.  相似文献   

We describe a novel multiplexing approach to achieve tradeoffs in space, angle and time resolution in photography. We explore the problem of mapping useful subsets of time‐varying 4D lightfields in a single snapshot. Our design is based on using a dynamic mask in the aperture and a static mask close to the sensor. The key idea is to exploit scene‐specific redundancy along spatial, angular and temporal dimensions and to provide a programmable or variable resolution tradeoff among these dimensions. This allows a user to reinterpret the single captured photo as either a high spatial resolution image, a refocusable image stack or a video for different parts of the scene in post‐processing. A lightfield camera or a video camera forces a‐priori choice in space‐angle‐time resolution. We demonstrate a single prototype which provides flexible post‐capture abilities not possible using either a single‐shot lightfield camera or a multi‐frame video camera. We show several novel results including digital refocusing on objects moving in depth and capturing multiple facial expressions in a single photo.  相似文献   

Dart‐throwing can generate ideal Poisson‐disk distributions with excellent blue noise properties, but is very computationally expensive if a maximal point set is desired. In this paper, we observe that the Poisson‐disk sampling problem can be posed in terms of importance sampling by representing the available space to be sampled as a probability density function (pdf). This allows us to develop an efficient algorithm for the generation of maximal Poisson‐disk distributions with quality similar to naïve dart‐throwing but without rejection of samples. In our algorithm, we first position samples in one dimension based on its marginal cumulative distribution function (cdf). We then throw samples in the other dimension only in the regions which are available for sampling. After each 2D sample is placed, we update the cdf and data structures to keep track of the available regions. In addition to uniform sampling, our method is able to perform variable‐density sampling with small modifications. Finally, we also propose a new min‐conflict metric for variable‐density sampling which results in better adaptation of samples to the underlying importance field.  相似文献   

Poisson‐disk sampling is a popular sampling method because of its blue noise power spectrum, but generation of these samples is computationally very expensive. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for fast generation of a large number of blue noise samples using a small initial patch of Poisson‐disk samples that can be generated with any existing approach. Our main idea is to convolve this set of samples with another to generate our final set of samples. We use the convolution theorem from signal processing to show that the spectrum of the resulting sample set preserves the blue noise properties. Since our method is approximate, we have error with respect to the true Poisson‐disk samples, but we show both mathematically and practically that this error is only a function of the number of samples in the small initial patch and is therefore bounded. Our method is parallelizable and we demonstrate an implementation of it on a GPU, running more than 10 times faster than any previous method and generating more than 49 million 2D samples per second. We can also use the proposed approach to generate multidimensional blue noise samples.  相似文献   

The coded aperture snapshot spectral imaging (CASSI) architecture has been employed widely for capturing hyperspectral video. Despite allowing concurrent capture of hyperspectral video, spatial modulation in CASSI sacrifices image resolution significantly while reconstructing spectral projection via sparse sampling. Several multiview alternatives have been proposed to handle this low spatial resolution problem and improve measurement accuracy, for instance, by adding a translation stage for the coded aperture or changing the static coded aperture with a digital micromirror device for dynamic modulation. State‐of‐the‐art solutions enhance spatial resolution significantly but are incapable of capturing video using CASSI. In this paper, we present a novel compressive coded aperture imaging design that increases spatial resolution while capturing 4D hyperspectral video of dynamic scenes. We revise the traditional CASSI design to allow for multiple sampling of the randomness of spatial modulation in a single frame. We demonstrate that our compressive video spectroscopy approach yields enhanced spatial resolution and consistent measurements, compared with the traditional CASSI design.  相似文献   

Current HDR acquisition techniques are based on either (i) fusing multibracketed, low dynamic range (LDR) images, (ii) modifying existing hardware and capturing different exposures simultaneously with multiple sensors, or (iii) reconstructing a single image with spatially‐varying pixel exposures. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to recover high‐quality HDRI images from a single, coded exposure. The proposed reconstruction method builds on recently‐introduced ideas of convolutional sparse coding (CSC); this paper demonstrates how to make CSC practical for HDR imaging. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves higher‐quality reconstructions than alternative methods, we evaluate optical coding schemes, analyze algorithmic parameters, and build a prototype coded HDR camera that demonstrates the utility of convolutional sparse HDRI coding with a custom hardware platform.  相似文献   

The rendering of large data sets can result in cluttered displays and non‐interactive update rates, leading to time consuming analyses. A straightforward solution is to reduce the number of items, thereby producing an abstraction of the data set. For the visual analysis to remain accurate, the graphical representation of the abstraction must preserve the significant features present in the original data. This paper presents a screen space quality method, based on distance transforms, that measures the visual quality of a data abstraction. This screen space measure is shown to better capture significant visual structures in data, compared with data space measures. The presented method is implemented on the GPU, allowing interactive creation of high quality graphical representations of multivariate data sets containing tens of thousands of items.  相似文献   

We present an example‐based approach for radiometrically linearizing photographs that takes as input a radiometrically linear exemplar image and a target regular uncalibrated image of the same scene, possibly from a different viewpoint and/or under different lighting. The output of our method is a radiometrically linearized version of the target image. Modeling the change in appearance of a small image patch seen from a different viewpoint and/or under different lighting as a linear 1D subspace, allows us to recast radiometric transfer in a form similar to classic radiometric calibration from exposure stacks. The resulting radiometric transfer method is lightweight and easy to implement. We demonstrate the accuracy and validity of our method on a variety of scenes.  相似文献   

We present a statistical method for the estimation of the Spatially Varying Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (SVBRDF) of an object with complex geometry, starting from video sequences acquired with fixed but general lighting conditions. The aim of this work is to define a method that simplifies the acquisition phase of the object surface appearance and allows to reconstruct an approximated SVBRDF. The final output is suitable to be used with a 3D model of the object to obtain accurate and photo‐realistic renderings. The method is composed by three steps: the approximation of the environment map of the acquisition scene, using the same object as a probe; the estimation of the diffuse color of the object; the estimation of the specular components of the main materials of the object, by using a Phong model. All the steps are based on statistical analysis of the color samples projected by the video sequences on the surface of the object. Although the method presents some limitations, the trade‐off between the easiness of acquisition and the obtained results makes it useful for practical applications.  相似文献   

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